Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 644 Ling Yunhong obtains the alchemy inheritance (2400 words, please subscribe)

New Year's Eve.

The bright moonlight fell on the earth, giving this quiet but dark night a ray of light.

At this time of day, people might have been asleep, but today was different.

Every household was basically sitting together and chatting happily.

Lingxiao's cultivators were no exception.

At this time, on the spacious square of Lingxiao Fairyland, there were thousands of large round tables, on which there were 18 spiritual foods cooked with spiritual materials, and there were also many spiritual wines and spiritual fruits. The more than 8,000 Ling clan members who returned to the clan for the clan meeting were all sitting on these tables, eating the food on the table, drinking fine wine, and chatting and laughing with the clan members.

However, in such a lively scene, Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ling Yunhong, the three Jindan, were not here.

They were all at the top of "Lingxiao Mountain" deep in the fairyland at this moment. They looked at the lively scene of the square, but there was no smile on their faces, but a look of sadness.

"I don't many of these tribesmen will survive the monster rebellion in a dozen years, and how many will die in the battlefield."

Clan leader Ling Yunhong sighed helplessly.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. The family has given all the resources it can give...the future depends on whether these tribesmen can do better on their own."

Ling Pengyun also echoed at this moment.

"That's right!"

After sighing, clan leader Ling Yunhong turned his eyes and looked at the vast night sky full of stars, with a special color flashing in his eyes.

He then spoke.

"Pengyun, Siyi... After nearly a year of discussing the way of alchemy with the Medicine King of Medicine Valley, I have improved my alchemy skills to the level of the third-grade lower grade."

"It is time for me to go to the Canglan Secret Realm in the Boundless Sea to get the subsequent superior alchemy inheritance from the sect."

Although the family has obtained a complete third-grade alchemy inheritance from the cause and effect of the teleportation array in the early years, this inheritance can only be regarded as a medium-grade at best. Whether it is the alchemy technique or the number of pill recipes, it is not as good as the superior alchemy inheritance of the Canglan Bihai Sect.

Ling Yunhong is also a little bit disdainful of the family's third-grade alchemy inheritance.

However, the family's alchemy inheritance is also useful.

The superior alchemy inheritance of the Canglan Bihai Sect cannot be passed on to others, but the alchemy inheritance that the family has now belongs to the Ling family and can be used at will.

The family's alchemists also use the family's alchemy inheritance called "Lingxiao Alchemy Inheritance" to enter the alchemy.

Seeing Ling Yunhong leaving so hastily, Ling Pengyun was surprised. "Grandpa, are you leaving after New Year's Eve?"

Clan leader Ling Yunhong's face was full of heavy color, and he replied.

"Time waits for no one, I will soon get the sect's subsequent advanced alchemy inheritance so that I can become a third-level middle-grade alchemist sooner."

"In this way, I can also refine third-level middle-grade elixirs to help you and Siyi practice."

Ling Pengyun felt warm in his heart when he heard this.

He thought back to the fact that Ling Yunhong had entered the Golden Core Realm for decades, and with the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi changing his aptitude, Ling Yunhong's cultivation should at least be able to be promoted to the peak of the third level of the Golden Core Realm, or even the fourth level of the Golden Core Realm.

But now, Ling Yunhong's cultivation level has only just entered the third level of the Golden Core Realm three years ago.

Associating Ling Yunhong's rapid improvement in alchemy, it is not difficult for him to guess that Ling Yunhong has spent most of his time on alchemy, which has delayed his practice.

"Grandpa, for the next ten years or so, you should slow down your alchemy. With the Medicine King in Medicine King Valley, we will not be short of third-grade elixirs for the time being."

"The monster rebellion in a dozen years will be extremely dangerous. You and I may fall into the mouth of monsters. If our cultivation level is higher, the probability of survival will be higher."

Hearing this, Ling Yunhong smiled kindly and replied.

"I understand. I will pay attention to this. However, there are many third-grade middle-grade elixirs with strange effects in the alchemy inheritance of the sect that the Wanyao Zhenren has not mastered. If I can reach the third-grade middle-grade before the monster rebellion, it will be of great help to you, me and the family."

Ling Pengyun said with interest. "Oh? Grandpa Yun Hong, can you elaborate?"

"Of course."

"According to the records of the third-level lower-grade alchemy inheritance I obtained, there is a third-level middle-grade precious pill called Qing Sui Dan in the third-level middle-grade alchemy inheritance of the sect."

"This pill was not only created by a fourth-level alchemist in the sect ten thousand years ago, but the lowest grade of this pill is the third-level middle-grade."

"And its effect is also very good. This pill can not only cleanse the cultivation qualifications of the Jindan cultivator, but also cleanse the spiritual consciousness and physical qualifications, which can increase "The speed of cultivating the secret method of spiritual consciousness and the method of physical cultivation of the fast cultivators is at least 30% faster."

"In this way, the speed of our cultivation of Xuanyang Sect's third-level middle-grade spiritual consciousness cultivation method Xuanyang Refining Spirit Technique and our physical cultivation method can also be accelerated. "

"And the main material of this Qingsui Pill, Qingyu Lotus, is available at Qingxin Taoist Temple. As long as I can enter the third-level middle-grade realm of alchemy, I can directly buy the lotus from Qingxin Taoist Temple and refine this pill."

There are eight levels in Xuanyang Refining Spirit, corresponding to the middle stage of Jindan cultivation.

This level of spiritual consciousness cultivation method is also the highest level in Yan State.

The spiritual consciousness cultivation methods mastered by the other major Jindan forces are basically only seven or eight levels.

In the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, those who can possess the complete Jindan realm spiritual consciousness cultivation method are all Yuanying sects, which are difficult for ordinary Jindan forces to obtain.

Ling Yunhong said with a hint of excitement.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a magical elixir. The sect deserves to have the heritage of the old Nascent Soul Sect."

"If I really have the help of this elixir, maybe I still have a few chances to comprehend the Xuanyang divine refining technique to the state of great success before the chaos of monsters. By then, the strength of my spiritual consciousness will also reach the level of the golden elixir. The eighth floor."

"In this way, it will indeed greatly improve my strength."

Ling Pengyun said in surprise and joy.

Common marrow-cleansing elixirs for Golden elixir monks do not have such comprehensive effects.

At most, those elixirs can only refine one's cultivation aptitude and physical qualifications, such as elixirs for refining one's spiritual consciousness, which can be said to be rare in the world.

This type of elixir has never appeared in Yan State, a great country that cultivates immortals.

"That's why I want to go to the sect to get the inheritance. In addition, the sect's profound alchemy inheritance also has many more powerful elixirs."

"I'm sure to give you a surprise in the future."

Seeing Ling Pengyun's happy look, the patriarch Ling Yunhong's face became less heavy and became more kind, and he replied.

"My grandson is just waiting for my grandfather to reach the middle level of the third level by refining alchemy."

Ling Pengyun smiled, then patted the storage bag on his waist, took out dozens of jade boxes and a second-level high-grade communication talisman, and handed them to Ling Yunhong.

"Grandfather, this is the spiritual material needed to refine the elixir liquid that the family, Bailingmen, and Yaowang Valley jointly raised. Since you will go to the boundless sea area, grandfather, you will transfer this material to Senior Huoyang, the veteran third-level high-grade alchemist of Muyuan Immortal Sect.”

"When the time comes, you can use this talisman to go to Wrathful Whale Fang City, the front line of Muyuan Immortal Sect, to find Senior Huoyang. Just mention my name. Senior Huoyang has told me this before."

"Grandpa, by the way, you are going to see the Guiling Island branch in the Muyuan Sea, and Peng Qiu, who is anonymously employed by the Yuanying force Bishui Sect to attack the evil Yuanying force Xuanming Sect."

"If he has made great achievements and has the opportunity to redeem a third-level spiritual land in the Bishui Sect with his military achievements, then let him continue to stay in the boundless sea."

"If his achievements are not great, let him return to his family and practice in peace. This way, he can also deal with the chaos of monsters."

"As for the purchase of golden elixir spiritual objects entrusted by the Yang family, it would be more dangerous for you, Grandpa Yunhong, to handle it. I will go there myself in a few years."

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