Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 653 Exchange Fair Quasi-fourth-order formation (please subscribe)

Not long after entering the territory of the Tianxing Small Mountains, a disciple of the Tianxing Sect came up to greet Ling Pengyun and led him to the reception hall on a sacred mountain.

After a day of rest, it was the day of the Golden Elixir Ceremony.

On this day, a very spacious square in the Tianxing Small Mountains was very lively. There were tens of thousands of guests sitting on thousands of banquets, eating delicious food, drinking fine wine, and chatting with each other.

At the same time.

In the huge attic of a third-level sacred mountain next to the square, there were also six wine tables. The lowest-grade dishes were all second-level high-quality spiritual food, which was extremely luxurious.

And the people sitting on these wine tables were naturally not ordinary people. The twenty-five cultivators sitting on the four wine tables around were all Golden Elixir True Persons.

Ling Pengyun was also among them. He sat at the same wine table with three old acquaintances of Yan State, Bailing True Person, Yaowang True Person, and Qingxin Laodao, as well as several Golden Elixir from the nine major forces of Tianxing State.

However, on such a festive day, none of the Jindan cultivators present had a smile on their faces, but instead showed a bit of sadness.

Obviously, these people, like Ling Pengyun, guessed that the Tianxing Sect would hold the Tianxing Trade Fair in advance. It must be a big deal to attract them here.

After waiting for a while, the Jindan cultivator who held the Jindan Grand Ceremony of the host Tianxing Sect finally arrived, accompanied by fifteen Jindan cultivators from the Tianxing Sect.

The newly promoted Jindan cultivator was a rare female Jindan cultivator, who looked particularly good, but had a cold face, which made her lose some of her beauty.

This person bowed coldly to everyone and said apologetically.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. I'm Tuhua from the Tianxing Sect. Thank you for coming to my Jindan Grand Banquet."

Ling Pengyun and other guests naturally said that it was okay.

Then, everyone started to eat the banquet.

After eating for three consecutive days, the Jindan Grand Ceremony ended.

After the ten-day Tianxing Auction held once every 100 years in Tianxing Market, the much-anticipated Tianxing Trade Fair was finally held in a large quiet room in Tianxing Auction House.

At this time, there were ten more Jindan cultivators gathered here than at the Jindan Grand Ceremony. These Jindan cultivators had come from other great immortal cultivation countries to participate in the grand event of the Yuanying Sect Tianxing Sect in recent days.

Adding them together, the number of Jindan cultivators gathered here has reached 51 Jindan.

Although most of them are Jindan early stage cultivators, there are also 20 Jindan middle stage cultivators, 8 Jindan late stage cultivators, and even three cultivators who have no breath leaking out and are suspected to be Jindan perfect cultivators.

Ling Pengyun was also a little shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

His eyes also fixed on the three Jindan perfect cultivators.

Ling Pengyun had seen two of the three before. They were Zhao Bai, the patriarch of the Black Mountain Zhao family, who rode a wolf during the previous Golden Elixir Ceremony, and Liu Haochan, an elder of the Tianxing Sect who had just visited the Ling family earlier.

The other one was wearing a linen Taoist robe, with a head full of green hair. Although he looked young, he could not hide the trace of death on his body.

The Medicine King Zhenren next to Ling Pengyun, perhaps saw Ling Pengyun's doubts, and sent a message to Ling Pengyun to let him know.

"Brother Pengyun, the senior in the hemp robe is from the Yuan Kingdom, where the three major Yuanying forces in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World have gathered."

"This person's Taoist name is "Qingfeng". In recent years, the Yuan Kingdom has been famous and has risen for only two hundred years. The Feng family, a Jindan force with five Jindan masters, was founded by this person more than two hundred years ago."

"But it's a pity for this senior. It is said that when this senior entered the Jindan hundreds of years ago, he broke through the Jindan alone, overcame many difficulties, and forged a top "He has the potential to become a Nascent Soul. "

"However, this person is a casual cultivator, without the support of anyone behind him. Even though this talented senior had raised his cultivation to the perfection of the Golden Core more than two hundred years ago, he still did not dare to try to impact the Nascent Soul because he had not found the Nascent Soul spiritual object. "

"Perhaps, this senior did not want his juniors to end up like him, so he worked hard for the Nascent Soul faction Haiyun Sect, conquered a piece of land in Yuan State, and established the Feng family based on a third-level spiritual vein. "

Ling Pengyun was surprised when he heard this.

"Superior Golden Core! I didn't expect that such a person could emerge among casual cultivators. "

According to a careful calculation, there is currently no cultivator in the entire Yan State who has formed a superior golden core. In the past, the first genius of the Xuanyang Sect, "Qiu Shui Zhenren", can be counted as one, but it's a pity that this person has been killed long ago.

And if it is expanded to the entire Tianxing Sect, the number of cultivators who can form a superior golden core can be counted on one hand.

At this time, the trade fair was officially opened at the signal of the Golden Core Perfection Elder "Liu Haochan" of Tianxing Sect.

As the representative of Tianxing Sect, Liu Haochan was the first to stand up and walked to the center of the trade fair to take out more than 20 trading treasures.

Among these treasures, there are ten powerful formations of third-level middle grade or above with formation tools, and the rest are some healing pills or pills that can assist cultivators to break through the realm.

"It seems that the Tianxing Sect is holding a trade fair this time, and it is also intended to enhance the strength of the affiliated forces of my Ling family."

Ling Pengyun just looked at these spiritual objects, and his eyes immediately fixed on a formation that was nearly twice as strong as the ordinary third-level upper-grade formation, and had a formation with a quasi-fourth-level magic weapon as a formation tool, and he was secretly puzzled.

"This is a quasi-fourth-level formation!"

"When did Tianxing Sect be so willing to take out such a powerful formation?"

Although the quasi-fourth-level formation is still in the category of the third-level formation, this kind of formation has at least 30% of the power of the fourth-level formation. It is said that when this kind of formation is fully victorious, it has the ability to kill the perfect golden elixir cultivator.

And it is extremely difficult to refine this kind of formation.

And the materials required to refine this kind of formation are also extremely high. At least one kind of Yuanying-level material is required as the main material to withstand such a powerful formation.

In the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm, which has just been developed for only ten thousand years, there are not many Yuanying Zhenjun, and the fourth-level spiritual materials are naturally few and far between. They will not circulate on the market at all, and it is difficult to buy them with spirit stones.

Under such circumstances, the quasi-fourth-level formation is extremely rare. Even the Yuanying force "Tianxing Sect" known for its formations does not have many formations of this level, and the formations of this level from Tianxing Sect are even fewer.

In the past thousand years, the Tianxing Sect has not produced a formation of this grade. In the past, the finale of the Tianxing Trade Fair held every hundred years was at most some third-grade high-quality formations with powerful formation tools.

And the Jindan forces under the Tianxing Sect, except for the Black Mountain Zhao family, which is in the same boat with the Tianxing Sect, no other Jindan forces have formations of this grade.

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