Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 632: Violently killing the Lei Yuan Dapeng clan (2600 words, please subscribe)

A few days later.

In the Baiyun Mountains, deep in the territory of the Tayun Ridge.

There is a vast forest that stretches for more than 50,000 miles, full of vitality and many tall trees.

From time to time, you can see some birds flying out of it, or the figures of wild beasts passing by.

Even in the deeper part of the forest, there are occasional roars of monsters with a murderous aura.

It seems that this forest is extremely dangerous.

And even in such a dangerous place, there is a light of escape that slides across the sky without any concealment, breaking the tranquility of this place.

The sound of countless giant creatures stepping suddenly sounded from the vast forest.

However, these footsteps are getting farther and farther away from the light of escape.

If you have sharp eyes, you can see that there are countless monsters hiding in the dark. When they see the light of escape in the sky, they are like seeing a terrifying thing. With a look of despair on their faces, they quickly turn around and run to the depths of the forest for refuge.

"These monsters are becoming less and less vicious."

The light in the sky also stopped at this moment, revealing a young monk with a fairy-like appearance and wearing a blue Taoist robe.

This man looked at the situation of the monsters in the forest below with a look of contempt, and muttered to himself.

Then, he moved his eyes and looked at a huge valley covered by thunderclouds all day long in the deepest part of the vast forest.

At this moment, a thunder light dispersed countless thunderclouds and rose from the valley to the sky, revealing a Thunder Yuan Peng bird with fierce eyes, thunder jumping all over its body, blue feathers, and a breath of up to the fifth level of the Golden Core, which was more than 70 feet long.

This Peng spanned tens of thousands of miles, looked at the young monk with a fairy-like appearance, and spoke loudly with a hint of joy.

"Normally, it's very difficult to find the golden elixir of you humans. I didn't expect that you, an ant, would come to my door today."


"It seems that the heavens are helping me break through the bottleneck and enter the sixth level of the golden elixir."

Before the words fell, this Peng turned into a ray of lightning, accompanied by bursts of laughter, and quickly killed the young cultivator.

The young cultivator tens of thousands of miles away saw this and couldn't help but laugh, with a playful look on his face.

"It's interesting. The low-level monsters in this stepping cloud forest are timid, but only you, the golden elixir monster king, are brave."

"But... there are really few monsters like you who are looking for death."

As soon as this person shouted secretly, he burst out with an endless black murderous aura, and his body even spread out shining golden auras.

When the golden light dissipated, this person had turned into a golden giant of three feet in size. He was wearing a set of red gold armor and holding a three-foot golden spear in his right hand.

Around him, there appeared a blue iron bead of seventy-five feet in size, a huge evil ghost, several water dragons of several dozen feet in size, a huge burning Yuan fire dragon, and nearly ten other magic weapon phantoms, which were extremely majestic.

Half of the sky was basically covered by those magic weapon phantoms, and the place became dark.

Ling Pengyun raised his hand and waved it, and the nearly ten magic weapon phantoms beside him rushed towards the fifth-level Jindan Lei Yuan Dapeng.

He also bent his waist and stepped on the void with his legs. He was like a golden arrow feather that turned into a light and caused countless sounds of breaking through the air, sliding across the sky.

Before the Lei Yuan Dapeng could react, Ling Pengyun had already killed it in the face.

What greeted the Lei Yuan Dapeng was an offensive like a rainstorm.

Even though this Peng used various defensive methods and even used the innate magical power of the Lei Yuan Da Peng clan, "Delivering Evils", it was still difficult to change anything.

In just a hundred breaths, the last defensive method of Lei Yuan Da Peng was broken by Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun also swung his spear and swung it violently, directly breaking the wings of this Peng.

Then he jumped violently and stepped on the body of the Lei Yuan Da Peng. With his huge strength alone, he pressed this Peng from thousands of feet high to the ground, making it difficult for it to move.

The surroundings also turned into silence, only the Peng bird under Ling Pengyun's feet kept making painful wails.

However, this Peng's mouth was very hard, and he kept cursing.

"Human, if you dare to touch me, my tribe will definitely avenge me afterwards."

"If you retreat now, I won't pursue this matter."

Ling Pengyun listened to the threats that kept coming to his ears, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Previously, Ling Pengyun just wanted to scare this Peng bird so that this bird that likes to make trouble can stay in the Tayun Forest honestly.

In this way, he can leave the Tayun Ridge area with peace of mind and hand over this area to Ling Wanchuan and others.

But this Peng's attitude is tantamount to indicating that this matter is difficult to negotiate.

Even if he lets this Peng go this time, this Peng will probably rely on his own family to be fearless and still attack the Tayun Ridge area.

"In this case, it's useless to keep this Peng."

Then, he directly used the spear in his hand to pierce this Peng's head, and the life of this Peng bird quickly dissipated in a short time.

However, the fifth-level Lei Yuan Dapeng was also an experienced person. It reacted very quickly and transferred its spirit into the golden elixir in its body in time. Then it immediately controlled the golden elixir to break through its body and rushed out.

"Still want to run?"

Ling Pengyun raised his hand and waved it. He used the long spear in his right hand to hit the golden elixir and sent it flying.

At this moment, the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Pearl also smashed on the golden elixir and pressed it to the ground.

Ling Pengyun then used the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp to collect the soul of the Thunder Yuan Dapeng in the golden elixir.

After everything was settled, Ling Pengyun looked at the Dapeng in front of him and murmured.

"This Dapeng belongs to the positive thunder that is most restraining to the devil energy, and it conflicts with the devil energy. The family does not have the rare method of refining the thunder demon corpse."

"If you just use the method of refining the Nether Fire Corpse and the Mysterious Ice Demon Corpse to refine the beast puppet with this Dapeng corpse, its strength will probably drop sharply after refining it."

"In this case, the best way to deal with this corpse should be to rely on the top middle-level blood corpse refining method of the Blood Evil Sect to refine it into a blood corpse."

"It's just that the main material of the Blood Evil Sect's method of refining blood corpses is our human cultivators. In the future, if you want to use this method to refine this body I'm afraid I need to improve the method to refine the corpse of the monster into a blood ghost. "

"It will take several more years, but I should be able to do this job before the monster chaos."

"But the third-level bloodline of the Blood Evil Sect must be moved to the family territory. Otherwise, even if I refine the golden elixir blood ghost with the corpse of this Peng, there will be no blood to nourish this ghost."

"When the time comes, I can also go to the Eastern Demon Realm to grab some spiritual materials for refining the third-level demon corpse."

Although the blood corpse is also considered a demon ghost, this blood corpse is different from the demon corpse.

There is no trace of demonic energy in the blood corpse, but blood energy.

This blood energy is also special, it is not afraid of thunder magic.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's eyes gradually flashed with a brilliant light.

He also looked towards the direction of the boundless and vast swamp, and his eyes slightly revealed a look of expectation.

"The fifth-level Jindan Lei Yuan Dapeng who was in charge of this place has died. The Lei Yuan Dapeng clan in Cangmang Lake should have received the news."

"I hope that the Jindan-level Lei Yuan Dapeng who came to support this clan can arrive here quickly, so that I can kill them and return to Lingyun Mountain to practice with peace of mind."

Ling Pengyun was not afraid of the revenge of the Lei Yuan Dapeng clan. More than ten years ago, the two Yuanying forces of the Yan State, the "Tianxing Pavilion" and the Red Gold Bear clan, had agreed that the Red Gold Bear clan could not enter the Baiyun Mountains during the non-monster beast chaos, and the monsters under its command could not counterattack the Baiyun Mountains on a large scale.

In this way, the situation of the Jindan monsters under the Red Gold Bear clan, such as the Lei Yuan Dapeng, entering the Baiyun Mountains on a large scale was restricted. In the future, even if the Lei Yuan Dapeng clan sent Jindan here, it would be at most one or two. Once there were more, the Tianxing Sect would take action for face.

Now, as long as he does not occupy the third-level thunder spirit vein in the Stepping Cloud Forest, and does not violate the rule set by the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World and the Wubian Cangmang Daze Monster Clan that during the non-monster beast chaos, he cannot occupy the other party's third-level spirit vein, and provoke other Yuanying monsters, he will not be in much danger.

He can even take this opportunity to kill a few more Jindan Realm Thunder Yuan Dapeng corpses.

Of course, he is also very confident in his own strength.

With his ordinary means alone, even if the Thunder Yuan Dapeng clan came out in full force, it would be difficult to kill him.

What's more, this clan can only send one or two Jindan demon kings into this area to seek revenge.

Withdrawing his distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun also collected the corpse and the golden elixir of this Peng.

Then, he turned into a ray of light and wandered around the Stepping Cloud Forest, planting some formation flags in different places.

After doing all this, he sat cross-legged outside the Stepping Cloud Forest, waiting for the arrival of the Thunder Yuan Dapeng clan.

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