Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 675: Longevity-increasing Spiritual Apricot Tree and Spiritual Plant Planning (3000 words, p

After thinking for a while, Ling Pengyun thought of two helpers, Qingxin Taoist Temple and Yaowang Valley.

Although these two major forces don't have many golden elixirs, they have lasted for thousands of years and have a pretty good foundation. Each family has at least three to forty medium-sized flying boats.

If these flying boats are combined, there is no problem in transporting 50,000 people at a time.

Coupled with the flying boats of the family, Liang family, and Qiu family, it is enough to transport nearly 170 to 80,000 mortals at a time.

Then, Ling Pengyun made arrangements to Liang Mingtu, the eldest elder of the Liang family.

"All the nearly five million mortals under your Liang family have been gathered. After three months, I will come here and use your Liang family's flying boats to transport a group of mortals to my Ling family's territory."

"Subsequently, our clan will send more flying boat groups here to help transport mortals."

"This matter cannot be neglected. You, the eldest elder of the Liang family, must first select a group of people to stay in this area to manage the transportation of mortals."

"The rest of the Liang family will take the first batch of flying boats and return to our clan."

"If you do this well, five years later, I will find you an ordinary golden elixir spiritual object, and a monster golden elixir to help you form a fake elixir realm."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun turned into a stream of light and escaped into the sky.

Liang Mingming looked at Ling Pengyun's back with a hint of anticipation.

After staring for a long time, he finally came back to his senses. Then, there was a bit of sadness and murderous intent in his eyes.

He also slowly followed a thoroughfare in the Liang family's land and walked deep into the Liang family's land.

After a while, he followed a hidden underground passage in a cave, went thousands of feet underground, and entered a small quiet room.

There were more than a dozen Liang family monks of different ages gathered in this quiet room with sad and panic expressions on their faces.

When the Great Elder Liang arrived here tomorrow, they had a bit more panic on their faces. When they saw that no one was following Liang Hanqian, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Among them, a beautiful middle-aged woman with a high level of cultivation and perfect foundation building came up to her like a leader and asked the great elder Liang Tomorrow in an elder's tone.

"Tomorrow, will Han Qian's incident be over? Will the senior Ling family who was intercepted and killed by Han Qian pursue those of us who are directly related to Han Qian?"

As soon as these words came out, the other dozen or so panic-stricken Liang family monks in the quiet room also turned their attention to the great elder Liang Mingtu.

These dozen Liang family monks are all direct relatives of Liang Hanqian, the head of the Liang family.

In the past, due to their relationship with Liang Hanqian, they all found good jobs in the clan, so they did not need to go out. Therefore, this place is all Liang Hanqian's direct relatives.

The beautiful woman who spoke was a concubine that Liang Hanqian had married in recent decades. Because of her outstanding beauty and good cultivation talent, she was quite favored by Liang Hanqian. Therefore, she had a very high status in the Liang family.

Liang Mingtu looked at the gazes of the dozen people in front of him, with a hint of unbearability flashing between his brows.

But thinking about the Liang family's residence and the more than 8,000 clan members in the outside world, his heart became cruel.

Without saying much, he just patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a formation disk. As a spiritual power entered it, a huge third-level low-grade formation suddenly rose in the quiet room.

A series of sharp golden needles suddenly appeared, killing more than a dozen clansmen in the quiet room who were directly related to Liang Hanqian.

When the dozens of Liang family monks saw what the elder Liang Mingtu did, their faces were filled with fear. After temporarily blocking the formation offensive with the help of several third-level defensive talismans given to them by the head of the Liang family, Liang Hanqian, they They all yelled angrily at Liang Mingtu.

"Liang Mingtu, have you forgotten who, decades ago, against all odds, gave you two ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects for you to try to break through the golden elixir?"


When the eldest elder Liang heard these words tomorrow, he felt extremely sad. How could he not know the kindness that the head of the Liang family, Liang Hanqian, had shown to him.

It's just a pity that the family is in trouble...

"Everyone, if you want to blame me, it's because Qianbo Han didn't kill the Ling family's golden elixir senior!"

"You are members of the Liang family, so you have to die!"

"In the next life, I will work as a cow or a horse for you."

Liang Mingtian frowned, and while controlling the formation here, he used several more magic weapons to shoot out.

In just half a stick of incense, the dozens of Liang family monks were all turned into cold corpses.

In this quiet room deep underground, only one monk, the Great Elder Liang Mingtu, is still alive.

Liang Mingtu also walked to the corpses tremblingly and with dull eyes at this moment. He didn't say anything, but quietly packed up their corpses, burned them with fire into ashes, and packed them one by one in jade boxes. Put it into a storage bag and carry it with you.

Then, he left the quiet room and walked to the top of the Liang family's Blue Scale Mountain, which had a third-level mid-grade spiritual vein.

He looked at the messy scene in the mountain and the entire Liang family, and his eyebrows felt a little heavier.

"I don't know whether the family can return to this land in the future..."

After standing here for a long time, he finally made a move and walked under an old tree on the top of the mountain.

On a thick branch of the old tree, there was a bronze bell with a grade as high as the third lower grade. He struck the bell twice in succession.

The sound of the two bronze bells immediately resounded throughout the entire Liang family.

Even the sound of these two bronze bells was heard along the Liang family identity tokens hanging on the waists of the Liang family members in the mountains.

It was also through the identity tokens of the Liang family that the Liang family members tens of thousands of miles away, or even hundreds of thousands of miles away, heard the sound of the two bronze bells.

The sound of two bronze bells means that there is something important and the clan members need to return home.

The three sounds signaled that the family was in danger and summoned the clan members to return home.

A sound will only resound in the mountains.

Suddenly, the Liang family members from all over the country rushed back towards the Liang family's land.

at the same time.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the Liang family, there was a vast expanse of sky.

Ling Pengyun, who had turned into a escaping light, felt a strange movement in the storage bag at his waist. He also patted the storage bag at his waist and took out a dozen broken life cards.

Looking at these shattered life cards, Ling Pengyun's face showed a bit of satisfaction.

"The eldest elder of the Liang family, Liang Mingtu, is really neat in his work!"

Ling Pengyun also summoned a ball of flame to burn all the dozens of broken life cards in his hand to ashes, and fled towards the Qiu family's residence again.

The Qiu family's territory is close to the Liang family's territory. The two families are also relatives and have a very close relationship. This is why the Jindans of these two families were able to work together to attack Ling Pengyun and others.

In less than half a day, Ling Pengyun entered the realm of the Qiu family and found the clan's territory.

This clan, like the previous Liang family, suddenly broke into pieces due to the fate card left by the clan leader, and without knowing the reason, they opened up the formation to protect the clan.

The Qiu family members inside were also prepared.

This actually gave Ling Pengyun a lot of convenience to conquer the Qiu family. He also followed the method of conquering the Liang family and successfully conquered the Qiu family with a combination of kindness and power.

After killing the Qiu family members who had a close relationship with the original female patriarch of the Qiu family, Qiu Yueyou, Ling Pengyun began to carefully harvest the Qiu family's spiritual objects.

However, because the Qiu family is just a Jindan family with average strength, there is not much property in it, only things worth five to six million spiritual stones.

Among them, the most precious one is the clan's third-level high-grade clan-protecting formation with a defensive array.

This formation is worth more than three million spiritual stones on the market.

Secondly, there is this tribe’s spiritual apricot tree, which is a third-level low-grade spiritual tree that suppresses the tribe.

Although this tree cannot breed golden elixir spiritual objects, it can bear spiritual apricots that enhance longevity.

If this tree is allowed to gestate for three hundred years, it can even produce a spiritual apricot that can increase the life span of a Golden Elixir monk by fifty years.

The price of spiritual apricots of this grade in the market is not low. Each one can be sold for at least 300,000 spiritual stones, which is about the same price as a golden elixir.

The overall value of this spiritual apricot tree is at least as high as millions of spiritual stones.

The rest of the items worth one or two million spiritual stones are ordinary spiritual items.

The Qiu family has only two golden elixir techniques due to their weak background. Only one technique called "Mu Yuan Fufeng Treasure Book" is complete and can be practiced to the perfection of the golden elixir.

Ling didn't have the golden elixir consummation technique with the wood attribute. The emergence of this technique greatly strengthened Ling's deficiencies in the technique.

In addition, the golden elixir technique is a water-based technique that can only be practiced to the late stage of the golden elixir, so Ling Pengyun doesn't attach much importance to it.

As a result, the Ling family currently has seven techniques that can be practiced to the perfection of the golden elixir. In addition to the earth attribute techniques, the Ling family has the other four five element attribute techniques.

The seven golden elixir perfection techniques are respectively the fire-attributed "Xuanyang Treasure Book" and the "Medicine King Xuanyuan Gong".

The former was obtained from Xuanyang Sect, and the latter was handed over to the Ling family from Yaowang Valley.

The "Beast King's Book", which can be cultivated with any spiritual root, came about due to the opportunity of the teleportation array, and the "Ten Thousand Beasts Book" is the sect-suppressing technique of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

These two techniques are both related to the beast master. If the beast master practices, it will be of great help to the beast master. It is a partial skill, but it is also two very good skills.

The "Qingxin Jingyu Collection" with water attributes was handed over to Qingxin Taoist Temple a few years ago.

The metallic "Mingyue Gilded Book" came from the Liang family.

The "Rotten Wood Fufeng Book" with the wood attribute was collected from the Qiu family.

In addition, the Ling family now also has a righteous cultivation method "Huoyun Baodian" that can be practiced to the early stage of Nascent Soul, which is the inheritance left by the old Taoist Huoyun.

Another demonic technique, the "Blood Evil Demon Transformation Technique", can also be practiced to the early stage of Nascent Soul. It was acquired by Ling from the "Blood Evil Sect" of the demonic sect.

There are also dozens of lower-value exercises that can directly lead to the early, middle and late stages of the Golden Elixir.

Although the "Bihai Scripture" that Ling received from the Canglan Bihai Sect was profound, Ling had not yet obtained the complete set, and Ling Pengyun only had in his hands the operation technique that could reach the middle stage of the golden elixir.

Only after entering the late stage of Jindan can he obtain the operating route behind the Bihai Scripture.

In addition, the Qiu family also has a third-level complete spiritual talisman inheritance, and an alchemy inheritance that only reaches the third-level low-level realm.

There are also many other low-level skills.

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