Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 783 Ancient Method of Refining Equipment and Spiritual Plant Inheritance (2200 words, please

"This is okay. The heads of many halls in the family only serve as a deterrent. The people who manage various halls are mostly deacons or elders of each hall."

"When the ghost hall is established in the future, I will let Cheng Yuan arrange the affairs of this hall."

Ling Pengyun nodded and said something.

At this time, Ling Pengxing also spoke again.

"Brother of the Pengyun Clan, I have one more thing to ask for. Now that I have taken over the inheritance of the Guixian Sect, I also need to shoulder the responsibility of supporting this sect."

"And the two existing enemies of this sect, the Extreme Cold Immortal Sect and the Xuanyuan Royal Family, are extremely powerful. It is still unknown whether I can enter the Nascent Soul in this life, and there is even less hope of destroying these two families."

"Therefore, I plan to lay the foundation of the Ghost Immortal Sect and recruit a group of ghost cultivators to rebuild the Ghost Immortal Sect."

"In this way, even if I am unable to avenge the Ghost Immortal Sect in this life, the power I have built can continue to uphold the idea of ​​destroying the Jihan Immortal Sect and the Xuanyuan Royal Family."

"No matter whether the force I build will succeed in the future, at the very least, it can be regarded as my determination to senior Guixiandeng, and he will be worthy of the inheritance of Guixian Sect."

"Of course, I will not use the ghost cultivators from the family ghost hall as the manpower of this force, so as not to involve too much cause and effect with the family."

"I want to search for those talents with ghost qualifications who do not have family blood to establish a force. In this way, the cause and effect entanglement between the force I build and the family will not be too much. In the future, Senior Ghost Fairy Deng will use it to establish a force. The secret method can also make it easier to cut off the cause and effect between the family and that force."

"But talented people with Ghost Dao qualifications are scarce. Even if there are simple spirit-detecting stones that can be found everywhere, this matter is too big for me to do alone."

"Therefore, I want to use the power of the family to help search for ghost talents outside the family."

Ling Pengyun had already thought of this matter. After all, the Ghost Fairy Lamp Spirit had promised the Ling family that as long as the Ling family had better qualified Ghost Dao talents, they could join the Ghost Fairy Lantern and inherit the Ghost Fairy Sect.

Moreover, afterwards, the ghost fairy lamp spirit will directly cut off the cause and effect between the Ling family's ghost cultivator and the ghost fairy sect's inheritance.

Things like this are of great benefit to the Ling family.

And if you want to get the benefits in vain without paying the price, of course it won't work.

This is also the sweetness given to Ling by the ghost fairy lamp spirit.

In addition, Ling Pengyun considered that Ling Pengxing mastered the spirit-testing stone that can be easily used to test ghost aptitudes and talents. The Ling family monks could easily use it to search for people with ghost aptitudes in the outside world, so he responded.

"The family can help with this matter, but the test of the ghost's aptitude and talent will cause a lot of noise. If this matter is carried out on the territory of other forces, it will definitely attract the attention of those forces."

"By then, our clan's search for ghost seedlings will also be hindered."

"In my opinion, it is best to search for ghost seedlings and establish power for the Ghost Immortal Sect within the boundaries of the family, so that our family can control it easily. Although it is not easy for the mortals who own the family to participate in this matter, our family can The foundation-building and Qi-training forces under their command also have many mortals under their command.”

"Think about it, we can also find some seeds of ghost ways from it."

"When the force you build becomes stronger in the future, you can go to the family independently, go to the Eastern Demonic Territory, establish a sect, and recruit more ghost seedlings."

After hearing this, Ling Pengxing's expression lit up and he responded.

"That's it."

"Brother from the Pengyun clan, please take a quick look at those two inheritances to see if they are useful to you."

Ling Pengyun nodded slightly, and then focused on the two books in his hand that recorded the third-level low-grade weapon refining of the Ghost Immortal Sect and the inheritance of spiritual plants.

These two inheritances were brought by Ling Pengxing just now.

Due to Ling Pengxing's cultivation, the Ghost Fairy Lantern only gave Ling Pengxing the third-level low-level inheritance of various arts from the Ghost Fairy Sect. Only if he successfully enters the Golden Elixir Avenue and can bring more value to the Ghost Fairy Lantern, can he have more With multiple permissions, the Ghost Fairy Lamp Spirit will also give him more high-level inheritance.

Naturally, these inheritances were used by the Ghost Immortal Lamp Spirit for Ling Pengxing to rebuild the Ghost Immortal Sect.

At this time, as Ling Pengyun successively looked at the third-level low-grade Guixian Sect's weapon refining inheritance and spiritual plant inheritance in his hand, the fire in his eyes gradually increased.

After several hours, he reluctantly closed the two inheritance books.

Ling Pengxing also curiously asked Ling Pengyun at this moment.

"Brother Peng Yun, are those two inheritances useful to you?"

Ling Pengyun said with a smile. "It's quite useful. Although these two inheritances are both inheritances of the Ghost Immortal Sect, most of their contents are about refining ghost artifacts, magic weapons, and cultivating ghost spiritual plants. However, there are also many records in them. The secret method of refining righteous magic weapons and magic weapons, and cultivating righteous spiritual plants.”

"The most important thing is that these inheritances are ancient methods lost in the world of immortality. They are the source of the inheritance of common weapon refining and spiritual cultivation techniques today."

"Passed, the content about the right path of weapon refining and spiritual planting inheritance is enough to deepen my understanding of the two paths of weapon refining and spiritual planting."

"Furthermore, based on the contents of those two inheritances, I estimate that both of them can be ranked among the top inheritances."

"It's a pity that the fundamental principles of these two inheritances of Baiyi can only be understood by ghost cultivators of Baiyi. It is difficult for righteous monks like me to understand them. Otherwise, if I could directly understand these two inheritances, I would refine weapons together, Together with the spiritual plant, the power can be increased by at least several percent."

"If my cultivation had not reached the realm of golden elixir, I would have wanted to switch to the ghost path based on these two inheritances alone."

"Brother from the Pengxing Clan, you are so blessed to have mastered so many profound inheritances."

Although converting to the ghost path is a joke, if Ling Pengyun's cultivation is only to practice Qi or build foundation, he will definitely do it.

You know, if he can transform into a ghost, he can get more than just these two inheritances from the Ghost Immortal Sect.

After all, Ling Pengxing has obtained all the inheritance from the Ghost Immortal Sect, and he also has the right to control those inheritances.

As for selling those inheritance realization resources, Ling Pengxing didn't dare to do it, let alone whether the ghost fairy lantern in his sea of ​​consciousness would kill him for this.

You must know that the Ghost Immortal Sect was a force that existed hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the inheritance of this force is mostly ancient methods and ghost ways. Once word spreads, if the Jihan Immortal Sect and the Xuanyuan Royal Family know about it, they will definitely follow the clues and come looking for them. .

Things will not be good then.

"No matter how much I say, I have to thank Brother Pengyun for this blessing. If Brother Pengyun hadn't given me the opportunity to improve my qualifications after I converted to the ghost path, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to show it. Show enough ghost talent to disturb the sleeping ghost fairy lamp spirit, and thus gain the inheritance of this sect."

Ling Pengxing said gratefully.

His Ghost Dao qualifications were only marginal at first. If the Ghost Dao classified the fifth-level cultivation qualifications for ghost cultivators, Ling Pengxing's Ghost Dao qualifications would probably be at the third level.

The first level is the strongest, and the fifth level is the weakest.

The usage is the same as the five spiritual root qualifications of the righteous monks.

Ling Pengxing's Ghost Dao qualifications are worse than his spiritual root qualifications, and are only equivalent to the three spiritual root qualifications of a monk.

It turned out that when he was still a righteous monk, he had two spiritual roots.

However, decades ago, when he was in the early stages of converting to the ghost path, Ling Pengyun thought that it would be difficult for him, Ling Pengxing, to convert to the ghost path, so he gave him a breath of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi, which raised Ling Pengxing's ghost path qualifications to the second level.

And it is still the best among the second level.

Ling Pengxing also relied on these qualifications, coupled with the unstinting support of various monster spirits in the family, and the effect of the ghost fairy lamp to purify ghost energy. He himself was originally in the realm of foundation building, and rebuilding the ghost path was just a step. This made him improve his cultivation to this level in just over forty years.

After all, all roads lead to the same destination.

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