Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 748 Thunder Rat Ambition (2400 words, please subscribe)

A few days later.

A sudden strange sound came from the valley, which also alerted the thunder rat who was meditating outside the valley.

It immediately opened its eyes. When it saw Ling Pengyun and his wife finally leaving its "home", it looked happy and immediately stood up and ran over on all four legs.

Then, the rat smiled and spoke the human words.

"Brother Ling is really a genius. I didn't expect that I could break through to the sixth level of the Golden Core so quickly. I really make my little brother envious."

"I'm afraid that within a hundred years, I will point it directly at the Nascent Soul Avenue."

"At that time, when I see my brother again, I should call him my true king."

"Mrs. Ling is becoming more and more beautiful. She is really like a fairy descending to earth, like a flower shy of the moon..."

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi couldn't help but smile when they heard the rat's compliment.

However, Ling Pengyun, who knew his character, interrupted him and said with a smile.

"What are you planning to do this time?"

The thunder rat didn't care when his words were interrupted, and continued to speak with the same happy look.

"Brother Ling!"

"Recently, I have encountered some bottlenecks in my cultivation."

"Brother, please do a good job and provide me with some resources to help me. When my cultivation level reaches another breakthrough, I will surely come to express my gratitude with a heavy gift."

Ling Pengyun was amused by the mouse and laughed a few times before speaking.

"I know you don't have any good intentions."

"With your little wealth, if you can get anything good, thank you very much."

When the thunder rat heard this, the smile on his face froze.

In its early years, it was looked down upon by the Thunder Rat Clan, and the Thunder Rat Clan didn't give it anything. There really wasn't anything good in it.

If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be looking for Ling Pengyun to beat the autumn wind.

But the thick-skin that comes with it has allowed him to speak out again.

"Brother, you have to trust me. I don't have any other abilities, but my nose is very clever. I have found many good things in the Cloud Stepping Forest over the years. When my cultivation level increases greatly, , I will go to the boundless vast swamp and find a few precious things for my brother."

Ling Pengyun said disdainfully.

"It's not like I don't know your strength. In terms of escape skills, there are really not many monsters at the same level that can compare with you. But in terms of strength, you're probably at the bottom of the same level."

"What's the difference between asking you to search for spiritual objects in the boundless vast swamp for me, and asking you to seek death?"

"Get out of my way and don't block the way of our couple."

"Honestly guard Tayun Valley for me, don't give me anything to lose. If something happens here, you won't be able to take advantage of my Ling family's salary in the future."

After saying that, he and Yan Siyi used their escape skills and flew away from here.

The thunder rat looked at the leaving figures of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi and wanted to cry without tears.

However, it was not like this because of Ling Pengyun's words, but because it did not "hit the autumn wind".

"It's getting harder and harder to survive in this world."

"How can I turn around and return to the Thunder Rat clan to become king in the future?"

This rat has been working so hard to improve his cultivation level with the intention that one day he can return to the Thunder Rat Clan and dominate the Clan with pride, and will garrison those who look down on him and send him to such a dangerous place, which is like sending him to the Cloud Stepping Forest without any doubt of death. The Thunder Rat Demon King stepped under his feet.

After a while, the Thunder Rat withdrew its gaze, and then it weakly walked into Cloud-Stepping Valley.

One year later.

The world of immortality in the boundless sea.

Deep in the Meteorite Sea, in a private room on the third floor of the Meteorite Tea House in the Meteorite Square City.

Yan Qing stood in front of a window here with an anxious look on his face, his eyes constantly scanning the crowd on Fangshi Avenue, as if he was looking for someone.

"It's been more than half a month since the two-year appointment. Why haven't Fellow Daoist Ling and his wife come yet?"

"If so, Daoyou Ling and his wife plan to go back on helping me to destroy Danyang Palace, thus missing the maturity period of the spiritual fruit in Danyang Island, it will be a disaster."

Yan Qing was secretly sad.

Then, anxious in his heart, he asked Master Jiamu who was sitting in the corner of the private room meditating.

"Brother Mu, do you really have no other way to send a message and find fellow Daoist Ling and his wife?"

When Master Jiamu heard this, he slowly opened his eyes, a wry smile appeared on his face, and said helplessly.

"Brother Ling and his wife have always behaved strangely. I have only communicated with Brother Ling and his wife using communication talismans. When they have something to do, they always go to Muyuanfang City to look for me, and it is difficult for me to find them. , can only rely on chance.”

"However, Brother Ling and his wife have always kept their word. Maybe they encountered something this time and it will be difficult to escape in a short time."

After finishing speaking, Master Jiamu saw Yan Qing's anxious look and thought that Yan Qing was afraid that Ling Pengyun and his wife would spread the news about their plans for Danyang Palace, so he spoke.

"Brother Yan can rest assured that Brother Ling and his wife are not the kind of people who would betray their friends. They will definitely not reveal that we want to destroy Danyang Palace."

"Even if things go badly, the worst we can do is not take action against Danyang Palace. By then, Danyang Palace will not be able to find fault with us."

Yan Qing heard the words, but he couldn't express his pain. He could only sigh softly.


Two more days passed, and Yan Qing was still standing by the window of the private room looking at Fangshi Avenue.

But at this moment, the door to the private room was knocked suddenly.

Yan Qing and the sitting Jiamu Zhenren were both startled. They had told the waiter in the teahouse not to disturb them.

In doubt, Yan Qing waved his hand and sent out a spiritual power to open the door of the teahouse.

Suddenly, two monks in black clothes, who were as still as a stone without any breath, and a waiter in the teahouse appeared in front of Yan Qing and the others.

At this time, the waiter in the teahouse bowed to Yan Qing and Jiamu Zhenren and left the place tactfully.

And one of the taller men in black also spoke at this moment.

"I'm sorry to have kept you two waiting, Brother Mu and Fellow Daoist Yan."

"My wife and I were far away in other seas this time. We had planned to cross the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng Sea to come here, but we heard that the power of the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng in the Wuji Gangfeng Sea had increased by several times, and that True Lord Yunxing had cultivated a Yuanying Demon Spirit King in it, which greatly increased the strength of the demon spirits in that sea. The demon spirits were still cruel and hostile to cultivators. They would attack as soon as they saw the cultivators. That place had become a Jedi. Even if a Jindan Perfected cultivator entered it, there was a risk of being destroyed."

"Therefore, my husband and I dared not take this shortcut again. We could only bypass the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng Sea and arrive at the Yunxing Sea from other demon seas."

"In this way, it took a little more time to travel."

When Yan Qing and True Lord Jiamu heard this, they immediately knew the identities of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

Previously, they had not detected the breath of Ling Pengyun and the other person, so they did not dare to be sure of their identities.

Yan Qing was also happy because of this, and the anxiety in his heart immediately dissipated.

However, he was shocked.

Just now, he had been staring at the street in the market to search for the figures of Ling Pengyun and his wife.

Ling Pengyun's cultivation was unfathomable, and he could understand that he could walk around under his nose without being discovered.

But Yan Siyi's cultivation was not high. Even if Yan Siyi used the breath-hiding technique, he could easily see through this person a year ago.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Yan Siyi to walk under his nose without being discovered.

"Could it be that Mrs. Ling's cultivation has entered the fourth level of the golden elixir?"

"If so, it would be a good thing."

"In this way, the probability of us destroying Danyang Palace can be greater."

"However, we also need to be on guard against these two people..."

Yan Qing thought to himself.

However, despite his thoughts, he still had a bright smile on his face, and then he greeted Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

"It's good that the two Taoist friends are here. Please sit down, drink some hot tea, and take a rest."

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, who were wearing black clothes and black veils covering their bodies, nodded slightly, then walked into the private room, sat on the tea table in the private room, and chatted with Yan Qing over tea.

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