Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 537: The White Cloud Fox Clan surrenders? (3400 words, please subscribe)

The White Cloud Fox King also spoke at this moment.

"Fellow Daoists from Yan State, please don't rush to fight. Can we talk?"

Ling Pengyun and others were surprised when they heard this, but they saw that the White Cloud Fox King didn't look like he was going to fight, so they stopped the magic weapon they were about to use and wanted to see what the White Cloud Fox King had to say.

The White Cloud Fox King in the mountain saw this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and it also said with a hint of helplessness.

"This time you killed the Yuanying demon king of the Red Gold Bear Clan, which not only brought disaster to your Yan Kingdom's cultivation world, but also brought disaster to my clan!"

"Your Yan Kingdom is fine, with the Yuanying Sect Tianxing Sect protecting it, but my Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan is directly controlled by the Red Gold Bear Clan..."

"In such a predicament, I have planned to break away from the Red Gold Bear Clan, leave this Baiyun Mountain Range to seek refuge, and find another future for my clan."

"Therefore, please show me your kindness and let me lead my clan members to leave."

"If you are willing, I can hand over this Baiyun Mountain Range occupied by my clan to you, I have not moved most of the first- and second-level spiritual objects in the spiritual veins of this land, and they can all belong to you. "

"If you don't want to, then we will just do it. Although I am now in a weak period after performing the desperate method, I rely on the third-level top-grade mountain protection magic array in the three spiritual mountains of Baiyun, Baisong and Baiyan of my clan. I have at least 90% chance of defending this land until the next monster beast chaos."

"By then, you will not get any benefit."

Although Baiyun Linghu King had the idea of ​​leaving the Red Gold Bear clan long ago, he was not alone. He still had offspring and clansmen.

It is different from other monsters. It has spiritual intelligence since birth, and it has never forgotten the help and assistance of its clansmen.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it will not abandon its clansmen and escape alone.

Furthermore, this time when it leaves this territory, it also intends to join the "Double-winged Flame Tiger" tribe of the Yuanying demon clan, which is a hostile force to the Red Gold Bear clan.

Over the years, the Double-winged Flame Tiger clan has sent it many messages, trying to win over this rare third-level upper-grade formation master among the demon clan.

It is still confident that it can join the Yuanying demon clan of the Double-winged Flame Tiger clan.

And if it joins the Flame Tiger clan, it will definitely be given a territory.

With the territory, it needs manpower.

Ordinary demon beasts are just a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. When the crisis comes, they all run away, unlike their own family members who are so loyal.

Of course, the most critical thing is that there are only three golden elixirs in the White Cloud Spirit Fox clan now. If it wants to improve its status in the Yuanying demon clan of the Flame Tiger clan in the future, or wants to strengthen its own strength, it can only let its own golden elixirs be more.

And the basis of this plan is to need some clan members with extraordinary talents.

If there are more people with extraordinary talents, there must be more ordinary people.

After all, only when there are more people, the probability of giving birth to people with extraordinary talents is also greater.

On the other hand, Ling Pengyun and others were a little surprised when they heard what the Fox King said.

However, what the White Cloud Spirit Fox King said was somewhat reasonable. The bear king they killed before was indeed not small. Now, the bear king died in the territory of the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan. In the future, the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan will not have a good life.

In fact, Ling Pengyun and others recalled the tyrannical appearance of the shadow of the Red Gold Bear Clan Yuanying Demon King summoned by the Bear King. It is very likely that the Demon King will destroy the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan to vent his anger.

Thinking of this, everyone also believed that the White Cloud Spirit Fox King wanted to lead his people to leave the territory of the White Cloud Mountains, and they were also happy.

After all, the formations arranged on the three third-level spiritual mountains of the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan are of the highest level of the third-level, and they are also the kind of extremely superior third-level upper-level formations.

If the three formations attack with all their strength, they may be enough to burst out the power of the pseudo-infant realm.

Under such circumstances, if they want to attack the three spiritual mountains by force, it is indeed very difficult to completely destroy the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan.

Rather than doing so, it is better to agree with the decision of the Fox King.

The old Taoist Xuanyang, who was seriously injured but had the highest cultivation level, but had red hair, looked at Ling Pengyun and other human Jindan for a while, and then he said.

"We are willing to let the nobles leave, but the spiritual veins of this land alone are not enough. The nobles' inheritance of hundreds of arts and cultivation experience must all be left behind. The third-level middle-grade Qiuyang Spirit Fruit Tree and the third-level middle-grade Yueyuan Spirit Pond of your clan that can produce golden elixir spirit objects must also be left behind."

"And you must not deliberately damage them before leaving!"

If it weren't for the demon clan's skills, which required specific bloodlines, otherwise Taoist Xuanyang would have planned to get the skills of the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan.

The fox king in Baiyun Peak saw that it was Taoist Xuanyang who had killed three golden elixir clan members in his clan in recent decades, and he immediately felt a little resentful in his heart.

But at this time, it didn't dare to attack.

Its eyes showed a hint of helplessness, and it had expected Taoist Xuanyang's extra request.

After all, the story of the Qiuyang Spirit Fruit Tree and Yueyuan Spirit Pond of the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan that it belonged to, which could produce golden elixir spirit objects, had already spread throughout the Yan State.

For the tens of thousands of its own kind in the mountains, and for its own retreat.

In addition, the Twin-winged Flame Tiger clan had promised it in the early years that as long as it joined the Twin-winged Flame Tiger clan, it would be given an object that could produce a golden elixir.

In this way, its tribe will still have two items that can produce golden elixir spirit objects.

After hesitating for a few breaths, it nodded and replied, and then it asked for more benefits for its tribe.

"Okay, my tribe's inheritance of hundreds of arts and cultivation experience can be left behind, but my tribe needs to take the Qiuyang Spirit Fruit Tree away, and the Yueyuan Spirit Pond can belong to you."

"However, your forces must also make a heavenly oath with their cultivation, and will not retaliate against our tribe in any form within fifty years."

Ling Pengyun and others saw that the White Cloud Spirit Fox King agreed to leave a Yueyuan Spirit Pond that can produce golden elixir spirit objects, and they all raised an uncontrollable smile on their faces.

From beginning to end, they never thought that the White Cloud Spirit Fox King would leave both of his tribe's golden elixir spirit objects. After all, things that can produce golden elixir spirit objects are the foundation of a tribe.

The White Cloud Spirit Fox tribe has been able to maintain multiple golden elixirs by relying on the Qiuyang Spirit Fruit Tree and the Yueyuan Treasure Pond.

The Moon Yuan Pond that the White Cloud Fox King was willing to leave behind was extremely effective. The grade of this pond was as high as the third-grade middle grade. Every two hundred years, it could produce a third-grade Moon Yuan Treasure Water with the aura of good fortune, which could increase the probability of a cultivator breaking through the Golden Core by 10%.

If you are willing to wait for another hundred years, so that the treasure water nurtured by this pond can be upgraded to the third-grade middle grade, and reach the age of three hundred years, the effect of this water can also be increased by 50%, reaching the probability of increasing the cultivator's breakthrough to the Golden Core by 15%.

This is a treasure for any cultivator who wants to break through the Golden Core.

In addition, the ordinary ten-year and one-hundred-year Moon Yuan Treasure Water nurtured by this treasure pond also has a miraculous effect on cultivators, which can enhance the power of spiritual consciousness. It is a rare treasure and has a great effect on cultivators.

The power of spiritual consciousness is extremely important for cultivators. If the spiritual consciousness can be improved, it will have advantages for the cultivator's combat power and comprehension of the method.

For example, Ling Pengyun, because his spiritual awareness is comparable to that of a third-level Jindan cultivator, he can control four or five magic weapons in a row during the battle, and even have spare energy to arrange formations and perform other attack methods.

For an ordinary first-level Jindan cultivator, it is good enough to control three magic weapons in battle.

However, Ling Pengyun and others do not intend to keep such precious things for their own use.

Instead, they intend to use them as tribute to the superior force Tianxing Sect, to increase the probability that Tianxing Sect will protect Yan State and help it resist the Yuanying Demon King of the Red Gold Bear Clan from entering Yan State during the next monster beast riot.

As long as the Yuanying Demon King of the Red Gold Bear Clan does not enter Yan State, the danger of Ling Pengyun and others' forces during the next monster beast riot will be less.

On the contrary, once the Yuanying Demon King of the Red Gold Bear Clan breaks into Yan State during the next monster beast riot, the destruction of Yan State will become inevitable.

Tianxing Sect is a large Yuanying Sect, and ordinary things are not pleasing to them. Even if everyone offered the third-level middle-grade Yueyuan Lingtan as tribute, there is no guarantee that Tianxing Sect can help Yan State.

But we still have to try.

After thinking back, Taoist Xuanyang asked Ling Pengyun and other Jindan for their opinions through voice transmission, and then he smiled and said.

"Just do as Daoist Fellow Baiyun said, but you and the rest of your clan members must also swear an oath with your cultivation to ensure that the inheritance of the hundred arts and the cultivation experience you left behind will not be short of weight or damage the spiritual objects in this land."

"In addition, you must leave a Jindan Realm clan member here to symbolically guard the three third-level spiritual veins here. In this way, our human forces can also take the opportunity to use the three third-level spiritual veins that Daoist Fellow gave to our Yan State human forces."

"After all, my human race and your demon race have already agreed that neither side can occupy the other's third-level spiritual veins unless it is during the monster beast chaos."

"Just because Daoist Fellow gave us the third-level spiritual vein, those Yuanying demon kings in the boundless vast lake will not recognize it."

This method also uses the word "clever".

In fact, many forces in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World have done this.

The eyes of the Baiyun Spirit Fox King, who was at the peak of the third level, condensed. What the old Taoist Xuanyang said did make sense, and then it nodded and agreed.

"The oath is easy to talk about. I can also leave my clan's golden elixir, but you need to ensure the safety of the golden elixir demon king of my clan who stayed here."

The old Taoist Xuanyang said with a smile. "Of course."

The two parties agreed, and the fox king called tens of thousands of white cloud spirit foxes in the three third-level spiritual mountains of Baiyun, Baisong, and Baiyan to swear an oath with their cultivation, promising not to destroy the spiritual objects in this area when leaving, and to leave all the inheritance and not to hide it privately, etc.

Ling Pengyun and others were quite satisfied with this, and they also swore an oath with their cultivation to let the white cloud spirit fox clan leave, and within fifty years, they would not retaliate against the white cloud spirit fox clan in any form.

After this matter was settled, the white cloud spirit fox king was more satisfied with Ling Pengyun and others, and it also waved out nearly 500 medium-sized flying boats from a storage bag on its waist, which were at least second-level upper-grade and could carry at least a thousand people.

Among them, there were even ten third-level low-grade, five third-level medium-sized flying boats, and one third-level high-grade large flying boat that could carry at least thousands or even tens of thousands.

Then, the White Cloud Spirit Fox King began to call on the low-level White Cloud Spirit Foxes in the three third-level spiritual mountains of Baiyun, Baisong, and Baiyan to get on the flying boats.

Ling Pengyun and others who saw this scene from afar were a little surprised to see that the White Cloud Spirit Fox clan had so many medium-sized and above flying boats.

However, when they thought that the White Cloud Spirit Fox clan was the "natives" of the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World and had been around for at least nearly ten thousand years, they were relieved.

If they were given ten thousand years, it would not be difficult to accumulate such wealth.

It is just that it is difficult for a force to exist for ten thousand years.

After all, any force will try its best to rise and fall.

It is strong if it can continue.

And there are many demon forces that have continued for ten thousand years.

This is because the demons have a long lifespan. The demons are generally twice as long as the cultivators of the same level. Some special turtle demons even have a lifespan of more than twice that of humans.

Of course, the price of the demons' long lifespan is that their cultivation progress is slow. Only some demons with extraordinary talents can practice as well as human cultivators.

This made Ling Pengyun and others a little envious of the demons with long lifespans.

But those demons also envy the fact that humans have intelligence at birth.

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