Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 695 Yan Siyi is the boss (please subscribe)

"If the Ling family really only has one Jindan in charge, and Ling Pengyun, whose strength is comparable to that of the late Jindan and has mastered many Jindan beast puppets, is not in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm, we can give the Ling family a try. "

After thinking about this, the ice lion king also made up his mind and agreed to the suggestion of the Chiqiu Bear Demon.

At the same time, elders of the Red Golden Bear clan also visited the gathering places for monsters and beasts that were closely adjacent to the three forces of Yan State: Bailingmen, Qingxin Taoist Temple, and Yaowang Valley.

Not a day after this incident, the Lingxiao clan was deep within the boundaries of the Lingxiao Mountain Range.

The great elder of the Ling clan, "Ling Chengyuan", hurriedly climbed to the top of the third-level mid-level spiritual mountain "Lingxiao Mountain" deep in the clan's territory, and knocked on the door of a cave here.

Soon, the door of the cave was opened, and a young female cultivator with a very good figure, whose figure could not be concealed even if she wore a loose robe, and who was extremely beautiful, walked out with a little bit of confusion.

"Cheng Yuan, are you looking for me in any emergency?"

After the Great Elder Ling Chengyuan raised his hands to the young female cultivator in front of him, he spoke with a solemn expression.

"Eighth Aunt, our clan is in danger!"

"According to reports from our clan members who observed the movement of monsters in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, the low-level monsters there suddenly gathered in a deserted area at the junction of the Purple Scorpion Ridge and our tribe last night. "

"And the only ones with such great ability to gather low-level monsters are those from Purple Scorpion Ridge...the ice and snow white lion demon kings. According to my nephew's inference, those ice and snow demon kings may have acted like this intentionally. Lead the low-level monsters to invade the Lingxiao Mountains where our clan is located.”

"In addition, there are also gatherings of monsters in the Yiyinghu territory adjacent to the Baiyun Mountains."

"The Baiyun Mountains that our clan occupies in that territory is at the southernmost end of the Baiyun Mountains. It borders the Yiyinghu clan. If the Yiyinghu clan wants to invade the Baiyun Mountains, I'm afraid they will be the first to attack. Invade the boundary of our clan’s Baiyun Mountains.”

"The Snow White Lion Clan and the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan both have Golden Core Demon Kings. Since they dare to gather their low-level monsters and intend to invade our clan's territory, I'm afraid the Golden Core Demon Kings of these two clans will also Deployed to resist our clan’s golden elixir force, so as to protect the low-level monsters under their command.”

"Now, the eighth sister-in-law, the Jindan Master, is the only one in the clan, and there are two more places where we are suspected of being attacked. What should the family do now?"

After hearing these words, the beautiful young female cultivator "Yan Siyi" frowned and her face darkened.

"This group of monsters is indeed what my husband said. They are not fools and will definitely not let go of the chaos of good and demons. They will attack our country of Yan at this time when most of the golden elixirs in our country are not strong enough!"

"I just don't know... this time, whether the two Jindan demon kings from the two Jindan demon clans our clan faces will still abide by the Tianxing Sect's rule that the demon kings of all clans under the Red Gold Bear clan must not invade on a large scale. Treaty of Yan State."

"If these monsters violate the treaty, we will be in trouble."

After hesitating for a while, a murderous intent flashed through her soft eyes.

"The Yiyinghu clan of our clan, which is located next to the Baiyun Mountains in the Baiyun Mountains, is not very strong. This clan only has three Jindan Demon Kings. In the early years, this clan had another demon king killed by my husband to vent his anger. Now this clan There are only two golden elixir demon kings left."

"There is the demon corpse in the early stage of the golden elixir in the hands of Peng Cheng, and the demon king in the middle stage of the golden elixir left by the Baiyun Linghu clan. They should be enough to ensure peace in that area."

"I won't go there! I will stay in the Lingxiao Mountains where my family is."

"However, after all, there is no Jindan cultivator from the Baiyun Mountains in the realm of the Baiyun Mountains. The Demon King of the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan will not take action for our clan unless necessary. Cheng Yuan, please quickly call Baiyun through the communication mirror. The tribesmen stationed in Lingshan within the boundaries of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake and Tayun Ridge of our clan immediately went to the Baiyun Mountains to provide support. "

"And asked Peng Cheng to gather the tribesmen stationed in various Lingshan Mountains in the Baiyun Mountains as soon as possible, as well as the casual cultivators in that area, and gather them in the largest Baiyunfang City in that area, so that they can use the third-level formations there defense.”

"I am warning Pengcheng that during this period, you must not rush to the three third-level spiritual veins in that area."

"Lest the demon clan discovers that the three third-level spiritual veins in that area have actually been occupied by our clan in the name of the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan, which led to rumors that our clan violated the treaty of occupying the other party's third-level spiritual veins during the non-monster beast rebellion, thus Attract more monsters."

"In addition, Cheng Yuan, please quickly call all the casual cultivators in the clan... the group of casual cultivators in the Foreign Affairs Hall, as well as the monks in the late stage of Qi training and above in the clan, to gather in the square of the clan to give They distribute enough strategic resources. In half an hour, I will use the flying boat to take them to the boundary of the Lingxiao Mountains where our clan is located and the "Baiyuanfang City" adjacent to the boundary of Ziscorpion Ridge to resist the boundary of Ziscorpion Ridge. The attack of monsters.”

"You are recruiting our casual cultivators from the Lingxiao Mountains to participate in the defense against the attack of monster beasts."

"As for the rest of the clan members who are in the early and middle stages of Qi training, they can just stay with you."

"Those tribesmen who are stationed in the low-level spiritual veins in various places in the Lingxiao Mountains, you also send people to distribute war preparation materials to them. If the Lingshan where they are stationed and the villages under their command are attacked and defeated, you need to bring people quickly. Rush to."

"Those tribesmen who are opening shops in various cities, let them continue to concentrate on running their shops and maintain their family's financial resources."

"Try to recall the rest of the clan members who are doing various family tasks."

"Okay... Cheng Yuan, you quickly arrange these!"

After hearing such an orderly arrangement, the elder Ling Cheng Yuan looked at Yan Siyi with a hint of surprise.

Then, he turned around and left the Lingxiao Mountain.

Yan Siyi, who was still on the top of Lingxiao Mountain, also took out a third-level lower-grade communication mirror from her storage bag and informed the person in charge of the family's Dark Hall branch in Tianxing Country of the family's crisis.

The person in charge then used the communication mirror in his hand and passed through several people before he contacted Ling Yunhong who was far away in Yuan Country. When Ling Yunhong learned about the situation, he also told the person in charge that he would return home within a month.

This news was also passed on to Yan Siyi by the person in charge of the Dark Hall branch.

Such cumbersome communication is also because Yan State is far away from Yuan State. The lower-grade communication treasure realm of the third level cannot cross such a long distance and communicate directly with Ling Yunhong who is far away in Yuan State.

Yan Siyi put down the communication treasure mirror in her hand and looked towards the direction of the Zixie Ridge, but there were countless worries between her eyebrows.

"The storm is coming!"

"Grandpa Yunhong, who is far away in the territory of Yuan State, can't rush back to the family in a short time, and my husband went to the boundless sea to help Penglin break through the golden elixir!"

"The family... I am the only one who supports it, it's really... difficult!"


Nine days later.

The boundary between the Wing Shadow Tiger and the Baiyun Mountains of the Baiyun Mountains is a barren land, where countless dense monsters gather.

A rough look shows that there are at least 200,000 monsters here.

Even more, there are monsters rushing from the depths of the Wing Shadow Tiger territory to this large group of monsters.

At the head of the huge group of monsters, there stood three winged shadow tigers with auras as high as the Golden Core Realm.

One of the winged shadow tigers had a weak aura, as if it had just entered the Golden Core Realm. The other two winged shadow tigers, one of which had a cultivation level as high as the third level of the Golden Core Realm, and the other one had a cultivation level as high as the middle level of the Golden Core Realm.

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