Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 683 The Receptionist (2400 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun could only feel sorry for this, and then he lowered his head, looked at the storage bag hanging on his waist, and muttered to himself.

"With the help of the Earth Elemental Spiritual Liquid I purchased earlier in Shanyuefang City, the False Formation Golden Pill, and the Wooden Yuan Treasure Liquid that I got from helping the Muyuan Immortal Sect attack the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan in the early years, it's quite possible. Collecting three common golden elixir spiritual objects can stabilize Peng Lin's probability of breaking through the golden elixir."

"The only shortcoming is that among these three items, there is a pseudo-knot golden elixir of the elixir type!"

"In the future, if Peng Lin has the opportunity to successfully enter the realm of the golden elixir, I am afraid that the quality of the golden elixir she has condensed will only be inferior, and her path will be delayed!"

After thinking about it like this, Ling Pengyun also considered that Ling Pengling, an formation mage, mostly relied on various spiritual objects for her cultivation, and rarely participated in battles. Her spiritual power was somewhat more superficial than that of monks of the same level, and her foundation was not stable.

The chaos of monsters is approaching. If Ling Penglin, the formation master, can advance the formation to the third level in the remaining eleven years, it will be of great benefit to the family.

But if you want to do this, you need extremely high talent.

Even Ling Penglin, who is very talented in formation formation, may not be able to do it.

After all, it took Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, two people with good talents, several years, or even nearly ten years, to realize the third-order hundred skills they had mastered, even with the blessing of Yin and Yang's primordial energy. artistic means.

"Currently, I can only gather two mouthfuls of Yin-Yang's Primordial Qi. It is difficult to gather nine mouthfuls of Yin-Yang's Primordial Qi to form a Yin-Yang Primordial Essence in a short time."

"Instead of doing this, it would be better to give Peng Lin a breath of yin and yang primordial energy to help her."

Ling Pengyun secretly made up his mind.

In this way, Ling Penglin has the help of the primordial energy of Yin and Yang. Even if she takes the False Formation Golden Pill, the probability of being able to condense the Zhongcheng Golden Pill is high, and her path can be further in the future.

Her understanding will also be greatly improved.

The most important thing is that the yin and yang Taichu Qi can also expand the meridians, make spiritual power stronger, make spiritual consciousness tougher, etc. It can also increase the monk's 10% chance of breaking through the golden elixir.

After thinking about this matter, Ling Pengyun also left the auction house with Wang Ying.

However, the two of them did not return to the two caves they had previously rented in Fangshi. Instead, they left Fangshi directly along Fangshi Avenue and used escape skills to fly north.

Soon, the two of them flew away from Mingshui Island, where Mingshui Fang City is located, and entered the sky above the sea.

At this time, Ling Pengyun, whose spiritual consciousness reached the seventh or eighth level of the golden elixir, also noticed that there were "five teams" of golden elixir monks quietly following behind him tens of thousands of feet away.

If it weren't for his strong spiritual consciousness and the Yin-Yang Taichu Meridian being more sensitive to dangerous things, it would be difficult for him to notice that the five teams of monks were following him and Wang Ying.

There are a total of eleven Jindan monks in these five teams of monks. Each team has at least two Jindan monks, and there is another team with three Jindan monks.

These five teams of monks seemed not to be familiar with each other, but they seemed to know each other's existence, which kept their five forces extremely far apart.

In addition, among the five teams of golden elixir monks, at least one person's aura was very familiar to Ling Pengyun, and these familiar people were all the golden elixir monks who had followed him and Wang Ying to Mingshuifang City from Shanyuefang City.

In addition, there was also the aura of nearly half of the Golden Core cultivators that he felt was extremely unfamiliar.

According to Ling Pengyun's thinking, those strange golden elixir monks might be the helpers summoned by the same golden elixir monks who had been eyeing him before.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also had some drumming in his heart.

Then, while using the escape technique to fly, he asked Wang Ying on the side through a voice transmission.

"Senior sister, there are five teams with a total of 11 golden elixirs following us this time. I can even faintly detect the presence of a monk at the ninth level of the golden elixir among them."

"There are still three who are in the late stage of Jin Dan, and the rest are all early and middle stage Jin Dan monks."

"Senior sister, is the person you were looking for not long ago reliable?"

Wang Ying frowned slightly, with a hint of worry on her face, and replied via voice transmission.

"Although I don't know the cultivation level of the person who contacted me, he only said that as long as the Nascent Soul does not come out, everything will be fine."

"Thinking about it, the person who will support us should not be low in cultivation."

Speaking of this, Wang Ying saw Ling Pengyun's face becoming more and more worried. In order to lighten the atmosphere, she also joked a little.

"Junior brother, didn't master give you Zhang Zhun's fourth-level spiritual talisman back then? With your quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman, I also have some spiritual talismans refined by master. I think that even if there is no one to respond, we can return safely this time. When you get to the sect, junior brother, don’t think too much, just take it one step at a time.”

Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up, and his heart suddenly received a shot of cardiotonic.

"Senior sister indeed has a treasure in her body!"

However, Ling Pengyun hoped that the cultivator who came to respond could be higher. He did not want to use the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman on his body. This spiritual talisman was his strongest trump card. Once he used it, he still wanted to use it. It would be difficult to kill the golden elixir perfection cultivator at this point.

As for the exact cultivation level of the monk who responded, he and Wang Ying really didn't know.

Even Wang Ying only got in touch with the person who responded through a communication mirror given by Master Bishui.

When the man and Wang Ying used the communication mirror to exchange news, his face was not revealed.

Therefore, Wang Ying didn't know who that person was. She only knew that the person was one of the secret hands arranged by the sect in the outside world. Only the core members of the sect, such as their master "Bishui Zhenren", could contact the secret hands arranged by the sect in the outside world through special means.

The general disciples of Canglan Bihai Sect, and even the weaker Jindan elders like Wang Ying, did not master such special means.

After all, the reason why those secret hands were called secret hands was because no one knew about them and they were lurking in the outside world.

If everyone in the sect knew the identities of those secret hands, the risk of those secret hands being exposed would be great.

And that special communication mirror was given to Wang Ying by Bishui Zhenren several years ago before he went into seclusion.

At that time, "Wang Ying" often talked to Bishui Zhenren about going to the outside world to find Jindan spiritual objects. Bishui Zhenren happened to be in seclusion and could not get away for at least ten years. He could not accompany him personally. In desperation, Bishui Zhenren gave the communication mirror that could contact the secret hands in the outside world to Wang Ying for self-defense to avoid accidents.

Wang Ying also considered that she needed to have some strength before going out of the sect, so she has been trying to comprehend some magic to enhance her strength in recent years.

She did not come out of retreat until Ling Pengyun came to Bishui Sect to find her. It happened that Ling Pengyun had the same goal as her, so she followed Ling Pengyun to go out of the sect to find the golden elixir spiritual object.

Then, Ling Pengyun retracted his gaze and continued to rush north with Wang Ying.

A few days later, the two of them also crossed nearly a thousand miles of sea.

However, at noon on this day, a black dot appeared in front of them and flew towards them quickly.

This incident caused Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying, who were already in a nervous state, to take out their magic weapons and prepare for battle.

However, the black dot sent a sound transmission at this moment.

"You two Daoists are Junior Brother Bishui's disciples, right? I am the one who will pick you up this time."

"You are really capable of causing trouble! You have attracted eleven Jindan cultivators!"

"You don't need to greet me, help me, or care about this matter or look at it! Just leave!"

"Go north, there is a medium-sized market called Shuiyuan, and there is a small teleportation array in the market that can help you return to Mingshui Market."

"Then you can leave this sea area through the teleportation array in Mingshui Market."

"If you still encounter trouble, you can use Junior Brother Bishui's communication mirror to find other brothers in the dark to protect you."

As soon as these words fell into Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying's minds, the black spot tens of thousands of feet in front of them suddenly turned into a white spiritual light, and its speed increased several times. However, in just three breaths, it crossed several feet and passed Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying directly.

The two of them only saw that the escaping light was transformed by a man in black clothes and a black veil on his face, making it impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman. Even when he used his spiritual power, his breath did not reveal the slightest bit.

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