Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 647: The fourth of the six sons of the Ling family goes out to conquer the world (2600 words

A few days later.

Deep in the Lingxiao clan.

In a cave on the top of a second-level low-grade Lingshan Mountain, four young men with impressive abilities were gathering here.

"Brother Wan Duo, are you planning to summon us to the Purple Scorpion Ridge to kill the monsters this time?"

A slovenly young man with brows full of evil spirits, eyes full of desire for war, and somewhat messy hair asked excitedly to a young man with dark skin and a burly figure that could not be concealed even if he wore a loose robe.

"Brother Wan Liang, you guessed it right."

"Basically all the monster meat I saved last year was eaten up by my late-stage Qi-training Black Rock Bear, which has a huge appetite."

"It's too luxurious to spend contribution points or spiritual stones to buy monster meat. Even I can't afford it."

"That's why I decided to go to the Purple Scorpion Ridge to kill some monsters."

"Can you go?"

Ling Wanduo, a tall man with a heavy body, smiled at the sloppy young man and replied.

"Brother Wanduo, I'll go, I'll go. My mutated Ghost Fire Wolf has a big appetite, and the monster meat on my body is almost gone."

"Due to New Year's Eve and Spring Festival, and it's been a long time since I've had a fight with those monster cubs, I'm really itchy."

Ling Wanliang, who was called a "fighting madman" by the Ling family monks and was somewhat slovenly, saw Ling Wanduo's affirmation, and immediately replied with excitement on his face.

"I go."

Ling Wanxu, who had never spoken a word but had a cold face, only said two words and then fell silent again.

"I'll go too. The golden pill heir Yiyinghu in my captivity has just reached the stage of Qi training on the eve of the Spring Festival. It's the time when it needs actual combat to consolidate its combat power."

"Uncle Wan Duo, Uncle Wan Liang, and Uncle Wan Xu, how about we go for the big ones and directly find those monsters in the early stages of foundation building to kill them?"

A young man with a kind face, who looked very sunny and gave people a very comfortable feeling, his eyes lit up and he made an opinion.

This person's name is Ling Lihu, and he is one of the most outstanding "Six Sons of the Ling Family" among the younger generation of the Ling Family.

He has extremely high talent in the beast-controlling sect. As early as more than ten years ago, when he first entered the Taoist path and showed his extraordinary beast-controlling talent, he became a disciple of "Lin Fan", the strongest member of the family's beast-controlling sect.

Over the years, under Lin Fan's guidance, Ling Lihu has become even more like a god. Now he is only over 20 years old, and he is already a veteran first-level top-grade beast master.

Although his cultivation qualifications are inferior to those of beast control, he also has the qualifications of three spiritual roots, and with the help of his family's huge resources, he also upgraded his cultivation to the state of perfect Qi training two years ago.

And his Winged Shadow Tiger was the cub of two Jindan-level Winged Shadow Tigers from the "Shadow Tiger" area, the closest gathering place of monster beasts in the Baiyun Mountains.

It was Ling Pengyun who accidentally found him when he learned in his early years that his only son Ling Chengxia had suffered a dark loss in the Yiyinghu realm and went to the Yiyinghu realm.

Ling Pengyun also killed the parents of the Winged Shadow Tiger cub, snatched the Winged Shadow Tiger cub, and handed it over to Ling Lihu, the family's beast-controlling genius.

"We have all entered the realm of perfect Qi training a few years ago. If we hadn't been trying to understand the method of spiritual consciousness cultivation and the method of tempering the meridians, otherwise we would have tried to break through the foundation building. Our The foundation is extremely deep, and based on this alone, we are far superior to ordinary Qi-cultivating monks.”

"In addition, we all master some special methods, and our strength is several times stronger than that of ordinary monks who have perfected their Qi training. Li Hu's winged shadow tiger has strong bloodline, and its strength far exceeds that of monsters of the same level. Now it has entered the realm of In the state of perfect Qi training, I am afraid that this tiger is already powerful enough to rival the strength of a foundation-building monster."

"Under such circumstances, we can indeed try to hunt down the early-stage foundation-building monsters."

As the think tank of this small team, Ling Wanduo thought about it for a while and nodded in agreement.

Then, he turned his attention to the sloppy Ling Wanliang and the cold Ling Wanxu.

"Wan Liang, Wan Xu, what do you two think about this?"

"I have wanted to fight the foundation-building monster for a long time. Now that I have such a good opportunity, how could I miss it?"

The sloppy Ling Wanliang's eyes flashed and he laughed.

The cold-faced young man "Ling Wanxu" did not hesitate and nodded in agreement.

"Since we have agreed, let's rest for half a day and set off in half a day."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Ling Wanduo's face lit up and he decided to set off.

Half a month later.

The outer area of ​​the "Purple Scorpion Ridge Boundary", the only monster gathering place immediately adjacent to the Lingxiao Mountain Range.

Four humanoid figures, followed by a yellow-haired dog the size of a human head, quickly swept across the ground along some hidden places, heading towards the depths of Purple Scorpion Ridge.

After two or three thousand miles into the Purple Scorpion Ridge, the four people and the yellow-haired dog stopped in a dense forest, and the bodies of Ling Wanduo, Ling Wanxu, Ling Wanliang, and Ling Lihu appeared. shape.

The leading yellow-haired dog also ran up to the handsome young master Ling Lihu at this moment and barked at him.

"Jin Yuanbao, well done."

Ling Lihu also learned the meaning of the yellow-haired dog through the recognition of the owner. His face suddenly lit up with joy. Immediately, he patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a first-order spiritual fruit. To the yellow-haired dog.

The yellow-haired dog immediately took the spirit fruit happily and started to eat it.

At this moment, Ling Lihu said to Ling Wanduo and others around him.

"Uncle Wanduo, Uncle Wanxu, Uncle Wanliang, my sniffer dog said that it smelled the breath of a first- or second-level foundation-building monster in this forest. Apart from that, there are only more than 200 Qi-training monsters in this forest, and there are no other foundation-building monsters."

"Should we go in and kill them directly?"

After saying this, Ling Lihu's scholarly aura suddenly dissipated, and turned into a ferocious aura, like a human-shaped monster, staring at the dense forest in front of him.

"Okay, first use the secret method to sneak in, catch the group of monsters in it by surprise, and destroy some Qi-training monsters first."

The leader Ling Wanduo nodded lightly, hesitated for a while, nodded and said a word, and then fled into the dense forest in front of him.

Ling Wanxu, Ling Wanliang, and Ling Lihu followed closely behind.

In less than half an incense stick of time, the four of them sneaked into the deepest part of the jungle, a maple forest covering an area of ​​about several hundred feet.

There is a quasi-second-level spiritual vein in this place that is about to break through to the second-level realm, making the spiritual energy here extremely rich.

On the way, Ling Wanduo and others also found several first-level spiritual veins in other parts of the jungle, and they quietly killed dozens of Qi training "yellow-scaled snakes" in them.

They had not walked two steps in this maple forest when a huge snake roar suddenly sounded in the depths of this maple forest.

Suddenly, nearly a hundred Qi training-level, nearly ten-foot-long yellow-scaled snakes hidden in the piles of maple leaves on the ground of this maple forest quickly rushed out and appeared in the world.

Outside the maple forest, some snake demon roars were heard from time to time, obviously the yellow-scaled snakes on the other spiritual veins in this dense jungle were coming.

At the same time, a three-meter-long, watermelon-thick, slightly unstable yellow-scaled python of the first level of foundation building sprang out from the depths of the maple forest, leading nearly a hundred demon snakes in the maple forest to charge at Ling Wanduo and others.

"Go all out!"

Ling Wanduo shouted, and then slapped the beast bag on his waist, summoning a two-meter-tall, black-haired, rich earth spirit, and a sturdy black rock bear with the late stage of Qi training.

At the same time, he also summoned a yellow full-body armor from the storage bag and put it on his body, and took out a first-level superior giant shield magic weapon and threw it to the black rock bear.

The black rock bear was very smart. As soon as he took the giant shield magic weapon, he immediately took a step forward with both hands holding the shield and protected everyone.

In this instant, Ling Wanduo also pinched his fingers and performed several "quicksand magics", turning a piece of ground more than ten meters in size in the area where the group of yellow-scaled pythons rushing forward must pass into a piece of quicksand.

Because this piece of quicksand appeared very quickly and had a large area, the group of yellow-scaled snakes did not react and rushed into the quicksand, unable to escape for a while.

Seeing this, Ling Wanxu, who had always been cold, flashed with endless killing intent in his eyes, and a thin sword intent burst out from his body.

He pinched his hands, and the set of thirty-six first-grade top-grade green bamboo swords that he had already summoned around him turned into an extremely large and complex sword formation with an aura far beyond the realm of Qi training.

Countless sword energy was emitted from the sword formation and gathered into more than two hundred tiny inch-long sword beams, and the tips of the thirty-six flying swords also had a sword beam about ten feet long.


The huge earth-sha sword formation flew out immediately and killed the hundred yellow-scaled snakes trapped in the quicksand.

In just one encounter, more than a dozen yellow-scaled pythons in the early and middle stages of Qi training were killed by the sword formation.

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