Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 57: Upgrading Spiritual Veins and Opening Up Spiritual Fields (Please Read Later)

One day later, two fairy cranes landed on Qingshi Mountain.

On one of the fairy cranes was Ling Ruxian, who had returned to the clan mountain to report the news the day before. On the other fairy crane were two people, both women, who looked somewhat similar.

Although the older woman had some wrinkles on her face, her regular facial features and a unique temperament all highlighted that she must have been a very beautiful woman when she was young. Although she is old now, she still has a different kind of beauty.

This person is Ling Yunxi, the fifth elder of the Ling family and the only formation master of the family.

The other woman looked good. Like Ling Yunxi, she had a special temperament that transcended ordinary people. As long as you take a look at her, you will definitely find it difficult to rely on your eyes. This person is Ling Penglin, who ranks tenth in the Peng generation. She is also Ling Yunxi's granddaughter.

"Thirteenth great-grandfather, fifteenth aunt, tenth sister." Ling Pengyun greeted the three people who jumped off the two fairy cranes one by one.

The fifth elder Ling Yunxi had a look of envy on his face. He summoned two hundred spiritual stones from the storage bag on his waist, handed them to Ling Pengyun, and said with a smile. "Pengyun, your opportunity is really enviable. When I heard from Uncle Thirteen that you found the spiritual eye, I was really surprised. These two hundred spiritual stones are the family's reward for your discovery of the spiritual eye and the spiritual orange tree. In addition, you can get 30% of the spiritual oranges obtained from the spiritual orange tree in the future."

There are rewards for discovering spiritual veins or spiritual objects.

"Fifteenth aunt, my grandson is just luckier." Ling Pengyun put away the spiritual stones handed over, answered modestly, and then changed the subject. He looked at Ling Penglin beside Ling Yunxi, thought of something, and congratulated him. "Tenth sister, I heard from my great-great-grandfather who sent the offerings that you entered the rank of formation a few months ago, and now you can arrange a first-level lower-grade formation by yourself. This makes you the second best formation master in my Ling family. Congratulations."

"My dear brother, stop making fun of me." Ling Penglin heard this, and her pretty cheeks blushed slightly. She smiled modestly.

"Pengyun, if you praise me a few more times, Penglin's braids will probably be up to the sky. Okay, let's talk about the past later. Take us to the place where the spiritual eye is first." Ling Yunxi said.

"Okay." Ling Pengyun responded.

Ling Ruxian saw Ling Pengyun summoning the green walking leaf and greeted him. "Pengyun, get on my fairy crane, the speed can be faster."

The four of them rode two fairy cranes respectively and quickly left Qingshi Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, who was riding a fairy crane for the first time, felt the speed of the fairy crane and felt a little envious.

"The speed of the thirteenth great-grandfather's fairy crane in the late stage of Qi training is probably four thousand miles a day. This speed is too far behind my Green Leaf. It would be great if I could have a fairy crane."

"When there is a chance in the future, I will definitely ask the eleventh great-grandfather for a fairy crane."

Although the Ling family's fairy cranes are strong, their number is limited. Only the elders of the family can officially own them. The extra fairy cranes will be temporarily allocated to people like Ling Rufan who need to travel long distances to deliver offerings.

The fairy cranes are fast. In just half an incense stick of time, they followed Ling Pengyun's instructions and the four of them came to the spiritual orange tree and the spiritual eye in the wild mountains.

The fifth elder Ling Yunxi, who had just jumped off the fairy crane, used his spiritual sense to confirm that there was indeed a spiritual eye that had just been conceived under the spiritual orange tree, and said with a smile.

"It is indeed a spiritual eye. Pengyun, don't leave in a hurry. This time I brought a spiritual formation and a lot of spiritual stones from the family. After pushing this spiritual eye to the first-level lower-grade spiritual vein, you will need to open up a spiritual field on this spiritual vein to increase the family's income. Penglin came here this time to stay here."

"Okay." Ling Pengyun was somewhat confident about the "spiritual cultivation technique" for opening up spiritual fields, and nodded in agreement.

Seeing Ling Pengyun's response, Ling Yunxi made a look at Ling Ruxian, then sat cross-legged on the ground, mobilized his consciousness to pour into the spiritual eye under the spiritual orange tree, and tried to establish a simple connection with the spiritual eye under the spiritual orange tree with the means of a formation master.

Around, Ling Pengyun and the other two saw this scene and retreated a little, giving space to Ling Yunxi who was about to set up the formation.

About half an incense stick of time passed, and after Ling Yunxi had made contact with the spiritual eye, he suddenly opened his eyes, waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, summoned nine khaki formation flags, and inserted them into the ground around the spiritual orange tree above the spiritual eye.

"Array up." Ling Yunxi formed seals with both hands and shouted secretly.

The nine formation flags inserted around the spiritual orange tree suddenly flashed with spiritual light.

Then, the surrounding ground began to shake, like an earthquake, but the amplitude of the vibration was smaller.

Then, Ling Yunxi summoned hundreds of spiritual stones from the storage bag and suspended them above the spiritual orange tree.

"Absorb the spirit." Ling Yunxi's finger movements changed.

The nine formation flags inserted into the ground trembled slightly, and each of them shot out a yellow spiritual light, which poured into the pile of spiritual stones above the spiritual orange tree, and used the power of the formation flags to extract the spiritual power in the hundreds of spiritual stones. After a simple purification by the formation flags, the large amount of spiritual power in the hundreds of spiritual stones was slowly injected into the spiritual eye underground under the control of Ling Yunxi.

Under the effect of the nine spirit-raising flags, even if the spirit eye rejected the spirit power that did not belong to it, it would be suppressed by the nine flags and forcibly injected into the body.

With the continuous injection of spirit power, the spirit eye became larger and larger, and the aura emitted from it became stronger and stronger.

In just three hours, the "spiritual eye" that was only the size of a spring eye had now grown into a spirit vein that was ten feet long.

As for the spiritual orange tree above the spiritual vein, due to the spiritual energy fed back by the spiritual eye's advanced spiritual vein, more than ten withered flower bones on the branches quickly fell off, forming thirteen spiritual oranges.

In order to advance to this spiritual vein, hundreds of spiritual stones were consumed, and only dozens of spiritual stones were left. The rest of the spiritual stones were stripped of their spiritual power and turned into decay.

Ling Yunxi put away the nine spirit-raising formation flags, touched the sweat, and took out a set of flags and disks from the Wutu Transformation Curtain Formation, and placed them on the spiritual veins.

Use the formation disk to activate the formation flag and test the formation.

In an instant, a khaki light curtain was held up by six Wutu Transformation Curtain Formation Flags.

After doing this, Ling Yunxi waved his hand to remove the light curtain, handed the "Wutu Transformation Curtain Formation" array plate to Ling Pengyun, and said hello to him.

"Peng Yun, it's your turn to open up the spiritual field."

Ling Pengyun took the array plate, nodded lightly, walked beside the spiritual orange tree, and first used his spiritual consciousness to explore the level of the first-level low-grade spiritual energy that had just been promoted here.

"This spiritual vein has just been promoted to the first-level low-grade spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy is not strong. It seems that it can only open up two acres of first-level low-grade spiritual fields." Ling Pengyun secretly estimated based on the spiritual energy level of this spiritual vein.

After some calculation, Ling Pengyun first took out the spiritual hoe, quickly surrounded the spiritual orange tree on the spiritual vein, and plowed two acres of land.

Then, he closed his eyes and poured his spiritual consciousness into the Wutu Transformation Curtain Formation in his hand. Using the connection between the formation disk and the spiritual veins, he mobilized the spiritual energy in the underground spiritual veins to inject it into one mu first. In the wasteland.

At the same time, he made a secret with both hands and performed the "Spirit-nurturing Technique" on the acre of wasteland. With the effect of the soul-nurturing technique, he drew the spiritual veins and injected the spiritual energy in the acre of wasteland to temper the mortal earth and turn it into spiritual soil.

This process of tempering mortal earth was very long, and it took half a day to temper an acre of mortal earth into spiritual soil. Then a restriction was placed on the formation plate to lock part of the spiritual energy in that acre. In the spiritual field, he began to work hard to cultivate another acre of wasteland.

At noon the next day, the work of opening up the spiritual field was completed.

The art of nourishing spirits is also a secret technique of Ling Zhi, and only Ling Zhi can understand and use it.

Ling Pengyun was struggling to open up two acres of spiritual land in a row, and his spiritual power was also exhausted. He wiped away his sweat and informed Ling Yunxi that the spiritual field had been developed.

Ling Yunxi saw that Ling Pengyun's face was pale and he looked like he had consumed too much spiritual power, so he spoke.

"Peng Yun, thank you for your hard work. You discovered the spiritual vein here, so it's up to you to name it. What are your thoughts on the name?"

Ling Pengyun thought about it carefully and thought that he found this place based on the fruit flower queen bee, so he smiled. "To be honest, Fifteenth Auntie, I found the spiritual vein here based on a fruit bee. According to my opinion, this barren ridge is named Guo bee ridge. What do you think?"

As a member of the family, Ling Pengyun never thought that the matter of Fruit Flower Bee could be hidden.

Even if you don't tell it today, it will be known to the tribe in the future.

"Guofengling, this is a good name. After I return to my clan, I will use this name to have the General Affairs Hall add this place to the spiritual vein distribution map of my Ling family's Anyang County." Ling Yunxi heard Guohuafeng His expression moved slightly, but he deliberately did not ask, pretending not to hear, and agreed with Ling Pengyun's suggestion with a smile.

"The name is given to you. I think you spent too much to open up the spiritual field. You also discovered this spiritual orange tree. The first batch of thirteen spiritual oranges that were born from the spiritual energy on the orange tree were held by you, and then You and Sanbo will return to the place where you are stationed first to avoid accidents in the Qingshi Mountain and Qingshi Lake mineral veins. I will stay here for a while to stay with the child Peng Lin. Please take care of the child Peng Lin in the future. "

Ling Pengyun naturally knew what Ling Yunxi meant by giving in to the thirteen spiritual oranges on the spiritual orange tree. This was with the same intention as when Ling Ruguo asked him to take care of Ling Dong. He planned to let him and Ling Ruxian, together with Ling Pengli, When in danger, rescue as soon as possible.

According to normal circumstances, the spiritual oranges currently produced on this spiritual orange tree are formed by relying on the family's spiritual stone and the spiritual energy when they advance to the spiritual veins. Ling Pengyun only accounts for 30%, and the other 70% belongs to the family.

Ling Pengyun did not refuse this and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Aunt Fifteen. If Peng Lin is in danger, the Thirteenth Great Ancestor and I will definitely support Peng Lin as soon as possible. Furthermore, Peng Lin is a first-level low-level array mage. If she encounters danger, she will open this place The concrete screen formation, I am afraid that even if three strong men in the middle stage of Qi training attack this place at the same time, they will not be able to break through this place in half a day."

Ling Jinxian didn't like to talk at all, so he just spoke in agreement. "good."

Hearing this, Ling Yunxi also felt a lot more at ease. She liked Ling Penglin very much, her precious granddaughter who was very talented in formations and cultivation. If it weren't for the purpose of testing Ling Penglin's character, she would really be reluctant to let Ling Penglin go out alone.

"Thank you." Ling Yunxi thanked him.

"It's okay." Ling Jin said something first, then asked Ling Pengyun to ride on his fairy crane and fly away from here.

After Ling Yunxi watched the two people leave, she began to explain in detail what Ling Penglin, who was out of the mountains for the first time, needed to be wary of in the outside world.

By the way, lead Ling Penglin to clear away the beasts in this fruit bee ridge that stretches for several miles.

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