Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 642 Reasons for doubling family benefits (Subscription required)

When the Great Elder Ling Chengyuan saw this, he stopped talking, smiled mysteriously, and spoke.

"Members of my clan, please don't be so happy now, and fellow cultivators in the Foreign Affairs Hall shouldn't feel pity either. Great benefits are yet to come."

"In the future, whether they are members of our clan or casual cultivators of the Foreign Affairs Hall, as long as they can break through the realm of foundation building, in addition to being rewarded with a second-level low-grade flying sword weapon, they will also be rewarded with a side worth two thousand A second-level low-grade magical shield made of a piece of spiritual stone.”

"Being able to break through the foundation building before the age of fifty will be rewarded with a second-level mid-grade magic weapon."

"For those who can break through the foundation building before the age of forty, the family will help prepare the materials needed to refine the natal magic weapon that comes with the clan's skills."

"For those who can break through the foundation building before the age of thirty, the family will not only help refine all the natal magical weapons, but also receive three thousand spiritual stones, plus the authority to exchange for a third-level low-grade miasma-breaking pill."

"And if you can break through the Foundation Establishment alone, the family will take over all the spiritual materials needed to upgrade the clan's natal magic weapon to the second-level high-grade, plus a reward of 10,000 yuan, and a late-stage Foundation Establishment or a complete Foundation Establishment monster. All the techniques practiced by the monster cubs that are born will also be open to the public and can be obtained for free.”

"Dear clan members and Taoist friends from the Foreign Affairs Hall... please thank the ancestors of the clan."

After saying this, Ling Chengyuan took the lead and bowed to the three ancestors Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi and Ling Yunhong sitting in the first place and thanked them.

"Thank you ancestor for the gift."

The other more than 5,000 Ling monks present also agreed with smiles on their faces.

Among the crowd, among the "Six Sons of the Ling Family", the cultivation genius Ling Wanduo, the spiritual consciousness genius Ling Wanxu, the desperate master Ling Wanliang, and the demon corpse genius Ling Libing who have not yet entered the foundation building secretly plan to Don't try to break through the realm of foundation building alone.

If they can succeed, the 10,000 spirit stones that the family can reward alone will be a considerable amount of wealth, enough to support their cultivation to at least the middle stage of foundation building.

At this time, Ling Pengyun, who was at the top of the list, was very satisfied with what his clansmen were doing, and he also spoke accordingly.

"Although these benefits provided by the family are on the surface, whether you can get them or not depends entirely on you."

"In addition, I want to say one more thing. Now that the beast tide is coming, you should practice hard. If you don't have enough strength when the beast tide comes, those monster beasts will not reason with you and leave you alive. ”

When the more than 5,000 Ling cultivators present heard this, their hearts trembled, and a somewhat dignified look appeared on their faces.

"Okay, except for the thirty-five foundation-building elders of the family, everyone else has dispersed to help cook the food. There will be a big banquet in the square later."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand to call everyone back.

Soon, the ordinary people dispersed.

Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ling Yunhong also followed, leading the foundation-building elders into an attic next to the square and held a small meeting.

At this meeting, Great Elder Ling Chengyuan spoke a lot.

The thirty-five foundation-building elders who were originally stationed in various regions, including Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ling Yunhong, also knew about the current situation of the family.

The family now occupies the "Lingxiao Mountains", most of the Baiyun Mountains, Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, and Tayunling. It controls a total of more than 900,000 miles of land. It has nearly 10,000 first- and second-level spiritual veins, and three There are also three places for the third-level spiritual veins: Lingxiao Mountain and Baisong Mountain, which are the third-level middle-level ones, and Baiyun Mountain, which is the third-level high-level ones.

Among them, the Lingxiao Mountains boundary was the original Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains boundary of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. After this sect was destroyed, it was renamed the "Lingxiao Mountains boundary" by the Ling family.

Because there is Lingxiao Mountain, a third-level mid-level spiritual mountain, there are more than 3,000 spiritual veins here. It is the place with the most spiritual veins in the three realms. The Ling family also attaches great importance to this realm, and the main areas of the Ling family are distributed there. With the strength, the Ling clan has more than 3,000 clan members, plus more than 1,000 casual cultivators from the Foreign Affairs Hall, who all live in this area and manage various markets and spiritual lines in this area.

Every year, this land brings at least 90,000 pieces of pure benefit to the Ling family.

The boundary of the Baiyun Mountains was originally occupied by the "Baiyun Linghu Clan", the overlord of the Baiyun Mountains, and was later occupied by the Ling family and other forces.

After the Xuanyang Clan was destroyed, the Ling Clan exchanged interests with the Bailing Clan. Nearly half of that land now belongs to the Ling Clan, and there are more than 3,000 spiritual veins in it, which can bring benefits to the Ling Clan every year. The pure profit of nearly 90,000 spiritual stones.

The "Lingxiao Qianxing Lake" and "Tayunling Territory", which are also located in the vast Baiyun Mountains, were originally gathering places for monsters and beasts. It is difficult for non-monster beasts to occupy the third-order spiritual veins in them.

In addition, the Baiyun Mountains are the closest territory to the Red Golden Bear clan in the boundless Daze. Although the Ling family has deployed tribesmen there, they are not many. There are only more than a thousand tribesmen deployed in each territory. , plus more than a thousand casual cultivators from the Foreign Affairs Hall to coordinate with each other.

These two areas can only bring about 60,000 spiritual stones in net profit to the Ling family each year.

In addition, among the eight entrances of the Ling Family's Baiyi Hall, War Hall, Merchant Hall, Beast Hall, Corpse Hall, Dark Hall, General Affairs Hall, and Foreign Affairs Hall, the number of practitioners in the Hundred Arts Hall has become more and more abundant. .

As the family grows, various talents gradually emerge.

In the early years, the Ling clan's weapon-refining branch "Puppet One Way", which was rarely inherited by anyone, has been inherited by more than a dozen Ling clan members, becoming rare puppet masters. As a result, the number of puppets in the family has increased.

There are also several female cultivators of the Ling family who have mastered the branch of alchemy, "Pharmacist Dao", which is very good at treating injuries. There are even some powerful healing liquids that can only be refined by mastering the methods of the Pharmacist Dao, which are difficult for ordinary alchemists to refine.

And the inheritance of the Pharmacist Dao naturally comes from the "alchemy holy land" of Yan State, Yaowang Valley.

Since Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple became friends with the Ling family a year ago, Ling Pengyun would occasionally invite the Yaowang Zhenren of Yaowang Valley and the Qingxin Taoist of Qingxin Taoist Temple to have tea.

Some of the core inheritances of these two major forces have basically been emptied by the Ling family.

Of course, the two major forces can hand over the inheritance so easily because they are afraid that the Ling family, which has already destroyed Xuanyang Sect and Wanshou Sect, will kill them too. The Ling family is now fully capable of this.

In addition, there is another matter related to Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple that is worth mentioning.

Since they made friends with the Ling family, the female Hundred Arts practitioners of these two forces often came into contact with the male practitioners of the Ling family under the arrangement of the top leaders.

The male practitioners of the Ling family were all generous and polite, so the female practitioners of the Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple gradually developed a good impression of the Ling family cultivators. In just one year, at least a hundred female practitioners who mastered the first-level Hundred Arts and nearly ten female practitioners who mastered the second-level Hundred Arts married into the Ling family.

Of course, these female practitioners performed particularly well after joining the Ling family, and did not neglect them at all in the process of refining spiritual objects for the Ling family.

One was that they did not dare, and the other was that the Ling family treated the Hundred Arts practitioners very well.

This matter made Ling Pengyun happy for a long time.

Afterwards, the great elder Ling Chengyuan said some other things, and the meeting ended.

After the other elders dispersed, the great elder Ling Chengyuan also said to the three people in charge, Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ling Yunhong.

"Uncle Pengyun, Aunt Siyi, and great-grandfather Yunhong, followed the five major affiliated families of our clan in their early years, "Yunwu Wen Clan", "Qingzhu Wang Clan", "Huxiao Liu Clan", Fuyun "Shen Clan", and Tucan "Sun Clan". "

"Also, over the years, the head of the Pingyun Yang Clan, who has always had a very good relationship with our clan but is an affiliated force under the Bailing Sect, is waiting outside our clan's secret realm, and wants to take this opportunity to meet Uncle Pengyun and his friends."

"Uncle Pengyun, are you willing to meet them?"

Yan Siyi and Ling Yunhong did not respond, but just stayed aside quietly, looking at Ling Pengyun, as if Ling Pengyun was the main focus.

After thinking about it, Ling Pengyun considered that the major family forces in several county towns under the Lingxiao Mountains were all managed by the Yunwu Wen family. Although the Pingyun Yang family was not a subsidiary family of the Ling family, they were relatives of the Ling family.

He therefore said.

"It has been more than ten years since we met the patriarchs of these six families. This time they asked for a meeting, and we should meet them out of emotion and reason."

"Cheng Yuan, bring the patriarchs of the six families here."

Ling Chengyuan nodded lightly, and then turned into a breeze and quickly ran away from the attic.


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