Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 550 Jiao Blood Pill Jiao Dragon Pill (3000 words, please subscribe)

Half a year later.

Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

Deep in Hongyun Island, in a cave named "Hongyun", a room for alchemy was blazing with fire and rolling heat waves.

However, amid the fire, there was also a strong aroma of medicine, which made people feel relaxed and happy just by smelling it.

In the center of the alchemy room, a middle-aged man with regular features, sharp eyebrows, and an invisible sense of majesty was sitting cross-legged.

The middle-aged man was constantly pinching his fingers to condense a series of special spells and injecting them into the alchemy furnace in front of him, which was carried by nine foot-long fire dragons.

The fire here was spreading from the nine little fire dragons.

At this moment, a magical scene was happening in the alchemy furnace.

The invisible little fire dragons transformed by the fire were constantly shuttling in the alchemy furnace, and the liquid transformed by dozens of floating spiritual objects.

Whenever those invisible little fire dragons leave those liquids, they will inevitably bring out a lot of impurities in those liquids.

This also makes those liquids become more and more pure.

After an unknown period of time, the middle-aged man pinched his hands and entered the last spell into the alchemy furnace in front of him, and then he muttered a sentence.

"Condition pill!"

The alchemy furnace trembled slightly, and four spiritual power fluctuations suddenly came out of it.

As time passed, three days passed, and the four spiritual power fluctuations in the alchemy furnace became stronger and stronger. When the aura of the four spiritual power fluctuations became smooth, the middle-aged man looked happy and immediately performed a control technique to lift the lid of the alchemy furnace.

Four green pills with flashing spiritual light and exuding the aura of the third-level inferior grade, accompanied by a strong pill fragrance, floated up from the alchemy furnace and fell into the hands of the middle-aged man.

"The probability of my success in refining this pill was four pills each time the first three times. Including this time, I have refined four furnaces of the third-level lower-grade Juling Pill and succeeded in four pills. It seems that my success rate in refining this third-level lower-grade Juyuan Pill has stabilized at about four pills."

"Hahaha! Great news!"

"The Dragon Yang True Fire given by the sect is indeed the top middle-level alchemy treasure fire divine power. I have only tried to refine this pill for only twenty times, but I didn't expect that my level of refining this pill has been improved to this point, hahaha."

The middle-aged man laughed non-stop.

The middle-aged man is Ling Yunhong, who masters the Canglan Bihai Sect's alchemy treasure method Dragon Yang True Fire Divine Power.

And over the years, he has tried to refine Juyuan Pill for nearly twenty times, and the main source of spiritual materials is Bailingmen. With the foundation of the Ling family, he has only been able to refine four furnaces of Juyuan Pills over the years.

As for the reason why Bailingmen would help him refine Juyuan Dan, it was also very simple. In Yan State, there was only one third-level alchemist, Yaowang Zhenren in Yaowang Valley.

However, there were many Jindan cultivators, and most of these Jindan cultivators came from those old-fashioned Jindan forces with deep cultural heritage.

Those old-fashioned Jindan forces all planted Juyuan grass, the main material of the third-level Juyuan Dan, and they could produce a lot of Juyuan grass every certain year.

For those old-fashioned Jindan forces, there was no shortage of spiritual materials for refining Juyuan Dan.

In this way, these Jindan forces would naturally seek the Yaowang Zhenren of Yan State to refine the elixir.

Everyone asked for the elixir, and Yaowang Zhenren refined it alone.

In addition, Yaowang Zhenren originally used alchemy as an auxiliary to seek the great way. Most of his time was spent on cultivation, and he would only spend a small amount of time helping his fellow Daoists refine the elixir.

This also made Yan State Jindan always have the dilemma of having spiritual medicine but no one to refine it into elixir.

The rest of the great countries in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World have basically encountered such things.

In this case, Bailingmen is naturally willing to sell some unused Juyuan Pill spiritual materials to Ling Yunhong, who has a high probability of becoming a third-level alchemist. This will also help to make friends with him and pave the way for entrusting Ling Yunhong to refine the third-level inferior Juyuan Pill in the future.

After his thoughts returned, Ling Yunhong happily said to himself.

"According to my current success rate of 40% and the success rate of four pills, my level of refining the third-grade inferior Juyuan Pill is pretty good."

"I can also spread the word that I can help people refine the third-grade inferior Juyuan Pill like the third-grade alchemist Yaowang Daoyou in Yaowang Valley."

"According to the situation of the third-grade pills in the Yan Kingdom's cultivation world, once this matter is spread, there will definitely be many fellow Taoists looking for me. At that time, I can use the spiritual materials they entrusted to increase the success rate of refining the third-grade inferior Juyuan Pill, and make a small profit. It is really the best of both worlds."

Ling Yunhong looked at the four green pills in his hand, his face was even more happy, and he murmured.

The success rate of refining pills is different from the probability of success. The success profile is success and failure, and the probability of success is how many pills are refined after the success of refining pills.

Generally, a pill can only make five pills at most.

After coming to his senses, Ling Yunhong remembered something. He waved his hand and summoned two medicine bottles from the storage bag to pack the four green pills in his hand into two portions. Then he stood up with the two medicine bottles, pushed open the door of the alchemy room, and walked into the hall of the cave.

On a small table in the center of the hall, there was a young man wearing Ling's Taoist robes, who looked quiet, holding a book in his hand and reading it carefully, and his eyebrows also revealed a thoughtful look.

When the young man saw Ling Yunhong coming, he also closed the book in his hand, bowed slightly to Ling Yunhong, and called him.

"Grandpa Yunhong! Was the refining of Juyuan Pill successful this time?"

Ling Yunhong nodded lightly, then threw one of the medicine bottles in his hand to the young man and said with a smile.

"It's done. Here are the four Juyuan Pills I just made. Two for you and me!"

The young man saw this and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Congratulations. Grandpa's alchemy skills have improved again. In time, Grandpa will be able to improve his alchemy skills to the third-level middle-grade realm."

Ling Yunhong laughed three times and asked. "Hahaha, there's still a long way to go."

"Pengyun, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting this time. Half a year ago, you followed Penglin and the others to follow the repaired token. Did you find the third-level formation?"

The young man was Ling Pengyun. After the formation-finding trip half a year ago, Ling Pengyun came to Ling Yunhong's cave. However, at that time, Ling Yunhong was still refining a furnace of Juyuan Pills. Ling Pengyun didn't want to disturb him, so he sat here and waited.

Seeing Ling Yunhong asking, Ling Pengyun also told him all the details of the journey to find the formation, such as finding a third-grade top-grade formation, a damaged third-grade top-grade teleportation formation, and the property of the family's beastmaster guest Lin Fan.

Then, he took out all the inheritances and third-grade alchemy furnaces he had obtained on this trip and handed them to Ling Yunhong.

"Grandpa, I don't need that third-grade top-grade alchemy furnace, so I'll give it to you."

Ling Yunhong was shocked when he heard this and saw those inheritances. He didn't expect that Ling Pengyun would have such a harvest when he followed Ling Penglin and Lin Fan to find the formation.

"This is a great opportunity for my Ling family. Hahaha, with these inheritances, the family's complete third-level Hundred Arts inheritance has four doors, and the third-level alchemy inheritance is of great benefit to the family, making up for the disadvantage that the third-level low-grade inheritance I got from the sect cannot be passed on to others."

"In addition, the "Beast King Treasure Book" that you got this time can be cultivated to the realm of golden elixir perfection, and the family's golden elixir skills have one more, a total of two."

"And I have this third-level high-grade alchemy furnace you gave me, and my alchemy level is enough to improve again."

"Lin Fan, the guest of our family, is lucky. He has such an opportunity at the mere Qi training stage. This boy must have a deep blessing. Your idea of ​​recruiting him into the family as a son-in-law is a good idea."

Ling Yunhong suppressed his shock and laughed.

Including the third-level beast control and alchemy inheritance obtained by Ling's family this time, Ling's family currently has four third-level Hundred Arts inheritances, namely, weapon refining, formation, and beast control.

The third-level formation and weapon refining inheritances were obtained from the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan.

The beast control inheritance and alchemy inheritance were obtained during this journey to find formations.

The two Jindan techniques are "Bi Hai Zhen Jing" and "Beast King Treasure Book".

Among them, Bi Hai Zhen Jing can only be practiced to the middle stage of Jindan. The operation route of the technique for the late Jindan and the perfect realm was not directly given by Canglan Bi Hai Zong. He and Ling Yunhong need to return to the sect after entering the middle stage of Jindan and get it at this moment.

And this technique, the Qi training chapter and the foundation building chapter can be passed on to the clan members by Ling's family.

If the other clan members want to practice the technique of the Jindan chapter, they can only go to the sect and be restricted by the sect leaders before they can comprehend it.

Canglan Bihai Sect did this to avoid the extra-legacy of the Golden Elixir Chapter of the Bihai Sutra, which records the core method. After all, there are many profound secret methods recorded in the Golden Elixir Chapter of the Bihai Sutra.

At the same time, this move can also deepen the connection between Ling's Golden Elixir and the sect.

"Grandpa, I also got the corpse of a late foundation-building earth dragon on this trip. I plan to keep this corpse for myself. I wonder if you can help me refine some Jiaoxuedan and Huajiaodan with the remaining flesh and blood, blood, and blood essence of this corpse!"

Ling Pengyun agreed with what Ling Yunhong said. Then, he took out a dragon corpse with yellow scales, fierce appearance, and a body size comparable to that of an ordinary perfect foundation-building monster, nearly twenty feet in size, but only exuding the aura of the late foundation-building stage.

The methods of refining "Jiaoxuedan" and "Huajiaodan" are recorded in both the superior third-level lower-grade alchemy inheritance that Ling Yunhong obtained from Canglan Bihai Sect and the third-level alchemy inheritance that he obtained this time.

Although it is difficult to pass on the third-level lower-grade alchemy inheritance that Ling Yunhong obtained from the sect, in order to benefit the family, he has already informed the clan leaders of some first-level and second-level elixirs recorded in his inheritance, as well as the effects of those elixirs. If the leaders need them, they can come to him to refine them.

The main effects of Jiaoxuedan and Jiaolongdan are to increase the probability of monsters transforming into Jiao, but the effects are different.

The main ingredients of Jiaoxuedan are ordinary flesh and blood from Jiaolong, so this pill is only effective when Huajiaodan is used.

The main ingredient of Huajiaodan is the most precious Jiaolong essence blood from Jiaolong, so this pill is extremely helpful for transforming into Jiao.

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