Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 52 Earthworm Breakthrough (Please read on)

A few days later, one night.

A middle-aged man riding a black flying boat appeared over the Qingshi Lake not far from Qingshi Mountain.

The man held a map in his hand, compared the location on the map, looked at the Qingshi Lake below from time to time, and muttered to himself.

"The Ling family's Xuanshui iron ore vein should be here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he crushed a token engraved with the words "Bai Ling".

On the other side, in the Xuanshui iron ore vein.

Sitting cross-legged on a cushion, Ling Ru, who was sitting quietly, was first startled by the sound of a token engraved with the words "Bai Ling" on his waist. He glanced at the broken token and muttered to himself.

"It should be the people from the Bailing Sect who came to take this year's share of the ore vein."

He immediately stood up and left the mine.

As soon as he rushed out of the Qingshi Lake, he saw a middle-aged man riding a flying boat in the sky, exuding a strong pressure. .

Ling Ruxian hesitated for a moment, waved his hand and patted the beast bag on his waist, summoned a fairy crane from it and rode it, flying to the side of the middle-aged man on the black flying boat in the sky.

Ling Ruxian looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, his expression slightly changed, and bowed respectfully.

"Senior, are you from Bailing Sect?"

The middle-aged man said coldly. "Well, my name is Zhong Ming, and I will take the remaining 45,000 kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore that your Ling family needs to give to the sect in the next nine years."

Ling Ruxian nodded lightly, without saying much, took out a storage bag from his arms, and handed it to "Zhong Ming" who was standing on the flying boat in front of him.

Zhong Ming took the storage bag, probed into it with his spiritual sense, and checked that the number of things in it was correct. He turned into a light and disappeared here.

Ling Ruxian glanced at Zhong Ming's departing figure for a few times, and returned to the Xuanshui iron ore vein.


Time flies, and unknowingly, it has entered a new year again.

On January 1, Ling Pengyun went to Qingshi Village as usual and used the spirit stone to test the spiritual roots of the children aged between eight and ten in Qingshi Village.

Although the number of children tested for spiritual roots this time was not much different from last year, there were two or three hundred children, but no one had spiritual roots, which made Ling Pengyun a little disappointed. He also hoped that during his tenure, he could test a few more people with spiritual roots in Qingshi Village through his own hands, so as to do his part to solve the family's shortage of manpower.

However, after thinking carefully, most of the cultivators in the clan were only 30% to 40% from the mortal world, and most of the clan members were born by cultivators.

It is also normal that few people with spiritual roots are born in the mortal world.

In mid-January, on the day of "Spring Festival".

Ling Xianru, who has been stationed in the Xuanshui mine at the bottom of Qingshi Lake for many years, rarely left the mine and went up to Qingshi Mountain to drink and chat with Ling Pengyun during the New Year.

This opportunity also made the childless Ling Ruxian and Ling Pengyun have a better relationship.

After that, they would get together every seven days, either to chat, or Ling Ruxian would guide Ling Pengyun to comprehend the sword tactics, or to guide cultivation, etc.

This also added some color to Ling Pengyun's boring and hard training schedule.

After the New Year, Ling Pengyun went to the Yunwu Market and wished Ling Rushui a happy new year.

At the end of the year, Ling Pengyun finally condensed a breath of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi after absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon for nine years.

However, this breath of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi has not been selected yet, so Ling Pengyun did not use it.

This breath of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi is the second one that Ling Pengyun condensed by himself.

The one that he took by himself was the one that he was born with, and the one that his life spirit plant, the thorn vine, took was the first one that was condensed.


In the same year, in early February, at the time of "Lichun".

The spring breeze blows, and all things revive.

Due to the cold winter, many plants were missing, but they also grew up one after another during this period.

The temperature gradually rose, and it was not as biting cold as in the cold winter. You couldn't walk without the stove.

Thousands of villagers in Qingshi Village also began to walk out of their warm houses, holding various farm tools, and started the new year's work in the farmland, orchards, and vegetable fields.

In mid-February, on the top of Qingshi Mountain, beside the six-acre spiritual field.

Ling Pengyun showed a bit of worry in his expression, staring at a ground earthworm lying on the surface of the spiritual soil of one acre of yellow jade spiritual rice, closing his eyes and not moving.

However, after a while, a strong spiritual power fluctuation suddenly broke out in the body of the ground earthworm, and the spiritual energy in Qingshi Mountain was also attracted by it, rushing into its young body crazily.

As the spiritual energy continued to be injected into the body of the ground earthworm, its young body was also expanded by the spiritual energy.

Many cracks have appeared on the surface of its wrinkled skin, and it really feels like its body will be broken by the numerous spiritual energies in its body in the next second.

After about half a cup of tea, just when its body was about to reach its limit, a sound of breaking sounded in the body of the earthworm.

Then, the large amount of spiritual power that had expanded the body of the earthworm was quickly controlled by the earthworm, and then washed and moisturized the body.

In the washing of spiritual power, its breath also strengthened.

However, in an instant, it officially entered the realm of Qi training, and it also opened its eyes and woke up.

When it opened its eyes, it saw its master next to it, and the joy in its expression was clearly visible. It kept twisting its body and crawling towards Ling Pengyun, using the master recognition restriction to convey the endless joy of breakthrough to Ling Pengyun.

"Fortunately, there was no danger." Ling Pengyun, who had been staying by the spiritual field, saw the earthworm in front of him successfully break through to the Qi training stage and crawl towards him. He let out a long sigh, his expression suddenly turned into relief, and said with a smile.

The earthworm that has broken through now is the earthworm that reached the bottleneck of Qi training three months ago.

The earthworm is different from other monsters. Although it is a Qi training monster, its body is very fragile, which makes it extremely difficult for the earthworm family to break through.

Often, among two earthworms that break through the Qi training realm, it is considered good if one earthworm can break through safely and successfully to the Qi training realm.

It is precisely for this reason that although the Ling family has nearly a hundred earthworms, there are not many earthworms in the Qi training realm.

Ling Pengyun lowered his head and looked at the earthworm in the Qi training realm that crawled from the spiritual field to his feet, and had an idea.

"This earthworm can break through the Qi training stage, and its aptitude is considered good among the earthworm clan."

"If I had the help of the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi that I absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for nine years not long ago, I could change my aptitude and have a chance to enter the late stage of Qi training."

The late stage of Qi training can be said to be a major hurdle for the earthworm clan. The number of earthworms in the late stage of Qi training owned by the Ling family is no more than ten.

As soon as this idea came out, Ling Pengyun began to feel troubled.

According to his earlier arrangement, the second Yin-Yang Taichu Qi he condensed was prepared for his future attacking spirit beast.

However, he did not have any attacking spirit beasts now, and it happened that the earthworm in front of him had good aptitude, so he had this idea.

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