Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 634: Discussions from the outside world: The choice of Wan Yao Zhenren (2800 words, please s

At the same time.

In a territory adjacent to Chen State in Yan State, the largest teahouse in a market under Yaowang Valley is extremely popular at the moment.

A white-haired old man with a poetic air is walking to a performance stage with a middle-aged monk who looks honest but has a little greed in his eyes.

"Old Li, is this your disciple?"

An old customer of the teahouse was a little surprised to see the white-haired old storyteller "Old Li" bring a strange face to the stage, so he asked.

"Not really, this Taoist friend knows a shocking news about the Golden Elixir War."

"In addition, this Taoist friend has also recorded some fragments of the Golden Elixir War with the photo stone."

"This Golden Elixir War is very rare. Are you willing to listen to this news and watch this battle fragment?"

Old Li said mysteriously to the dozens of guests present with a smile.

"Golden Core Battle? There are clips? Old Li, is what you said true?"

An old customer said in surprise.

The other old customers also expressed doubts, and some customers also said what they wanted to hear.

"I dare not deceive you."

"And if you want to hear it, you need to order an extra cup of red leaf tea worth two spirit stones in the shop."

Old Li said with a face of profiteer, smiling at everyone present.

"Okay, if you can see a moment of the Golden Core Battle, it may be helpful for the Tao. I want a cup of this red leaf tea."

An old customer said with a bit of pain in his heart.

The other dozens of guests who were drinking tea here were also like this.

These cultivators who can drink tea here are not poor, they are all people with some wealth. The Golden Core Battle has the effect of establishing intentions for low-level cultivators, and these cultivators will naturally not miss such an opportunity.

Under normal circumstances, the Golden Core Battle is difficult to see.

After the teahouse served a cup of red leaf spiritual tea to all the guests present, Old Li nodded to the honest middle-aged man beside him, then walked down the podium and gave his seat to the honest middle-aged man.

The honest middle-aged man took a deep breath, thinking that he could get a full fifty spiritual stones from the red leaf spiritual tea ordered by dozens of guests here, and he was happy in his heart.

He also said happily.

"Twenty days ago, I found a demon beast in the early stage of Qi training in a dense forest tens of thousands of miles away from the market. However, the demon beast was quite powerful and extremely fast, so I couldn't kill it for a while. I kept chasing the demon beast into the barren land covering millions of miles next to the territory of Chen State."

"It was at that time that I suddenly found that there were huge spiritual power fluctuations coming from the depths of this barren land, and even countless blood and qi covered the sky and the earth, which was extremely terrifying."

"Dear guests, please look."

At this point, the honest middle-aged man took out an "exquisite jade box" made of ordinary jade from his arms, and slowly opened the jade box like a treasure, revealing a shadow stone.

As he transferred spiritual power into the shadow stone, the shadow stone immediately shot out spiritual light, which gathered into an image.

This image was exactly the scene of countless blood and qi swallowing the sun that the honest middle-aged man had just mentioned.

Those with sharp eyes could see dozens of figures and magic weapons colliding in the boundless blood.

At this moment, five deafening explosions were heard from the shadow stone.

Then, five huge explosions with majestic demonic energy broke out from the boundless sea of ​​blood, which actually broke up the ten thousand feet of blood.

"This is... the self-destruction of a real person in the Jindan realm!"

"No, this is a Jindan demon cultivator!"

A family cultivator with some experience exclaimed.

"What, a Jindan demon cultivator self-destructed?"

"To what extent would the Jindan demon cultivator be forced to resort to such a desperate measure and self-destruct without risking his life?"

A visitor said with a look of surprise.

The clear sky and the white sun appeared again.

Previously, the dozens of figures that were extremely vague in the boundless sea of ​​blood were also clearly visible.

After a while, a three-headed, six-armed blood ghost with a perfect golden elixir was also forced to die, and could only explode desperately. A majestic force suddenly spread around, and the image of the photo stone became blurred and gradually dissipated.

The guests in the teahouse who watched this scene were all reluctant to leave.

"Is this Ling Xiao Ling's Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Senior Yan Siyi?"

"Is that from Bailing Sect...?"

"The one trapped in the formation should be Senior Xuan Yang from Xuanyang Sect, and the five blood ghosts are... the famous five blood ghosts in the Eastern Demon Realm?"

"The five demons beside Senior Ling Pengyun should be the famous golden elixir beast puppets of the Ling family!"

"No, why does Senior Xuan Yang look like he is in the same group with the five blood ghosts?"

"Fuck, the first major sect of my Yan country is colluding with the demon cultivators."

" Elder Ling Pengyun used the power of the middle stage of the golden elixir to fight against the blood ghost who was seriously injured by the five demons' self-explosion and only had the strength of the seventh or eighth level of the golden elixir? "

"It's really terrifying. No wonder everyone calls Elder Ling the first genius of Yan State!"

"The old blood ghost of the Blood Evil Sect who was in the perfect golden elixir was forced to self-explode!"

"This show is wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

"It's really a good show. No wonder the Ling family and Bailingmen destroyed Xuanyangmen not long ago."

The family cultivator who had some experience was excited and excited, muttering to himself.

The other guests in the teahouse were basically the same.

They were originally just looking to watch an ordinary battle of golden elixir, but they didn't expect to see such a lively scene.

"The Taoist friend on the stage, do you have any follow-up videos? Who will win or lose?"

"I am willing to pay five spiritual stones to see the follow-up videos!"

The family cultivator stood up and said generously.

"I am also willing to pay five spiritual stones."

For a while, at least 70% of the cultivators in the teahouse expressed their desire to see the follow-up.

Although the honest middle-aged cultivator on the podium was moved, he smiled awkwardly and said with lingering fear on his face.

"At that time, the power generated by the self-detonation of the three-headed and six-armed old demon was too strong. Even though I was tens of thousands of miles away, I was directly stunned by the aftermath, and even had a lot of injuries on my body."

"Fortunately, I was far away from the place where the Jindan ancestors fought. Otherwise, if I were closer, the aftermath of the self-detonation would be enough to kill me."

"And my image stone did not record the following content because it was not supported by my spiritual power."

The guests present booed and sighed inwardly.

At this time, the family cultivator wearing a family Taoist robe had an idea, walked forward, and asked the simple and honest middle-aged man.

When the simple and honest middle-aged man said that in addition to talking about this matter with the old Li who was telling the story, he only talked about the battle of the Jindan ancestors in this teahouse, the family cultivator's eyes suddenly lit up.

Immediately, this person took out a hundred spiritual stones and reproduced the image in the image stone in the middle-aged cultivator's hand.

After finishing the task, the family cultivator left the teahouse in a hurry with the image stone and headed for the depths of the market.

After only half a day, the image stone was circulated several times and finally flowed into the Medicine King Valley.

Deep in the Medicine King Valley.

In a cave with rich spiritual energy, Medicine King Zhenren looked at the battle between dozens of Jindan ancestors projected by the image stone in front of him, and was shocked.

"The five golden cores with demonic energy that exploded first in the video are most likely Ling's golden core beast puppets."

"If so, plus the three surviving golden core beast puppets and two golden core demon corpses of the Ling family in the video, when the Ling family wins, there will be as many as... ten golden core realm monsters!"

"And the three golden core cultivators of the Ling family are far more powerful than those of the same level. The skills they practice must be extraordinary. The rumors in Yan State that there is a big force behind the Ling family must be true. Judging from the situation, the Ling family is naturally highly regarded by that big force."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but recall that half a month ago, when he divided the profits of the Bailing Sect with the two forces of Bailing Sect and Ling Sect, why did the Ling family take 50% of the profits, while the Bailing Sect, which seemed to be stronger, only took 30% of the profits.

At that time, he thought that the two families had a different deal, which was why the result was like this. He did not ask about the 20% profit of Xuanyang Sect that he could get.

"Nine out of ten, the five bloody ghosts were killed more by Ling family, and less by Bailing Sect, which led to Ling family getting 50% of Xuanyang Sect's profit, while Bailing Sect only got 30% of Xuanyang Sect's profit."

"But thinking about it this way, the Ling family really fits the description of the major forces in Yan State about the Ling family."

"Even if the Ling family lost five Jindan realm monsters in that battle, this clan still has three Jindan cultivators and five Jindan early stage demon corpses, a total of eight Jindan combat forces, and is still not afraid of Bailing Sect."

"If It is to give this clan some time to recover. In the future, this clan will most likely be able to show the power of ten golden elixir monsters when they are fully victorious. At that time, the Ling family will probably be above all forces in Yan State... and will be the best in Yan State. "

"My Medicine King Valley is also a force in Yan State, and I am afraid it will also be in danger."

"We have to try to see if we can make friends with the Ling family."

"Otherwise, when the Ling family recovers to full victory and wants to dominate the entire Yan State, if they don't merge with my Medicine King Valley, my Medicine King Valley will be in trouble."

The Medicine King frowned and muttered to himself.

Even if the Ling family is now, the Medicine King Valley is not a match.

After all, there are only two golden elixir in the Medicine King Valley now, one is the Medicine King himself, and the other is the Medicine King's disciple "Wu Shui Zhenren" who is at the first level of the golden elixir.

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