Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 583: Fierce Young Man Ling Wanliang (Additional chapter for the reward from Future Wupan)

And this young man is none other than Ling's long-established genius alchemist "Ling Chengxin".

After nearly a dozen years of the family's dedicated cultivation of his alchemy skills, coupled with his already strong alchemy talent, he has made great progress in alchemy.

As early as five years ago, he had raised the success rate of the second-grade superior Juling Pill, Huichun Pill, Huiling Pill and other elixirs to more than 30%, becoming a veteran alchemist.

In the past five years, he has been comprehending the Little Bailing Water.

However, the difficulty of refining the Little Bailing Water is extremely high, and it is only a few percentage points lower than refining the third-grade elixir.

Even though Ling Chengxin has a great talent for alchemy and the materials given by the family are not small, it took five years in a row until today, and he has only raised the success rate of refining this thing to 30%.

Even so, he was able to raise the success rate of refining the Little Bailing Water to 30% in just five years, which is also a shocking thing for ordinary alchemists.

It is very difficult for an ordinary veteran second-class top-grade alchemist to refine Xiaobai Lingshui.

Among ten veteran second-class top-grade alchemists, if one can increase the success rate of refining this thing to 30%, it is considered good.

This is also the reason why second-class foundation-building spiritual objects such as Xiaobai Lingshui are rare in the territory of Yan State.

Ling Chengxin has achieved his current achievements at the age of 70 or 80, and he has great potential in the future.

In the past ten years, his cultivation has also reached the seventh level of foundation-building.

In the Ling family, Ling Chengxin is currently known as the family's golden elixir seed together with Ling Pengqiu, the "master" of Lingxiao Market.

"Calculating the time, it is the end of the month, and I can watch the third-class alchemist Yun Hong Zuye refine the third-class elixir again."

Ling Chengxin stood up happily, walked out of the alchemy room, and knocked on the door of the next door meditation room.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the quiet room. Ling Chengxin then used his spiritual sense to explore it. When he saw that there was no one in the quiet room, he frowned.

Then, he went straight to the cave hall. As he guessed, there was a letter placed neatly on the small table.

After opening the letter and reading it carefully, Ling Chengxin sighed helplessly.

"It seems that it is impossible to force this child to concentrate on the alchemy path."

"We still have to find another one... Forget it, we should select a few more clansmen with alchemy talent to train, so that they can avoid being like Wan Liang, the idiot, who didn't want to be a good alchemist, but insisted on being a warrior, which made the young generation of the family alchemy have no one to inherit, alas!"

The Wan Liang he mentioned was the clansman with alchemy talent who was sent to him by Ling Pengyun more than ten years ago.

At first, Ling Wanliang did show a good talent for alchemy. Although not strong, he had a high probability of becoming a second-level alchemist.

But who would have thought that Ling Wanliang did not like alchemy at all. Instead, he loved to fight with monsters, seek the pleasure of life and death, and comprehend the way of cultivation.

On weekdays, he often sneaked out of Dihuo Island and went to the four islands full of monsters around the War Spirit Island where the family war hall was located, to practice with monsters, and rarely made alchemy.

This also made his alchemy level progress slowly.

More than a decade later, this child is still only a first-level middle-grade alchemist.

For ordinary alchemists, this may be good, but in Ling Chengxin's eyes, this speed of progress in the way of alchemy is really a waste of Ling Wanliang's alchemy talent.

However, Ling Wanliang's cultivation level progressed quickly. After more than a decade, his cultivation level has been raised to the sixth level of Qi training.

You know, he is just a cultivator with four spiritual roots.

The reason why he improved so quickly was that the Ling family had a lot of resources. The most important thing was that when this person broke through, he did so quietly between life and death.

This was also the real reason why Ling Wanliang loved to fight with monsters.

Ling Chengxin sighed lightly, and then controlled a flying boat to fly away from the Earth Fire Island.

At the same time.

Lingxiao Thousand Star Lake.

Not far from the "War Spirit Island", the headquarters of the War Hall, a fierce battle was taking place in a valley with a spiritual vein in the inner area of ​​a monster island where countless monsters were imprisoned.

A young man with a strong figure, a high nose tip, a very oppressive look, and a fierce face was controlling a green stove the size of a washbasin, constantly summoning green flames from it and hitting a red-haired fire wolf not far away.

The red-haired fire wolf was also extraordinary in strength, and it transformed into fire shields to resist the incoming green flames.

Moreover, the fire wolf still had a lot of energy to spit out fireballs to fight back.

This also put the fierce young man at a disadvantage.

However, the fierce young man was really fierce. When he saw that the situation was not right, he directly used the family's "Blood Burning Technique" to burn the blood in his body crazily, raising his cultivation level from the sixth level of Qi training to the seventh level of Qi training.

With enough cultivation, the flames he summoned from the green furnace were several times more, and the temperature of the flames was much higher.

He even had some spare consciousness, so he took out a first-class flying sword magic weapon and hit it directly.

In just a few moves, he turned the situation around and turned to suppress the seventh-level fire wolf.

However, he was just suppressing it.

This incident also made the fierce young man's face look a little solemn for the first time.

"Even though I have two first-class magic weapons and my cultivation has reached the seventh level of Qi training, it is still difficult to kill it. This is rare."

"This wolf may be extraordinary. It has the same attribute as me, so I can catch it and show it to the second-class beastmaster Lin Fan on the family's Spirit Beast Island to see if there is any potential for training."

"If this wolf has potential, and I happen to have no spirit beasts, I can tame it."

"But this wolf is already vicious. Even if the family's beast taming method is profound, it still needs to be scared to prevent it from rebelling."

"Only in this way can I make plans to tame it in the future."

Thinking of this, the fierce young man actually performed a secret method of burning spiritual power again, which raised his cultivation level by another level, reaching the eighth level of Qi training.

However, the improvement in cultivation brought about by the continuous use of two desperate methods is not a good thing.

He only improved his cultivation, but his meridians and Dantian were not improved. The huge spiritual power flowed through his meridians, which immediately made his meridians swell.

A slight pain came with it.

However, this person did not care. Instead, a trace of excitement appeared on his face. He looked at the fire wolf with a little bit of abnormality, just like he often used multiple desperate methods in succession.

"It has been several months since I felt the pain in my meridians. I miss it a little."

"You little wolf, let's see if I can beat you today."

After saying this, he slapped the storage bag on his waist again, summoned a first-grade high-quality magic weapon from it, and then pinched the formula to cast a fire shield around his body, and then urged a furnace and two swords to besiege the fire wolf of the seventh level of Qi training.

Although the fire wolf was protected by five fire shields, it could not last long in the face of such a powerful attack.

Within a few dozen moves, the fire shields around him were broken one after another. Even though the wolf activated the fire shields very quickly, it could not catch up with the speed of being broken.

A trace of despair suddenly surged into the heart of the fire wolf.

After a few more moves, the fierce young man who had been standing at the back laughed inexplicably and took out a black iron stick from somewhere.

Then, the man suddenly burst out with a speed comparable to that of a monster of the same level. In an instant, he crossed more than ten feet and killed in front of it. He hit it in the waist with a stick and whipped it directly away.

Before it could react, another stick came.

The fierce young man also laughed wildly while hitting it, and sent it the idea of ​​whether to surrender or not through the special beast control method with his mind.

As a ferocious wolf, how could it surrender to a monk?

Just when it wanted to scold the monk.

Another stick came, this time it hit its head directly.

A powerful foot also stepped on its head, pressing its head firmly to the ground.

Its eyes were rubbed by the sand and soil so that it could not open at all, and it could only feel the pain from the constant beatings on its body.

As for the humiliation of being stepped on the head by the monk, it had long forgotten it.

"Hahaha, do you accept it or not, do you accept it or not, if you don't accept it, I will beat you to death, little dog..."

The fire wolf, trapped in long-term pain, had lost its ferocity. It only felt that its body was in pain, really painful, and two drops of water flowed from the corners of its eyes.

A wailing sound also came out of its mouth.

The perverted and fierce young man heard this and laughed a little louder.

"The voice is too low, haha, I can't hear it, you beg me louder, otherwise, I will beat you to death."

"Ahhh!" The fire wolf was scared, it was really afraid of death.

It really wanted the fierce young man to kill it with a sword, but the young man just hit it with a stick. The injury was not fatal, but it was very painful.

It immediately lost its vitality and wailed louder.

"That's better. My name is Ling Wanliang. Remember your grandfather's name. When you see me, bow your head and call me grandfather, otherwise I will beat you with a stick."

The fierce man laughed twice, threatened the fire wolf, and then stopped the stick in his hand.

Then he shot out a spiritual power, knocked the fire wolf unconscious, and put it into a beast bag.

After a few breaths, the fierce man's breath suddenly fell back, and he returned to the sixth level of Qi training, and even his breath became a little weaker.

He looked at the beast bag with the fire wolf on his waist weakly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, this bastard is timid, otherwise, if it had held me back for a few seconds, I would have had no choice but to knock it out."

"But it's okay, my majesty has planted a seed in its heart."

"In the future, it will bear fruit."

He smiled and said a few words, then slowly walked out of the valley, took out a flying spirit beast in the early stage of Qi training, rode on it, and returned to the family spirit beast island.

And this person is naturally the fool "Ling Wanliang" who does not practice the way of alchemy and only loves to walk the way of war in Ling Chengxin's mouth.


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