Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 561 Planning (2600 words, please subscribe)

A few days later.

The old rival of Guiling Island, the "Rapid Seahorse Clan", suddenly brought tens of thousands of demons to attack Guiling Island and attacked the only Guiling Market on the island.

This market is the place with the most monks on Guiling Island. The primary target of the Rapid Seahorse Clan to capture Guiling Island is naturally this place. If this place is not destroyed, they will be surrounded by the monks in Guiling Market after they invade Guiling Island.

And Guiling Market is also because of its important land area. Not only are there many monks stationed in the market, but there is also a second-level upper-grade formation stationed in the market, and there is also a late-stage foundation-building monk who sits in it all year round.

This also makes it difficult for the Rapid Seahorse Clan to capture it in a short time even if there are pseudo-dan realm masters sitting in it.

In addition, the five major families on the island later sent monks to support the market.

This battle has also become a protracted war.

However, the pseudo-dan realm seahorse king in the fast seahorse clan had already awakened its spiritual intelligence. It also cleverly dispatched a small number of people to bypass the market and attack some first-level spiritual veins under the five major families on the island.

Except for the Han family, which was well prepared, the other four foundation-building families on the island suffered losses as a result.

The follow-up was a protracted war.

This day.

In the Liu family territory adjacent to the Han family territory, a first-level spiritual mountain was besieged by a group of monsters.

However, after a while, a foundation-building cultivator in the early stage of the Liu family mountain came to support him.

This Liu family's foundation-building strength was extremely strong, and there were no foundation-building monsters among the monsters besieging the first-level spiritual mountain of the Liu family.

After a while, the monsters attacking the mountain were killed by the Liu family's foundation-building.

Afterwards, the Liu family foundation-building master comforted the young Liu family cultivator who was stationed on the first-level island and was frightened by the many monsters attacking the mountain. He left this place and rushed to the next place to support the other spiritual mountains of the family that were besieged by the monsters.

But just as the Liu family foundation-building master was driving the flying boat through a desolate place, he noticed a figure appearing in front of him.

Before he could react, a blue iron bead as big as a small mountain turned into a blue stream of light and quickly killed him.

He felt the breath contained in the iron bead, and countless cold sweats suddenly broke out on his back.

"This is... a magic... treasure!"

Before he finished speaking, the iron bead as big as a small mountain had already killed him in the face, smashing him and the flying boat under his feet directly into pieces.

The figure who had offered the magic weapon Iron Bead turned into a beam of light and quickly rushed to the place where the Liu family foundation-building cultivator died tragically. He collected all the blood and flesh scraps on his body, took out two knocked-out swift seahorses from the storage bag and placed them on the ground, and placed the pieces of flesh next to them.

The figure then hid in the dark and woke up the two foundation-building seahorses.

When the two foundation-building seahorses woke up, they saw the flesh and blood of a foundation-building cultivator next to them. Without thinking too much, they devoured it and left the place.

The figure hiding in the dark looked at the two foundation-building seahorses that left, and his expression moved slightly.

"In this way, even if the Liu family of Guiling Island wants to search for the Liu who I killed just now by dripping blood, they can only find the two seahorses in the foundation-building stage."

"This can completely cover up my crime just now."

"And the Liu family originally only had four foundation-building people. I killed one this time. Now, there are only three foundation-building people left in this clan."

"With such strength, I want to see how the Liu family dares to invade the territory of my Ling family branch in the future."

It would be too noisy to directly destroy the Liu family by taking advantage of the monster tribe's attack on the island. It would attract people from the Muyuan Immortal Sect, the upper sect of this force, to come. The risk factor is too high, and Ling Pengyun does not intend to take risks.

Moreover, even if the Liu family is destroyed by him, it will be difficult for the branch to have people to manage the Liu family's territory.

This time, Ling Pengyun took action just to retaliate against the Liu family and suppress them.


On the same day, at night.

Guiling Island, halfway up the Han clan mountain, in Ling Pengshan's courtyard.

"Pengshan, I have killed a foundation-building member of the Liu clan. After the rapid retreat of the seahorse clan, I guess the Liu clan won't be able to make any waves."

"Siyi and I still have some things to deal with. In half a year or three years, we will definitely come to take Cheng Shi back to the clan."

Ling Pengyun, who had just returned from the outside world, greeted Ling Pengshan, then took Yan Siyi and turned into a phantom and left the Han clan mountain.

Ling Pengshan, who stayed here, had a gleam in his eyes.

"Now, the foundation-building of our clan branch is equal to that of the Liu clan. When the demon clan retreats, our clan branch should start with the Liu clan."


One month later.

In the deep sea of ​​the "Dragon Scale Shark Sea" in the demon clan sea area of ​​the boundless sea, a beam of light was rapidly sneaking into the depths of this sea area.

After a long time, the escape light stopped in front of an underwater valley.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also appeared.

At this moment, a very handsome young man with golden hair and wearing a Taoist robe of Canglan Bihai Sect walked out of the underwater valley.

The young man seemed to know Ling Pengyun. He glanced at Ling Pengyun and was slightly surprised when he saw that Ling Pengyun's aura was as strong as the second level of the golden elixir.

However, when he thought that Ling Pengyun had condensed a "middle-level golden elixir" with good potential, and that he had the help of the sect's third-level upper-grade talisman maker Bishui Zhenren, he was relieved.

Then, he also raised a touch of enthusiasm on his face and complimented Ling Pengyun.

"I didn't expect that after just over ten years of seeing each other, your cultivation, Fellow Daoist Ling, has already reached the second level of the Golden Core. I'm afraid it won't be long before your cultivation, Fellow Daoist Ling, will catch up with mine."

"My fellow Taoist's cultivation talent really makes me envious."

It has been a long time since Ling Pengyun entered the first level of Golden Pill. In addition, the third-level alchemist of the clan leader Ling Yunhong has refined a lot of third-level low-grade cultivation elixirs, Juyuan Dan, in recent years. He has given a lot to him. Relying on those Yuan Judan, his cultivation level was upgraded from the first level of Jindan to the second level of Jindan a few years ago.

And that blond young man is a golden elixir monk from the Canglan Bihai Sect. His cultivation level is at the fourth level of the golden elixir. In the early years, when Ling Pengyun was still practicing the Explosive God Forging Technique next to the master Bishui of the Canglan Bihai Sect, this person came to him. He had gone to Bishui Island to buy several third-level spiritual objects from the talisman maker Bishui Zhenren, and Ling Pengyun became familiar with him.

In his early years, this person used a golden elixir to break through. Because the golden elixir contained too many impurities and he had no other opportunities, when he broke through the golden elixir, he condensed only the inferior golden elixir.

Therefore, even though he relied on Canglan Bihai Sect, the great sect of Yuanying, his longevity was about to be exhausted, and his cultivation level was only at the fourth level of the Golden Core.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that although this person looks young, he is actually over 400 years old and is already an old man. The reason why this person can maintain such a young appearance is only because of his lack of respect for appearance. I was more careful and took some elixirs such as Zhuyan Dan.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanjin, I really can't stand what you say. It's really a luck for me to be able to break through in cultivation."

"By the way, why is Daoist friend stationed at the small entrance to the secret realm in the Dragon Scale Shark Sea?"

"It turns out that the one stationed here is not fellow Daoist Kuishui?"

After Ling Pengyun exchanged polite words with Master Yuanjin, he looked at the valley behind Master Yuanjin. When he didn't notice the aura of his old acquaintance Kuishui Laoji, he curiously asked Master Yuanjin.

"Although Senior Sister Kuishui's cultivation is not as high as mine, she is only at the third level of the Golden elixir. However, Senior Sister Kuishui entered the Golden elixir decades before me. Now she has not long left. As early as sixteen years ago, that is, Yun When Fellow Daoist Hong left the sect, he resigned from the duties of stationing at the entrance of the valley."

"He then traveled around, going to the human realms in the boundless sea, and used a special method of detecting children's spiritual roots to search for suitable successors."

Master Yuan Jin said carefully.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun frowned slightly.

"The road is ruthless! There will be one less person I know on this road."

At this time, Master Yuan Jin also noticed Yan Siyi, the foundation-building perfection cultivator who was following Ling Pengyun.

When he saw Yan Siyi's angry face, he frowned and asked Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I have never seen this fairy in the sect. Why did you bring an outsider here?"

Ling Pengyun explained to avoid misunderstanding.

"This is my wife. Senior Lei Yun from your sect is in charge of the fourth-order thunder-inducing formation in Breaking Pill Peak. He once promised me that if anyone around me can try to break through the Golden Pill, he needs to find spiritual objects. When you are going through a thunderstorm, you can come to him and borrow the thunder-inducing formation."

When Master Yuan Jin heard the name "Master Lei Yun", his brows suddenly relaxed and he thought to himself.

"I didn't expect that this person also has friendship with Uncle Lei Yun."

After coming back to his senses, Master Yuan Jin became even more enthusiastic. He greeted Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, welcomed them into the valley where the entrance to the secret realm was, and sent them into the secret realm.

Thanks to: Book Friends 20210301106541322356, Book Friends 20230219003551989, Tianyu Book Fairy, Sky Cloud, Fairy Sword, Blasphemy, Uh-huh Lulu, Iron Blood Army Soul 21, Mo Twenty-six, Book Friends 20171005163108762, Cherish, Book Friends 20191804000639783, wolf pack The poster, Jixiang Ruyi, and Labor and Capital jumped up and it was a monthly ticket.

Thanks to book friend 20210422235241584 for the 100-point reward to Ling Yunhong

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