Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 77: Descendants of the Golden Elixir

In a private room on the third floor of the auction house, six people gathered.

Among the six people, there was an old man, a middle-aged couple, a young man and woman who had feelings for each other and were both very good-looking, and a young man who was constantly eating the delicious spiritual fruits on the fruit plate on the table in the private room.

The young man was eating the fruit and looking at Yang Hua, who was hosting the auction, and was auctioning off the final spiritual objects one after another. He said happily.

"According to the time, it's almost time to auction the foundation-building pill."

"Si Tong is right. After auctioning ten portions of Bailing Water, it's time to auction the three foundation-building pills." Among the six people, the handsome young man smiled.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, this time it depends on you." The oldest old man among the crowd said to the handsome young man.

"Grandpa, you can just call me Wu Yan. You are too kind. One of the three foundation-building pills at the end of this auction was originally a betrothal gift for Si Ling. It was put on the auction just for the sake of the sect's reputation. It's a pity that you and your parents have taken the trouble to travel thousands of miles to make this trip." The handsome young man replied modestly, then turned his head to look at the young woman next to him who looked like a fairy, his eyes full of affection.

This affection was mixed with a bit of love.

The young man's gaze really made the fairy's cheeks blush.

The old man who saw this scene, and the middle-aged couple and the young man beside him also laughed from the bottom of their hearts.

Afterwards, Yang Hua took out ten bottles of Bailingmen's unique second-class foundation-building spiritual object "Bai Ling Water" for auction.

This kind of foundation-building spiritual object is what all Qi training cultivators desire, and many foundation-building forces have also made moves to buy it for their family's younger generations.

Everyone bid, pushing the price of each portion of Bailing Water to around 8,000 or 9,000 spiritual stones.

During this period, Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, also bid once, but was overshadowed by the prices bid by others later. The price of Bailing Water was getting higher and higher, and he did not say it again.

After all ten portions of Bailing Water were auctioned off, the last spiritual item "Foundation Building Pill" was also on the stage.

Yang Hua, who presided over this auction, summoned three medicine bottles from the storage bag and summoned three finger-sized pills from them.

"The last lot is three foundation-building pills. These three foundation-building pills were made by Li Qingyun, the second-class top-grade alchemist and the head of the Bailingmen Lingdan Hall. The quality of the three foundation-building pills is guaranteed. If they are fake, they will be compensated ten times. They can increase the success rate of the cultivators breaking through the foundation by 30%. These three foundation-building pills will be auctioned separately. The starting price of each foundation-building pill is one thousand spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than one hundred spirit stones."

The first and second foundation-building pills were purchased by the Blue Moon Lake Song family of Tianyun County, Ningzhou, one of the two states in the Bailingmen territory, and the Ziyun Jiang family of Tianhe County, Jingzhou, for 28,500 spirit stones and 27,800 spirit stones respectively.

These two families are both old foundation-building families in the Bailingmen territory, with many foundation-building cultivators in the family.

Just when Yang Hua just said that the third foundation-building pill would be auctioned, a young man's voice came from one of the five private rooms on the third floor that only Jindan cultivators and their close relatives could enter.

"For this last foundation-building pill, I'll pay 30,000 spirit stones."

As soon as these words came out, the people in the entire auction venue, including the foundation-building cultivators sitting in the private room on the second floor, looked at the private room on the third floor where the voice came from with surprise.

Only Jindan cultivators or those who have close relations with Jindan cultivators can enter the private room on the third floor. How could such cultivators be short of foundation-building pills?

Yang Hua, who presided over the auction, had expected this and his expression remained normal.

After ten breaths, no one bid, and this last foundation-building pill was also auctioned off by the person who spoke in the private room on the third floor.

"Everyone, Wu Yan, the descendant of the Lingfu Zhenren of Bailingmen, will hold a dual cultivation ceremony with Yang Siling, the granddaughter of the fifth elder of the Pingyun Yang family in Yunshui County, in Bailingmen on February 2 next year. I hope everyone will come then." Wu Yan, who was in the private room on the third floor, spoke again.

As soon as this was said, except for a few people who knew about it, thousands of cultivators in the auction hall were all surprised.

Among them was Ling Pengyun.

At this time, Ling Pengyun suddenly realized and muttered to himself. "It turns out that brother-in-law Wu Yan is a descendant of Jindan. No wonder cousin Sitong said that brother-in-law Wu Yan's identity is extraordinary and should not be easily revealed before cousin gets married. If brother-in-law Wu Yan's identity as a descendant of Jindan was revealed early, the Yang family where cousin Sitong and cousin Siling are located would definitely rise. Who in the entire Bailingmen territory would dare to offend? Now brother-in-law Wu Yan suddenly bought the foundation-building pill in such a high-profile manner, probably to build momentum for the Yang family."

As for why Wu Yan, a descendant of Jindan Zhenren, married Yang Siling, Ling Pengyun did not feel that strange, but felt that it was right.

His cousin Yang Siling is not bad. Not only is she as beautiful as a fairy, but she also has dual spiritual roots. Now she has broken through to the foundation-building stage at the age of 30. Her appearance and aptitude are not bad. It is normal for her to find a good marriage.

Moreover, although Wu Yan is a descendant of the Jindan, he may not be able to enter the Jindan stage like his elders. He just has a strong background.

Ling Yunhong, who was standing aside, heard Ling Pengyun's muttering and turned his head to ask.

"Pengyun, do you know about Wu Yan?"

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly. "My tenth sister and I met cousin Sitong in the stall area of ​​Huaishui Market. Cousin Sitong revealed a little, but did not elaborate on Wu Yan's identity."

Hearing this, Ling Yunhong looked at Ling Penglin standing aside to confirm, but saw Ling Penglin looking at the direction of the private room on the third floor where Wu Yan was with an envious look on his face, and he couldn't help but feel the same way.

Ling Penglin envied Yang Siling of the Yang family for marrying a good husband, and he also envied the Yang family for finding a golden elixir backer.

"I didn't expect that the Yang family actually found a golden turtle son-in-law. In the past hundred years, the Yang family is likely to be extremely powerful. In the future, I have to interact with the Yang family more. As long as I maintain this marriage relationship with the Yang family, my Ling family can also borrow some strength." Ling Yunhong secretly thought.

Thinking of this, Ling Yunhong's expression moved slightly, and he thought of something and asked.

"Pengyun, I remember that Yang Siling mentioned by Wu Yan is the daughter of your uncle Yang Qiujiang, I wonder if it is?"

Ling Pengyun saw Ling Yunhong asking at this time, and immediately understood. "Yes, the eighth ancestor is planning to..."

Ling Yunhong's expression moved slightly, and he said. "Well, in the future, you will have more contact with the people of the Yang family."

"Understood." Ling Pengyun said.

One person is happy and the other is sad.

Ye Yongjin, the patriarch of the "Red Maple Ye Clan" who lived in Yunshui County with the Pingyun Yang Clan, was alone in a private room on the second floor. After hearing that Yang Siling of the Yang Clan was going to marry Wu Yan, the descendant of the Golden Elixir, his face became extremely dark and uncertain.

"The Yang Clan has kept it a secret very well. There has been no news in recent years. The grievances between our Ye Clan and the Yang Clan have been going on for nearly a hundred years. Now that the Yang Clan has the backing of the Golden Elixir, they will definitely take action against our Ye Clan in the future. We must find a way to settle this grievance."


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