Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 539 Statistical Harvest (Update, please subscribe)

After doing this, Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, who owns the interests of Baisong Mountain, Qingxin Lao Taoist from Qingxin Taoist Temple, and Yaowang Zhenren from Yaowang Valley, because they have important matters at present, it is inconvenient to stay here for a long time, but this The spiritual veins possessed by Baisong Mountain are of a higher level and need to be guarded.

After everyone thought about it carefully, they finally found the sixth-level golden elixir fox demon left in this area by the Baiyun Linghu clan, and entrusted it to come to Baisong Mountain to take charge.

He also promised that in the future, he could share 10% of the spiritual plants in Baisong Mountain.

The sixth-level golden elixir fox demon who was cultivating in a cave in Baiyun Mountain was not happy with its enemy Xuanyang Clan, and it did not want to stay in Baiyun Mountain, which became the Xuanyang Clan.

In addition, just by changing the place to practice, there will be benefits, so the fox demon naturally agreed to the matter immediately.

As a result, the Baiyun Spirit Fox with the sixth level of the Golden Core was stationed in Baisong Mountain, the third-level middle-grade Lingshan Mountain. Ling Pengyun and the other four Golden Cores also left the place with peace of mind and returned to their respective areas of power.

Within a few days, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong returned to their family's territory, Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

The two of them also convened the senior members of the clan and held a clan meeting, giving some general information about the Red Gold Bear clan's collaboration with the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan's counterattack on the Baiyun Mountains.

As for the surrender of the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, neither Ling Pengyun nor Ling Pengyun said anything. They only said that the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan was besieged by them on the three third-level spiritual veins deep in the Baiyun Mountains.

In this way, it is also to avoid the exposure of the Yan Kingdom's human race's golden elixir occupying the third-level spiritual veins of the Baiyun Mountains of the demon clan.

Later, Ling Pengyun and the other two revealed that they had obtained a third-level weapon refining method and inherited the formation.

When the senior officials of the Ling family heard this, they were all overjoyed, especially Ling Penglin, a second-level mid-level formation mage, who was even more ecstatic.

With the help of a complete third-level formation inheritance, she can also speed up the process of upgrading the first-level formation to the second-level high-level formation.

After the meeting, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong drove Ling Pengshan and others away, leaving the family formation master Ling Penglin alone, and gave her all the third-level formation inheritance they had obtained this time for her to study.

However, to be on the safe side and prevent this inheritance from leaking out, the patriarch Ling Yunhong directly brought Ling Penglin back to his monastic place, Hongyun Island.

Ling Pengyun also returned to the monastic place "Yunyi Island" in the family's territory. After gathering with his family for a while, he entered a quiet room in a cave on the island.

In a quiet room.

Ling Pengyun stood on the futon, waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, taking out the harvest from this trip.

Immediately, several huge golden elixir realm monsters and golden elixirs flew out from it.

Ling Pengyun also tapped lightly.

This time, he got a total of two red gold bear corpses in the early stage of the golden elixir, one monster beast golden elixir in the early stage of the golden elixir, one red gold bear corpse and golden elixir in the middle stage golden elixir, and one monster beast corpse and golden elixir in the late golden elixir.

A third-order low-grade red gold claw, and a third-order middle-grade red gold claw.

Looking at these spiritual creatures, Ling Pengyun's eyes suddenly shone with light, and his face also lit up with joy, muttering to himself.

"The harvest this time is quite rich. If I sell these spiritual objects, I am afraid that my net worth will increase by more than one million spiritual stones in a short period of time."


After a long while, Ling Pengyun suppressed his joy.

He then looked at the two red gold claws of different grades.

"I already have several magic weapons, and I don't have much spare spiritual consciousness. I guess I can only use them to refine one red gold claw. This is a pity. The other red gold claw can only eat ashes."

After Ling Pengyun muttered to himself, he put away the lower-grade third-order low-grade red gold claw, as well as the corpses of monsters and golden elixirs, and began to sacrifice the third-order mid-grade red gold claw.

After spending a few days to refine this thing, he took out the golden elixir magic skill "Corpse Control Book" that he had previously obtained from the Poison Blood Demon Sect Kung Fu Pavilion, and the other dozen or so books of the Demon Sect's Corpse Way. Learn and improve the exercises.

He remained like this for the next half year.

On the way, he also improved another magic technique called "Holy and Demonic Destiny Continuing Technique".

This day.

Ling Pengyun rarely came out of seclusion. He found his wife Yan Siyi and his only son Ling Chengxia who was practicing on Zhanling Island where the family war hall was stationed. Together they flew a flying boat and left the family realm.

It took less than half a month to cross millions of miles and arrived near Jiaomang Lake in the Bailingmen branch.

At this moment, a voice with a smile suddenly came from within the 10,000-foot-wide Python Lake.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I finally expected you to come."

Before he could finish his words, the Bailing Sect Heavenly Talisman Patriarch who was stationed at the Dragon Python Lake turned into a ray of light and flew out from the Dragon Python Lake, attracting Ling Pengyun Yu's flying boat.

After a while, the two met in the air.

I haven't seen him for several years. The ancestor of Lingfu, who has a long lifespan and has only a few decades to break through the golden elixir, is still the same middle-aged scholar as before.

"We haven't seen each other for several years. Senior Lingfu, your aura has become a bit stronger. I would like to congratulate you for your breakthrough in cultivation!"

Ling Pengyun raised his hands to the ancestor of Ling Fu and said with a smile.

"In my early years, I broke through the golden elixir through an elixir-like golden elixir spiritual object. Because there were too many impurities in the elixir, I only formed an inferior golden elixir."

"It's not easy to break through in cultivation."

"In the past hundred years, it is a blessing for me to be able to break through to the second level of the Golden Core."

When the Ling Fu Ancestor heard this, a look of helplessness suddenly appeared on his face.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he felt slightly and thought of something.

"Fortunately, I have the primordial energy of yin and yang, which can change my qualifications. I am more and more looking forward to the effect of the primordial essence of yin and yang that can only be condensed by nine mouths of primordial yin and yang energy."

After coming back to his senses, Ling Pengyun comforted the familiar Spirit Talisman Ancestor.

"Seniors, please don't belittle yourself. Inferior golden elixirs are only difficult to break through in cultivation. In the future, it is not impossible for seniors to break through to the late golden elixir stage."

The ancestor of Lingfu sighed and didn't want to talk about it anymore, so he changed the topic, looked at Ling Chengxia who was standing next to Ling Pengyun, and said with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for several years. I never expected that your only son, Fellow Daoist Ling, would already be at the eighth level of Qi training."

"I'm afraid that before time passes, this kid, Fellow Daoist Brother, will try to build the foundation."

"Have you prepared any suitable foundation-building spiritual objects, fellow Taoist?"

Before Ling Pengyun could speak, Ling Chengxia, who had always been rebellious, turned to the Spirit Talisman Ancestor with some dissatisfaction.

"Ancestor, I will not borrow spiritual objects to build the foundation. I want to break through the foundation building alone like Grandpa Yunhong!"

Ling Pengyun on the side saw Ling Chengxia talking to Ling Fu Ancestor in such a tone, and immediately raised his hand and patted Ling Chengxia on the head.

The ancestor of Ling Fu didn't feel anything, but said with a smile on his face.

"Haha, you are a very ambitious kid. You look just like Xiao Hong when he was young. You are worthy of being a cousin from the same bloodline."

When the young Ling Chengxia heard the word "Xiao Hong", his eyes ignited with admiration.

This Xiao Hong is his cousin Wu Hong and the only son of his father, Ling Pengyun's cousin Yang Siling.

Although he has lived in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake for many years and has little contact with his cousin Wu Hong, Wu Hong will come here every time there is a big event for the Ling family.

And every time, Wu Hong would bring him a lot of delicious gadgets or rare magic weapons and spiritual objects.

This also makes the relationship between the two always very good.

Ling Chengxia also admired his cousin Wu Hong who had a rare wind spirit root and was promoted to the eighth level of foundation building when he was only forty or fifty years old.

This speed of cultivation is much faster than that of his father, Ling Pengyun, who had a golden elixir cultivation level in his early years.

Ling Chengxia remembered that his cousin Wu Hong was absent from the relocation banquet half a year ago, and then he asked with a bit of anticipation.

"Ancestor, not long ago, when Aunt Siling and Uncle Wu Tian came to my Ling family to attend the relocation banquet, they said that cousin Wu Hong has been in seclusion for the past year to break through to the ninth level of foundation building. Has he succeeded in breaking through now?"

The ancestor of Lingfu said with a smile. "It's only been a month or two since we broke through."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Spirit Talisman Ancestor's expression moved slightly and he looked at Ling Pengyun.

However, just when he was about to speak, he noticed that many monks were looking at the Jiaomanfang City and Jiaoman Lake below, and he also said to Ling Pengyun's family.

"There are too many people here, so it's not a place for conversation. Let's talk in Jiao Python Lake."

Ling Pengyun naturally knew what the Spirit Talisman Ancestor meant, and he also sent a flying boat to follow the Spirit Talisman Ancestor into the Python Lake.

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