Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 614: Han and Qiu become relatives (fourth update, please subscribe)

Han Feng nodded lightly and said with satisfaction.

"Okay! Thank you so much, Fellow Taoist Baishan."

"I happen to be planning to return home from Muyuanfang City, and I happen to be on the same road with you, so I will take you on a ride."

Qiu Baitian, Qiu Mingyue and others, who had just experienced a life and death crisis, all looked happy when they heard this.

They are also a little afraid of encountering monsters again on their way back to their families.

In addition, Han Feng's cultivation level was so high that it was easy to harm them, so there was no need for such trouble. They all jumped on Han Feng's spaceship with peace of mind.

Han Feng also rushed to the sea area where the Qiu family of the Jindan family was in the next moment.

However, after flying about half a stick of incense, a flying boat flew towards Han Feng's flying boat.


Qiu Mingyue, who was on Han Feng's flying boat, looked at a very steady-looking middle-aged monk standing on the flying boat that showed off the pressure of the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and called out with a smile.

Immediately, she left the flying boat and rushed forward.

The same is true for Qiu Baitian and other Qiu family monks.

"Mingyue, what happened just now?"

"Why are you on top of that fellow Taoist's flying boat?"

Qiu Mingyue's father, Qiu Baiqian, who was in the middle stage of foundation building, asked Qiu Mingyue doubtfully.

Qiu Mingyue also narrated what happened not long ago.

"That's right!"

Qiu Baiqian suddenly realized, and then he expressed gratitude to Han Feng.

"It turns out to be Han Feng, the clan leader of the Han clan. He was disrespectful just now."

"I am Qiu Baiqian, the twenty-fifth elder of the Qiu family."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for saving my only daughter and the members of my Qiu family."

"The appearance of monsters on the sea route is really the fault of our Qiu family. I will personally inspect this sea route later. This situation will definitely not happen again in the future."

Han Feng waved his hand and said. "You're welcome, fellow Taoists, it's just a little effort."

Qiu Baiqian smiled and said.

"I remember that fellow Taoist entered the foundation building more than 20 years ago. It has only been more than 20 years ago. I didn't expect that fellow Taoist has entered the third level of foundation building. I'm afraid it won't be long before fellow Taoist will... We have entered the middle stage of foundation building, and I am truly envious of this speed of cultivation."

Han Feng said humbly. "It's just a fluke. Hundreds of fellow Taoists are just joking."

"Since I have hundreds of Taoist friends to protect my noble daughter and noble clan, I won't stay any longer. There are still some matters in the clan."

After saying that, Han Feng flew the flying boat under his feet and quickly rushed towards Guiling Island.

Qiu Baiqian, who was still there, fell into deep thought as he looked at Han Feng's leaving figure.

"According to family information, the Han family's roc bird spirit beast that protects the clan has now reached the ninth level of foundation building. This level of strength is already pretty good."

"According to the family information, the Peng bird spirit beast has extremely strong vitality. It is probably inevitable that the Peng bird will reach the completion of foundation building in this life. Maybe the Peng bird will have a chance to attack the golden elixir."

"Looking at the smoothness of Han Feng's cultivation, it doesn't look like he was improved by spiritual objects. From this point of view, this person's qualifications are probably extraordinary, and he may have a chance to enter the late stage of foundation building in the future."

"The supreme elder of this clan named Ling Pengshan has reached the advanced stage of foundation building."

"Thinking about it now, the Han clan is not weak. No wonder, this clan was able to destroy the two foundation-building forces on Turtle Island within a few decades of rebuilding, thereby occupying a large area of ​​land and rebuilding the glory of the ancestors."

"If the Han family can be won over, it might be a great help to the family. If we treat our family like this... Ten or twenty years later, when we are really going to fight the Yanshan Bai family and the Jinlin Huang family, Zhu Zhi The number of monks in the foundation period can also be sufficient."

"It's just that it's extremely difficult to win over such neutral forces, and the price you pay must be quite high."

After returning to his thoughts, Bai Qiushan stared at the sea road in the direction of Muyuanfang City, with a few fierce lights flashing in his eyebrows.

"This time, our Bai family has always had a safe sea route, but there is a monster clan in the sea in the Foundation Establishment Realm. There must be someone behind it."

"I'm afraid it's the Yanshan Bai family or the Jinlin Huang family who spied on our clan's spiritual land and wanted to take advantage of the monsters to kill our monks."

"These two tribes really deserve to die."

"In the future, when our clan prospers again, we must seek justice for the dozens of people who died tragically in accidents in recent years."

It is no longer the case that Qiu family members are attacked by monsters when they go out.

For this reason, the Qiu family lost dozens of Qi Practitioners.

There were even two Qiu family members who died inexplicably while out building the foundation. No reason could be found out afterwards.

But the top brass of the Qiu family knew that this must have been done by the Yanshan Bai family and the Jinlin Huang family, which were both members of the Jindan influence.

It's just that Qiu Baiqian miscalculated this time. The appearance of the foundation-building monster on the Qiu family's sea route was really not the fault of the Bai family and the Huang family, but the Han family.

Only half a month after the incident, Qiu Baiqian took his only daughter "Qiu Mingyue" with a gift and landed on Guiling Island to thank Han Feng again.

At the foot of the Han clan mountain, in the guest reception hall.

Han Feng waved his hand and opened the storage bag given by Qiu Baiqian. Suddenly, a large number of spiritual objects poured out.

Just by glancing at it, Han Feng saw that there were as many as twenty second-level elixirs, and even a low-level second-level formation.

There are many other first-level spiritual objects.

According to his estimate, these spiritual objects are worth at least five thousand spiritual stones.

"Fellow Taoist Bai Qian, what are you doing?"

Although Han Feng, the man behind the scenes, knew what Qiu Baiqian meant, he still pretended not to know and asked Qiu Baiqian who was giving the gift.

"The gift I gave you this time is really because I want to thank Han Feng for saving my daughter."

"Secondly, my daughter fell in love with you, fellow Taoist Han Feng, after she saw you saving people with your sword last time."

"I don't know, friend, do you think my daughter is okay?"

Qiu Baiqian felt a little more satisfied with Han Feng when he saw so many spiritual creatures and could still maintain his calmness. Then, he pointed at the shy Bai Mingyue standing behind him. He said with a smile.

Bai Mingyue couldn't help but steal a few glances at Han Feng at this moment, fearing that Han Feng would refuse.

Although what her father said about her love for him was false, she did have a good impression of Han Feng. At least Han Feng was the first outsider who made her feel good.

Moreover, Han Feng has good qualifications, will achieve great achievements in the future, and can help the family.

If she could form a Taoist partner with this person, she would be very willing.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Qian... the name Mingyue Immortal is also extremely famous in the surrounding sea areas."

"Fairy Mingyue, it is truly an honor for me to be able to fall in love with you."

"It's just that this is a little faster?"

Han Feng said with a serious look on his face.

"Don't rush into getting married. You can cultivate it slowly. As long as you two are devoted to each other, it's fine."

Seeing that Han Feng did not refuse, Qiu Baiqian said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist Baiqian...Uncle Qiu Clan is right."

Han Feng pretended to hesitate, and after a few breaths, he nodded lightly, with a touch of joy on his face. He also took this opportunity to change his name for Qiu Baishan.

"Hahaha, since Taoist friends are called clan uncles, I will not be polite to call you little friends."

Qiu Baishan laughed.

"It's natural."

Han Feng said.

"My little friend, please put away these spiritual objects."

"There are still some things in our clan, little friend Han, so Mingyue will be taken care of by you."

After saying that, Qiu Baishan stepped out of the hospitality hall and flew away from this place.

Han Feng was also a seasoned man. After seeing Qiu Baishan off, he took the initiative to take Qiu Mingyue to wander around the beautiful and fun places on Guiling Island, chatting and joking, making Qiu Mingyue smile.

After this set of procedures, Qiu Mingyue became more fond of Han Feng.

After that, in just six months, the two reached the final step and became Taoist couples.

After that, the Han family also had more business dealings with the Qiu family, the Jindan family behind Qiu Mingyue.

The relationship between the two forces gradually deepened, and the two forces also intermarried with each other.

The Han family has also become a veritable kin of the Qiu family.

This day.

The top of the Han clan mountain.

Ling Pengshan, with a steady look on his face, stood here, looking towards the direction of the Shanhaiqiu family residence, and murmured.

"Now that the marriage has been completed, all we have to do is wait for time to pass. When the Qiu family's 470- to 80-year-old fake elixir ancestor runs out of life in ten or twenty years, That’s when my Ling branch is dispatched.”

Thanks to: Guard Linhao, Book Friends 2021030176520521618, Book Friends 20220913101220929, Sui Sui Niannian, Book Friends 20220913101220929, Book Friends 20190421134212267, Book Friends 20220326160608999, Weifeng Qingliang’s monthly pass

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