Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 626 Yuanying Realm? (Subscribe)

At this time.

A desolate sky at the border between Yan State and Chen State.

Among the five bloody ghosts, the current leader of the Blood Evil Sect, the Blood Evil True Man, who has the perfect cultivation of the Golden Core, looked at the ten demon corpses that appeared and was even more puzzled.

"Is this Ling family a demon sect lurking in the righteous forces?"

"Looking at the demon corpses taken out by the people of the Ling family, there are indeed some shadows of the Yuanying Demon Sect and the Yumo Sect."

The Yumo Sect is one of the three Yuanying Demon Sects in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, and it fights by controlling demon corpses.

It is rumored that this demon sect even has a top-notch method of refining demon corpses that is 20% to 30% stronger than the powerful cultivators such as sword cultivators.

Thinking of this, the Blood Evil True Man also showed a bit of fear between his eyebrows.

Then, he spoke to Ling Pengyun, the head of the Ling cultivators in the distance, in a veiled voice.

"Fellow Daoist, are you from the Yumo Sect?"

"You killed a Jindan demon corpse of mine, and you are still trying to get close to me here. Do you think I am sick, or you are sick?"

"Bury my demon corpse with me."

Ling Pengyun roared.

He pinched his hands, and the eight Jindan demon corpses that had just been summoned all roared and echoed in the sky.

Infinite demon energy immediately spread out from their bodies, turning this battlefield into a gloomy demon domain.

This place suddenly felt like a demon god descending to the world.

The wild beasts in Wanli were even more frightened and fled.

The eight Jindan demon corpses also stepped into the void in the next moment, turning into eight gloomy winds and disappearing instantly.

Among them, the two Xuanbing giant whale demon corpses with a cultivation level as high as the late Jindan stage directly attacked the Blood Evil True Man who had turned into a six-armed blood ghost, and helped the two red gold dark fire corpses temporarily resist the Blood Evil True Man.

The other six demon corpses in the early and middle stages of the Golden Core, in cooperation with Ling Pengyun's Bi Hai Chong Yuan Baozhu and other magic weapons, all besieged the weakest blood ghost in the early stage of the Golden Core among the five bloody ghosts.

The battle between these demon corpses and the blood ghost was completely a fight between barbarians, with fists hitting flesh and blood.

The blood ghost in the early stage of the Golden Core was unable to resist after a few moves when faced with so many demon corpses and magic weapons. The solid blood armor made of blood on its body was also directly broken.

A black ice giant whale demon corpse took the opportunity to bite off half of the blood ghost's body.

The blood ghost howled in pain, and its body exploded and retreated hundreds of feet.

Then, the ghost slapped the storage bag on his waist, took out several glass bottles from it, and poured all the blood of mortals and cultivators in them into his mouth.

Under the blessing of the blood, the missing half of its body suddenly appeared like countless blood-red insects, constantly intertwining together.

However, in the blink of an eye, the missing half of the Jindan early stage blood ghost was restored to its original state.

"The blood-sucking secret method of the Blood Evil Sect is indeed strange, but the mere Jindan early stage cultivation is really not enough."

Ling Pengyun saw this scene and raised a sneer on his face.

Then he pinched his hands, and the six demon corpses besieging the Jindan early stage blood ghost suddenly became more ferocious, and their attacks became more fierce.

Even if the Jindan early stage blood ghost relied on the blood-sucking method, it was difficult to resist for a while. After only dozens of moves, the blood ghost was torn into two halves by the sharp claws of a humanoid demon corpse.

But even so, the blood ghost still had a breath.

In order to prevent the ghost from using blood to rebuild its body again, Ling Pengyun commanded the demon corpse to split the rest of its body into pieces.

Then, he relied on the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp to absorb the soul of the Jindan Early Stage Blood Ghost. He was relieved. He also raised his hand to collect all the corpses of the Jindan Early Stage Blood Ghost. He also ordered the six Jindan Demon Corpses that had made contributions to help Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi to besiege a Jindan Middle Stage Blood Demon Sect Jindan Demon Cultivator.

At this time, the "Blood Demon True Man" who was temporarily blocked by two Red Gold Nether Fire Corpses and two Jindan Late Stage Mysterious Ice Giant Whale Nether Fire Corpses also discovered the tragic death of his disciples. His face was full of countless anger.

He even made strange and weird noises from his mouth.

"Xueyuan nephew!"

"Ling family... you are very good!"

"Today, my Xuesha Sect will definitely destroy you damned people."

After the Xuesha True Man roared at Ling Pengyun, a huge blood energy suddenly burst out from the blood ghost body he transformed into, and his cultivation was constantly strengthened.

In just a moment, he entered the realm of pseudo-infant.

A huge red blood energy suddenly spread out from his body and directly eroded the demonic domain formed by the demonic energy gathered from the demon corpses of the Ling family.

Even some of the thin spiritual energy floating around was swallowed up.

The scorching sun in the sky was directly covered by the blood energy and had long disappeared.

In just half a breath, the whole world seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Countless bloody smells carrying the breath of death hit everyone's face, causing everyone to shudder.

Ling Pengyun even found that the blood and qi around him were now slowly blending into his spiritual power, making his spiritual power gradually thicker and slower in his body, which somewhat affected the speed of his spiritual power.

This situation made Ling Pengyun's face change drastically.

"Is this... a domain that only Yuanying Zhenjun can master?"

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not right.

It is said that the domain of Yuanying Zhenjun is at least equivalent to a trap array. Once you enter it, it is difficult to get out unless you enter the Yuanying realm.

And the ten thousand feet of blood and energy boundary that the Blood Evil Master used did not have any trapping methods, and it could be easily broken through.

This ten thousand feet of blood and energy could only affect the combat power of the cultivators at most, and this method could barely be regarded as a prototype of a domain.

"It seems that this Blood Evil Master has an extraordinary understanding of the Tao, at least much stronger than the cultivator Xuanyang Laodao who is also a golden elixir perfect."

"Maybe this person is a hundred years younger and has a chance to enter the Nascent Soul realm."

"These demon cultivators who can cultivate to the highest realm are indeed not simple."

Ling Pengyun looked at the Blood Evil Master who was a golden elixir perfect in the distance, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

Then, he waved his hand to take out the Fire Dragon Shield, propped up a huge fiery red light curtain to protect himself, Ling Yunhong, Yan Siyi and the other three, and since then isolated the invasion of the surrounding blood and energy.

Bailing Master and other cultivators also used defensive means to protect themselves, and obviously they also noticed the strangeness of the blood and energy around them.

However, the effect of the blood energy around is more than that.

Compared with Ling Pengyun and others who used means to isolate the blood energy, the Blood Evil True Man, whose cultivation level has been raised to the pseudo-infant realm, and the remaining three Jindan demon cultivators of the Blood Evil Sect, are like fish in water in this blood energy.

Their strength has increased by at least 10%.

Even more, their speed has increased by double or even several times.

The three Blood Evil Sect demon cultivators in the middle and late Jindan stages are not so bad. After all, they are still in the Jindan realm. Ling Pengyun and others have many means of attack, and the three demon cultivators can hardly change anything with their speed.

But the Blood Evil True Man, whose cultivation level has been raised to the pseudo-infant realm, directly used his speed to get rid of the attack methods of Ling Pengyun and others.

Without waiting for everyone to react, the Blood Evil Master turned into a bloody light, carrying a bloody aura, and rushed to a Jindan three-layer steel red gold dark fire corpse that was resisting him, waving the six strange claws, hitting the Jindan three-layer red gold dark fire corpse, tearing it apart.

After the Blood Evil Master succeeded in one blow, his ferocity increased greatly, and his blood aura became even stronger. He also killed the lowest-cultivated Jindan six-layer steel dark fire corpse among the remaining three demon corpses.

However, the Jindan six-layer steel dark fire corpse was not an ordinary demon corpse. It relied on a body that was as hard as a third-level middle-grade magic weapon, and its strength was enough to be comparable to a Jindan seven-layer cultivator. In addition, the two Jindan late-stage black ice giant whale demon corpses around reacted and worked together to block it. Although they were suppressed by the Blood Evil Master, there were no major casualties in a short period of time.

But even so, Ling Pengyun was very distressed.

This battle did not yield any gains, but instead lost two iron and steel corpses that Jindan spent a lot of money to refine. This was a huge loss.

Even if this battle dragged on, there was a risk of losing the remaining Jindan corpses.

Ling Pengyun looked gloomy, looking at the Blood Evil Master who was about to rush towards a Jindan level 6 iron and steel corpse, muttering with endless hatred.

"Old Blood Evil!"

"Since you want to die, I will grant your wish!"

"Explode! "

Ling Pengyun made a hand seal, and two Jindan giant whale black ice demon corpses that were besieging a Jindan middle-stage demon cultivator in the distance quickly pounced on Xuesha Zhenren.

Just when the two Jindan middle-stage black ice demon corpses arrived, the two demon corpses, the Jindan sixth-level steel dark fire corpse that had blocked the old ghost Xuesha before, and the two Jindan late-stage giant whale black ice demon corpses all began to flash with magic light.

The knowledgeable Xuesha Zhenren saw this scene, his eyes trembled, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Not good!"

But before he could react, he heard five huge loud noises, and the world shook suddenly.

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