Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 569 Six Pills Worth Three Hundred Thousand Spiritual Stones (2600 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun, who had been watching, was secretly shocked.

"The two brothers, Jinsha and Tusha, are indeed fierce warriors who have fought hard and have extraordinary fighting power."

"I am afraid that the two of them, when working together, are enough to fight against the fifth or even sixth level of Jindan."

After coming to his senses, he called out to his wife Yan Siyi beside him.

"Madam, it will take time for Senior Huoyang and Brother Mu to arrive. We should not watch them, lest the two Jinsha and Tusha escape."

After saying that, his expression moved slightly. He wanted to sacrifice the Bihai Chongyuan Orb, but when he thought that Huoyang Zhenren, a high-level member of the Muyuan Immortal Sect, was about to arrive, he stopped thinking about it.

Instead, he raised his hand and sacrificed only the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp and the Yugui Long Banner.

The Burning Yuan Magic Lamp relied on the Red Gold Bear Clan's counterattack on the Baiyun Mountains more than ten years ago, absorbing a lot of Jindan monster souls. Now its grade has been restored to the third-grade middle grade.

The large area of ​​burning Yuan Zhen Fire transformed by the lamp also became hotter. Once it appeared, the temperature around it increased several times.

The large area of ​​burning Yuan Zhen Fire was also very fast. It quickly surrounded the Jinsha Zhenren in the distance and directly forced out the defensive magic weapon of Jinsha Zhenren.

As for the long banner of controlling ghosts, Ling Pengyun had comprehended the third-level refining inheritance he had searched for from the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan several years ago, and collected a full nine pounds of third-level lower-grade Yinhun Spirit Silk. He tried to recast it twice, and finally succeeded in the second recasting of the banner.

The grade of this banner was therefore upgraded to the third-level lower-grade realm.

At the same time, the cultivation of the six evil ghosts in the banner was also helped by hundreds of thousands of demon beast souls. Two of them had resisted the thunder tribulation with the help of Ling Pengyun and entered the first level of Jindan.

The other four also had strengths that were stronger than the perfect foundation building, weaker than the Jindan, and equivalent to the pseudo-dan realm.

As soon as the six ghosts appeared, they gathered together and turned into a huge evil ghost that was 40 feet tall, like a small mountain, covered with animal skin, and had reached the second level of Jindan.

This evil ghost gathered a huge Yin Qi sword with Yin Qi, and then raised the sword to kill the Tusha Zhenren who was a physical cultivator in the distance.

Yan Siyi took out her life magic weapon, the Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot, which she had upgraded to the prototype level of a magic weapon more than ten years ago.

If it weren't for the fact that the spiritual kitchen technique "Mandarin Duck Kitchen Divine Technique" she practiced was an incomplete foundation-building technique, Yan Siyi didn't have the Jindan chapter in her hand, and it was difficult to master the third-level refining spiritual pattern for refining the Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot. Otherwise, given that Yan Siyi had integrated dozens of kilograms of fire-related treasure iron into this pot over the years, this pot would have been upgraded to the third-level magic weapon by her.

However, this pot was of extraordinary quality because it had melted too much third-level precious iron. The flames of the spiritual pot flashed, and precious fires in the shape of mandarin ducks rushed out of the pot and killed the powerful Jinsha Zhenren.

Therefore, the mandarin duck precious fire transformed by the pot was extremely powerful and would not be weaker than the ordinary third-level true fire. Jinsha Zhenren, who had been forced to use his defensive means, was beaten to a miserable state at this moment, and his face became much darker.

"That couple is only at the first or second level of Jindan cultivation, how can they be so strong."

After more than ten breaths, Huoyang Zhenren, who had completed Jindan, also drove a flying boat with Jiamu Zhenren.

In front of Huoyang Zhenren's powerful strength, the two brothers Jinsha and Tusha, who only had the fourth level of Jindan cultivation, had little resistance at all, and were easily killed by the precious fire transformed by Huoyang Zhenren's third-level upper-grade Sun Treasure Furnace.

Afterwards, Master Huoyang looked at the two ashes that the brothers Jinsha and Tusha had been burned into, raised his hand and took all the unburned property on their bodies, and murmured.

"In this way, I can get a few more points for building my family's assets."

He also raised a bright smile on his face, and then he flew through the void to the side of Ling Pengyun and his wife, said a kind word to them, and then took out five bottles of pills from the storage bag on his waist and threw them to Ling Pengyun.

"My two friends sacrificed their lives to act as bait for me this time to attract the brothers Jinsha and Tusha. I am really grateful."

"These are the pills I promised to give you after you succeeded."

Ling Pengyun was delighted when he heard this, and immediately took the six medicine bottles, opened them one by one, and poured out six bright pills from them.

Two of the six pills were two third-grade lower-grade Mu Yuan Dan that Ling Pengyun exchanged for twenty second-grade lower-grade spiritual trees at the exchange meeting a year ago.

The other four pills were a third-grade middle-grade Mu Yuan Dan and a third-grade middle-grade miasma-breaking treasure pill "Zhaohua Ziyun Dan".

This Zaohua Ziyun Dan can help cultivators in the early and middle stages of the Golden Core break through bottlenecks. For some cultivators who have experienced bottlenecks, it is a priceless treasure.

Two third-grade upper-grade healing treasure pills, "Yi Mu Huashang Dan", which are said to be able to keep a person alive as long as there is life, and are effective for spiritual consciousness, foundation injuries, and meridian injuries.

When he realized that the quality of these pills was not bad, Ling Pengyun's face became even happier.

These pills are worth a lot of money, and can even be said to be extremely expensive.

The two Mu Yuan Dan are worth at least 60,000 spiritual stones on the market.

The third-level intermediate-grade Wood Yuan Pill, which can increase the spiritual power of a mid-stage Jindan cultivator by 30%, is worth 60,000 spiritual stones on the market.

The price of the third-level intermediate-grade miasma-breaking treasure pill "Creation Purple Cloud Pill" is 30% more expensive than the rare pill of the same level, Wood Yuan Pill, and is worth 80,000 spiritual stones.

The efficacy of the two Yimu Huashang Pills is several times that of ordinary healing pills of the same level. The materials used to refine them are also rare. Moreover, their comprehensive efficacy makes them almighty healing pills, which are even rarer on the market.

On the market, one Yimu Huashang Pill is worth at least 50,000 spiritual stones.

Two pills are worth 100,000 spiritual stones.

The total value of the six pills is 300,000 spiritual stones.

The prices of common third-level lower, middle, and upper-grade cultivation pills are 3,000, 6,000, and 10,000 spiritual stones each.

The reason why Taoist Huoyang would easily hand over such expensive pills to Ling Pengyun was that this was the condition he bargained with Ling Pengyun and his wife half a month ago to lure the two brothers Jinsha and Tusha.

In this way, Taoist Huoyang, who wanted to establish a family recently but lacked resources, could establish a good reputation and execute the two brothers Jinsha and Tusha on the spot.

Even if this matter is spread in the future, it will not affect the reputation of Taoist Huoyang and the "fair" Muyuan Xianzong behind him.

And the origin of all this is all due to the auction held once every thirty years a year ago.

Although there were many spiritual objects in that auction, there were still many cultivators who did not buy what they wanted, or there were cultivators who were tempted by the money.

As a result, there were many cultivators like the two brothers Jinsha and Tusha who became evil cultivators, making the sea area around Muyuanfang City extremely chaotic in the past year, which has affected the safety issues around Muyuanfang City and the reputation of the market.

Taoist Huoyang and other Jindan in Muyuan Xianzong were also ordered to take the cultivators to patrol the area around Muyuanfang City to deter the villains.

It was during a patrol of the area around Muyuanfang City that Taoist Huoyang, with his huge divine consciousness of Jindan perfection, noticed the two brothers Jinsha and Tusha who were secluded on a deserted island hundreds of miles away from Muyuanfang City.

At that time, Taoist Huoyang was also puzzled by this, and even used his spiritual sense to search the deserted island carefully, but he did not find any special spiritual objects on the deserted island.

There was no spiritual vein on the deserted island.

In association with the reputation of the two brothers, Jinsha and Tusha, he probably guessed what the two brothers were going to do.

Then, he began to wait quietly in the dark.

Look at the two brothers, who are thinking about the property on the golden elixir.

Until the last one or two months, most of the outside golden elixir in Muyuanfang City had left, leaving only Ling Pengyun and his wife.

In addition, the couple bought the Double Dragon Sea Covering Formation for 780,000 spiritual stones at the auction.

He also determined that the targets of the two brothers, Jinsha and Tusha, were the couple, and then he found the couple and planned to kill the two brothers, Jinsha and Tusha.

"Thank you for the elixir!"

Ling Pengyun bowed to Taoist Huoyang and thanked him.

"These pills are what you two deserve."

The Taoist Huoyang was very satisfied with Ling Pengyun's attitude, and he also said something with a smile.

Ling Pengyun and his wife were satisfied with the various pills worth 300,000 spiritual stones, and they did not want to overestimate their own abilities and compete with the Taoist Huoyang, who had achieved the perfection of the golden elixir, for the rest of the property on the Jinsha and Tusha.

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