Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 54 Fruit Flower Bee (Please read on)

Ling Pengyun, who was studying the Earthly Evil Sword Art in the mountains, frowned when he heard Ling Dong's cry for help coming from outside the mountain.

The last time Ling Dong asked for help was about the blue-scaled giant python. At that time, many people died in Qingshi Village. Ling Pengyun didn't want to see such a tragic situation again.

He hurriedly stopped to meditate on the sword art, quickly stood up, blessed his body with the Light Body Technique, touched the ground lightly, and slowly floated down the mountain.

"What happened?" Ling Pengyun asked.

Ling Dong, who was sweating profusely, heard the inquiry from the Immortal Chief "Ling Pengyun". In short, he briefly told about the strange bee attack that happened in the thousand-acre orchard of Qingshi Village.

After Ling Pengyun listened to Ling Dong's story, he became interested and secretly guessed.

"It still looks like a bee, but it is the size of a wasp. It can also tear into heavy armor with sharp teeth and flee hundreds of acquired and innate Lingxiao guards?"

"This description does sound a bit like... a bee that has entered the realm of Qi training, but I don't know what species it is."

"But since these bees didn't attack Lingxiao Guard too harshly, they should be bees with a gentler temperament, not poisonous bees."

Ling Pengyun asked about the location of Lingdong's orchard, and then quickly ran towards the orchard.

Bees that have entered the realm of Qi training should not be underestimated. Even if they have a docile temperament, they are still an uncontrollable factor for mortals.

The orchard is not far from Qingshi Mountain, only about a mile away.

In just a few dozen breaths, Ling Pengyun entered the orchard.

In order to avoid disturbing the bees, he tried his best to collect his aura and avoid being noticed in advance.

Then, he followed the location of the Qi-training bees that Ling Dong had previously told him and dived deeper into the orchard.

As he gradually went deeper into the orchard, he did observe a lot of acquired and innate bees.

Due to the breath-condensing effect, these acquired and innate bees were naturally unable to detect Ling Pengyun's arrival. Ling Pengyun did not attack them, but chose to take a detour and go straight to the depths of the orchard.

With the blessing of light body technique, Ling Pengyun entered the deepest part of the thousand-acre orchard after about a hundred breaths.

"Buzz buzz buzz."

In the blink of an eye, Ling Pengyun heard the sound of a large number of bees flapping their wings.

He immediately stopped, hid behind an orange tree, and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

At a glance, he saw dozens of feet away, hanging on the branch of a pear tree with pear blossoms in full bloom and a height of one foot, a "honeycomb" as big as a face.

And that "buzzing" sound is made by hundreds of bees entering and exiting the nest and flapping their wings.

In addition to these, Ling Pengyun also observed that among the hundreds of bees, there were five huge bees that were just like ordinary guards, hovering around the hive.

Looking at the appearance of the five giant bees that looked like guards and feeling their aura, Ling Pengyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

"As expected, he is a bee in the realm of Qi training. Ling Dong did not miss him."

"These five giant bees have a flower pattern on their heads. They are the same as ordinary bees and are mainly yellow-brown. The head and chest are almost as wide, the waist is wider than the chest, the abdomen is slender, and there are pincers at the end of the abdomen."

"This appearance and characteristics are exactly the same as the appearance description of the Fruit Flower Bee recorded in the Ten Thousand Demons Genealogy of the Family Kung Fu Pavilion."

"The smell of fruity honey coming from this hive is also the same as the description of fruity nectar in the Ten Thousand Demons Book."

"From this point of view, those five Qi-training bees are probably the fruit flower bees that have evolved from ordinary fruit bees."

"If I can capture this fruit flower bee swarm, they will definitely become a great help in my cultivation resources."

The fruit bee is a rather special kind of monster. It only likes pollen from fruit tree flowers and never absorbs pollen from ordinary flowers.

This also makes the "fruit nectar" brewed by high-level fruit flower bees contain a fruity aroma, and its effectiveness is comparable to that of spiritual fruits of the same level. It is a rare spiritual item in this world of immortality.

This surprise was so sudden. It took a while before Ling Pengyun calmed down.

The five Fruit Flower Bees guarding the surroundings of the hive were only in the early stage of Qi training, so Ling Pengyun was naturally not afraid. However, he had heard from Ling Dong before that there were as many as ten Fruit Flower Bees that attacked hundreds of Ling Xiao Guards.

Ling Pengyun mobilized his consciousness and scanned the hive.

The situation in the hive is clear at a glance. Except for the five guarding fruit bees, there is only one fruit bee on the second floor of the hive that is reproducing and laying eggs one after another. The other hundreds of bees are all It is an ordinary bee in the realm of ordinary acquired and innate.

"In a bee swarm, only the queen bee can lay eggs. The fruit bee laying eggs at the end of the hive should be the queen bee of this group of fruit bees."

Ling Pengyun secretly guessed.

As for the other fruit bees in the qi training realm mentioned by Ling Dong, according to Ling Pengyun's guess, they should be collecting pollen from the flowers blooming on the trunks of various fruit trees in this huge orchard.

The information was clear. There were only six Fruit Flower Bees in the early stages of Qi training, so Ling Pengyun naturally had no worries.

He first used the "Shock Technique" to bless him, and then he rushed towards the hive on the trunk of the pear tree dozens of feet away.

The ordinary bees in the innate realm that they met along the way were affected by the shock technique and stayed away one after another, not daring to approach Ling Pengyun.

Only the five early-stage Qi-training Fruit Flower Bees guarding the beehive were capable of fighting. However, the Fruit Flower Bees were not good at attacking. They were hit by Ling Pengyun's five-level first-grade low-grade spell "Wind Binding" and were unable to fight again. They didn't move at all and fell to the ground. They could only watch helplessly as Ling Pengyun, the evil man, kept getting closer to the "hive" they had worked so hard to build.

The unusual movement in the outside world alarmed the queen bee in the hive. However, the queen bee did not change the situation. She also followed the footsteps of the five fruit flower bees before. She was trapped by a "wind binding" and could not flap her wings. Fall to the ground.

Ling Pengyun looked at the fruit flower queen bee who fell to the ground and was trapped by the wind. He hesitated for a moment, waved his hand and shot out a spiritual light on his index finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and used the blood as the source to cast "Recognition of the Lord".

As soon as the blood-red seal was formed, it was sent into the queen bee's body by Ling Pengyun.

Under the destruction of Ling Pengyun's powerful spiritual consciousness, even if the fruit flower queen wanted to resist the integration of the master recognition restriction, she did not resist for long.

Seeing that the restriction of recognizing the master was completed, Ling Pengyun also removed the "wind restraint" that trapped the body of the fruit flower bee queen.

Without this restraint, the fruit flower queen immediately opened her mouth angrily and bit Ling Pengyun away.

But in the middle of the process, Ling Pengyun's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, touching the master-recognition restriction in the Baihua Queen Bee.

The Hundred Flowers Queen Bee that was biting towards Ling Pengyun suddenly showed an expression of extreme pain and fell to the ground while shaking from side to side.

"Now that you have the master-recognition restriction in your body that I arranged, you only have two choices."

"Surrender or die."

With the help of the Lord Recognition Restriction, Baihua Queen Bee could clearly understand the meaning of Ling Pengyun's words.

The Baihua Queen Bee was probably used to being the king of bees, so she did not surrender, but fought hard. After being easily defeated by Ling Pengyun several times, she finally stopped and conveyed the idea of ​​"surrender" to Ling Pengyun.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun was overjoyed.

For a swarm of monster beasts such as a bee swarm, as long as the queen bee surrenders, she controls the entire bee swarm.

In order to count how many ordinary fruit bees and fruit bees that have entered the realm of Qi training in this group of fruit bees, Ling Pengyun gestured to the queen bee.

"Let those five fruit bees stop attacking me. At the same time, gather all the bees and fruit bees in your tribe outside the hive."

After saying this, he removed the wind restraints on the five fruit wasps that fell to the ground, allowing them to regain their freedom.

Under the control of the queen bee, the five fruit bees did not attack Ling Pengyun, but their hostility towards Ling Pengyun did not weaken. They stood in front of the queen bee to protect the queen bee's safety.

Ling Pengyun didn't care about such things.

So the fate of the playthings in his hands will not change.

Thanks to: foil s, Jixiang Ruyi 6699, angel walker, book friend 160802221958372, book friend 201905171215201gkuifung, book friend 150113231154057, Wang Zhou, sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy 2, the eating rat. monthly pass.

Thank you very much, please read it.

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