Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 563: Spiritual Attack Method (3200 words, please subscribe)

When he returned to Podan Peak, he already had two more yellow-leafed classics in his hands.

He then handed one of the yellow leather classics to Yan Siyi and added another sentence.

"My little friend, the inheritance of the third-level spiritual chef is precious. Our sect can only give you the inheritance of a third-level low-grade spiritual chef for the time being."

"My little friend, after you become a third-level low-grade spiritual chef and come to our sect, I can give you the inheritance of a third-level middle-grade spiritual chef. If you inherit the third-order upper-grade spiritual chef, you need to become a third-order middle-grade spiritual chef."

"I hope you don't have any intentions, little friend!"

Yan Siyi had already expected this. The third-level alchemy inheritance given to her by the clan leader Ling Yunhong could only be obtained one by one according to such rules.

Naturally, the reason why the sect does this is to allow people like Yan Siyi, who have received benefits from the sect, to return to the sect more often, strengthen their connection with the sect, and be bound to the sect.

"Senior, you are joking. If the sect can give me the spiritual chef inheritance for free, it is already a blessing for me."

After Yan Siyi took over the inheritance, she said politely.

Master Lei Yun nodded and handed the other classics in his hand to Ling Pengyun.

"Little friend Ling, this book is a spiritual attack method created by a very talented ancestor of our sect thousands of years ago."

"This method is called the God-Locking Chain. Once used, it can temporarily lock the enemy's spiritual consciousness, making it difficult for them to use their spiritual consciousness for a short period of time."

"However, the ancestor of our sect was already old when he created this method of attacking with spiritual consciousness. In the middle of creating this method, he ran out of life and passed away."

"This also makes this spiritual consciousness method incomplete."

"Of course, although this method is incomplete, it can be used. However, its effectiveness is only 30% of the power of ordinary spiritual attack methods. It can barely pose some threat to those with the same strength of spiritual consciousness."

"I hope this divine consciousness attack method, the Divine Chain, can be of some help to you, little friend."

"Of course, little friend, you can pass on this method to your clan members, but you need to see clearly the people's character before passing it on. Otherwise, if this method spreads too widely and falls into the hands of your clan's enemies, you who have no spiritual defense will be affected. For monks who follow the law, it is tantamount to harming themselves."

"At the same time, I also heard that you changed the sect's Canglan Blue Sea Technique, which made the spiritual power and aura cultivated by this technique very different. I think you also have the talent to modify the technique. I hope that in the future, you will This method of divine knowledge can be perfected.”

"If this can be accomplished, our sect will give you a spiritual defense method."

Ling Pengyun's eyes suddenly lit up. Although the God-locking chain spiritual consciousness attack method given by Master Lei Yun was incomplete, it was enough to be a timely help for the Ling family who had mastered the Explosive God Forging Technique.

In the early years, Master Bishui gave the Ling family the Explosive God Forging Technique, but the Explosive God Forging Technique was also incomplete. It was just a cultivation method, and it did not record any spiritual attack or defense methods.

But now, the Ling family has this incomplete God-locking chain method. The Ling family monks can also use the powerful spiritual consciousness acquired from the Explosive God-forging Art as a basis to perform this God-locking chain method, greatly improving their combat power.

Of course, over the years, Ling has also searched for methods of spiritual attack such as the God Locking Chain.

It's a pity that such precious methods never appear on the market, and are mostly hidden away by those big forces as treasures.

Without much hesitation, Ling Pengyun immediately took over the method of practicing the Divine Chain and agreed to the deal proposed by Master Lei Yun.

"Thank you to the sect for giving me the treasure. I will definitely do my best to perfect this method, junior."

Upon seeing this, Master Lei Yun was also satisfied, and waved his hand to chase away the people.

"I like peace, so I won't talk to you any more."

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi both knew what Master Lei Yun meant. After bowing to Master Lei Yun, the couple left Podan Peak together and returned to Bishui Island.

Coincidentally, this time I bumped into Wang Ying, who takes some time every day to rush to Podan Peak to watch Yan Siyi break through the golden elixir.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also informed her of the good news that Yan Siyi had successfully entered the golden elixir.

Wang Ying regards Yan Siyi as one of her own, and she is also happy for Yan Siyi, her younger sister.

Afterwards, the three of them returned to Bishui Island to celebrate.

It's a pity that their master Bishui Zhenren has never left seclusion. Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi rushed to attend the Muyuanfang City auction in the "Muyuan Sea Area", so it was difficult for them to stay on Bishui Island for longer.

After celebrating with Senior Sister Wang Ying, Ling Pengyun and his wife left the sect's secret realm.

After half a month.

Deep in the secret realm, sitting in front of the desk in a bamboo study room on Bishui Island is a middle-aged scholar with a scholarly temperament, holding a blue talisman pen tightly and slowly placing it on a piece of talisman paper placed on the desk. Draw out a series of spiritual patterns.

As time goes by, there are more and more runes on this spiritual talisman, and the intensity of the spiritual power it emits becomes stronger and stronger.

However, the Confucian scholar who drew the spiritual talisman became more and more difficult, and he even took three third-level spiritual power-restoring elixirs during the process.

After a while, when the scholar's spiritual power was about to be exhausted, he finally sketched the last stroke of this talisman.

This spiritual talisman also flashed with strange light at this moment, and an aura that far exceeded the third level, but was weaker than the fourth level, suddenly spread out from the spiritual talisman.

The Confucian scholar who was holding the talisman pen tightly saw this scene and raised his hand to touch the sweat on his forehead. There was a slight disappointment on his pale face due to excessive spiritual energy consumption.

"It is indeed very difficult to refine a fourth-level spiritual talisman with a Jindan level of cultivation."

"However... this quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman has 30% of the power of a full-strength attack by a first-level Nascent Soul cultivator. The power is not bad. Once this talisman is released, even a Jindan perfect cultivator may not be able to easily block it."

"If I can refine a few more attacking spiritual talismans of this quality, after a few decades, my chances of breaking through the Nascent Soul in the outside world will be a little greater."

After coming to his senses, the scholar thought of something, waved his hand and sent out a spiritual power to open the door of the training room, took a communication talisman that fell outside the door, and carefully looked at the small words written on the communication talisman.

After a while, the scholar's face also showed a bit of joy.

"I didn't expect that Peng Yun's wife could also enter the Golden Core. Peng Yun is so lucky. He will have an extra helper on his path in the future."

"This is a good thing!"

"And I will try to break through the Nascent Soul realm a hundred years later, and I will also have an extra help."

Thinking of this, the middle-aged scholar frowned.

This middle-aged scholar is the master of the Bishui Island, the "Bishui Zhenren" of the ninth level of the Golden Core.

And he had to wait until a hundred years later to try to break through the Nascent Soul. The main reason was that Bishui Zhenren was waiting for a 700-year-old fourth-level lower-grade "Five Elements Spirit Fruit" produced by the fourth-level lower-grade Five Elements Spirit Tree of the Canglan Bihai Sect to mature.

Thinking a lot, Bishui Zhenren took back the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman, closed his eyes, and recovered his spiritual power.

After his spiritual power recovered, he took out the precious third-level upper-grade talisman paper again and began to draw the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman.

Half a month later.

In the boundless sea area, the immortal cultivation world, the Muyuan sea area, in the Muyuan market.

A middle-aged man with green hair, wearing the Taoist robe of the Muyuan Immortal Sect and carrying a scent of elixir, followed the main road of the market and entered a cave area deep in the market.

Finally, the middle-aged man with green hair stopped outside a cave with rich spiritual energy, which was enough for Jindan cultivators to practice, and knocked on the door of the cave.

After a while, the door of the cave was opened, and a young man with a fairy-like appearance and a young woman with a good figure and beautiful face walked out together.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man with green hair looked at the young man with a fairy-like appearance and couldn't help but raise a touch of envy on his face.

However, this look was fleeting, and he also raised a kind smile on his face and said.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, Madam Ling, our sect will hold a medium-sized auction in this market every thirty years for ten days. Now it is the tenth day, and it is time for the final auction. Would you like to go together? I have reserved a private room at the auction."

The young man with a fairy-like appearance and the beautiful young woman are Ling Pengyun and his wife.

A month ago, after they left the Canglan Bihai Secret Realm, they came to this Muyuan Market and entered the first-class cave that Muyuan Xianzong gave to Ling Pengyun in the early years to wait for the auction to begin.

The middle-aged man with green hair is "Jiamu Zhenren", a good friend of Ling Pengyun who has known him for many years.

"Of course, Brother Mu will personally go to inform us that the auction has started."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"No problem." Jiamu Zhenren waved his hand.

Afterwards, he and Ling Pengyun and his wife walked along the road to Muyuan Auction House.

The Muyuan Auction House is a three-story building. The first floor has the largest space. Except for a round table in the middle, the rest of the space is filled with chairs.

The second and third floors are private rooms.

At this time.

In a luxurious private room on the third floor of the auction house.

Ling Pengyun was sitting on a reclining chair, looking at the situation inside the auction house through a transparent light curtain built by the power of the formation at the front of the private room.

Now, although the auction has not started, the 100,000 chairs on the first floor of the auction house are already full of cultivators.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but sigh at the prosperity of the Muyuan market.

At this time, Jiamu Zhenren, who had a serious face before, asked his friend Ling Pengyun with a smile.

"Brother Ling, do you know how many Jindan Zhenren came to my Muyuan auction this time?"

Ling Pengyun's curiosity was immediately aroused, but he looked at Jiamu Zhenren's boastful look and immediately laughed and scolded.

"Brother Mu, if you want to talk, just say it. When did you become so talkative?"

"You really don't understand romance. I don't know how your wife likes you."

Jiamu Zhenren was not angry. Instead, he insulted Ling Pengyun and then said with a smile.

"This time, there are fifteen Jindan monks in my Muyuan Auction House."

"With such a number of Jindan monks, there must be a few who are short of elixirs. The quality of the third-level elixirs I put on the auction this time is good, and I guess they can all be sold at a good price."

"After this auction, I'm afraid I will make a lot of money again."

Jiamu Zhenren looked at Ling Pengyun proudly.

Ling Pengyun saw this and said with a little joke. "Then Brother Mu, you have to treat me to a meal."

"I won't. I'll have fun by myself." Jiamu Zhenren was waiting for this sentence, and he laughed.

Yan Siyi, who was standing aside, was also amused when she heard this and laughed twice.

"Then I will use your name as the master of the Teleportation Hall to eat and drink for free in Muyuan Market!"

"Anyway, many people know about our friendship."

"It shouldn't be a big problem for me to cheat a few hundred spirit stones to eat."

Ling Pengyun said shamelessly.

"You...!" Jiamu Zhenren pointed at Ling Pengyun angrily.

"Hahaha!" Ling Pengyun laughed three times.

Afterwards, the three chatted for a few more words, and the auction began.

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