Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 771 The future of the two major factions of Bailingmen (240 words, please subscribe)

The earth dragon trembled, and said reluctantly.

"Master, my meridians are indeed stronger than those of humans... but not much stronger. Although my meridians can withstand the power of three Miasma-Breaking Pills at the same time, I have a great chance of breaking through the third level of the Golden Core with the help of these medicines, but afterwards... my meridians will inevitably be severely damaged due to the excessive efficacy of the three Miasma-Breaking Pills. If there is no third-level middle and upper-grade healing pills that can restore the injuries of the meridians, I am afraid that my cultivation will not improve in the next hundred years."

"This time... is enough to improve my cultivation by one or even two levels."

"Giving up the future for the present, this..."

Before it finished speaking, the Spirit Array Ancestor said coldly.

"You know how much benefit you and your descendants will get from practicing in the dragon veins and the dragon blood grass that can enhance the dragon bloodline."

After saying that, he glanced at the earth dragon coldly and left the cave along the secret passage.

The earth dragon, which was still deep in the cave, looked at the three bottles of Miasma-Breaking Pills left in front of it, with hesitation in its eyes.

After thinking for a while, it made up its mind.

"I can practice on that third-level dragon vein in exchange for a future that can speed up my practice by several times, and even slowly improve the richness of my bloodline and the future of my descendants. It is not impossible."

It also looked ruthless, and took out the Miasma-Breaking Pills in the three medicine bottles with the help of the object control technique, swallowed them all at once, and then closed its eyes and quietly refined the three Miasma-Breaking Pills in its stomach.


Another half a year passed.

In the Bailing Mountains of Yan State, deep in the Bailingmen station.

In a cave.

The somewhat fat "Master Bailing Zhenren" of Bailing Sect was sitting cross-legged outside the door of a training room with abnormal spiritual fluctuations, with his eyes closed.

After an unknown period of time, the abnormal movement in the training room returned to normal, and a breath of the second level of Jindan came out of the training room.

Then, the door of the training room was opened, and a young monk wearing a green Taoist robe, with a breeze around him, a thin figure, a firm brow and a bit of coldness walked out.

Zhenren Bailing also opened his eyes at this moment, and then he stood up and looked up and down at the young monk in front of him. Seeing that his breath was several times stronger than before this person's retreat, and reached the second level of Jindan, he also smiled a little more.

"This kid Wu Hong's talent is really extraordinary. He has only been in the Jindan stage for more than ten years, but he has already entered the second level of the Jindan stage. His cultivation speed is a little faster than when I was in the early stage of the Jindan stage. I am afraid... if this kid is given enough time, his achievements will definitely surpass mine."

"Even, maybe this kid can improve his cultivation to the Jindan Perfection stage before the best breakthrough of the Nascent Soul stage at the age of 400, and then use his spiritual root qualifications to add half a chance to enter the Nascent Soul stage."

Thinking of this, he also became a little more excited.

He knows his own qualifications. His current cultivation is still hovering at the eighth level of the Jindan stage, just like more than ten years ago, and his life span is about one hundred and thirty or forty years left. He is not very sure whether he can break through to the Jindan Perfection in this remaining life span, but he is sure of the ninth level of the Jindan stage.

But Wu Hong, a wind spiritual root cultivator, is different now. Wu Hong is just over a hundred years old now.

Moreover, Wu Hong used three ordinary spiritual water-like golden elixir objects collected by the sect more than ten years ago to condense a middle-level golden elixir and thus entered the golden elixir realm.

So far, he has only been practicing for more than ten years since he entered the golden elixir realm.

Breaking through a level of cultivation in more than ten years, this kind of aptitude does have a few opportunities to enter the Nascent Soul realm. If this is true, Bailingmen will surely rise to become a Nascent Soul force and have the ability to dominate this northern wilderness cultivation world.

Although, this probability is extremely low.

Wu Hong, who can condense a middle-level golden elixir and has a single-attribute wind spiritual root, has a great probability of entering the golden elixir perfection realm in the future, and entering the late golden elixir is a foregone conclusion.

Even late-stage golden elixir cultivators are rare in the entire Yan State. As long as there are cultivators of this realm, it is enough to protect Bailingmen for three or four hundred years.

If a golden elixir perfection cultivator can be produced, Bailingmen will also enter its heyday and it is possible to expand its territory again.

However, he looked at Wu Hong, who was gifted, and felt helpless.

"According to Wu Hong's talent, when my lifespan runs out and it is difficult to protect the sect, it is inevitable that the sect will be handed over to Wu Hong."

He sighed and felt a little worried.

"I don't know what the sect will look like in the future if I really hand it over to Wu Hong!"

Wu Hong, a genius cultivator with wind spirit roots, is also a member of Bailingmen.

But Wu Hong is the grandson of the Lingfu ancestor of Bailingmen. His father Wu Yan is also a Jindan Zhenren, a real Jindan Zhenren, but the condensed Jindan is of inferior quality. But even so, Wu Yan has a chance to enter the middle stage of Jindan in the future.

Although his mother Yang Siren is a little worse, she is also a fake Dan Zhenren.

In this way, there are now three Jindan standing behind Wu Hong. Together with Wu Hong himself, this family has as many as four Jindan fighters.

Although the disciples of Bailing Zhenren in recent years, Baoling Zhenren and Baibao Zhenren, have all entered the Jindan stage, the former only condensed a middle-level Jindan when trying to break through the Jindan stage, but his cultivation speed is quite standard. He has entered the Jindan stage for hundreds of years, and his cultivation is still at the third level of Jindan.

Baibao Zhenren relied on a fake pill condensed from a monster Jindan to achieve the fake pill stage, with no potential and extremely weak strength, only equivalent to the first-level Jindan cultivator.

Now, although Bailing Zhenren can easily suppress the faction of Lingfu Zhenren where Wu Hong is with his eighth-level Jindan cultivation.

But once his life span is exhausted after more than a hundred years, the fake pill realm Baibao Zhenren and Baoling Zhenren of his faction can only temporarily avoid the edge when facing the faction of Lingfu Zhenren.

In this way, in the future, Bailingmen will be controlled by Lingfu Zhenren's family.

The resources of Bailingmen will inevitably be controlled by this family.

And this family has extra resources, so naturally they will cultivate their own forces.

In the long run, the Bailing Sect, which is a sect, may no longer be a sect, but will become the "Wu Family" of the Lingfu Patriarch "Wu Tian".

But even if Bailing Zhenren knew this, in order for the sect to better establish itself in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, he could only watch... Wu Tian's family... gradually become stronger.

And once Wu Tian's family is attacked, Bailing Sect will lose nearly half of its combat power.

Although the Ling family, the strongest family in Yan State, has a thousand-year agreement with Bailing Sect, even if Bailing Sect's strength is greatly damaged, this family will not openly attack Bailing Sect within a thousand years.

But the other two major Jindan forces in Yan State, Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple, will not be like this.

Although these two major forces only have two Jindan, they are very close to Ling Family because of their marriage.

Once the lineage of the Lingfu Patriarch of Bailing Sect is completely wiped out and Bailing Sect falls into a period of weakness, these two major forces will inevitably turn into jackals and bite Bailing Sect hard. Even the Ling family will secretly help these two major forces to destroy the entire Bailing Sect.

"The lineage of Junior Brother Lingfu is really blessed to have such a talented offspring. It would be great if this child was my offspring or my disciple."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look down on himself in his heart. After a self-deprecating smile, he prayed secretly.

"I only hope... that in my lifetime, among my disciples and grandchildren, there can also be a genius with such a talent."

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