Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 734: How to Control People (2600 words, please subscribe)

"Using the second level of foundation building against the enemy's fifth level of foundation building, it was absolutely right to let this child return to the family to practice. He did not bury this child's talent!"

"My lineage is about to flourish!"


During the battle, Ling Pengshan watched the battle of his only son Ling Chengshi and was overjoyed, and his offensive was therefore a little faster.

Within a few hundred moves, he chopped off his opponent's head.

Wan Xuan and others also came to support at this moment, and to help Ling Chengshi killed the fifth-level Liu family monk here.

As for the remaining dozens of Liu family monks in the mountain, they all naturally encountered vicious attacks.

After briefly cleaning the battlefield, Ling Pengshan dispatched the Ling clan members brought from the family in the early years to garrison the Liu clan mountain. He then took the rest of the monks to fly the boat and rushed to the place where the other low-level spiritual veins of the Liu family were located. He planned to occupy those spiritual veins one by one and kill the monks among them.

The other side.

There was also a battle at the Zhong Family Mountain on Guiling Island.

Qian Feng, the leader of the Qian clan, led his wife Bai and other clan members, and also deployed many second-level formations, and a quasi-third-level formation to bombard the Zhong family mountain.

In addition, in the sky above the Zhong Family Mountain, the Fengying Peng also summoned countless hurricanes to sweep through the formation.

Under such a violent bombardment, the formation naturally could not hold on for long before it was shattered.

The eyes of the Fengying Peng in the sky suddenly turned scarlet, and it turned into a killing god. It was the first to rush into the Zhong Family Mountain, and summoned up the past few years, it thought hard and then created it in the form of foundation building. The top inferior natal magical weapon "Wind Shadow Flying Blade", in a short period of time, killed the clan guardian spirit beast of the Zhong family in the late stage of foundation establishment, the two monks who had entered the foundation establishment in recent years, and the Zhong family's The leader of the clan in the middle stage of foundation building.

Afterwards, the eagle seemed to have killed most of the qi-training monks in the Zhong Family Mountain. As a result, the murderous intent around it became more intense, and it no longer looked like a spiritual beast, but like a demonic beast.

Even Qian Feng, the leader of the Qian clan, did not dare to get close to the eagle to avoid being accidentally injured by the eagle. He only dared to tell the eagle from a distance that Ling Pengshan and others had destroyed the Liu family's side.

After hearing this, Peng stood on the top of the Zhong Family Mountain, looking in the direction of the Beihuang Immortal Realm, with a hint of longing between his brows.

"Both the Liu family and the Zhong family have been destroyed, and Guiling Island will also be unified."

"Master, when will you come to take me back to my clan?"

"When will you help me enter the golden elixir again, and then take me with you to explore the world of immortality!"


In the next half month, the low-level spiritual veins of the Liu family and the Zhong family were also cleaned up by the Qian family.

And the news that the Liu family and the Zhong family were destroyed was inevitably spread.

Guiling Island also fell into a turmoil. Many greedy casual cultivators acted as evil cultivators and intercepted and killed the monks on the island, causing panic among the people of Guiling Island.

Fortunately, Qian's Foundation Establishment used thunderous means to waste no time, pursue those evil cultivators with all their strength, and sent cultivators from the clan to patrol the island, thus suppressing the turmoil.

This day.

The Qian clan is halfway up the mountain.

Sitting on a tea table in a courtyard hall were Qian Feng and his wife, and a middle-aged monk wearing a Qiu family Taoist robe.

"Xiao Feng, you Qian family are really reckless this time. You destroyed two foundation-building families in a row. The impact is really too great."

"The foundation-building forces on some spiritual islands around your Guiling Island have begun to worry that your Qian family's motive for destroying the Liu family and the Zhong family is impure and has evil intentions."

"The senior leaders of our clan are also having a headache over this matter recently."

"This matter... I'm afraid it won't end well!"

The middle-aged monk wearing the robe of the Qiu family frowned slightly and spoke to Qian Feng in front of him with a hint of meaning.

"My father-in-law, you must have wrongly blamed our Qian family for this matter. Decades ago, when my Qian family was destroyed, apart from the Zhao family on Guiling Island, the Liu family and the Zhong family were also involved. Now, I have rebuilt the Qian clan, and the Qian clan is getting stronger and stronger, so naturally it is time to avenge the ancestors of the clan and destroy those two clans to pay homage to their ancestors."

After saying that, Qian Feng took out a bulging storage bag from his arms, stuffed it into the middle-aged monk in front of him, and said.

"Father-in-law, I heard that the Qiu family has suffered heavy losses recently due to the incident involving the demon clan in the sea, and many spiritual veins have been occupied. I think that under such circumstances, the Qiu family will have many places where spiritual stones and spiritual objects are needed."

"I hope that the spiritual objects and spiritual objects in this storage bag can help some of the Qiu family."

The middle-aged monk was Qiu Baiqian, the father of Qian Feng Taoist monk Bai.

When Qiu Baiqian heard about the current predicament the Qiu family was in, he immediately slammed the table and said with anger on his face.

"What kind of monster clan in the sea captured my clan's spiritual veins? It's all the fault of the damn Jin family."

"If our clan can give birth to a vigorous Jin Dan or even a fake one, then the Jin family will not be so rampant."

Speaking of this, Qiu Baiqian sighed again.

The Jin family is a Jindan family with Jindan monks sitting around the Qiu family of the Jindan family. It is much stronger than the Qiu family.

Then, Qiu Baiqian also fixed his eyes on the bulging storage bag handed over by Qian Feng. He probably knew what Qian Feng meant, and he couldn't help but secretly sigh that his son-in-law was quite clever.

However, he still had some courtesy with Qian Feng.

"Xiao Feng, what are you doing?"

Qian Feng said seriously. "Father-in-law, as one of the affiliated forces of the Qiu family, my Qian family should help the Qiu family to overcome difficulties. This is what my Qian family should do."

Bai on the side also spoke at this time.

"Yes, Dad. When I went back to the family to see you and Mom a few days ago, I heard that the family was in urgent need of some healing pills and recovery pills to fight against the demons that invaded the sea area of ​​the mother family."

"But I didn't expect that the enemy of the mother family was not the demons, but the Jin family."

Qiu Baiqian was no longer polite at this time and took the storage bag.

Because there was no spiritual mark in the storage bag, he also smoothly probed his spiritual sense into it and saw the spiritual objects in it.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

It contained a total of 30,000 spiritual stones and a batch of pills worth at least 20,000 to 30,000 spiritual stones.

"With this batch of spiritual objects, the shortage of family pills can be alleviated. Those spiritual stones are also of great help to the family."

Qiu Baiqian sighed secretly.

Then, he raised a kind smile on his face and said to Qian Feng and his daughter Bai.

"I also treat you as my family, so I told you about the current situation of my Qiu family. The matter of the Jin family has a huge impact. Remember not to spread it to avoid chaos. As for this storage bag, since you are interested, I will accept it."

"I will also speak more for your Qian family. I think that with the fair nature of the clan leader, he will definitely clear your Qian family's name. This time, the destruction of the Liu family and the Zhong family is for revenge."

"I think so, the foundation-building forces around Guiling Island will not say anything more."

As the clan leader of the Qian family, Qian Feng's face was also happy when he heard this, and he said to Qiu Baiqian.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

After speaking, he took out a storage bag from his arms and handed it to Qiu Baiqian.

This storage bag only contained three thousand spirit stones.

However, this batch of spiritual stones is not a small amount for Qiu Baiqian, a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. He is also happy about it, and he likes Qian Feng, a sensible son-in-law, even more.

After everyone chatted for a while, Qiu Baiqian also said goodbye and left the Qian Family Mountain.

At the same time.

At the top of the Qian Family Mountain.

Ling Pengshan, the head of the Qian Family branch, and Ling Chengshi stood here.

"Today, I am very happy to get spiritual objects. I wonder what your expression will be when the family land is robbed in the future!"

Ling Pengshan looked at the direction where Qiu Baiqian left, with a bit of evil interest between his eyebrows, muttering to himself.

"I guess he will beg us to spare his life!"

Ling Chengshi on the side joked.

"If that's the case, what should we do? This person is the father-in-law of Qian Feng, the head of the Qian Family branch."

Ling Pengshan said with interest.

"No matter how much Qian Feng says, he is just a servant of the Ling family. We can do whatever we want."

"Why should we care about a small foundation-building cultivator?"

"In the future, when our family plots against the Qiu family, if we have a falling out with the Qiu family, we will kill him even if he begs for mercy. If the Qiu family is compliant, we will let the Qiu family live in peace."

Ling Chengshi said with a bit more murderous look between his eyebrows.

"Hahaha, my son has the style of me in the past!"

Ling Pengshan laughed.


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