Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 715: Seizing Purple Scorpion Ridge and Supporting Liang Mingtu of the Liang Family to Break

Zhao Yuanqian, the elder of the Zhao family, agreed with what Ling Pengyun said, but he still wanted to destroy the last lion king and queen of the ice and snow white lion clan.

"Since fellow Taoist also plans to invade the Purple Scorpion Ridge, my clan's Jindan and I will follow in the dark. Let's give it a try!"

"It would be a good thing if the nobles could attract the lion king and the lion queen!"

Zhao Yuanqian said with a little helplessness.


"Elder Zhao, our monks have just returned from the battle between good and evil. They have to rest for three days. We will set off in three days!"

Ling Pengyun nodded.

“Everything should be done as Taoist Fellow Pengyun says!”

Zhao Yuanqian said extremely politely.

Then, everyone dispersed on their own.

Later, Ling Pengyun, his wife Yan Siyi, his grandfather Ling Yunhong, and his only son Ling Chengxia had a reunion banquet together. During the banquet, the four of them also enjoyed themselves and talked happily.

After the banquet dispersed, Ling Pengyun also had a warm relationship with his wife Yan Siyi.

Three days passed quickly. Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Yan Siyi also led nearly half of the monks in Baiyuanfang City, about eight to nine thousand, aboard the large Lingxiao flying boat. Out of Baizuofang City.

Most of those monks were casual cultivators that Yan Siyi had gathered to garrison in Fang City before. There were only about 3,000 Ling monks.

The group spent several days crossing a barren land that stretched for millions of miles before entering the boundary of Purple Scorpion Ridge.

Therefore, there are no golden elixir monsters stationed in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, and the spiritual veins wherever Ling Pengyun and others pass are also occupied by Ling's monks.

And Ling's group was like a god of murder. In just one month, they killed all the monsters in this area and even the foundation-building perfect ice and snow white lions in the third-order "Purple Scorpion Mountain". Behead.

Suddenly, the entire Purple Scorpion Ridge was filled with a strong blood energy that could not dissipate for a long time.

at this time.

The boundary of Purple Scorpion Ridge.

There were three people standing on the top of the "Purple Scorpion Mountain" that towered into the clouds and was constantly blown by strong winds.

These three people are naturally Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Yan Siyi.

The three of them all looked towards the boundary of the ice and snow forest deep in the boundless vast swamp. They had been watching for a long time, but there was no movement there.

Ling Pengyun also turned his head and greeted the void hundreds of feet to the north.

"Elder Zhao, show up!"

"I'm afraid that the lion king and the lion queen of the ice and snow white lion clan will not come here."

As soon as these words came out, the void suddenly became distorted, and a sigh was heard.

"It's a pity this time."

"It seems that if you want to kill the lion king and the lion queen of the ice and snow white lion clan, you can only wait until the monster chaos ten years later."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yuanqian and two other late-stage Jindan monks from the Zhao family appeared in the void.

The three of them also flew to the top of Purple Scorpion Mountain and landed next to Ling Pengyun and others.

That Zhao Yuanqian also said to Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Pengyun, Fellow Daoist Yunhong, and Madam Ling, since the lion king and the lion queen have never appeared, it is useless for me and my two compatriots to stay here, so we will return to the family."

"I also hope that fellow Taoists can help our clan refine those golden elixir beast puppets before the chaos of monster beasts."

A year ago, when he led two Jindan kin to support the six ice and snow white lions killed in Baiyuanfang City, he and the two kin were given four Jindan realm ice and snow white lions.

Because he knew through the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Baigang, that Ling Pengyun would refine the golden elixir demon corpse, he handed over the corpses of the four golden elixir realm ice and snow lions to Yan Siyi in advance, and asked Yan Siyi to hand them over to Ling Pengyun for her help. It was refined into a demonic corpse.

The bottom line is just a golden elixir realm demon corpse.

For every golden elixir demon corpse that is refined, the Zhao family will also pay the Ling family the corpse of a monster or monk whose cultivation level is one level lower than that of the refined golden elixir demon corpse.

Ling Pengyun had no objection to the business that his wife Yan Siyi took over. Instead, he was overjoyed. With his success rate in refining the beast puppet, it would be completely profitable to help the Zhao family refine the golden elixir beast puppet this time.

He also nodded in agreement.

"Elder Zhao, don't worry. Since I took over the job this time, I will definitely handle it well."

"Within three years, I will definitely hand over one or two golden elixir beast puppets to the elders."

Zhao Yuanqian smiled when he heard this.

"With such a sophisticated mind, I'm looking forward to the Golden Core Beast Puppet in three years' time."

"Three fellow Taoists, we won't stay any longer."

After saying that, he flew away from Purple Scorpion Mountain with the other two Zhao family Jindan and rushed to the Yuan Kingdom in the north.

After watching Zhao Yuanqian and the other three go away, Ling Pengyun also moved his gaze downwards, looking at the monk with the highest aura among the nearly ten thousand monks under the Purple Scorpion Mountain, who had reached the realm of pseudo-alchemy, and was wearing the Liang family Taoist robe of the Yuan Dynasty. On the white-haired old man.

Then, he looked at the old lady in the crowd, whose aura was slightly weaker, whose cultivation was as high as Foundation Establishment Perfection, and who had white hair.

"Qiu Qinxin, the head of the Qiu family, has only completed foundation building. He wants to assist this person in refining a demonic beast golden elixir with a single dose of first-class golden elixir, spiritual substance, and fake elixir." slim."

"On the other hand, the head of the Liang family, Liang Mingtu, had already tried to break through the golden elixir once. He had already condensed 70% to 80% of the solidified spiritual power in his body. He also learned a method of cultivating spiritual consciousness. He had already comprehended it, and then added the magic weapon in my hand. With the help of a portion of pseudo-elixir liquid, the probability of condensing the golden elixir is about 25%."

"It is much easier to refine the monster golden elixir and create a fake elixir than to condense the golden elixir."

"To be on the safe side, let this person refine the demonic beast golden elixir, and the probability of achieving the realm of fake elixir is at least 40% to 50%."

"I heard from Madam that since this person moved here with his people from the Liang family in the Yuan Dynasty four or five years ago, he has been very knowledgeable and married many female cultivators of the Liang family to our people as wives and concubines. The Liang family has relatively high cultivation talents. Well, the clansmen who don’t have wives and concubines are also sent to the Ling family to plan marriages, and their performance is much better than that of Qiu Qin, the patriarch of the Qiu family. "

"In this case, this person deserves to have a source of blessing fall on his head."

"As for the Qiu family leader Qiu Qinxin... I still can't let go. I'm afraid it will be difficult to integrate into our clan in the short term. After the monster chaos is over, if this person has not changed the Qiu family monks, this Qiu family monk will not change either. We need to stay here in the world of immortality!”

"As for the Liang family, let's look at the performance!"

A flash of scarlet flashed across Ling Pengyun's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Whether it was Liang Mingtu, the patriarch of the Liang family, or Qiu Qinxin, the patriarch of the Qiu family, they were actually just the elders of the two families before.

However, because the patriarchs of both their families failed to intercept and kill them, and were killed by Ling Pengyun instead, the two of them also became the strongest members of their respective families. In order to better manage their families, they became the leaders of their respective families. The patriarch.

Then, he sent a message to the white-haired head of the Liang family, "Liang Mingtu".

"Little friend Liang Mingtu, come up to the top of the mountain!"

Liang Mingtu, the head of the Liang family under Purple Scorpion Mountain, looked slightly puzzled when he heard this.

However, he did not dare to delay and quickly climbed to the top of the Purple Scorpion Mountain to avoid upsetting the murderous ancestor Ling Pengyun.

"The three ancestors are so graceful and graceful that they are actually future immortals!"

As soon as the head of the Liang family, Liang Mingtu, came to Ling Pengyun, he knelt down on the ground very wisely and complimented everyone very politely. Then, he asked Ling Pengyun.

"Ancestor, do you have anything to tell me?"

Ling Pengyun smiled, raised his hand, pointed to the vast area around him where the blood energy had not dissipated due to the slaughter of too many monsters, and said to Liang Mingtu.

"Do you like this area of ​​Purple Scorpion Ridge?"

Liang Mingtu's eyes suddenly trembled, his back suddenly felt cold, and he kowtowed to Ling Pengyun and explained.

"Ancestor, what do you mean by this? I don't mean to be disrespectful at all. If I have done something inappropriate, please point it out."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile. "In recent years, your Liang family has been very good. If you like this land in Purple Scorpion Ridge, this land will belong to the Liang family in the future!"

"In this way, you Liang family no longer need to live in the counties and cities in the Lingxiao Mountains."

When Liang Mingtu, who was originally in crisis, heard this, the crisis in his heart immediately dissipated, and was replaced by a sense of surprise.

Although, the territory originally controlled by the Liang family in the Yuan Kingdom was several hundred percent larger than the territory of Purple Scorpion Ridge.

But that land was conquered by the golden elixirs of the Liang family.

And given that the Liang family currently has no golden elixir in charge, and even the strongest one is just him, a pseudo-elixir realm monk, it is completely impossible to obtain this Purple Scorpion Ridge territory by one's own strength.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun's gift of this land can be said to be pie-in-the-sky.

As for the situation that the Liang family has fallen into now, although Liang Mingtu resented Ling Pengyun in his heart, if Ling Pengyun hadn't killed the previous leader of the Liang family's Jindan clan, the Liang family would probably still be a Jindan force today.

But now he is just a pseudo-alchemy monk and can't do anything to Ling Pengyun.

Moreover, no matter how much I say, given the current situation of the Liang family, if Ling Pengyun can really help him break through the golden elixir, the Liang family will not fall, but they will just change their lives in another place.

And this resentment will never be revealed until he can defeat the Ling family.

"When Patriarch Ling Pengyun planned to conquer our clan, he did not deceive me."

"Fortunately, I have performed well in recent years, otherwise this opportunity would probably have fallen to the old woman from the Qiu family."

"Now, my ancestor has accomplished the task of helping my clan find a suitable place to live in. The only thing left to do is to help me break through the golden elixir."

Liang Mingtu was secretly happy, and then he still said respectfully to Ling Pengyun.

"I have misunderstood what my ancestor meant. This land of Purple Scorpion Ridge is naturally good, but my ancestors... This land was originally occupied by the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan. I am afraid that it will be difficult for our family to hold this land alone. ”

"You still need Jindan Master like you, senior, to be in charge."

"I accept this kind intention. If our ancestors really think highly of our clan, we would be satisfied if a quarter of the spiritual veins of this land could be given to our clan."

"As for the rest of the spiritual veins in this area, they should belong to the nobles."

Ling Pengyun was extremely satisfied when he heard this old man's words. He smiled and then said.

"Since you have said so, I won't force you. However, your clan has a large number of monks, nearly eight thousand in number. There are only more than 500 spiritual veins in a quarter of this land, which is not enough for your clan. ”

"Let's do this. Your clan will take away half of the spiritual veins in this land. In this way, your clan will have more than a thousand spiritual veins, which can be enough for your monks to practice. The remaining half of the spiritual veins will belong to our clan."

"And in the next two years, I will sit here and intimidate the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan."

"In the past two years, you have mastered this art of Lingxiao's destiny as soon as possible and adjusted your mentality. After two years, I will give you a monster golden elixir and a second-class golden elixir. The elixir-forming liquid will help you break through to the realm of false elixirs."

"If you succeed, this land will be safe with you in charge."

"If you can lead the Liang family to make achievements in the future monster rebellion and occupy the land, it will also belong to your Liang family."

"However, this Lingxiao continuation technique is the core inheritance of our clan and cannot be leaked. I need to set up a restriction in your sea of ​​consciousness."

While speaking, Ling Pengyun also took out a book from the storage bag and handed it to Liang Mingtu.

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