Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 606 Peng Qiu enters the Golden Elixir (3000 words, please subscribe)

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the four seasons rotate.

This autumn was a good year.

The cultivators who planted a large number of spiritual rice had a good harvest.

Except for a little spiritual rice left for their own consumption, the rest of the spiritual rice would be sold and converted into spiritual stones.

This move also made the markets in various parts of Yan State bustling.

Ling's Lingxiao Market, which was opened in the "Lingxiao Ridge" area within the Baiyun Mountains, was one of the largest markets in Yan State. At this time, it was naturally very lively.

Compared with the bustle in the market, the top of the spiritual mountain where Lingxiao Market was located was extremely quiet.

However, in such an important place, there was a fire python that was seven or eight feet long, covered with fish-like red scales, with a finger-length sharp horn growing on the bulge on its head, and exuding the aura of a dragon.

If someone with some knowledge, they would find that this fire python has achieved a half-dragon body, and is a fire dragon python.

This fire dragon python was perched beside the gate of a cave with a plaque with the words "Qiu Yan" on it, and it seemed to be guarding this cave.

And the cave guarded by this python was naturally not an ordinary cave.

The spiritual energy in this cave was extremely rich, especially the spiritual energy in a training room at the deepest part of the cave, which had reached the extreme.

It faintly reached the spiritual energy produced by the third-level spiritual vein.

In addition, there was an old monk in this training room with a dignified face, as if he was in a high position, with white hair, wrinkles on his face, and wearing a Taoist robe with flame patterns. He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged here to absorb spiritual energy for cultivation.

I don’t know how long it took, but the middle-aged monk’s body was full of spiritual light, and a faint sound of breaking came from his dantian in the abdomen.

His breath also rose rapidly in the next moment, reaching the state of perfect foundation building.

When the strange phenomenon stopped, this person also opened his eyes.

He felt the changes of the second breakthrough to the perfect foundation building realm in his life, and a touch of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"It was a wise move to switch to the Fire Cloud Treasure Book in advance when building the foundation."

"This treasure book is worthy of being a Yuanying technique. The spiritual power cultivated by this technique is indeed pure, and even has some solidified spiritual power. With the help of these spiritual powers, it is indeed as recorded in the technique, and the chance of entering the golden elixir can be increased by at least half."

"In this way, with the pure spiritual power cultivated by the Fire Cloud Treasure Book, plus the two golden elixir spiritual objects that Brother Pengyun has found for me in recent years, the magic pill and Xuantianshui, and the breath of good fortune that Brother Pengyun gave me in the early years, and the help of the seventh-level Explosive Forging God Technique, I have at least a 50% chance of entering the golden elixir realm."

"The golden elixir has hope."

Although the effect of the magic pill is the same as that of the golden elixir, this thing is used by the demon cultivators after all. If the righteous cultivators take it casually, it will cause the demonic energy to enter the body.

Only with some secret techniques can the righteous cultivators use it safely.

This will also damage the efficacy of the Demon-forming Pill, reducing its efficacy by half, and can only increase the probability of the cultivator breaking through the Golden Core by 15%.

And this majestic man is the owner of Lingxiao Market, "Ling Pengqiu".

He had already raised his cultivation to the perfect foundation-building realm more than ten years ago.

Through the Explosive Forging God Technique that can increase the strength of the spiritual consciousness, he also had the spiritual consciousness of the Golden Core realm early, so that he had the opportunity to try to break through the Golden Core.

But at that time, because the family helped Yan Siyi, a cultivator who reached the perfect foundation-building realm faster, to enter the Golden Core, the Golden Core spiritual objects in the family were also consumed, and there were no other Golden Core spiritual objects to help Ling Pengqiu enter the Golden Core realm.

To be on the safe side, the family asked Ling Pengqiu to wait for a few more days, and when the family got enough Golden Core spiritual objects, they would help him enter the Golden Core.

Ling Pengqiu naturally agreed to this.

He knew his own situation. If he broke through the Jindan realm alone, even with the help of the Qi of Good Fortune and the Explosive Forging God Technique, there was only a 20% chance of breaking through the Jindan realm.

This probability was too small, and he was not sure that he could successfully enter the Jindan realm.

As for the breakthrough, he would naturally take it as steady as possible.

After all, the Jindan realm was already a great road for ordinary cultivators.

What's more, Ling Pengqiu's life span was short. Even with the help of Ling Xiao's Renewal of Fate, he only had one chance to break through the Jindan realm.

Once he missed it, he would watch his limited life span run out in this life.

It would also disappoint the family that invested a lot of things to enhance his life span to extend his life.

Then, when he had nothing to do, Ling Pengqiu thought about the family's fire-based Yuanying technique "Fire Cloud Treasure Book".

It was recorded in the classics that practicing this technique could have extremely pure spiritual power, reduce the difficulty of breaking through the Jindan realm, and increase the probability of condensing the Jindan by half.

With such benefits, and the fact that he could not obtain the golden elixir spiritual objects for the time being, he resolutely switched to practicing the Fire Cloud Treasure Book.

After spending more than ten years, he finally raised his cultivation to the perfect state of foundation building today.

After his thoughts returned, Ling Pengqiu slowly stood up, left the practice room, and left the cave.

The fire dragon python that was entrenched outside the cave gate was startled and woke up.

When it saw that its master Ling Pengqiu had come out of retreat, it actually opened its mouth and spoke human words.

"Congratulations to the master for his successful practice of the practice."

This fire python was the fire python that Yan Siyi gave him in his early years, which had already turned into a dragon.

After many years, this fire python was tamed by Ling Pengqiu, a powerful cultivator, with both kindness and force.

In addition, this fire python has long been transformed into a half-dragon body with the help of Ling Pengqiu, the master who spared no expense to search for various spiritual objects related to dragons, and has the potential far beyond the same level of monsters.

In the future, it can at least enter the late stage of foundation building, and even perfect foundation building is not difficult.

Ling Pengqiu smiled and said something.

"Take me back to the territory of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake to find Grandpa Yunhong."

The fire python nodded slightly, and then took off into the air with spiritual power as the source.

Ling Pengqiu then jumped on the back of the dragon and rode on it to fly in the air.


One year later.

The boundless sea area cultivation world.

Canglan Bihai secret realm, under Podan Peak.

Ling Pengyun, who looked like an immortal, looked up at the top of Podan Peak with a nervous expression.

It was not until a golden elixir aura spread from the top of the mountain and black calamity clouds gradually gathered in the sky above the Podan Peak that his heart finally settled down.

A look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"As long as Peng Qiu uses the formation of Podan Peak to survive the thunder calamity, my Ling family will also have as many as four golden elixirs."

"By then, in terms of the number of golden elixir cultivators, only Bailingmen can suppress my Ling family, and if the golden elixir demon corpses are counted, my Ling family's golden elixir combat power is enough to be called the best in Yan State."


"It's not a dream to dominate Yan State in the future!"

Just when Ling Pengyun was happy, the master of Podan Peak, "Leiyun Zhenren", who was sitting on a huge rock not far from him, was also startled by the strange phenomenon of Podan Peak. He looked at the calamity clouds that kept gathering in the sky of Podan Peak, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"The Ling family has produced another Jindan!"

"In just forty years, four Jindan have been produced in succession?"

"With this momentum, it will be no problem for them to become the old-fashioned Jindan power within a hundred years."

"The luck of the Ling family is a bit too strong."

"Perhaps the future of the Ling family... is not limited to the Jindan power!"

"It's a pity that my life span is only a few decades, and it's difficult for me to see such a scene. It's a pity!"


Three days later.

The calamity cloud in the sky of Podan Peak also fell the ninth thunder calamity. After the calamity cloud turned into a piece of nectar and fell, it dissipated in the smoke.

Not long after, a figure flew out of the mountain and landed in front of Ling Pengyun.

This person was Ling Pengqiu, who had just broken through the Jindan realm. After entering the Jindan realm, he also received a gift from heaven and earth, and his life span was extended by three hundred years.

The old appearance on his body also dissipated in the smoke.

Now, he has turned into a middle-aged appearance, and the white hair on his head has also turned black.

Only his fierce and majestic temperament remained unchanged.

He bowed to Ling Pengyun with a grateful look on his face.

"My dear brother, I will never forget your kindness in achieving enlightenment today. My life will belong to you in the future. As long as you give me an order, I will do my best to help you."

He knew that the Demon-forming Pill and Xuantian Water he took when he broke through the Jindan realm recently were obtained by Ling Pengyun at various risks.

Especially when he heard that Ling Pengyun had fought with Bailing Zhenren, who was at the eighth level of Jindan, for the Xuantian Water, which forced Bailing Zhenren to give in, he was even more shocked.

He couldn't help but sweat for Ling Pengyun at that time.

Ling Pengyun smiled when he heard this.

"Pengqiu, no need to say more, brother is in my heart."

Ling Pengqiu nodded solemnly, then turned around and bowed to the Jindan Perfection strongman Leiyun who slowly stood up from a huge rock and walked over to express gratitude.

"Thank you for borrowing the formation in the mountain to help me resist the thunder tribulation."

Leiyun waved his hand and invited him.

"You and I have a deep connection, so there is no need to thank you for such a small matter."

"My friend Pengqiu, now that you have entered the Jindan realm, I wonder if you are willing to join our sect as a guest elder like the other Jindan of your clan? Help our sect resist the Holy Demon Sect?"

"If you are willing, you can choose a Jindan technique or the third-level Hundred Arts inheritance from our sect."

Ling Pengqiu had already heard about this from Ling Pengyun and other Jindan in the clan.

The Canglan Bihai Sect helped him resist the thunder tribulation, and was grateful to him. Moreover, this sect had a deep connection with his family. As the family's golden elixir, he had already had a cause and effect relationship with the Canglan Bihai Sect.

Under such circumstances, he naturally would not refuse this matter, and he agreed immediately.

"It is my honor to be a guest in your sect."

"I have the Jindan technique, but I am ashamed that I have not mastered any of the Hundred Arts."

"Can I choose a third-level spiritual plant inheritance and give it to my brother?"

"My brother is very talented, and his talent in spiritual plants is extraordinary. However, my brother is limited by the lack of spiritual plant inheritance, which has caused him to be stuck in the second level and difficult to improve. This is really a pity."

"I hope you can approve this."

Ling Pengyun, who was standing aside, had already known about this. Before Ling Pengqiu entered the Jindan stage, he learned that the sect would invite the cultivator to join the sect and reward him with inheritance after he entered the Jindan stage. Ling Pengqiu had already expressed his intention to get a third-level spiritual plant inheritance for Ling Pengyun to help him reach a higher level in spiritual plants.

Spiritual plant inheritance is extremely rare and has powerful effects. Ling Pengyun wanted to get it early, but it was a pity that this inheritance was extremely rare.

No one owns either the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, the old-fashioned Jindan demon clan that was earlier plundered by the Ling family, or the Wanshou Sect and other forces.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun looked at Master Leiyun with expectation, hoping to get Master Leiyun's approval.

But Master Leiyun hesitated after hearing what Ling Pengqiu said.

Ling Pengyun had a strong talent for spiritual plants, which he had known for a long time.

After all, when Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong first entered the sect, they had been questioned by the Great Array of Questioning the Heart.

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