Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 741 Five Golden Elixir Spiritual Objects (2600 words, please subscribe)

In another private room, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also took this opportunity to spend tens of thousands of spiritual stones to buy a lot of useful things, and even bought dozens of spiritual trees.

The twelve days of auctioning ordinary spiritual objects passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was time to auction the finale items.

Those Jindan cultivators who were unwilling to participate in the auction of ordinary spiritual objects also gradually came to the Meteorite Auction on this day.

However, in just half a day, as many as a hundred Jindan gathered here.

Among them, at least 30% of the magic Jindan accounted for.

In addition, there were still Jindan cultivators entering the auction venue from the outside world.

During the initial finale auction, there were also rare spiritual objects of the second-level upper grade such as the Vein Protection Pill and the Foundation Building Pill. However, as the finale items were auctioned off one by one, the rank of the finale auction also rose to the third level.

The two Jindan early stage lava turtle corpses that Yan Qing sent to bid at this auction also appeared during this period.

Ling Pengyun valued these two items, so he bought them for more than 80,000 spiritual stones.

As for the golden elixirs of these two items, they did not appear at the auction. According to Ling Pengyun's guess, they might have been entrusted by Yan Qing to Master Jiamu to help refine the elixir.

Then, various elixirs, formations, talismans, and magic weapons with extraordinary effects appeared.

Even the Miasma-breaking Treasure Pill and the Creation Purple Cloud Pill, which Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi had searched for a long time before, appeared here in full six pieces, one each of the third-level lower and middle grades.

However, these six pills were extremely popular because of their powerful effects and the large number of golden elixir cultivators gathered here. The third-level lower-grade Creation Purple Cloud Pill was basically sold at a high price of 120,000 to 30,000 spiritual stones.

The third-level middle-grade Creation Purple Cloud Pill was even sold at a high price of 230,000 to 240,000 spiritual stones.

Even Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were only willing to buy one third-level inferior grade fortune purple cloud pill and one third-level medium grade fortune purple cloud pill.

In this way, the two spent more than 300,000 spiritual stones, which is equivalent to the price of a third-level inferior grade magic weapon that can be used for hundreds of years.

This also made Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi feel distressed for a while.

The spiritual stones they brought with them also dropped to more than 1.5 million spiritual stones.

Seventy percent of this batch of spiritual stones were the spiritual stones they had exchanged for selling several third-level magic weapons in various places over the years, and the remaining 30% were the remaining wealth of the family.

Among them, 300,000 spiritual stones were the spiritual stones that the relatives Yang family asked Ling to help buy an ordinary golden elixir spiritual object in the early years, but Ling's demand for golden elixir spiritual objects was also great in recent years, so he never helped the Yang family buy it.

Originally, the two of them brought more than 2 million spiritual stones in total, and spent hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in Donghua Market.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun bought some spiritual iron for refining tools, as well as some rare third-level spiritual plants and seeds, and other spiritual objects that could be used. He spent tens of thousands of spiritual waters before he stopped and watched the auction quietly.

It was not until the auction was nearing the end, when there were five third-level upper-grade "Humai Dan" and pseudo-Jiedan liquid, three ordinary spiritual objects, meteorite spiritual water and Jiedan liquid, and a wood spirit Jiedan, that he started bidding again.

Jiedan liquid requires many main materials. In addition to a golden elixir perfect demon beast golden elixir as the main material, this thing also needs to add other precious main materials.

And the meteorite spiritual water is a special spiritual water unique to the lineage of the Meteorite True Lord. It is said that this water is made from the third-level lower-grade meteorite spiritual fruit produced every hundred years by a fourth-level nebula spiritual tree in the hands of the Meteorite True Lord, plus some spiritual objects.

As for the Wood Spirit Golden Core that appeared this time, it was made by True Lord Meteorite with the Meteorite Spirit Fruit that had been formed by the Nebula Spirit Tree for 300 years, a Golden Core of a Wood Attribute Golden Core Perfection Monster, and some special high-level spiritual objects.

This object is extremely powerful and can increase the probability of a cultivator with wood spiritual roots to break through the Golden Core by 30%. It is a rare object in the world.

Even Ling Pengyun was very tempted by this object, but this object was already targeted by many major forces present, and even the Golden Core cultivators of other Nascent Soul forces. Ling Pengyun naturally would not ask for trouble and touch the bad luck of those major forces.

He also made a second choice and bought two third-level high-quality pulse protection pills that the family did not have, one Meteorite Spirit Water and two Dan-forming Liquids, a total of five Golden Core spiritual objects, and spent more than 1.39 million spiritual stones in total.

For this reason, he only had 20,000 to 30,000 spiritual stones left.

Among these golden elixir spiritual objects, one of them was from the Yang family.

For the other four golden elixir spiritual objects, Ling Pengyun planned to give a second-rate golden elixir spiritual object, the Vein Protection Pill, a common golden elixir spiritual object, the Meteorite Spiritual Water, and the Core Forming Liquid to his natal spiritual plant, the "Renshui Blue Cloud Grass", so that the success rate of this grass breaking through the golden elixir could be increased by 25%.

The remaining Vein Protection Pill was kept, and he would use it after the furnace of pseudo Core Forming Liquid that he entrusted to the True Man Huoyang to refine was successful not long ago.

The rest of the golden elixir spiritual objects at the auction were also bought by major forces at high prices, and the transaction price of the wood spirit core golden elixir was as high as 1.08 million spiritual stones.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun speechless for a long time.

The auction ended, and the eldest disciple of the True Lord of Meteorite, "True Man Xinghua", also went up to the auction platform afterwards, called back the idle people, and left most of the golden elixir at the auction to hold the Meteorite Trade Fair.

Because the auction house had a quasi-fourth-level breath-concealing formation to protect the private rooms in various places, Ling Pengyun was unable to detect how many golden elixirs were left behind at the trade fair.

But he had a rough idea in his mind.

"I'm afraid there are at least a hundred Jindan cultivators left."

Afterwards, Xinghua Zhenren, the eldest disciple of Yunxing Zhenjun, also took out dozens of elixirs, talismans, and formations of at least third-grade middle grade or above.

Among them, there was even a fourth-grade formation, which attracted everyone's attention.

Xinghua Zhenren also said.

"This fourth-grade White Tiger Breaking Gold Killing Formation can only be exchanged for fourth-grade spiritual medicine or materials from the Yuanying Demon King. As for the rest of the spiritual objects of third-grade middle grade or above, as long as the Taoist friends present like them, spiritual stones and spiritual objects can be traded. You can send me a price through voice transmission."

Ling Pengyunguan was secretly shocked when he saw this scene.

"Everyone in the world says that True Lord Meteorite is a peerless formation master. Seeing this trade fair today, I'm afraid that the rumor is true."

"If True Lord Meteorite didn't have a fourth-level formation, I'm afraid he wouldn't be willing to exchange this rare fourth-level formation."

"It's just a pity that the requirements for buying this formation are too high. I'm afraid only those Yuanying forces can produce fourth-level spiritual medicines or demon king materials."

Then, Ling Pengyun began to carefully look at the dozens of third-level medium-quality spiritual objects next to True Lord Xinghua.

And soon, because the spiritual objects that True Lord Xinghua took out were of very good quality, the spiritual objects he took out were also exchanged, and the fourth-level White Tiger Gold Breaking Killing Formation was personally delivered to a private room on the fourth floor of the auction house by True Lord Xinghua.

Only True Lord Yuanying or his disciples are qualified to enter the fourth floor of the auction house, and there is only one person who can let True Lord Meteorite, the eldest disciple of True Lord Xinghua, personally send spiritual objects.

The rest of the people who exchanged spiritual objects with him were sent to the private room of the exchangers by the maids of the auction house.

With such a comparison, the identity of the cultivator who bought the White Tiger Breaking Gold Array was naturally clear. It must be Yuanying Zhenjun. As for which sect the cultivator was, only Xinghua Zhenjun himself knew.

Later, some precious spiritual objects appeared in the trade fair, and Ling Pengyun also exchanged some unused spiritual objects on his body for them.

After a full day, the trade fair ended.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also left the auction house through the secret passage arranged by the Meteorite Auction House and returned to the inn where they lived in the market.

The two of them planned to avoid the limelight of this auction and leave this place to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After all, they spent nearly two million spiritual stones at the Meteorite Auction this time. This amount of spiritual stones is extremely huge, and even those large Jindan forces in the Boundless Sea Xiuxian World may not be able to take it out.

It is also enough to make a group of Jindan forces excited.

If the Ling family had not seized several Jindan forces and risked their lives to sell most of their high-level spiritual objects for spirit stones, it would have been difficult to come up with this amount of spirit stones.

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