Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 658: The inheritance of the evil dragon demon king, breaking through the Yindu Sect (3200 wo

When Tianxing Zhenjun heard this, the smile on his face also faded a little. He nodded helplessly.

"This demon inherited the legacy of the evil dragon old demon in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul thousands of years ago in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world. With the help of the fourth-level middle-grade evil dragon magic treasure and the fourth-level lower-grade evil dragon magic shield, his strength is beyond our reach."

"If we just want to trap him, we can barely do it, but if we want to kill him, we have to fight him to the death."

"And we don't have a fourth-level middle-grade spiritual treasure. Even if my fourth-level lower-grade formation and your Fire Phoenix Bow work together, I'm afraid it will be difficult to withstand the evil dragon magic sword in the old demon's hand."

"Even if we can trap that If the old demon kills us, I'm afraid there's a high probability that we will die here too. "

"Brother Xuanyuan... I know you want to fight to the death, but have you ever thought about what will happen to the Li family if you die?"

"Does your Li family only need to guard against the Yindu Sect?"

"Don't shoot yourself in the foot. You still have a few decades left in your life. If you can stay in the Li family for a while, it will also be good for the Li family behind you."

After hearing these words, Li Xuanyuan looked at the nearly 10,000 Li family cultivators fighting with the demon cultivators on the ground below, and the cruelty in his eyes suddenly dissipated a lot.

He also helplessly exhaled a turbid breath.

Looking at his appearance, Tianxing Zhenjun felt emotional. In addition, because of the matter of the Void Treasure Crystal, he and the Li family were also on the same battlefield, so he also spoke out.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Li. If the Yindu Sect attacks your clan in the future, I will definitely help. Before the monster beast chaos comes, I will also be in Yuan State and work with you to deter the Yindu Demon Lord."

Although Li Xuanyuan knew the reason why Tianxing Zhenjun did this, he still thanked him sincerely.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist."

Tianxing Zhenjun waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. Continue to trap the Demon Lord for a while. My sect still has people attacking the Yindu Sect's base. There are probably some third-level void treasure crystals in the clan library of the Yindu Sect's base."

Li Xuanyuan nodded. "Okay."


On the other side.

The Yindu Sect's base.

The "ghost old demon" who was stationed in the void treasure crystal mine returned to the sect a day ago and stationed with Xuanyuan Laogui and others.

But the number of Jindan in Tianxing Sect was too large. Even if the old demon Yinhun and the four evil ghosts in the middle Jindan stage or above attacked together, they could only resist the attack of nearly ten Jindan at most.

The old ghost Xuanyuan in the pseudo-infant state and the evil ghost Huosha were blocked by Zhao Baigang and Qingfeng Zhenren.

This left more than ten Jindan free to attack the protective formation of Yindu Sect.

The arrival of the old demon Yinhun could only delay the formation from being broken.

On the fifteenth day of Ling Pengyun and others' attack on Yindu Sect.

The protective formation of Yindu Sect was no longer as powerful as before, with only about 20% of its power left when it was in full victory, and the flashing spiritual light was extremely dim.

Even a small crack appeared on the formation.

Zhao Baigang of the Black Mountain Zhao Family also sacrificed thirty-six formation flags with flashing yellow spiritual light at this moment, hitting the surrounding of Yindu Sect to form a huge quasi-fourth-level formation.

In the next moment, a dragon roar suddenly sounded from deep in the ground of the Yindu Sect.

It was as if a dragon turned over in the deep ground, and the entire Yindu Sect began to shake. Countless buildings in the Yindu Sect collapsed at this moment, and cracks appeared on the ground.

There was even a sound of a giant object hitting the Yindu Sect's quasi-fourth-level magic vein.

And every time a sound was heard, the Yindu Sect's protective formation would shake.

At this time, the old demon Xuanyin in the pseudo-infant state in the Yindu Sect also found something wrong. He frowned and said secretly.

"Oh no, it's the topple-down formation!"

But it was too late. Zhao Baigang took advantage of the Yindu Sect's golden elixir being blocked and sacrificed three third-level top-grade formation-breaking talismans to hit the Yindu Sect's protective formation.

The three array-breaking talismans also frantically absorbed the spiritual power in the sect-protecting array, and then exploded, releasing three huge powers to bombard the array.

The power of the Yindu Sect's sect-protecting array also decreased again in an instant, leaving only about 20% of the power when it was completely victorious.

At this moment, a louder dragon roar was heard from the depths of the Yindu Sect, and the array, which was already extremely dim, began to shake continuously.

However, in just a hundred breaths, a very loud sound of breaking was heard from the depths of the ground.

The light curtain of the Yindu Sect's sect-protecting array also dimmed again.

Immediately afterwards, a dragon roar and a series of strange screams were heard from the place where the quasi-fourth-level magic vein in the depths of the Yindu Sect was located.

The demonic energy in the Yindu Sect was also rapidly becoming scarce, and the sect-protecting array of this sect gradually became weak due to the lack of sufficient demonic energy supply.

Even though the old demon Xuanyin from the Yindu Sect took out a large amount of magic crystals to maintain the formation, it takes time to refine the magic crystals, which means that the speed of the formation refining the magic crystals and absorbing the magic energy is not as fast as the consumption of the formation.

In just a thousand breaths, cracks appeared all over this huge formation.

As the sound of breaking sounded, the huge formation suddenly turned into countless spiritual lights and disappeared in this world.

As for the aura of the quasi-fourth-level spiritual vein deep in the Yindu Sect, it directly fell to the lower level of the third level, and the speed of grade drop was still very fast.

I am afraid that in a few hundred breaths, this world will be without magic veins.

However, in order to avoid destroying the third-level magic vein here and thus breaking the agreement with the demonic forces not to destroy the other party's third-level spiritual veins and other spiritual objects, Zhao Baigang promptly withdrew the earth-covering and vein-covering formation.

The third-level magic vein was thus saved.

When Ling Pengyun on the Tianxing flying boat saw this scene, his face was full of astonishment.

Then, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This earth-shattering formation is really domineering."

"If the family also has such a formation, when I attacked the Golden Horned Mad Bull Clan's residence with fellow Taoist Ling Fu and others, we would not have been blocked by the Golden Horned Mad Bull Clan's protective formation for so long."

"What a pity."

"It is probably difficult to find this kind of formation in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World. If I have the opportunity to go to the Boundless Sea Cultivation World in the future, I have to go to the sect to see if I can get this kind of formation from the sect."

Although the earth-shattering formation is powerful, it is extremely rare in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World and is extremely difficult to refine. There are no more than 20 formation masters in the three forces of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World who can master the earth-shattering formation.

Take the quasi-fourth-level earth-covering formation here for example. It is nearly twice as difficult to refine this thing as to refine an ordinary quasi-fourth-level formation. Even the top third-level formation master finds it difficult to refine it. Only the fourth-level formation master has a chance to refine this thing.

This is exactly the case. Some third-level lower, middle, and upper-grade earth-covering formations can still be seen, but the quasi-fourth-level and even the real fourth-level earth-covering formations can be counted with two hands in the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

At the same time, the Tianxing Flying Boat, under the control of Zhao Baigang, quickly flew into the Yindu Sect without the protection of the formation.

At this moment, Zhao Baigang also shouted to the golden elixir of the Tianxing Flying Boat.

"Everyone, this time we have a grudge against the Yindu Sect's demon cultivators. If these demonic Jindan escape this time, the forces behind you will probably never have peace in the future. Everyone, go all out and follow me to kill the demons!"

As soon as these words fell, Zhao Baigang rode his Fiery Wolf, which was at the peak of the ninth level of the Jindan, and flew away from the Tianxing Flying Boat. With the help of a quasi-fourth-level formation, he stopped the pseudo-infant realm Xuanyin old ghost who was about to escape.

Taoist Qingfeng also used a quasi-fourth-level formation to stop the pseudo-infant realm "Fire Evil Ghost".

The quasi-fourth-level formation used by this person was the one that appeared at the trade fair.

Both of them were only at the perfect level of Jindan. If they did not use the power of the formation and were fighting alone, they would have difficulty stopping the pseudo-infant realm "Xuanyin old ghost" and the fire evil ghost who wanted to leave.

And the Yinhun old demon at the perfect level of Jindan was stopped by a Jindan eighth-level cultivator from the Black Mountain Zhao family with ten Jindan.

Ling Pengyun and more than ten other Jindan followed a Jindan mid-stage cultivator from the Black Mountain Zhao family and headed straight to the Yindu Sect's treasure storage room.

As for the low-level cultivators of this sect, they had been refined into recovery magic pills by the Xuanyin Old Demon, the Fire Demon Evil Ghost, and the Yinhun Old Demon during the fifteen days, and had been fighting for a long time.

The magic cultivators are different from the righteous. The magic cultivators practice bloodthirsty techniques and never care about the friendship of their fellow disciples. In the minds of the magic cultivators, there is only one thought, which is to seek longevity. No matter what means, as long as they can find longevity, it will be fine.

Therefore, the low-level magic cultivators in the magic forces can actually be regarded as blood food raised by the magic cultivators, and they will be harvested at the critical moment.

Half a day later.

Ling Pengyun and others finally broke the third-level low-grade formation in the Yindu Sect's warehouse and entered it.

The Jindan mid-stage cultivator from the Black Mountain Zhao family, the strongest Jindan force under the Tianxing Sect, also served as a representative and used dozens of storage bags with huge space to collect all the spiritual objects in this area and distribute them later.

Afterwards, the group went to the other major places of the Yindu Sect, searched the entire Yindu Sect, collected all the property, and then went to help Zhao Baigang, the head of the Zhao family, and others besiege the Jindan demon cultivators of the Yindu Sect.

Because Ling Pengyun and others had a large number of people and were all in the Jindan realm, and there were two quasi-fourth-level formations in the hands of Zhao Baigang, the head of the Zhao family, and Qingfeng Zhenren, it didn't take long for the four Jindan mid- and late-stage demon cultivators of the Yindu Sect to be killed.

Only the Xuanyin old demon in the pseudo-infant realm, the fire evil ghost, and the Yinhun old demon in the perfect Jindan realm could barely hold on.

But soon something happened. The Xuanyin old ghost actually used a secret method to force the fire evil ghost in the pseudo-infant realm to self-destruct.

There was a loud bang, and a thin explosion force spread all around. If it weren't for the Immortal Qingfeng who promptly withdrew the quasi-fourth-level formation that trapped the evil ghost, the formation would have been severely damaged.

Five Jindan who didn't have time to retreat and had no high-level defensive magic weapons on their bodies were directly blown to death.

Even Ling Pengyun, who was far away from the battlefield, was not feeling well in order to resist the aftermath of the evil ghost's self-explosion, and his blood was surging.

The Xuanyin old demon and the Yinhun old demon wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, and took out a lot of means to smash the formation that blocked them, but they were blocked again by the timely reaction of the crowd.

After half an incense stick of time, the two old demons also died at the hands of the crowd.

The crowd looted the property of the two old demons and quickly left this area.

Thanks to: General Kuangdao, Dafengge, Gu Ji, Book Friend 20171005163108762, Book Friend 20230409212025gchun for their monthly tickets.

Thank you all

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