Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 548: Third-level beast control, alchemy inheritance, third-level teleportation array (2400 w

After Ling Pengyun entered the formation, he began to look around.

The space inside the formation was not big, only about a hundred feet, in a circular shape, with relatively simple decorations, and low-level fluorescent beads emitting bright light inlaid on the top.

Other than that, there was no sign of life here.

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised to see this scene. He thought this place would be the cave of some Taoist predecessor, but he didn't expect it to be this scene.

"Although it is not the cave of the predecessor, fortunately, the third-level upper-grade formation arranged here is very valuable, and there is also an unknown third-level formation. There is also a third-level lower-grade spiritual vein deep in this place. This trip is also a great gain."

After coming to his senses, he fixed his eyes and looked at the center of the underground space, his eyes flashed slightly.

"It seems that the third-level formation in the formation is located there."

"However, why does the aura of that formation look a bit like... a teleportation formation?"

"Could it be..."

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately called out to Ling Penglin, who was holding a token to control a formation.

"Penglin, can the token in your hand control the third-level formation that is hidden deep underground and has not been activated?"

Ling Penglin said with a smile on her face. "The aura pointed by the token in my hand is exactly there. It should be the control token of that formation."

After saying that, she pinched her fingers and injected a spiritual power into the black token in her hand.

"Formation up!"

Only, the ground in the center of this underground space suddenly appeared with lines of runes, and finally gathered into a half-zhang-wide circular formation.

But in this circular formation, more than 80% of the formation patterns seemed to have been deliberately destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun could no longer remain calm, and a trace of emotion appeared on his face.

"It is indeed a teleportation array. Judging from its aura, although this array has been destroyed, it has not been completely destroyed. I think the person who destroyed this array is not a formation master and is not familiar with the teleportation array. As long as a third-level formation master is found afterwards, it should not be difficult to repair this array."

"And the grade of this array is probably... the third-level upper grade realm."

"The person who can set up this array must have an extraordinary background."

Thinking of this, a trace of doubt surged into his heart again.

"But this place... why did the original owner... set up a teleportation array entrance and exit in this place with only one third-grade inferior spiritual vein?"

"And it's a single-person teleportation array that's not worth it?"

"Could it be that this array is a secret door escape deliberately left by those old-fashioned Jindan forces or Yuanying realm forces?"

You know, the lowest grade of a teleportation array is the third grade. Even if you want to set up a third-grade inferior teleportation array, the cost is at least equivalent to the cost of setting up a third-grade upper-grade ordinary formation, which is about 900,000 spiritual stones.

And if you want to set up a third-grade upper-grade teleportation array, you need to spend at least 2.5 million to 3 million spiritual stones.

This value is much more than the total value of the monster materials obtained by the Ling family when they destroyed the 200,000 monsters of the Jindan monster clan and the swamp giant crocodile clan in the early years, and then refined into spiritual objects by various artists and sold.

Perhaps, it is possible to build such an array by emptying the Ling family's family assets.

The single-person teleportation array, as its name suggests, can only teleport one person.

Moreover, the cost of setting up this array is not much different from that of a normal multi-person teleportation array.

It is for this reason that few forces in the world of immortal cultivation will set up this type of single-person teleportation array.

Only those large forces with too many spirit stones and nowhere to spend them will set up this type of array as a hidden escape route.

The Yuanying Sect Canglan Bihai Sect has several such hidden single-person teleportation arrays, but the grade of those single-person teleportation arrays is at least fourth-grade. Ling Pengyun has heard about this from his fellow senior sister "Wang Ying".

The single-person teleportation array also has an advantage.

Because there is less pressure to teleport multiple people during teleportation, the single-person teleportation array can teleport twice or even several times farther than the multi-person teleportation array of the same grade, depending on the materials used.

The third-grade superior multi-person teleportation array can teleport up to 600 to 9 million miles.

A third-grade superior single-person teleportation array can teleport a distance of tens of millions to thirty million miles, and its function is equivalent to a fourth-grade inferior multi-person teleportation array.

"If this array is really an escape route hidden in the dark by a large force, how can this treasure land be unguarded? At least a Jindan cultivator should be sent here!"

"And how could the control token of this teleportation array be found by Lin Fan, who was still in the Qi training realm at that time?"

Doubts surged in his mind, and his eyes also looked at the beastmaster Lin Fan not far away.

The token to open the teleportation array here was obtained from this person.

This also made this person very suspicious in Ling Pengyun's eyes.

"Friend Ye, have you been here?"

Lin Fan was a little confused and shook his head in confusion. "No, Elder Ling, why do you ask?"

Ling Pengyun heard this and saw that Lin Fan did not seem to be lying.

In addition, although Lin Fan has an extraordinary talent in beast control, his qualifications are ordinary and his family is not wealthy. He also ruled out the possibility that Lin Fan came to Yan State by taking this teleportation array.

Then, his expression changed and he asked again.

"You don't need to worry about why I ask you questions, just answer my questions."

"You will find out about the token in Penglin's hand. Tell us about it. Don't miss any information."

Lin Fan's expression moved slightly. Although he didn't want to talk about it, since Ling Pengyun had spoken, he dared not disobey and replied in detail.

"Several decades ago, when I was still in the state of perfect Qi training, I chased a monster and accidentally broke into the barren land where Jiaomang Lake and Jinjiao Grassland meet. By chance, I found a cave ruins in a barren mountain."

"In the cave ruins, there is a corpse of a foundation-building cultivator. According to my guess, the corpse's cultivation level should be in the perfect foundation-building realm before his death."

"As for the reason for his life and death, I guess he failed to break through the golden elixir. When I found the corpse, his death was extremely tragic."

"However, this person is in Before the last failure of breaking through the golden elixir, he should have tried to break through the golden elixir once or several times, and survived all of them, because I saw that there was still some residual solidified spiritual power on the inner elixir of his corpse. "

"According to my guess, this person should be a person of good family background."

"At the beginning, the second-level beast control inheritance and the second-level elixir recipe that I sold to the nobles, as well as the token that can control a certain formation in the hands of Fairy Ling, were all obtained from that corpse."

He was about to stop talking, but suddenly heard a murderous word in his ear.

"If it was before, I might believe what you said and would not investigate it deeply, but the cave you are looking for is related to the two third-level upper-grade formations here. Do you think I still believe that you only got these second-level things?"

"If you still hide it, I will use the soul-searching technique on you."

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt a chill on his back, and his eyes turned to Ling Pengyun who said this.

Coincidentally, his eyes met Ling Pengyun's eyes.

In a moment, countless cold sweats broke out on his body.

If the clothes he was wearing were not the robes, he would have been completely soaked by now.

Under the power of the golden elixir and the threat of death that those who were used with the soul-searching technique would die, he quickly put away his thoughts and dared not hide them anymore, and said in a trembling voice.

"In addition... I also found a profound technique that can be used with beast control to cultivate to the perfection of golden elixir on the corpse, as well as a third-level alchemy inheritance and a third-level top-grade alchemy furnace."

"I also found the corpse of a dragon in the late stage of foundation building in a beast control bag on the owner of the cave. Because the corpse was in the beast control bag, it was well preserved. I guess the dragon was the spirit beast of the owner of the cave, but after the death of the owner of the cave, it died due to the backlash of the master recognition restriction."

"And the beast control inheritance was not only the second level, but the third level, but I copied the second level part."

"Now, I have hidden those things in a hidden place in the Jiaomang Lake where I traded inheritance with the nobles in the early years."

"After this trip, I will hand over all those spirit objects to the nobles."

In order to avoid being blamed by Ling Laozu, he quickly added.

"Ancestor, these things are not what I, a casual cultivator, should have. Once I take these spiritual objects out, the nobles will probably guess that I found these spiritual objects from the ruins of the cave."

"I am afraid of bringing trouble to myself, so I have never dared to confess to the nobles."

"I hope the ancestor will not blame me!"

"I have nothing else to hide. I can swear an oath to the heaven with my cultivation."

Immediately, Lin Fan began to swear an oath.

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