Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 631 The Beginning of the Division of Bailing Sect (3400 words, please subscribe)

Half a month later.

A black flying boat several dozen feet long flew into the Baiyun Mountains until it arrived at a second-grade upper-grade spiritual mountain in the territory of the Tayun Ridge. The flying boat then stopped and hovered in the sky.

The next moment, a figure flew out from the second-grade upper-grade spiritual mountain and stopped in front of the flying boat.

The figure of Ling Pengyun's brother-in-law Wu Yan appeared.

He called out to Ling Pengyun who was standing on the deck of the flying boat.

"Cousin Pengyun, all the disciples of our sect in this area have been evacuated, and this area will be handed over to your clan."

Ling Pengyun replied with a smile. "Thank you, brother-in-law."

"It's my job, no need to bother."

"By the way, the Jindan middle-stage Lei Yuan Dapeng who now occupies the third-level lower-grade thunder vein in the Tayun Forest is extremely ferocious. Basically, every ten days or half a month, he will lead his monsters to attack from the Tayun Forest to expand the territory, and even intend to take back the Tayun Ridge territory."

"We need to prevent this."

"It's best to leave a Jindan cultivator in charge of this territory, otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will inevitably cause unnecessary casualties, and even a large area of ​​territory will be taken away by the Lei Yuan Dapeng."

After saying that, Wu Yan took into account that Ling Pengyun was extremely murderous and good at refining demon corpses with the bodies of monsters. In order to prevent his cousin Ling Pengyun from causing trouble, he also made a special instruction.

"There is one more thing, cousin. That Thunder Yuan Dapeng is from the Thunder Yuan Dapeng clan, a fierce general under the Red Gold Bear clan. It is best not to kill that Dapeng, otherwise your clan will definitely be targeted by the Thunder Yuan Dapeng clan. It is okay now, but when the next monster rebellion comes, this clan will probably seek revenge."

"The next monster rebellion in our Yan country will be full of dangers. If the Thunder Yuan Dapeng clan targets your clan again, no matter how strong your clan is, I am afraid it will fall into danger."

"Cousin Pengyun, everything is stable. . "

"After that, I will stay in Xuanling Mountain, which has a third-level lower-grade spiritual vein in Xuanyang Mountain Range, in Xuanyang Sect's territory. It is not far from your Ling family's Lingxiao Mountains. I took your cousin to Xuanling Mountain some time ago. "

"A few days ago, your cousin told me that she hadn't seen you and Siyi, as well as Aunt Qiuyun, Uncle Xiaoshun, and Chengxia for several years. She missed you and asked me to tell you to bring Siyi and others to Xuanling Mountain more often. "

Wu Yan talked a lot and smiled at Ling Pengyun.

"Brother-in-law, we haven't chatted for several years. Why do you become so talkative? "

"However, it is true that I haven't visited cousin Siling for tea for several years. I neglected this matter. "

"By the way, brother-in-law, how is Xiaohong now?"

Ling Pengyun replied with a smile.

"I'm not nagging you. It's just that the Thunder Yuan Dapeng in this area is really difficult to deal with. If this Dapeng was like the Jindan poison frog that lives on the third-level giant crocodile island in your Lingxiao Qianxing Lake area, and practiced hard on the giant crocodile island all day long, and didn't go out to cause trouble, I wouldn't have to worry so much when I was in charge of this Tayunling area for these years."

"And Xiaohong is now practicing two secret methods of the sect to strengthen his physique and consciousness and increase his chances of breaking through the Jindan."

"The sect also promised Xiaohong earlier that they would find three Jindan spiritual objects for him. In addition, Xiaohong's wind spirit root has a 10% chance of entering the Jindan realm. It is estimated that Xiaohong will be able to enter the Jindan realm in the future."

"The only thing that worries me is your cousin. Your cousin is now over 140 years old. Although she entered the state of perfect foundation building several years ago, she was interrupted for decades because of the birth of Xiao Hong in her early years, which delayed her progress in comprehending the sect's method of tempering meridians and spiritual consciousness."

"So far, she has only comprehended the two methods to the fifth level. It is probably difficult for Madam, who is only a few years away from breaking through the limit of the golden elixir at the age of 150, to make greater progress in these two methods."

"Under such circumstances, when your cousin tries to break through the golden elixir, it will be difficult for her to use the blessing of the two methods. If she wants to break through the golden elixir, , and can only rely on golden elixir spirit objects. "

"Golden elixir spirit objects are hard to find. One is easy to say, you can get it through the sect channel, but if there are multiple golden elixir spirit objects, even the sect will not have them."

"I thought of being more cautious, hunting a powerful golden elixir monster, and then using a golden elixir spirit object searched by the sect, let your cousin use the golden elixir spirit object to assist in refining the monster beast golden elixir and achieve the realm of false elixir."

"Cousin Pengyun, the cultivation method of the lady is gold, and the sect and I don't have this kind of monster golden elixir on hand. The strength of the other golden elixir cultivators in the sect is not strong. Only the sect master is stronger, but the sect master is busy. In addition, I will not hide You, the sect leader, have some estrangement with me and my father. I am afraid he will not help me hunt a higher-level golden elixir monster, so as to prevent me and my father from having another golden elixir master. "

"In this case, I would like to ask you, my cousin, to help kill the golden elixir monster."

"Cousin, are you willing to help me and your cousin?"

"Of course, I will not let you suffer any loss in this matter. Afterwards, I will use the market price of the monster's golden elixir to compensate you with corresponding spirit stones and five third-level inferior defense talismans. The corpse of the hunted golden elixir monster will also belong to you, my cousin."

Wu Yan said with a slightly pleading look.

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly when he heard this, and he muttered to himself.

"It seems that it will not be long before the Bailing Sect will have factions again. Even if my clan cannot move the Bailing Sect in the future, I am afraid that the Bailing Sect will be uneasy inside."

"But... this is a good thing. At least the faction of brother-in-law Wu Yan and Ling Fu Patriarch can suppress the people of Bai Ling Zhenren's faction."

Then, he looked at his brother-in-law Wu Yan. Seeing that he rarely asked for help, and the request was not big, he nodded without hesitation.

"Brother-in-law, it's easy to kill the golden elixir monster."

"Haha, I knew that cousin Pengyun was kind. Thank you for this." Wu Yan saw Ling Pengyun's response, and his face suddenly raised a bit of joy, and laughed.

"It's a small matter. After I deal with the affairs of the various territories occupied by my clan this time, I will go to Xuanling Mountain to find you, brother-in-law, and cousin Siling." Ling Pengyun said.

"Okay!" Wu Yan said.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Wu Yan left this place and returned to Xuanling Mountain in Xuanyang Mountain Range.

After watching Wu Yan leave, Ling Pengyun pointed at the second-grade high-quality sacred mountain under the flying boat, turned around and greeted a young man with yellowish skin, a resolute face, sharp eyes, and from time to time he exuded sharp sword intent, who had the third-level peak cultivation of foundation building and was wearing Ling's Taoist robes, and a young man with a square face, regular features, and a serious expression. He looked very serious, but was extremely steady, and his cultivation was perfect in Qi training.

"Wanchuan, there is a demon corpse of the early stage of the Golden Core in this storage bag. You need to use this demon corpse to deal with the safety of this area. The spiritual plants in the second-level upper-grade spiritual mountain here are also under your care."

"Cheng Shi, I have asked you to learn business with the family patriarch in your spare time during cultivation over the years. Now it's time for you to put your knowledge into practice. In the future, you will establish a branch in that spiritual mountain, and you will be in charge of all the miscellaneous matters and resource mobilization of this branch."

"In the future, the two of you will cooperate with each other. I hope that when I come next time, I can see a thriving Tayunling branch."

The Ling Wanchuan with the peak level of the third level of foundation building is the "spiritual plant genius" who was taken in by Ling Pengyun in his early years.

Now, he still has a lot of achievements in spiritual plants. Although his cultivation level is only the third level of foundation building, he has entered the second-level middle-grade level of spiritual plants early.

In addition, he also used the sword-infused technique to cultivate his second-level medium-quality spiritual plant, Qingshui Lingzhu, into a flying sword state.

He happened to have some talent in swordsmanship, and he had entered the swordsmanship long ago.

Now, he can also be regarded as a sword cultivator, and has a good strength in fighting.

He is also the only one among the "Six Sons of Ling Family" who can barely catch up with Ling Chengxia in terms of cultivation and strength.

Among the other members of the Six Sons of Ling Family, the three people who have good combat experience, Ling Wanduo, who has a talent for spiritual consciousness, Ling Wanxu, who is originally an alchemist but loves fighting, and the battle madman Ling Wanliang, who is a genius of demon corpse, and Ling Libing, the genius of beast control, are a little worse in cultivation.

Originally, the Ling family had only six sons. Later, because Ling Wanliang, the battle madman, was extraordinary and was valued by the family, he was also nominated to become one of the family's key disciples to be trained, and was shortlisted as one of the Six Sons of Ling Family.

Ling Chengshi is the son of Ling Pengshan, the master of the "Gui Ling Island Branch" of the Wubianhai Xiuxian World. Over the past 20 years, he has entered the realm of perfect Qi training by relying on the super talent of his two spiritual roots.

Now, he is comprehending the family's explosive forging divine art and a meridian tempering technique that the family found from Xuanyangmen to increase the probability of breaking through the foundation.

After he was brought back to the family by Ling Pengyun in his early years, Ling Pengyun not only gave him a lot of resources to let him concentrate on cultivation, but also specially arranged for the family elders who were good at business to teach him how to learn business.

Over the past 20 years, Ling Chengshi, who has a stable personality and some talent for business, has absorbed the experience of many elders early on.

Even in terms of business theory, he has long surpassed those elders in the family, only lacking practice.

Ling Wanchuan, who had reached the peak of the third level of foundation building, and Ling Chengshi, who had reached the perfect stage of Qi training, were happy to be given an important task by the family, but they could not help but feel as if they were carrying a huge stone, and the pressure in their hearts increased greatly.

After all, if they did not complete the tasks assigned by Ling Pengyun, their impression of Ling Pengyun would be greatly reduced in the future.

I am afraid that their path will not be supported by the family.

"Grandpa, my cultivation is only at the third level of foundation building. The gap between my cultivation and the initial stage of Jindan demon corpse you left in this storage bag is too big. If I control this corpse, I am afraid that the demon corpse will be in danger of devouring its master."

Ling Wanchuan looked at the storage bag in his hand with a worried look on his face and spoke first.

"Don't worry, kid. Although the Jindan Demon Corpse I gave you is the body of a demon beast, it retains nearly 70% of its intelligence. I have already set up restrictions in its sea of ​​consciousness. Once it devours its master, it will definitely die first. Besides, I have already threatened the Demon Corpse."

"With my control, the probability of this Demon Corpse devouring its master is not high."

Ling Pengyun smiled and comforted him. Then, he looked at Ling Chengshi, who had a worried and somewhat nervous face. He probably guessed why Ling Chengshi looked like that.

"Chengshi, you don't need to be nervous. Just follow the instructions of the elders of the family."

"This place is just your training place. You don't belong here."

Speaking of this, Ling Pengyun considered that there were still many Ling clan members around, and there were many people and eyes, so he changed to the way of voice transmission and said to Ling Chengshi.

"Brother Pengshan, I'm still waiting for you to return to Guiling Island in the boundless sea to help. In the future, the owner of that place... will also be for you."

"If you are not good at management, it will be difficult to manage that place."

"Do you want to watch the place where your father worked hard decline in your hands?"

Ling Chengshi, who was still a little nervous about whether he could manage the territory of Ta Yunling well, and planned to remove this post, heard this, his body trembled, and his eyes gradually became firm.

"Grandfather, I will definitely practice my management skills in this land of Tayunling."

The rest of the Ling clan around them heard the conversation between the two and thought that Ling Pengyun was planning to train Ling Chengshi to be the family's chief steward, the "Great Elder", so they did not speculate too much.

"You can teach a kid!" Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"Okay, you two, get off the flying boat. I'm going to send the rest of the tribe to the rest of the spiritual veins in Yunling."

Ling Wanchuan and Ling Chengshi nodded lightly, and after applying a light body technique one after another, they floated lightly from the flying boat to the ground like a gliding eagle.

Ling Pengyun commanded the flying boat under his feet, turned into a ray of light, and quickly flew away from this place.

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