Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 687: Transaction, a good thing for a lifetime (2800 words, no more today, please subscribe)

Speaking of this, Ling Pengyun raised his eyes, looked directly at Master Lei Yun, and spoke of heavy profits.

"If seniors can agree to this, and our clan can survive the chaos of monsters safely, when the sect's secret realm is broken by the Holy Demon Sect more than 120 to 30 years later, and we are about to fight against the Holy Demon Sect, not only will I In addition to joining Grandpa Yunhong, Peng Lin and other sect guests to help our sect, our clan will definitely send out more than five golden elixir monks and ten golden elixir beast puppets to help!"

Every few years, the sect's secret realm will be bombarded by the Holy Demon Sect's formations. At present, the power of the secret realm can only last another 120 or 30 years at most.

By then, Canglan Bihai Sect will inevitably be at war with the Holy Demon Sect.

Upon hearing this, Master Lei Yun couldn't help but feel some movement in his eyes, but the movement was not much.

The fifteen golden elixirs that Ling Pengyun promised to help now are not too small for the "Canglan Bihai Sect" which has suffered heavy losses and only has more than thirty golden elixirs.

But this amount of golden elixir combat power is, at most, just the icing on the cake for the sect a hundred years from now.

The early days after the war for the sect was also the most difficult time for the sect. There was a constant shortage of talents and so on. However, as time went by, the sect stabilized and searched for more and more talents.

Today, there are at least thirty golden elixir seedlings in the sect, and there will definitely be more golden elixir seedlings to be searched for in the next hundred years.

Under such circumstances, when the secret realm is breached a hundred years later, the sect can rely on the Yuanying Sect's foundation to accumulate at least dozens of golden elixirs.

When the time comes, Canglan Bihai Sect will not be weak.

However, Master Lei Yun did not directly reject Ling Pengyun's proposal, but said something.

"It's just ten golden elixir beast puppets. Fellow Taoist, are you so confident that your clan will produce five golden elixir cultivators in the next hundred years?"

Ling Pengyun said with a confident smile. "As long as our clan survives the monster chaos safely, everything is possible!"

Master Lei Yun thought about his sect and found out that the Ling family was vaguely known as the number one force in the Yan Kingdom in the Beihuang Immortal Realm. It occupied a vast territory and could accumulate a lot of wealth every year.

Moreover, the Ling clan is not the same Ling clan as before. Nowadays, the clan also has many third-level high-grade formations that can withstand thunder tribulations. It is not necessary to come to the sect to survive the thunder tribulations.

In the future, the sect may not be able to recruit many Ling family Jindan guest ministers.

In addition, in the early years, the sect leader "Zhenjun Canglan" once said that the Ling family's luck was extremely strong, much better than that of his own Yuanying sect.

The Ling family has successively released five golden elixirs in recent years, and he is actually somewhat convinced by what Ling Pengyun is saying now.

After hesitating for a few minutes, in order to allow the sect to obtain greater benefits, Master Lei Yun spoke up.

"Since fellow Taoist is so confident, I will trust you for once."

"However, your clan's additional Jindan combat power in the future is too small."

"I'm adding five golden elixirs to the combat power, making the total combat power of twenty golden elixirs."

"And hand over to the sect your clan's two top-notch intermediate beast puppets with a body as strong as iron and the power of black ice and dark fire."

"At the same time, the Yi people agree to be on good terms with our sect forever, so on behalf of the sect, I will give Fairy Peng Lin the method of setting up the thunder-inducing destruction formation!"

"After all, the purpose of the lightning-inducing destruction formation and our sect's lightning-inducing formation to overcome disasters are originally from the same origin. If we put it to the outside world, let alone two top-notch corpse-refining methods, even if we replace it with three or even four I’m afraid there’s no problem.”

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his eyes were suddenly startled.

"I didn't expect that the sect would actually know that our clan has mastered the most advanced corpse-refining method!"

"It seems that the sect not only has spies in the boundless sea!"

However, what Master Lei Yun said is indeed true. The value of the Thunder-inducing Destruction Formation is indeed extremely high. Let’s not talk about its efficacy. Just because its concept is close to the powerful fourth-level formation, it is already priceless. .

As for the additional golden elixirs that need support, although there are five more battles, Ling Pengyun is confident that he can raise them all as long as the monster chaos is over.

The sect is not the enemy of the Ling family, and there is no harm in giving it the method of refining corpses. Moreover, the sect is willing to be on good terms with the Ling family forever, which is enough to show its sincerity.

Taking a step back, Ling Pengyun is also confident that in the future, with the blessing of the understanding of the "yin and yang essence" that is unified, he can create a stronger corpse refining method.

He also spoke accordingly.


"I agree to all these conditions."

"But I also have a condition, that is, senior, you need to personally go to my clan's third-level thunder veins that step on the Yunling boundary, help our clan's thunder veins set up the pulse-raising formation, and set up a powerful third-level high-grade guide The thunder destroys the formation on top of the thunder veins!"

Master Lei Yun is a person with extremely outstanding talents. Not only is he extraordinary in strength, he is also a rare veteran third-level high-grade formation mage.

He is also good at refining thunder attack formations.

The sect rumored that this person was able to defeat the Nascent Soul and was undefeated in a short period of time was due to the combination of his own strength and the power of his formation.

And this person is also the second person in the formation of Canglan Bihai Sect. The first person is Zhenjun Canglan. This Zhenjun is an extremely powerful "fourth-level formation master".

Master Lei Yun on the side was not surprised when he saw Ling Pengyun agreeing to the request. Ling Pengyun's request to arrange the formation was not difficult for him, so he agreed to it.

As for the way he would use the "Thunder-inducing Destruction Formation", it would naturally be of great benefit to the sect.

The Ling family's agreement to form a good relationship means that the formation to lead thunder and cross the disaster is in the hands of the Ling family and will not be used on their own sect in the future.

What's more, the Ling family is cultivating the immortal world in the Northern Wasteland, and the Canglan Bihai Sect is cultivating the immortal world in the boundless sea. It is estimated that the two parties will not have much conflict of interest in the future.

Furthermore, the formation that leads thunder and crosses disasters originated from the sect. If this thing comes into the hands of the Ling family, the sect can still establish some cause and effect with the Ling family, just more or less.

In addition, in recent years, the Bihai Canglan Sect happened to have a monk who had developed a superior golden elixir and was good at corpse path. This man was lacking the method of refining the top intermediate corpse.

After all, the sect is a righteous force. If it is just an ordinary medium-level corpse refining method, there are a few sects, but there is no top-notch corpse-refining method above the middle level.

This kind of corpse refining method is enough to become the top priority of those top Jindan corpse path forces.

The superior method of refining corpses is only available to some Nascent Soul Corpse Dao forces.

"I'm going to get the third-level low-grade array inheritance that Fairy Peng Lin needs, and the method of inducing thunder to destroy the formation."

After Master Lei Yun said this, he left this place.

Although the thunder-inducing destruction formation is the core formation inheritance of the sect, it is difficult for most elders of the sect to access and read it.

However, Master Lei Yun was dedicated to the sect and was trusted by the sect's True Lord Canglan. As early as a hundred years ago, True Lord Canglan had handed over all major affairs of the sect to Master Lei Yun.

As long as things are reasonable, Master Lei Yun can make the decision alone.

To make friends with the Ling family, to take advantage of the Ling family's strong luck, and to make up for the weak luck of the Canglan Bihai Sect, this is a task assigned by True Lord Canglan to Master Lei Yun.

Soon, Master Lei Yun returned to Dandan Peak with the inheritance of the formation and the arrangement of the formation. He also handed these two items to Ling Penglin.

At the same time, in order to prevent these two things from spreading, Master Lei Yun also asked Ling Penglin to make an oath of heaven, and placed a special restriction in Ling Penglin's sea of ​​consciousness.

As for the descendants of the Ling family who also want to master the method of arranging the thunder-inducing destruction formation, they need to come to the Canglan Bihai Sect to get it.

Regarding this matter, both Ling Pengyun and Ling Penlin could understand, and Ling Pengyun also handed over the methods of steel dark fire and steel black ice to the corpse refining method to Master Lei Yun.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun pleaded to Master Lei Yun.

"Senior, I wonder if you can give me some pointers on the formation and help her to upgrade the formation to the third level as soon as possible?"

Master Lei Yun was originally a Taoist, and he liked Ling Penglin, a female cultivator with a strong Taoist heart.

And if Ling Penglin entered the third level with the formation, it would be of some benefit to the Ling family in surviving the monster chaos, and indirectly benefit the sect's future, so he agreed to the matter.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Penlin were both extremely happy about this.

After all, Master Lei Yun is a rare veteran third-level high-grade formation mage. He has an extremely profound understanding of formations. If he can get his guidance, the benefits will continue.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun and Ling Penlin thanked this person together.

Master Lei Yun is quite satisfied with this.

A few people chatted for a while, and Ling Pengyun also said to Master Lei Yun.

"Senior, Peng Lin and I still have a few words to say."

"I, Peng Lin, and Senior Sister Wang Ying will go back to Bishui Island to talk about old times for some time. I will send Peng Lin here in the afternoon!"

Master Lei Yun glanced at Ling Penglin with a profound look, recalling Ling Penglin's enlightenment not long ago, and he nodded in response.


Ling Pengyun then left this place with Wang Ying and Ling Penglin and returned to Bishui Island.

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