Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 765: Divine Power: Wind-Splitting and Cutting Technique (3200 words, please subscribe)

"Come to think of it, the primordial Qi of Yin and Yang, which contains a lot of the power of creation, played a great role in Feng Yingpeng's process of condensing the golden elixir. This thing is really of great use."

"And in the future, if my Fengying Peng can really condense the Golden Elixir, there will be a slight chance that it will enter the late stage of the Golden Elixir in the future, and there will also be a slight chance of crossing over to the perfection of the Golden Elixir."

"It's not too bad."

Ling Pengyun looked at Tayun Valley with a hint of joy on his face.

And the "gatekeeper" who was protecting Feng Yingpeng outside the Cloud Stepping Valley with him had a look of surprise on his face at this moment, and his heart felt like a storm was rising.

"Since the Ling family set up the mysterious formation in the Cloud-Taking Valley five years ago, plus the Peng bird this time, as well as the old turtle and the tree that successfully broke through the golden elixir in the valley in the past few years, Spirit Grass, this clan has sent three people into the valley to try to break through the golden elixir, but why did those three succeed in condensing the golden elixir? "

"The probability of success in condensing the golden elixir is a bit too high."

"And it is said that the Ling family was just a small qi-training family one or two hundred years ago. It was only in the past one or two hundred years that it gradually became a foundation-building family and a golden elixir force."

"This speed of increasing the strength of the force is a bit ridiculously fast."

"Even if this clan is, as rumored, really backed by a Nascent Soul force in the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea, and has the support of that Nascent Soul force, the strength and number of golden elixirs in this clan are too many to be born in recent years! "

Thinking about it like this, Ling became full of doubts in the mind of this thunder rat.

It also has a special thought in its heart.

"Could it be...that this Ling family has some great opportunity? Or is he inherited from some Nascent Soul force?"

At this moment, it inadvertently looked at Ling Pengyun aside.

"This person should be said to be the turning point for Ling's rapid development."

"The Ling family has gradually grown to its current scale because of this person."

"And if the Ling family really has a special opportunity, I'm afraid the probability of it happening to this person is also higher."

The eyes of the thunder rat also flashed with a brilliant light at this moment.

Ling Pengyun on the side saw the Thunder Rat's gaze, turned around and saw a greedy look on the Thunder Rat's face.

Although Ling Pengyun didn't know what the thunder rat was thinking, but when he saw the thunder rat's appearance, he knew in his heart that this dead rat, which was always greedy for money, must be up to something good.

In addition, Feng Yingpeng, who is currently in seclusion in the Cloud-Taking Valley, has condensed the golden elixir, and can only rely on the formation in the valley to survive the thunder tribulation.

When he thought about it, his heart sank.

Then, he said coldly to the thunder rat.

"If you dare to use the fact that my clan's roc is at the critical moment of breaking through the golden elixir to extort monastic resources from me, I will definitely let you die without even ashes, and your soul will be tortured by me for a hundred years."

When the Thunder Rat, who was thinking about it, heard this, he knew that Ling Pengyun had misunderstood, but he couldn't help but feel a chill behind him, and his body shivered, and the hairs on his body stood up.

"Suffer it!"

Does it know that the murderous god is capable of such a thing as Ling Pengyun threatens him now?

For this reason, it hurriedly explained, fearing that it would arouse more anger from Ling Pengyun, the god of killing, later.

"Brother Ling, you misunderstood. I am happy that the nobleman can get another golden elixir demon king before it is too late. How dare I delay the nobleman's roc bird from entering the golden elixir."

Ling Pengyun sneered.

"I hope so."

"As for other thoughts, I advise you not to have any. Going against my Ling family will not do you any good."

"And if you continue to cooperate with me, the Ling Sect, as you are now, I, the Ling Sect, will definitely ensure your prosperity in the future. At least you will not be short of cultivation resources, and the place where you step on Cloud Valley can still be your place of cultivation."

When the thunder rat heard this, the fear in his heart dissipated a lot, and he became a little more happy.

As for the previous speculation that Ling Pengyun had a chance and wanted to snatch it, they also disappeared at this moment.

After all, its cultivation level is only at the second level of Jindan, and it is no match for Ling Pengyun.

In the face of Ling Pengyun's powerful strength, it did not dare to have other thoughts.

Immediately, this fickle rat turned to Ling Pengyun with a dog-legged look on his face.

"Brother Ling, don't worry. As long as I am alive, I will definitely cooperate with the Ling family to protect the Cloud Stepping Valley and keep the secrets of this place. I will definitely not have any evil intentions."

"But... I have always had a concern."

"The chaos of the monster beasts is coming, and the Red Gold Bear clan is bound to take revenge. As the strongest man in the Yan Kingdom, are you sure you can lead the monks of the Yan Kingdom to defend the Yan Kingdom?"

"60% sure."

Ling Pengyun glanced at the rat coldly, said lightly, and closed his eyes.

The thunder rat looked at Ling Pengyun with a deep look, and then looked back at the Cloud-Stepping Valley in front of him, his eyes shining brightly.

"What Brother Guan Ling said is not false. In addition, the Ling family has spent so much money over the years to install several structures in this valley that are connected to the underground spiritual veins and earth veins and are difficult to remove easily. With the third-level high-grade formation, I am afraid that the Ling family really intends to completely occupy the lower ground in the chaos of monsters."

"I just don't know if Ling's plan can come true."

"If it really works, and if I can resist the revenge of the Red Gold Bear Clan, and have the ownership of the Treading Cloud Valley, even if I don't return to the Thunder Rat Clan in the future, I can still do very well. After all, even the Thunder Rat Clan doesn't have many lightning veins of this grade."

After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, he closed his eyes again and crawled on the ground.

And after only four days, Feng Yingpeng did succeed in tempering the quality of the golden elixir that he had just condensed to a medium level with the help of the huge spiritual energy brought by the spiritual energy infusion phenomenon as Ling Pengyun expected.

After another two days, the spiritual energy infusion phenomenon caused by Feng Yingpeng also ended.

Thousands of feet above the Treading Cloud Valley, calamity clouds gradually emerged.

Feng Yingpeng, who was on the flat land of the Treading Cloud Valley, also opened his eyes at this moment, but he looked at the calamity clouds in the sky, but he was not very happy.

During the last two days of spiritual energy infusion, it has raised the quality of the golden elixir it condensed to a level close to the top middle-grade golden elixir with the help of the huge spiritual energy containing some power of creation that was triggered by the spiritual energy infusion.

If... the spiritual energy infusion phenomenon can be extended for three or four days, perhaps it can successfully raise the quality of the golden elixir to the top grade.

"If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to catch it in the future."

"But it is also a good thing to be able to become a golden elixir... With this cultivation... In the monster beast chaos in the near future, I can also help the master a little and no longer be a burden to the master."

Feng Yingpeng's eyes, which were a bit proud, had a few more bloodshot.

And at this time, the calamity clouds in the sky had been brewing for a long time, and the first calamity thunder fell.

The third-grade upper-grade thunder-inducing destruction formation in the Treading Cloud Valley also rose up immediately, blocking the calamity thunder, and drawing the power of the calamity thunder to temper the body of Feng Yingpeng.

The same was true for the next two calamity thunders.

Feng Yingpeng's physique is also strong enough to match the strength of a third-level Jindan monster. At this point, it is difficult to increase its physical strength.

The Thunder-Inducing Destruction Array also absorbed the remaining six tribulation thunders into the array and stored them in the third-level middle-grade Lei Yuan Lingtan in Treading Cloud Valley.

Now, the Lei Yuan Lingtan has stored fifteen tribulation thunders.

Three of them were when the black-armored turtle entered the Jindan, and the remaining twelve were when Renshui Blue Cloud Grass and Feng Yingpeng entered the Jindan.

When everything settled, the tribulation clouds in the sky turned into a piece of nectar and fell on Feng Yingpeng.

Its aura has officially reached the Jindan level. The Jindan that it has spent a lot of effort on these days also spewed out countless solidified spiritual power along its meridians and circulated in its body.

It is precisely because of this that its body has been officially sublimated.

And at this moment, this Feng Yingpeng received a huge amount of information feedback from his blood.

Among them, in addition to recording the complete cultivation method of the Fengyingpeng clan in the Jindan realm, there is also a lower-level magical treasure technique "Wind Splitting and Cutting Technique".

This treasure technique is an attacking treasure technique, which can transform into a wind blade with extremely strong power when it is used. This technique is 30% more powerful than the attacking treasure technique mastered by Fengyingpeng. Relying on this treasure technique, it is enough to let it jump one small realm to fight the enemy.

Moreover, this treasure technique is also very good at breaking the Gang, which is enough to be regarded as a magical treasure technique of breaking the Gang.

This matter can be regarded as an unexpected surprise for Fengyingpeng.

However, there is also a sense of frustration.

After all, when its younger brother Xuanjiagui entered the Jindan realm, he got a middle-level defensive magical treasure technique "Water-absorbing and Armor-raising Technique" of the Xuanjiagui clan from the blood feedback. Relying on this technique, Xuanjiagui is also enough to jump two small realms to fight the enemy.

After a long sigh, this Peng comforted himself.

"I was not left too far behind by my brother Xuanjia, and I also comprehended the magical power, which is also a good thing."

"Since the quality of the golden elixir I condensed is not as good as its, I will practice harder in the future, maybe... I can surpass its cultivation in the future!"

Then, this Peng left the Tayun Valley and told Ling Pengyun about the awakening of the magical power in his blood.

Ling Pengyun was delighted.

"Great news, by the way, Fengying, can ordinary cultivators comprehend the magical power you master?"

Feng Yingpeng said.

"It shouldn't be possible for cultivators. This technique is a magical power exclusive to my Fengyingpeng clan. If you want to comprehend this technique, you need the blood of my Fengyingpeng clan."

Ling Pengyun felt a little regretful when he heard this.

After all, if he could master one more magical power, his strength could be improved.

Afterwards, he arranged for Feng Yingpeng to transmit the "Wind Crack Cutting Technique" to the Fengyingpengs in the foundation-building stage in the family in the future.

The family now has a lot of spiritual beasts. Among them, the Fengying Peng clan is very fast. Ling family has collected hundreds of them from various places over the years, and several of them have entered the foundation-building stage.

The monsters that have entered the foundation-building stage have some intelligence and have the ability to comprehend magical skills such as the wind-breaking cutting technique.

At the same time.

The lightning mouse on the side, who did not master any magical skills, was extremely envious of Fengying Peng at this moment.

"If this mouse... also mastered the magical skills of the lightning mouse clan, even if it was just one, I would not have fallen to that point."

The lightning mouse felt a little complicated for a while.


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