Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 656: Planning the Void Crystal Mine (3200 words, please subscribe)

When the Star Flying Boat stepped within ten thousand feet of the Yin Du Sect's headquarters, the Yin Du Sect's sect-protecting formation discovered the traces of the Star Flying Boat.

Suddenly, the huge light curtain protecting the Yin Du Sect became several times thicker.

At this time, five demon cultivators with golden elixirs surrounding their bodies were standing inside the Yindu Sect's mountain gate.

One of them, an old man wearing a Yin Po Sect Taoist robe and surrounded by deathly aura, looked at the Star Flying Boat flying in the distance, his face suddenly filled with a gloomy look, but with a hint of certainty at the same time.

"Sure enough, Tianxing Sect sent someone here."

"It is really a mistake for our sect. This time, Junior Brother Yin Po will find it difficult to rely on the blood sacrifices of Yuan Kingdom mortals and monks to recover the injuries caused by the Demonic Spirit Treasure."

Half a day ago, this person had received a message from Yuanying Demon Lord "Yindu Demon Lord" who had invaded the Li family in the Yuan Kingdom, saying that the Tianxing True Lord of the Tianxing Sect had supported the Li family and was stationed at the Li family's base, causing the Yindu Sect to It was difficult to occupy more territory in the Yuan Kingdom.

Then, this person sacrificed a third-level communication mirror and reported the news of Tianxing Sect's arrival.

"The sect master and others are far away in Yuan Kingdom and it is difficult to support them in a short time. They all give me all their strength to defend the sect!"

After the man finished speaking, he took out a black jade pendant from somewhere.

A dark wind suddenly rose all around, roaring across the earth, and a series of whistling sounds were heard.

At this moment, a strange roar suddenly came from the depths of the Yin Du Sect.

The next moment, a black human-shaped shadow with the aura of a pseudo-infant realm quietly appeared, floating next to the old demon cultivator, and an evil ghost with fiery red pustules all over its body appeared.

This evil ghost seemed to be sane, its eyes were slightly tired, and it spoke human words to the old man.

"Xuanyang boy, what happened to the sect again? If it's just a minor matter, I'll go back to sleep."

Seeing the evil ghost's attitude, Old Taoist Xuanyin felt a little uncomfortable, so he threatened him.

"The sect of fellow Taoist Huo Sha is indeed in danger. Please help me. If the sect is breached, after the sect master finds out, it will not be easy for our fellow Taoist."

When the evil spirit of the fire heard the word "sect master" and recalled the strength of the sinister demon lord of the Yin Du Sect, he couldn't help but get a chill down his back.

"I know, I know."

The fire demon nodded quickly.

Upon seeing this, the old Taoist Xuanyin no longer paid much attention to this evil spirit. Instead, he greeted the other four golden elixir demon cultivators who stayed with the sect like him, and took the lead in sacrificing a toad-shaped demon treasure. .

He also activated the magic weapon, and the aura of a pseudo-infant suddenly spread out.

The toad demon treasure also turned into a giant toad shadow at this moment, spitting out a large amount of poisonous water at the charging Star Flying Boat.

The magic weapons produced by the other four golden elixir demon cultivators have something to do with poison.

The evil fire demon fired out waves of flames with the aura of fire evil and swept out.

However, the Star Flying Boat, which is a quasi-fourth-level flying boat, is not an extraordinary thing. Zhao Baigang of the Zhao family from Heishan who was in charge of the flying boat made a finger gesture, and a thin-breathing sky-reaching formation rose above the Sky Star Flying Boat, and it was about to attack. The magic weapon was easily resisted.

At this time, Zhao Baigang of the Zhao family of Montenegro, who was flying the Star Flying Boat, noticed the "Xuan Yin Old Demon" in the Yin Po Sect even though he was nearly ten thousand feet away. He was a little surprised at first.

The old demon Xuanyin has disappeared for nearly a hundred years. Everyone thought that he passed away due to his old age and exhaustion of his lifespan.

Now, the old demon Xuanyin has survived for another hundred years. He has probably lived for more than six hundred years.

This age is far beyond the limit of the golden elixir's lifespan.

"Xuanyin is immortal, but you are not dead yet."

Zhao Baigang roared out.

"All of you righteous beasts in clothing have not been completely destroyed by my demonic way, so how can I dare to die?"

As soon as he said these words, Xuanyin Old Demon's offensive became a little stronger.

Small waves finally began to appear on the big formation on the Star Flying Boat.

"Damn old devil!"

Zhao Baigang snorted angrily and summoned the five Zhao family golden elixirs on the flying boat to block the magic weapons shot by the four ordinary golden elixirs of the Yin Du Sect.

Then, he also summoned several magic weapons, and also summoned the Zhao family's "blazing wolf" who was at the peak of the ninth level of the golden elixir. Cooperating with this wolf, he barely managed to kill the old Xuanyin who was in the pseudo-infant realm. Block the ghost attacks.

In this way, the consumption of spiritual energy by the fourth-order formation on the Star Flying Boat is reduced.

There is no spiritual vein on the Tianxing flying boat. The powerful fourth-level formation can be activated with the help of a fourth-level spiritual storage formation on the flying boat.

Once the spiritual power in the spirit storage formation is exhausted, if you want to activate the fourth-level formation, you can only use your own spiritual power.

At this moment, Master Qingfeng also wisely sacrificed two top-notch natal magic weapons, temporarily blocking the evil fire ghost.

"The rest of the fellow Jindan Taoists can just attack the Yin Du Sect's sect-protecting formation with all their strength."

Then Zhao Baigang greeted Ling Pengyun and others.

Ling Pengyun and the other twenty-four golden elixirs originally wanted to obtain military exploits so that they could exchange for third-level formations from the Tianxing Sect, so they immediately used all their attack methods to bombard the Yin Poison Sect's sect-protecting formation. .

Even though this formation was extremely powerful, Ling Pengyun's side had so many golden elixirs that the quasi-fourth-level formation was a little overwhelmed for a while, and was beaten into chaos.

Its flickering light gradually became dim.

A group of people only bombarded the Yin Du Sect's formation for three days, and the power of the formation was reduced by 20%, and the Yin Du Sect's situation became precarious.

Within the Yin Du Sect.

Seeing this situation, Old Taoist Xuanyin had a gloomy expression on his face.

"In three days, Junior Brother Yindu has not returned with anyone, and it is difficult to find him using the communication mirror. I am afraid that Junior Brother Yindu's situation is not optimistic either."

"We can only call the Yinhun Junior Brother stationed at the Void Crystal Mine vein back to help."

After hesitating for a while, he waved his hand and took out a piece of mother-in-law token from the storage bag and crushed it into pieces.

at the same time.

The Yin Du Sect is hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Deep in a dim underground mine, there is a middle-aged man with an evil face, like a mummy, a skinny body, and a cultivation level as high as the perfection of the Golden Core. He controls five evil spirits above the middle stage of the Golden Core. The ghost uses the magic treasure to dig into the surrounding hard rock walls.

Suddenly, the storage bag on his waist lit up with a light.

He looked around, raised his hand, and took out a broken token from it.

"Senior Brother Xuanyin has always been prudent. He will never ask me for help unless it is necessary. It seems that the danger our sect encounters is not that great?"

The man frowned and looked up at the surrounding mine. After hesitating for a while, he played four communication talismans in succession.

After a while, a total of eight demon cultivators with golden elixirs exuding the coercion of their bodies arrived here.

However, among these demon cultivators, six of them had somewhat unstable auras, and they looked like they had just broken through the golden elixir.

The other two golden elixirs are not that good either, and their cultivation level is only around the first level of the golden elixir.

The skinny middle-aged man with perfect golden elixir looked at the eight golden elixir demon cultivators in front of him with a look of helplessness between his brows.

"These apprentice nephews who have just entered the realm of golden elixir with the help of Senior Brother Yindu and countless mortal sacrifices from the Yuan Kingdom are still a little weak in cultivation. It would be good to leave them here to mine ore. If they fight, I'm afraid they will all It’s cannon fodder.”

"Bringing them back to the sect is probably not as good as me, a mid-stage golden elixir evil ghost."

After thinking about this, this person said coldly to the eight golden elixir demon cultivators present.

"I'm going to be away for a while, and you guys can help me dig up the Void Crystal here."

After saying that, the man threw a formation plate and a soul contract to an evil ghost in the late Golden Core stage beside him, and told him to take good care of this place. He then left the place with the other four evil ghosts.

When the eight remaining golden elixir demon cultivators saw the Yin Hun master leaving, their eyes were fixed on the late-stage golden elixir evil ghost, with a hint of greed on their faces.

The evil ghost in the late stage of the golden elixir still had a lot of sanity left, and it also knew the thoughts of these sinister sect golden elixirs. Immediately, it sneered.

"As long as you dare to make any small moves and be noticed by me using the shadow effect of the pulse protection formation here, I will not be as reluctant as my master to do anything to you sect golden elixirs."

"It's been a while since I've eaten the soul of a Golden Core monk."

After saying that, the evil ghost looked at the eight golden elixir demon cultivators with a greedy look.

This move frightened the eight golden elixir demon cultivators into a cold sweat. They quickly said they did not dare, and left the place to mine the void crystals in various places in the mines.

"None of these demon cultivators are really good."

"I don't know what the sinister sect leader is thinking. He spends so much blood of mortals and monks to refine the magic elixir and cultivate these rubbish. It is better to sacrifice the blood of those mortals and monks to refine the demon elixir to help me reach the perfection of the golden elixir. "

The evil ghost in the late stage of the golden elixir looked at the backs of the eight golden elixir demon cultivators leaving. There was a bit of gloom on the ferocious face, and a small voice also came out.

The other side.

This mineral vein is hundreds of thousands of miles away, on a barren mountain.

Liu Haochan, who had previously left the Star Flying Boat, and fifteen Tianxing Sect Golden Pills all gathered here.

Liu Haochan looked at the direction of the mineral vein, flew out a ray of light and rushed towards the direction of the Yin Du Sect, with a hint of joy on his face.

"The ghost old monster has finally left the Void Crystal Mine Vein."

After waiting for about several hours, when the old ghost ghost walked away, Liu Haochan also led the fifteen Tianxing Sect Jindan behind him to leave the barren mountain and kill the Void Treasure Crystal Mine.

Before they arrived, Liu Haochan used a third-level high-grade isolation formation to cover the mine.

It was only then that the eight golden elixir demon cultivators and the evil ghost in the mine realized Liu Haochan's arrival.

But now it is too late. The mine is surrounded by an isolation formation. Except for the fourth-level communication method, it will be difficult to break through the isolation formation and spread the news that this place is under siege and that it is asking for help.

In desperation, the evil ghost in the late stage of the golden elixir could only activate a quasi-fourth-level formation arranged on the mineral vein to temporarily block Liu Haochan and others.

However, what Tianxing Sect is best at is its formations, and it has many methods for breaking formations.

This formation, which was of the same level as the Yin Poison Sect's Protective Formation, was easily destroyed by Liu Haochen and his group of sixteen people within two days, and they also entered the mineral vein.

At this moment, a demon cultivator in the mine who had just entered the realm of golden elixir and had not yet stabilized his aura suddenly rushed towards Liu Haochan and his party.

Except for Liu Haochan, the rest of the Tianxing Sect's Golden Pills all showed somewhat unclear thoughts. They thought that the Golden Pill demon cultivator was seeking death, and planned to kill him with direct attacks, but were stopped by Liu Haochan.

Soon, the first-level Jindan demon cultivator rushed to Liu Haochan's side.

What is surprising is that there is no fight between the righteous and the demonic cultivators.

Instead, the demon cultivator looked excited and raised his hands to Liu Haochan.

"Fellow Taoists from the Tianxing Sect, you are finally here."

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