Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 565: The extremely powerful Muyuan Baodan (3200 words, please subscribe)

After a while, the auction ended with a top-grade third-grade water-bearing sword.

Many of the Jindan who came to the auction came specifically for this sword.

The sword was therefore sold at a high price of 1.18 million spirit stones amid the scramble of the crowd.

The auction was thus concluded, but just as everyone was leaving.

The Jindan Perfection Muyuan Xianzong cultivator who presided over the auction suddenly transmitted a message to the more than ten Jindan in the auction venue.

"Next, Yang Qiu from Muyuan Xianzong, Taoist name Huoyang."

"My fellow Taoists, I intend to hold a spiritual object exchange meeting. If there are Taoist friends who are willing to participate in this meeting, they can stay."

"However, participants must at least bring out three third-level spiritual objects for exchange."

"And if there are Taoist friends who are not interested in participating in this spiritual object exchange meeting, they can leave at will."

In a private room on the third floor, Ling Pengyun and his wife, who were about to get up, heard this, paused for a while, looked at each other, and sat back on the chairs in the private room.

The Jiamu Zhenren who was in the private room also stayed.

After half an hour, when the rest of the Qi training and foundation building cultivators in the auction venue had left, the Jindan Perfection cultivator of Muyuan Xianzong who presided over the auction saw that many Jindan were willing to stay, but only a few Jindan had no aura and seemed to be leaving, and he also raised a look of expectation on his face.

Then, he took out six medicine bottles in succession, and poured out a green pill with bright spiritual light and extremely smooth aura from each of them.

"These six are all Mu Yuan pills refined by me personally, three of which are of the third-level middle grade, and the other three are of the third-level upper grade."

"In addition, their quality is all superior. I think you all know what the effect of this quality Mu Yuan pill is."

"My six pills are only exchanged for living third-level spiritual fruit trees, spiritual bamboos, and spiritual trees."

After listening to the introduction, Ling Pengyun, who was in the private room on the third floor, immediately raised a touch of excitement on his face.

Mu Yuan Dan is a unique pill of Mu Yuan Xianzong. It can only be refined with the Mu Yuan spiritual fruit produced by the Mu Yuan fruit tree, the spiritual tree of Mu Yuan Xianzong, and several other high-level spiritual materials as the main materials, and hundreds of spiritual medicines as auxiliary materials.

However, this pill is extremely rare because it mainly requires the wood element fruit, which can be used as a golden elixir, and many third-level spiritual medicines. Even in the nearly 100 years of the Muyuan Market, only ten third-level Muyuan pills have been left.

And most of them are only third-level low-grade Muyuan pills.

Even the price of ordinary third-level Muyuan pills is ten times the price of ordinary pills of the same level, and the price of superior Muyuan pills will be three times more expensive.

The price of superior third-level middle and upper-level Muyuan pills is as high as 80,000 and 120,000 spiritual stones respectively on the market.

The price of ordinary third-level middle and upper-level cultivation-type Juyuan pills is about 6,000 and 10,000 spiritual stones respectively.

Of course, the expensive Muyuan pills are also extremely powerful.

The superior quality third-level middle and upper-level Muyuan pills can at least increase the spiritual power of the sixth and ninth-level Jindan cultivators by 30%, which is enough to save the cultivation time of the middle-level Jindan cultivators for decades.

"If I can get a Mu Yuan Dan of this quality, I'm afraid it won't take several years for me to break through to the third level of Jindan."

"It's just a pity that this requirement is too harsh."

As he thought about it, Ling Pengyun frowned when he thought of the conditions for exchanging spiritual objects that "Huo Yang Zhenren" had mentioned before.

Although the superior third-level middle and upper-grade Mu Yuan Dan are precious, the living third-level spiritual fruit trees, spiritual bamboos, and spiritual plants of spiritual trees are even more precious. They are equivalent to a gold mountain. As long as time is available, you can continuously obtain benefits, and this kind of third-level spiritual plants are several times rarer than the same-level spiritual medicines.

Even for the Ling family, currently only the yellow jade spiritual fruit tree that can produce Jindan spiritual objects has reached the third level.

Ling Pengyun was naturally reluctant to take out the treasure tree.

However, many of the other Jindan cultivators participating in the auction have just encountered bottlenecks, and they need the help of Mu Yuan Dan.

Immediately, a cultivator who had been stuck at the bottleneck of the sixth level of the Golden Core for more than 50 years gritted his teeth and called out.

"I have a third-level low-grade Fire Cloud Pine, but I want the six third-level middle- and high-grade Wood Yuan Pills in your hand."

When the Taoist master Huoyang, who presided over the call meeting, heard someone bidding, his expression suddenly became happy.

The Fire Cloud Pine Nuts produced by the third-level low-grade Fire Cloud Pine have the same effect as the cultivation pills, and these pine nuts are most suitable for those who mainly practice fire-related exercises. Those who practice fire-related exercises can increase their effectiveness by about 10%.

However, he did not agree immediately.

Instead, he bargained. "My six Wood Yuan Dan are worth about 600,000 spiritual stones in total, and your Fire Cloud Pine is worth only about 500,000 spiritual stones at most even if it is put on major auctions."

"If you are willing to make up the difference of 100,000 spiritual stones, I am willing to facilitate this transaction with you."

The sixth-level Jindan cultivator who took out the Fire Cloud Pine hesitated for a few breaths and agreed to this matter.

Then, the cultivator first delivered the 100,000 spiritual stones to the hands of Huo Yang Zhenren through the transparent light curtain formed by the formation in the private room on the third floor, and added another sentence.

"I didn't bring the Fire Cloud Pine with me, but it is where I live. Afterwards, you can go with me to get it, but you must first make a heavenly oath not to attack me in any way."

Master Huoyang immediately agreed to the matter, and then made a decision that if Huo Yunsong's story was true, he would not attack the monk in any way.

At the same time, he was not stupid. He did not directly hand over the six bottles of third-level middle and high-grade Mu Yuan Dan to the sixth-level golden elixir monk who had not shown up. Instead, he put it into his storage bag first and waited for the Huoyun Song. Will take it out.

Afterwards, Master Huoyang took out three bottles of third-grade low-grade Mu Yuan Dan of ordinary quality.

"These six bottles of third-level low-grade Muyuan Dan, second-level spiritual trees, spiritual fruit trees, and spiritual bamboos can be exchanged. If you have them, please bid as soon as possible."

Ling Pengyun's expression suddenly showed a hint of excitement when he heard this. Although the third-level low-grade ordinary-quality Mu Yuan Dan is weaker than the six Mu Yuan Dan that appeared earlier, the third-level low-grade Mu Yuan Dan is not weak either.

One is enough to save him more than ten years of training time.

He immediately said excitedly.

"I will exchange five second-grade low-grade clear water bamboos and fifteen second-grade low-grade black steel trees for two third-order low-grade Muyuan Dan!"

Ling Pengyun had purchased three second-grade low-grade Qingshui Lingzhu from Muyuanfang City more than ten to twenty years ago. After passing through Ling Pengyun, a second-grade high-grade spiritual planter, and Ling's second-grade mid-grade spiritual plant garden With the blessing, those three Qingshui Lingzhu trees have multiplied many Qingshui Lingzhu in the past twenty years.

Among their descendants, five spiritual bamboos have been promoted to the second-level low-grade realm.

The black steel wood that Ling mentioned this time was searched by Ling from the Baiyun Linghu clan's territory in the early years. At that time, a dozen second-level black steel trees were found. After Ling's cultivation, those black steel trees were The number of steel trees has multiplied to over a hundred, of which twenty-three have been upgraded to the second level.

Although the five second-grade low-grade clear water spiritual bamboos and fifteen black steel trees are not spiritual plants that can produce greater benefits such as spiritual fruit trees, their prices on the market are also low. One clear water spiritual bamboo, black steel wood, etc. Steel wood is probably only worth about three thousand spiritual stones.

However, there are a lot of them. In this way, the twenty spiritual plants total 60,000 spiritual stones.

The price of the two third-level low-grade Muyuan Dan is about 60,000 spiritual stones.

Seeing that the price was right, Old Taoist Huoyang agreed to the deal, and agreed through sound transmission that within three years, Ling Pengyun would bring the twenty spiritual plants to Muyuanfang City, and then he could get the two pieces. Third level low grade Mu Yuan Dan.

Subsequently, the four bottles of Mu Yuan Dan in the hands of Old Taoist Huoyang were also exchanged for second-level spiritual trees by other Jindan monks.

After all, second-order spiritual trees are more common than third-order spiritual trees, and it is normal for a Jindan master to have one.

"The spiritual objects I want to exchange have been exchanged. If other colleagues want to exchange any spiritual objects, they are free to do so."

After saying that, the real Huoyang who was standing on the auction stage on the first floor of the auction house called an auction house maid to bring a chair and sat on the chair, looking extremely leisurely.

at the same time.

In a private room on the third floor, Master Jiamu, who had never spoken, looked at Master Huoyang and suddenly murmured.

"It turns out that fifteen years ago, Senior Brother Huoyang spent so many contribution points to exchange for two third-level Mu Yuan Spirit Fruits. This was to refine Mu Yuan Pills and use the pills to exchange for Spirit Fruit Trees today."

"It seems that with Senior Brother Huoyang's appearance, he is probably really determined to establish a family."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun and his wife immediately cast a curious look at Master Jiamu.

"Fellow Daoist Jiamu, where did these words come from?" Ling Pengyun asked.

"Senior Brother Huoyang and I are both alchemists of the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect, and we have some interactions. Therefore, I know a thing or two about Senior Brother Huoyang's experience."

"My senior brother is also a legend. He has the qualification of three spiritual roots. This kind of qualification is really common for me. Therefore, after he joined our sect, he became a handyman in our sect."

"However, this senior brother has only been in the sect for more than ten years, but he has shown extremely high talent in alchemy and has been appreciated by our sect's fourth-level alchemy master Qingyuan Zhenjun. After completing the path, my senior brother reached the perfection of the golden elixir."

"It's just a pity that although Senior Brother Huoyang entered the Golden Core Perfection, he was already over three hundred years old when he entered the Golden Core Perfection. He missed the best age to try to break through the Nascent Soul, and there is no hope of the Nascent Soul in this life."

"Otherwise, if Senior Brother Huoyang can enter the Nascent Soul, our sect might be able to gain another fourth-level alchemist."

"And it is precisely because of the hopelessness of the Nascent Soul that my senior brother began to marry and take concubines to reproduce. I guess this senior brother also did not want to leave any trace when his life span was exhausted and turned into a trace of loess. It’s like I just walked away in this world in vain.”

"Or maybe this senior brother puts his hopes for Nascent Soul on his descendants."

"At the same time, there are also rumors within the sect that Senior Brother Huoyang has exchanged the sect's contribution points for a third-level mid-grade spiritual vein in the Raging Whale Sea under the sect."

"It's just that Senior Brother Huoyang has never established a family, so this matter has not attracted the attention of the sect."

At this point in his sermon, Master Jiamu seemed to have some insights, and said with a slight sense of powerlessness.

"...Hundreds of years later, when I realize that...I have no chance to break through the Nascent Soul, Senior Brother Huoyang...I will use the rest of my life to build, Give your wishes for the path to future generations!”

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, as family monks, also agree with this view.

Most cultivating families in the world of cultivating immortals come from this way.

As Ling Pengyun's good friend, Master Jiamu also comforted the somewhat touched Master Jiamu.

"Brother Mu, you are in your prime. With your talent, you still have a chance to break through to the Golden Core Perfection before you are 300 years old."

After hearing this, Master Jiamu felt a little better and he also smiled at Ling Pengyun.

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