Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 639: Sharing the Benefits: Four Golden Elixir Spiritual Objects from Qingxin Taoist Temple (

Then, he continued to murmur.

"We have agreed beforehand that I, the Ling family, will get 60% of the benefits from this Peng King. After conversion, I, the Ling family, will get benefits worth about 3.6 million spiritual stones."

"I, the Ling Family, will take the corpse of King Peng, his soul, plus the third-level top grade medium multiplier magic weapon, the Thunder Transforming Mirror, and the medium multiplier magic weapon, the Thunder Yuanbao Armor."

"Also, the corpse, golden elixir, and soul of the seventh-level golden elixir roc demon."

"The remaining two intermediate magic weapons of the seven-level golden elixir roc demon will be divided between your two forces."

"Afterwards, the fellow Taoist who took the Lei Yuan Shield still needs to make up the price difference of 280,000 spiritual stones given to our clan."

"If you don't plan to buy the Thunder Yuan Cone and Thunder Yuan Shield, we can just sell them and divide the spiritual stones equally."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun went on his own and collected all the things he wanted to get off.

When Bai Lingzhenren and other golden elixirs saw this, it was a pity that they missed the powerful magic weapon that could be transformed into thunder through spiritual power. However, they still needed to rely on Ling Pengyun's relationship to refine the elixir with the perfect golden elixir of King Peng. Liquid, plus Ling's benefits are already many.

They could only watch helplessly.

In order to make up for the shortcomings in attack, Yaowang Zhenren, who already had a powerful defensive magic weapon such as Yaowang Furnace and was good at fighting, also wanted to buy the third-level high-grade Thunder Yuan Cone.

Master Bailing was worried that he would be fighting against the Golden Core Perfection Monster again soon, and Wu Yan, his subordinate, and other low-level Golden Cores might be in danger. He also liked the third-grade high-grade Lei Yuan Shield, so he was very happy to do so. Exchanged it.

He also made an agreement with Ling Pengyun that he would raise 200,000 spiritual stones within five years.

"It's a pity that the Leiyuan Dapeng clan is stationed deep in the boundless vast swamp. This clan is also protected by a third-level high-grade formation, which makes it difficult to capture in a short time. Otherwise, they can take advantage of the tragic death of King Peng to break in. The Peng Yao clan plundered this clan’s wealth.”

Ling Pengyun looked in the direction of the boundless vast swamp and muttered to himself.

Then he told everyone about the auxiliary medicines that the Ling Family, Bailingmen, and Yaowang Valley needed to produce to refine the elixir, and agreed to rest for two years, and then plan to kill other golden elixirs two years later. After the incident with the perfect monster, everyone dispersed and left.

However, in order to prevent Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Yan Siyi from sending other powerful demon kings to invade Tayun Ridge from the vast vast swamp, they settled on a spiritual mountain outside Tayun Forest.

After waiting for less than half a month, the Red Gold Bear Clan, the Nascent Soul power in Boundless Daze, finally sent a Golden Core Demon King to the Cloud Stepping Forest to take charge.

That demon king also came from a powerful Jindan demon clan, but its cultivation level was only at the level of Jindan, and it was an electric rat.

When Ling Pengyun and others saw this, they probably understood that the Lightning Rat clan not only wanted to build the third-level thunder spirit vein in Taoyun Ridge, but they were also afraid that the Jindan of the human race of the Yan Kingdom would take advantage of the Tianxing Pavilion as a backer to directly break into Taoyun Forest. I only sent one low-level golden elixir to test the waters.

It's just that the worries of the Lightning Rat clan are unnecessary.

Although Ling Pengyun had thought of the rare third-order thunder spirit vein in the Cloud Stepping Forest more than ten years ago, he could use it to set up a great formation to induce thunder and help his tribesmen survive the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation.

In this way, when the Ling clan members want to try to break through the golden elixir, they don't need to travel tens of millions of miles and spend so much time to the secret realm of Canglan Blue Sea in the boundless sea.

At the same time, the great formation can absorb the power of thunder and tribulation and obtain an formation with extraordinary power, which can be said to have many benefits.

He has been waiting for decades, and he doesn't mind waiting for more than ten years to snatch the thunder spirit vein during the next monster chaos.

Furthermore, earlier Ling Pengyun would kill the middle-stage Golden Core Lei Yuan Dap that was sitting in the Cloud-Stepping Forest, all because that Lei Yuan Dap was too unruly. If that Dapeng could be more cowardly, he would obediently agree to Ling Pengyun's future plans. If they had not broken out of Taoyun Forest and invaded the rest of Taoyun Ridge, the Leiyuan Dapeng clan would not have ended up where they are now.

With the distracting thoughts put away, Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Yan Siyi saw that no other Jindan Demon King was following them, so they took a trip to Taoyun Forest.

At the same time, the electric rat who had just entered the Cloud Forest saw three Jindan who were all higher in cultivation than him. He was confused and ran away quickly.

However, even though this mouse was good at speed, its cultivation level was low after all. After a while, it was caught up by Ling Pengyun and others.

He was even trapped by Ling Pengyun using a trapping spell.

Ling Pengyun also said to the electric rat trapped in a water prison on the ground.

"Little mouse, as long as you don't bring the monster beasts from Taoyun Forest to invade our Taoyunling territory, your life can be saved. If you, like the Leiyuan Dapeng clan, insist on breaking into our Ling clan's Taoyun Mountains, In the realm of Yunling, if you touch my Ling family's spiritual veins, even if your clan's Lightning Rat King, who has just reached the perfection of the Golden Core, comes here, I will definitely kill him."

The Lei Guangshu, which only had one level of golden elixir, was naturally timid and had a desperate look on its face, saw that Ling Pengyun was so kind and had no intention of harming its life. It suddenly became happy and said something humanly right.

"I understand, I understand."

"I just want to practice my third-level thunder spirit veins in this cloud-stepping forest with peace of mind!"

"That's pretty much it."

Ling Pengyun saw the expression of the electric mouse and said something satisfied, then he led Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi towards the depths of Tayun Ridge.

Seeing this, the Thunder Light Rat at the first level of the Golden Core also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that the evil human race that those demon clans in Cangwu Daze talk about would be so easy to talk to!"

"However, the Leiyuan Dapeng clan relied on its own strength and has been doing evil in the vast swamp for thousands of years. It's okay that it has suffered disaster now."

"Maybe our clan can take advantage of the decline of the Lei Yuan Dapeng clan to occupy some of the thunder spirit veins of the Lei Yuan Dapeng clan in the vast swamp, and even snatch away the two types of condensed golden elixirs from the Lei Yuan Dapeng clan. Spiritual Plants and Spiritual Ponds of Spiritual Creatures.”

"If this can be accomplished, our clan will not have to worry about anything in the future."

After January.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Yan Siyi saw that the demon tribe really had no intention to invade the territory of Tayunling, so they left Tayunling with peace of mind, leaving the safety of this land to the one who controlled the golden elixir. Ling Wanchuan, the "Genius Spiritual Planter" of the Layer Beast Puppet.

A few days later.

Clear the boundaries of the mountains.

Deep in a large lake that covers an area of ​​several thousand feet, with extremely clear water and beautiful scenery, there is an island that is covered by clouds and mist all day long.

The island is full of aura, and from time to time you can see a monk with a famous Immortal Wind Dao Bone flying around in the sky.

There are even many spiritual birds flying in the sky.

It's like a fairyland.

In addition, although there are many lofts built here, they are all Taoist-style bamboo buildings. There are no beautiful buildings and jade buildings, making them extremely simple and low-key.

At this moment, without disturbing anyone, a phantom entered from the outside to the top of a low mountain in the center of the island, and appeared a figure with white hair and a whisk in his hand.

The only cave door on the top of the low mountain also opened at this moment.

A middle-aged Taoist who was dressed similarly to the old Niubi Taoist, and even had a somewhat similar face, walked out of the cave with a look of joy but a bit of worry, and faced the young man who had just entered the mountain. Lao Niubi asked seasonedly.

"Dad, you are finally back."

"Why did you go to the Zhongzhou Immortal Realm to buy golden elixirs and spiritual objects for five years before returning? But what trouble did you encounter?"

The old man smiled and murmured with a touch of memory but a bit of luck and contentment on his face.

"Dangers have naturally been encountered, but fortunately, my cultivation level has been upgraded to the fourth level of Golden Core when I left the Taoist temple. I have many defensive magic weapons, talismans, and several high-level offensive magic weapons in my hands to help me. The dangers were eliminated one by one.”

"Even as a blessing in disguise, I was lucky enough to kill a fifth-level golden elixir monk, and I got a lot of cultivation elixirs from that person."

"At that time, I was very popular in the immortal cultivation world in Zhongzhou because I purchased four golden elixirs in succession. In order to avoid being targeted by monks of the same level again, I simply used the cultivation elixirs I obtained to find a secluded place. I went into seclusion and practiced some to avoid the limelight.”

"I also took advantage of that opportunity to practice in seclusion to improve my cultivation to the peak of the fourth level of the Golden Core. In ten years at most, I can reach the fifth level of the Golden Core."

The middle-aged Taoist's eyes suddenly lit up with joy, and he quickly congratulated the old Taoist with a strong nose.

"Congratulations on your father's improvement in cultivation. He will definitely be successful in the future."

When the old man heard the words, his eyes darkened and he sighed helplessly.

"Have you succeeded in the great road? How can a monk like me, who only produces inferior golden elixirs, be able to take advantage of it?"

"I only have more than thirty years left in my life. I'm afraid that soon my energy and blood will begin to dissipate, and my cultivation speed will also slow down. Whether I can enter the late stage of the golden elixir in this life is one thing. ”

"This matter will not be mentioned again."

"Now that we are getting closer to the chaos of monsters, have you mastered the Taoist spiritual consciousness cultivation method?"

The middle-aged Taoist's eyes flashed with sparkle, he nodded lightly and said solemnly.

"I have attained enlightenment three years ago, and I am waiting for you to return with the golden elixir."

"That's good." A smile appeared on the face of the old Niubi Taoist, and he replied.

He waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, then took out four spirit-locking jade boxes.

Opening the lids of the four jade boxes, four kinds of spiritual waters and spiritual fruits suddenly appeared in front of the middle-aged Taoist.

"These four golden elixir spiritual objects are the golden elixir spiritual objects I purchased this time. They are all born from heaven and earth. There are no impurities in them, and their effects are different from each other. But at least they can enhance You have a 40% chance of success in entering the golden elixir.”

"In addition, you have cultivated the sect's spiritual consciousness secret method to great perfection, and possess the golden elixir realm spiritual consciousness, which can also indirectly increase the probability of entering the golden elixir by 10%."

"The soul-purifying talisman you refined can keep your mind clear when you enter the golden elixir, and there is a 50% chance of helping you enter the golden elixir."

"In this way, you have a 50% chance of entering the realm of the golden elixir. This probability is nearly twice as high as when I entered the golden elixir hundreds of years ago."

"Thousands of stones to gain some energy! I bought these with the wealth I accumulated in the Taoist temple in the past two or three hundred years, as well as the magic weapons I obtained from monster beasts by selling them off."

"If you fail, within the next two hundred years, the sect may not be able to cultivate a golden elixir."

"When I die, the Taoist temple will probably wither away."

"The future of Taoism lies with you."

When the middle-aged Taoist "Bai Qianshi" heard this, his face suddenly became serious, and he felt a little more stressed.

But soon, the pressure in his heart turned into motivation.

Qingxin Taoist Temple has been weakening for nearly a hundred years due to the lack of disciples.

However, Bai Qianshi is the only disciple in the Taoist Temple who has not only improved his cultivation to the perfect foundation before the age of 150, but also comprehended the Taoist temple's spiritual cultivation method to the great success, and is also a talisman maker who offers the Taoist temple's Qingxin Heart Talisman.

It can be said that he is the only golden elixir seedling in the Taoist Temple.

At this time, even if he does not consider the future of the other disciples of the Taoist Temple, but only considers his future path, no matter how much pressure he has, he has to bear it.

Moreover, his father has prepared four golden elixir spiritual objects for him, so what is there to be afraid of with just the golden elixir realm.

As for his father, it is naturally the old and powerful Taoist "Qingxin Zhenren".

Qingxin Zhenren can be regarded as having a son in his old age. He had Bai Qianshi, his only son, when he was more than 300 years old.

And his Taoist partner died decades ago due to exhaustion of life.

"I understand, father. I will definitely achieve the Golden Elixir state and live up to your expectations and the cultivation of the Taoist temple." Bai Qianshi said solemnly.

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