Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 681 Selling furnace tripods (2600 words, please subscribe)

Mingshui sea area.

Mingshuifang City, the cultivation cave area.

In a cave with extremely rich spiritual energy, suitable for the cultivation of Jindan monks, Ling Pengyun was constantly throwing mountains of first- and second-order water-based spiritual irons into the blazing furnace in front of him.

After an unknown amount of time, when the pile of water-type spiritual iron was exhausted, he stopped and waved away the blazing fire, and opened the lid of the refining furnace.

An iron bead the size of a fist with surging blue light flew out of it and fell into Ling Pengyun's hand.

"With fifty thousand kilograms of spiritual iron incorporated into it, the weight of this orb has been increased to three hundred and eighty thousand kilograms."

"If the third-level middle-grade blue sea heavy ingot treasure pattern is activated on it, the weight of this treasure can be estimated to be tripled, increasing to a weight of 1.14 million kilograms."

"If you calculate it carefully, the power of this treasure is now far beyond that of magic weapons of the same level, and is even stronger than the ordinary third-level high-grade magic weapons."

"It's good this time, we have another precious treasure to help us!"

Ling Pengyun weighed the orb in his hand, feeling the weight inside the orb, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Previously, the body weight of his Blue Sea Chongyuan Orb was only about 330,000 kilograms.

As for the 50,000 kilograms of first- and second-order water-based spirit iron that he spent less than half a year to integrate into this orb, it was scraped from the treasury of the Liang family and the Qiu family.

Distracted thoughts were put away, Ling Pengyun cleaned up the mess of the weapon refining, and then turned his attention to the communication talisman suspended in the air next to him.

As he crushed the communication talisman, the voice of "Wang Ying" suddenly came from it.

"Junior Brother Pengyun, the evacuation matters for purchasing the golden elixir and spiritual objects have been settled!"

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt relieved.

According to the information Wang Ying obtained from the Canglan Bihai Sect, the auction that will be held in Mingshuifang City in a few months will be the last auction in the boundless sea world of immortal cultivation in the past two or three years that will feature golden elixirs.

After Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying attended the auction in Mingshuifang City, they were also ready to leave the boundaries of Fang City and return to Canglan Secret Realm.

To return to Canglan Secret Realm, you need to leave the safe city and cross the sea. During this period, there will be no big forces to suppress Xiaoxiao.

Not long ago, Ling Pengyun showed his wealth again at the auction in Shanyuefang City, and many people followed him.

Even now, he and Wang Ying have crossed several sea areas, from the east of the human sea area to the Mingshui sea area in the west, and there are still a few tails following them.

Moreover, in recent months, Ling Pengyun could still feel in a subtle way that the cave where he was was being swept by the golden elixir consciousness indistinctly all day long. Undoubtedly, this was the work of the monks who followed from Shanyuefang City.

This matter has also made Ling Pengyun a little sad these days.

This place is no different from the Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World. The resources for cultivating immortals here are extremely rich, and there are also many high-level monks.

Of course, when he exposed his wealth in Shanyuefang City and bought two golden elixir spiritual objects, he had no choice but to do so.

As for the reason for selling magic weapons, it is even simpler. There are a large number of golden elixir monks gathered there, so the chance of selling these magic weapons is greater.

"Although Senior Sister has found a way out, just in case, we still have to refine a few demonic corpses to increase our strength. This can also avoid accidents during the evacuation after the Mingshui Auction."

Then, Ling Pengyun patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the corpse of the head of the Liang family "Liang Hanqian" who had been killed not long ago, and took out some demonic spiritual objects, and began to refine Liang Hanqian's corpse into a demonic corpse.

Liang Hanqian's interception and killing had already spread throughout the entire alliance between the Li family and the Tianxing Sect under the Ling family's propaganda, and this person had already become infamous.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun's refining of this man's corpse into a demon corpse would not have much impact.

Ling Pengyun's original intention when he entered the corpse-refining path was not to kill monks randomly for the purpose of refining corpses, so as not to assume the identity of a demon cultivator and harm himself and his family.

This is also the reason why in the early years, Ling Pengyun would improve the corpse refining method and convert it to using the body of monster beasts. Monster beasts and humans are enemies and cannot be tolerated. Ling Pengyun kills the monster beasts and refines them into beast puppets. Did a good thing.

As for Liang Hanqian's situation, no one would meddle in his own business, and he would deserve to die.

The same is true for refining the corpse of a demon cultivator into a demon corpse.

Time passed quickly.

The four seasons rotate, and in the blink of an eye it’s the “once-in-a-decade” Mingshui auction period in Mingshuifang City.

Although this auction is not as grand as the thirty-year auction held by the Mountain Immortal Sect last year, this auction can be regarded as a medium-sized auction. The Mingshui Immortal Sect plans to recruit people and Xuanming Sect through the auction. Due to the war, the number of spiritual objects presented in this auction was extremely large, with more than 40,000 items, and the final lot also had more than 200 items. This scale was larger than the previous auction held once every 30 years in Shanyuefang City. Not a bit weaker either.

It is precisely because of this that the entire Mingshui City has become extremely lively. Countless monks swarmed into the city today and rushed along the avenue to the Mingshui Auction House in the depths of the city.

Soon, the nearly 100,000 seats on the first floor of the Mingshui Auction House were filled.

However, there are many private rooms on the second and third floors of the Mingshui Auction House corresponding to the Foundation Establishment Monk and the Golden Pill Monk respectively, which are empty.

Especially in the private rooms on the third floor, there are only about 20 private rooms occupied.

You know, at the mountain auction not long ago, there were fully fifty golden elixir private rooms occupied.

Obviously, although the number of spiritual objects presented by the Mingshui Auction House this time was large, the final spiritual objects were too few and of low grade, and could only attract the attention of most Qi cultivators.

And the foundation-building cultivators and the Jindan cultivators were not very interested in this.

In fact, if there was not an ordinary-level Jindan spiritual object and three second-class Jindan spiritual objects at this auction, I am afraid that there would not be many cultivators above the Jindan realm.

After a while, the auction was officially held.

One by one, the spiritual objects of good quality were taken out by a female cultivator from the Mingshui Sect who hosted the auction, and everyone bid for them.

At the beginning, the auction was fine, but as more and more spiritual objects were auctioned, the style of the auction suddenly changed.

Various magic talismans that can be used by the righteous but not contaminated by demonic energy, or magic disposable magic tools, and even corpse puppets, evil spirits and other monsters also appeared at the auction.

The cultivators who had already known about this through the brochure were not surprised.

After all, Mingshui Sect has been fighting with the great demon sect Xuanming Sect for years, so it is quite normal for the cultivators in Mingshui Sect to seize some demon spirit objects and sell them.

The cultivators present also began to bid and bid for those demon spirit objects.

After all, the power of those demon spirit objects is quite good.

Just after the female cultivator of Mingshui Sect who hosted the auction finished auctioning three corpse puppets in the middle stage of Qi training, thirty strong cultivators also moved an iron cage from the backstage of the auction house to the auction table.

In each of the iron cages, there was a pitiful young female cultivator wearing a white gauze, with a medium appearance but a very hot figure, and a charming aura that added a bit of beauty.

Around their necks, there was also an iron ring that dispersed spiritual energy. This thing seemed to imprison the magic power in their bodies, making it difficult for them to use magic power, just like a mortal.

However, they also exuded a demonic aura comparable to that of cultivators in the early and middle stages of Qi training, highlighting their identities as demon cultivators.

Many male cultivators present saw this scene, their eyes were full of passion, and they kept looking at the good figures of the 30 female demon cultivators that could not be concealed by the thin gauze, and their white and tender skin like mutton-fat jade.

At this time, the female cultivator who presided over the auction also smiled at this moment.

"My fellow Taoists, these thirty female demon cultivators are the furnace cauldrons captured by our sect when it destroyed a Jindan demon sect in Xuanming Sect's territory."

"Although they are not perfect, they were the furnace cauldrons cultivated by that demon sect Jindan sect earlier, and they also knew how to practice dual cultivation early on."

"Now, my sect's cultivators have placed a soul-splitting seal in the sea of ​​consciousness of these thirty female demon cultivators, which can control the life and death of these female demon cultivators at will."

"As long as you bid for them, my sect can offer the method of controlling the soul-splitting seal to help you control these furnace cauldrons."

"My fellow Taoists in the Qi training stage who are stuck in the bottleneck, don't miss this good opportunity."

After saying that, the female cultivator who hosted the auction walked to the iron cage that was holding a female demon cultivator in the second level of Qi training, and shouted to the cultivators present.

"This is a furnace tripod at the second level of Qi training. The starting price is ten spirit stones. Each bid cannot be less than one spirit stone."

As soon as these words fell, many male cultivators at the Qi training level in the hall on the first floor started bidding enthusiastically.

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