Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 473 Ling's Sixth Hall (3200 words, please subscribe)

However, some time ago, when the family moved a large number of mortals to the muddy swamp, Ling Pengyun transferred Ling Chenggang to the muddy swamp, hoping that he would be in charge of Lingxiao Market in the future.

Lingxiao Market has not yet been established. The manpower required to establish a market is extremely large. The clan members in the muddy swamp alone are not enough to establish and operate the market.

Thinking back, according to Ling Pengyun's estimation, it will take at least fifty years to truly realize this medium-sized "Huangyan Steel Mine".

During the period when Ling Pengyun was distracted, Ling Chengxia and others who were cleaning the black mud in the swamp not far from him were all startled by the spiritual energy emanating from the Huangyan Steel Mine.

They also followed and surrounded him.

Ling Chengxia, who had been forced by Ling Pengyun to read a lot of immortal classics since childhood, had some experience and recognized the type of spiritual ore exposed outside the deep cave at a glance.

He also knew something about the value of Huangyan steel, and he was also happy, and asked Ling Pengyun.

"Dad, is this the vein of Huangyan iron?"

Ling Pengyun, who was distracted, heard this and came back to his senses. He did not hide it and nodded in response. "That's right."

"The scale of this vein..."

Ling Chengxia stopped talking halfway, thinking of the 31 members of the Wan character generation such as Ling Wanduo around him, so he immediately stopped talking, so as not to let too many people know the scale of the vein and cause it to be spread.

Ling Pengyun saw Ling Chengxia's actions and naturally understood what Ling Chengxia was worried about.

"This child has grown up a bit."

Ling Pengyun's mouth corners slightly raised, and he muttered, then he looked at the members around him and had an idea in his mind.

He did not hide the information of the vein, and wanted to take this opportunity to test whether these young members who followed him to fight in the muddy swamp and fought against more than 200,000 monsters were truly loyal to the family.

Then he spoke directly.

"The scale of this Huangyan steel vein has reached the medium level, and it can produce at least hundreds of thousands of kilograms of Huangyan steel ore in the future."

"However, the benefits that this vein can bring are huge, and it must not be spread. If this matter is eventually spread, I will not disturb you lightly."

Whether it is Ling Chengxia or the earth-based magic cultivator Ling Wanduo, they all showed shock after hearing this news.

There are not many medium-level veins worth at least hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in the entire Yan State, no more than five fingers.

Large-scale veins worth at least five million have not been discovered in Yan State at present, even if you look at the thousands of years since the founding of Yan State.

In a flash, Ling Chengxia and others also showed ecstasy on their faces.

The family will become richer if they discover such a valuable vein, and they, as a member of the clan, will naturally get feedback.

As for Ling Pengyun's warning, these young clansmen all remembered it in their hearts.

After fighting with more than 200,000 monsters not long ago, they have more or less grown up.

In addition, since their spiritual roots were detected, they have been in the family and have not been affected by external factors. They are still a blank slate, and the family has a very high status in their hearts.

Under such circumstances, these young people of the Ling family, who are already full of blood and know that Ling Pengyun is cruel, immediately made a heavenly oath with their cultivation and would not tell the matter.

Ling Pengyun was very satisfied with the actions of these young clansmen.

Then, he took this opportunity to express his early thoughts.

"I intend to establish a battle hall. The only purpose of this hall is to fight. Are you willing to join it?"

"After joining this hall, you will also receive the family's key training. No matter what your spiritual roots are, I will train you to the late stage of Qi training within ten years."

"Those who perform well can even get spiritual objects for foundation building."

"However, after entering this hall, if the family is in danger, the members of this hall must be at the forefront."

Ling Pengyun had the idea of ​​training this group of young members to focus on fighting when he brought them from the family to this muddy swamp.

After saying this, Ling Pengyun looked at his only son Ling Chengxia.

Ling Chengxia saw his father's slightly expectant eyes, and his own position was to fight.

Without much hesitation, he answered the question at the first word.

"Dad, I am willing to join this battle hall."

Ling Pengyun was very pleased to see this, and the joy on his face increased.

Ling Wanduo and the other 31 members of the Wanbei clan, who were born in the ordinary world, had no ancestors to pave the way for them, and had no skills, were full of blood. When Ling Pengyun talked about the benefits of joining the Battle Hall, they were already tempted.

They also saw Ling Chengxia, the son of the Golden Core Patriarch Ling Pengyun, take the lead in accepting this matter.

They also spoke out one after another, wanting to join the Battle Hall.

As for the fact that after joining the Battle Hall, the family would be in danger and they would need to stand at the forefront, they didn't care at all.

Even if there was no Battle Hall, and the family was in danger, these Wanbei clan members who had been established by the family to protect the family when they just joined the family and their minds were not determined, would definitely stand at the forefront and contribute to the family.

This move was to repay the family's kindness in training, and also because they were members of the Ling family, and they would rise and fall with the family.

For cultivators like them who were born in the mortal world and most of whom have only four or five spiritual roots, if their family is gone, their path will basically have an end, and they will only be in the middle or late stages of Qi training at best.

And if they rely on this Jindan clan, their future will be very bright, and even in the realm of foundation building, there is no chance.

Ling Pengyun laughed twice when he saw that these young tribesmen agreed.

"He is my Ling family's good son, and he will work with me to clean up the black mud in the swamp here."

"When the black mud in this area is cleared, I will take you to do something big."

Ling Chengxia and others showed curiosity when they heard the "big event" mentioned by Ling Pengyun.

However, none of them asked about the exit. Ling Pengyun didn't say anything at this time, so Ling Pengyun had his own reasons.

If they asked, it would be somewhat disrespectful.

A few days later, the fifth batch of flying boats transporting fifty thousand mortals from Bailing Gate also arrived at the muddy swamp land and were located on several huge islands with second-level spiritual veins.

These islands are all artificial islands built by Ling Pengyun and others relying on the black mud of the muddy swamp and magic. When the islands were built, Ling Pengyun and others built many earthen houses and farming areas for the coming mortals. field.

Mortals who have just migrated here only need to plant and plant.

With such complete preparations, those mortals who moved here quickly adapted to life in the muddy swamp world.

at the same time.

On Lingyun Island, the land of the new tribe, in a meeting hall,

The acting patriarch of the Ling family, Ling Pengshan, who had just arrived in the muddy swamp world, as well as the second-level alchemist Ling Chengxin, the second-level formation mage Ling Penglin who was in the muddy swamp world, and the four senior family members Ling Pengqiu who was stationed at Yunxiao Peak, were all captured. Ling Pengyun summoned here.

"Pengshan, how many tribesmen from Huaishui County have been deployed to guard the spiritual veins this time? How many young tribesmen have you brought? How many spiritual veins have been leased to the Pingyun Yang family and other five families in the muddy swamp? ?”

Ling Pengyun asked Ling Pengshan.

"I dispatched forty-eight tribesmen here, including forty-three middle-stage Qi-training tribesmen, five late-stage Qi-training tribesmen, and fifteen young tribesmen. Eleven of them have spiritual roots that were just tested this year, and the other four are The clan members who had their spiritual roots tested last year and have not yet entered Qi training.”

"A total of 550 spiritual veins in the muddy swamp world have been rented out, among which the Pingyun Yang family has rented out..." Ling Pengshan replied.

The forty-eight tribesmen who were in the middle stage of Qi training and above were originally stationed in various places in Huaishui County with first-level low-grade and high-grade spiritual veins.

Because the Ling family currently occupies the muddy swamp land with many spiritual veins, and the family does not intend to take over the land in Huaishui County, Lingpeng Mountain also brought the tribesmen who were originally stationed in the first-level and middle-grade spiritual veins to the muddy swamp. boundary.

"The number of the tribesmen you brought is quite good. Have the arrangements for the mortals originally located in the villages next to the first-level and mid-level spiritual veins been properly arranged?" Ling Pengyun asked.

"I have moved to various towns established next to first-order high-grade spiritual veins or second-order spiritual veins." Ling Pengshan replied.

"That's it, let's get back to the point. Let's first talk about the arrangements for the thousands of spare spiritual veins in the muddy swamp. I plan to rent the spare thousand spiritual veins to our neighbors in the muddy swamp, Bailingmen and Qingxin Gym.”

"After this meeting, I will go to the two sects' headquarters in the Baiyun Mountains to talk to them about leasing spiritual veins."

"Pengshan, for the fifteen clansmen you brought this time who have not yet entered Qi training, arrange for the older monks to teach them the knowledge of cultivating immortals as soon as possible."

"The forty-eight tribesmen you brought with you to the middle stage of Qi training and above are all very young, at least in their thirties, and have rich experience. In the future, this group of tribesmen will follow Pengqiu to Lingxiaoling. Yunxiao Peak established Lingxiaofang City, and after the city was completed, the tribesmen who were in the middle stage of Qi training and above would be stationed in it together with Pengqiu, and patrol the safety of the city. "

"More than half a year ago, Cheng Xia and Ling Wanduo, who came with me to this muddy swampland to open up clan territory, and other 31 clan members of the 10,000-word generation, established a war hall to deal with family-related battle matters. , such as protecting the clan, hunting monsters for the family, killing those who offend the family, etc. "

"I personally serve as the master of this hall."

"In the future, if the tribesmen want to enter this hall, there is no requirement for spiritual talent. However, they must be decisive in fighting. They don't have the lives of dozens of monsters in their hands, so they cannot enter this hall."

"Ten percent of the family's annual total income in spiritual stones will be invested in this hall to train the monks in this hall. I want to build this hall into a hall full of killing gods."

"In addition, as the family masters more and more spiritual veins, and our own manpower is short, I plan to recruit a large number of practitioners of various arts to join the family as guests in the future."

"In addition, the five common arts of spiritual planting, alchemy, talisman making, weapon refining, and formations are also established in the same hall."

"These five halls are specially used to manage the Baiyi Keqing recruited by the family, so it is easier to manage."

"It is inappropriate for Bai Yi to serve as the leader of these five halls. Bai Yi often needs to refine spiritual objects and practice, and does not have much time to manage ordinary affairs."

"Pengshan, you are good at managing affairs. The position of the leader of these five halls will be handed over to you."

"This matter consumes a lot of time. If you work harder, your salary will be increased by 50% in the future."

"It's up to you to arrange the tasks that Baiyi Keqing needs to arrange every month."

"Of course, the family's multi-artists also need to join in."

"Do you have anything else to add about the affairs in various halls?"

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