Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 651: An early exchange meeting for the stars? (2400 words, please subscribe)

With doubts, Ling Pengyun also immediately left the cave, left the secret realm, and went straight to the hospitality hall outside the secret realm that was specially designed to entertain visitors.

After entering the main hall, he saw the Great Elder Ling Chengyuan entertaining an old man wearing a Tianxing Sect Taoist robe, with white hair, wrinkles on his face, aura as high as the middle stage of Jindan, and eyes like torches. .

At this time, Ling Chengyuan and the middle-stage Jindan monk from Tianxing Sect also noticed Ling Pengyun's arrival.

"Grandpa Pengyun!"

"This is Senior Feiying, the tenth elder of Tianxing Sect."

The Great Elder Ling Chengyuan also introduced Ling Pengyun and the Flying Eagle Master of the Tianxing Sect to each other.

"Senior Feiying, this is the ancestor of our clan, Pengyun."

After hearing the introduction, Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly, and he immediately thought of the origin of this prestigious tenth elder of the Tianxing Sect, "Master Fei Ying".

This person's reputation does not come from his strength, but from the extremely fast Thunder Eagle in the middle stage of Golden Core in his hand.

In the previous monster rebellions, this eagle had led the Tianxing Sect monks to rush to the rescue of Yan State, which was in crisis, changed the situation of Yan State, and avoided the losses of Yan State in the previous monster beast rebellions.

In addition, the thundering eagle of Flying Eagle Lao Dao is also particularly strong. With the combined efforts of one man and one eagle, he even killed three golden elixir monsters during the monster chaos a hundred years ago.

Therefore, this person's reputation is relatively well-known in the Yan Kingdom.

Ling Pengyun also had a good impression of this person because of this, and he also greeted him with a hand.

"It turns out to be Fellow Taoist Feiying, whom I have admired for a long time!"

"I wonder if Fellow Taoist Feiying is here for something important this time?"

The old Taoist Fei Ying, who was over 400 years old, glanced at Ling Pengyun. When he realized that Ling Pengyun's undisguised aura was as high as the fifth level of the Golden Core, he was suddenly shocked.

After a long while, he returned to normal, and there was a smile on his face, and he said.

"I have always heard that Fellow Taoist Pengyun is the most talented person in the Yan Kingdom. His cultivation level has been raised to the middle stage of the Golden Core at a young age. I didn't believe it in the past, but seeing him today really opened my eyes."

"And I came to the nobles this time for two things."

"The first is that a disciple of our sect entered the realm of the golden elixir half a year ago. That disciple plans to hold a golden elixir ceremony in three months. I am here to send the invitation."

"Secondly, our sect's Sky Star Exchange Meeting, which is held only once every hundred years, will be held in a few years. The True Lord of our sect plans to make good things come in pairs and plans to move the date of the Sky Star Exchange Meeting to this golden time. After the Dan Ceremony.”

"If fellow Taoist disciples are having trouble getting away recently and cannot go to my sect's disciple's Golden Elixir Ceremony in person, I hope you won't miss our sect's trade fair after the ceremony."

"Our sect has been preparing for a trade fair that will only happen once in a hundred years. According to the news, our sect will exchange several third-level formations with extraordinary power and arrays this time, such as the third-level formations. Our sect has also prepared a lot of magic weapons.”

"Before the exchange meeting, the auction held by our sect for ordinary monks from the outside also had many low-level good things. I think there will also be many useful things for noble monks."

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun became excited.

Although the Ling family obtained several third-level formations through the destruction of the Xuanyang Sect and the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, they even obtained the "Xuanyang Burning Formation" and "The Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Formation" for the third-level high-grade formations. Two seats.

But the more third-level formations that can possess the strength of a Golden Core cultivator, the better.

Not to mention, the powerful formation with array equipment.

However, he still has some doubts about the advancement of the Tianxing Exchange Meeting.

In the past thousands of years, the Tianxing Sect had not produced golden elixirs on the eve of the Monster Beast Rebellion. However, in the past, the Tianxing Sect had rarely moved forward the Tianxing Fair in order to hold a golden elixir ceremony for its golden elixir monks.

And every time the Tianxing Trade Fair is brought forward, it indicates that the Tianxing Sect has some urgent things to inform these subordinate forces.

Ling Pengyun frowned because of this.

"I hope it's not a bad thing!"

Then, he spoke to the old Taoist Fei Ying.

"So that's the case. In the next three months, I will rush to your sect to participate in the golden elixir banquet and exchange meeting of your sect's monks."

"This time, I'm sorry to have you, Taoist friend, make the trip in person."

The old Taoist Fei Ying smiled and said.

"Fellow Taoist, you are serious. I still need to inform Bailingmen and other Yan Kingdom's Jindan forces about this news, so I won't stay here any longer."

"Fellow Taoist Pengyun will meet again in three months!"

Ling Pengyun felt a little comfortable after hearing this.

The Ling family's location is not the closest to the Tianxing Sect's boundary, but the Bailing Gate is.

Now, Fei Ying Laodao bypassed Bailingmen and came to Ling's first, which was tantamount to showing his goodwill.

In Ling Pengyun's eyes, Fei Ying Lao Dao's show of goodwill was probably just Fei Ying Lao Tao's own idea, otherwise Fei Ying Lao Tao would definitely have mentioned the word "Tianxing Sect" when he said that.

As for the reason why Fei Ying Lao Tao took the initiative to express his goodwill, it was simply because he was promoted to the fifth level of the Golden Core due to his age.

Having thought everything clearly, Ling Pengyun naturally stopped holding back, the smile on his face became a little more, and his tone became a little kinder.

"Fellow Taoists, we will meet again in the future!"

Taoist Feiying smiled and nodded lightly, then stood up from his chair and walked out of the hall on his own.

Then, he slapped the beast bag on his waist and summoned a thunder eagle that was only a few feet in size, but extremely handsome, with blue feathers, and a proud look on its head. He jumped on it.

The thunder eagle gently spread its wings, and lightning flashed all over its body. It turned directly into a "lightning light" and rose into the air, gliding quickly into the distance.

Ling Pengyun, who had just walked out of the hall and sent the old eagle off, saw this scene and was a little more surprised.

"This Flying Eagle's Thunder Eagle is indeed extraordinary. I'm afraid that even if I use my best Blue Sea Escape Technique, I can only barely catch up with this eagle."

"Judging from its aura, the cultivation of the Thunder Eagle should be the same as that of Flying Eagle, both of them are at the fourth level of the Golden Core. From this point of view, the aptitude of Flying Eagle's Thunder Eagle should not be low, and Flying Eagle must have spent a lot of spirit stones on this Thunder Eagle."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but think of his two fighting spirit beasts "Black Armor Turtle" and "Wind Shadow Peng" that were still in the foundation building stage.

"I don't know if my two spirit beasts will be able to break through the Golden Core smoothly in the future."

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun said hello to Ling Chengyuan and returned to the Lingxiao Mountain in the Lingxiao clan to practice.

Time passed slowly, two months passed in a flash, and the Golden Core Ceremony of the Golden Core of the Tianxing Sect was approaching. Ling Pengyun thought that the situation in Yan State was good now, and those monsters were suppressed by the Tianxing Sect, so they dared not invade Yan State on a large scale. At most, there were only one or two Golden Core monsters.

Under such circumstances, it was difficult to pose much threat to the Ling family. After Ling Pengyun handed a beast puppet in the early stage of Golden Core to his wife Yan Siyi, he asked her to take care of the family, and then left Lingxiao Mountain alone.

Tianxing State, where the Yuanying Sect "Tianxing Sect" was located, was also adjacent to Yan State. In the north of Yan State, it was just opposite to the boundless vast swamp. This area of ​​Yan State was also opened up by Tianxing Sect in the early years, but there was no manpower to occupy the embankment monsters, so it was given to the Yan State forces thousands of years ago to become a rent collector.

It is also worth mentioning that Tianxing State is extremely large, with a vast territory of more than 18 million miles, which is equivalent to seven or eight Yan State territories now.

The Yuanying faction that occupies the largest territory in Tianxing Country is naturally the Tianxing Sect, which occupies more than 10 million miles of territory. It is said that there are tens of thousands of spiritual veins in that territory.

The remaining 7 or 8 million territories of Tianxing Country are occupied by nine old-fashioned Jindan forces that have been in the world of immortal cultivation for at least thousands of years and are powerful enough to rival Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple.

Each of them basically has two or more Jindans in charge, and these nine major forces, like Yan Country, all respect Tianxing Sect and are blessed by Tianxing Sect.

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