Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 787 The Abilities Brought by the Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Spiritual Seed (2600 words, pl

The spirit seed bred by this small Wanyu Blood Jade Spirit Tree is only the size of a soybean. Its whole body is the same as that of the small Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree, which is like blood jade, crystal clear, and like a gem. It doesn't look like a spirit seed at all.

Ling Pengyun also saw the spirit seed of the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree for the first time. He was a little curious and looked at it a few more times.

This spirit seed is the same as the sixth-level Qi training small Wanyu Blood Jade Tree that bred it. It contains both thin blood power and some spiritual power. Living between the devil and the righteous, Ling Pengyun also has a little more expectation for this strange spirit seed.

"There are all kinds of strange things in the world."

"Just don't know... what the qualifications of this third-generation Wanyu Blood Jade Tree spirit seed are."

The first generation, that is, the third-level middle-grade Wanyu Blood Jade mother tree on the "Danyang Island" in the meteorite sea in the boundless sea cultivation world.

The second generation is the Qi training level six small Wanyu Blood Jade tree here, which is grafted from the trunk of the mother tree. This tree is also the tree that breeds the spirit seed.

After withdrawing his distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun saw a cold light flashing at the index finger of his right hand, and a small wound appeared.

Ling Pengyun also mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and forced out a drop of blood essence containing a large amount of his own origin from the wound, and hit it in the void in front of him.

He didn't care about the weakness caused by this drop of blood essence leaving his body, and hurriedly pinched his hands to perform the method of offering sacrifice to his own spiritual plant, and cast a series of magic formulas in the drop of blood essence in front of him.

The drop of blood essence also flashed with blood light at this moment, and a series of emerald green special runes appeared on its surface, occupying its entire surface.

At this time, Ling Pengyun groaned and changed his finger technique.


The special blood essence light dimmed, and it immediately turned into a square blood-red seal.

Then, the seal slowly merged into the suspended spirit seed, and the spirit seed also flashed with blood at this moment.

The huge blood power in the spirit seed, which had not moved at all, suddenly erupted like a volcano, and madly rejected the power of the seal that merged into its body.

Ling Pengyun even subtly noticed that the spirit seed wanted to use the special blood power in its body to devour the core blood of his life spirit plant contract.

This made Ling Pengyun very unhappy, and his face turned cold.

"Even the mother who gave birth to you is my spirit plant, and a mere spirit seed dares to compete with me!"

A majestic divine consciousness suddenly burst out from Ling Pengyun's body, directly penetrating into the spirit seed, and directly suppressed the violent blood power in its body.

He also mobilized it, and the life spirit plant contract power that had been injected into the body of the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree turned into a torrent, washing every inch of the spirit seed.

Because the core of the contract law, his drop of blood contains his golden elixir origin, and the pure spiritual power in it is also countless.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the spirit seed aura of the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree rose rapidly under the power of the contract.

Even after a thousand breaths, this spirit seed actually spanned countless growth times, and then sprouted in just three breaths, and continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the strange appearance of the spirit seed stopped, the spirit seed actually grew into a seven-foot-long sapling, and its cultivation level was also improved from nothing to the seventh level of Qi training.

The blood power in the body of this spirit plant, which was originally extremely repellent to Ling Pengyun, also revealed countless intimacy to Ling Pengyun at this moment.

At this time, the sapling also entered the Qi training state. At this moment, it mobilized countless blood power in its body to pass into the body of the "new owner" Ling Pengyun to feed back.

Although the amount of spiritual power fed back by the seventh-level Qi training sapling was insignificant to Ling Pengyun, a seventh-level Jindan cultivator, he did not refuse it.

After the spiritual plant breaks through the realm, it feeds back the spiritual power to the owner, which is also a little trick to deepen the connection between the two.

At the same time, the first spiritual energy infusion of the spiritual plant from the mortal to the way of Qi training is also the time for the spiritual plant to feed back some of its own "special power" to the owner.

When everything was settled, Ling Pengyun felt that in addition to the return of the third natal spiritual plant that was missing in his body, it was difficult to sacrifice the natal spiritual plant, and he also felt that there was a lot of blood power containing vitality in his body.

After spending half a day to refine those blood powers, his vitality was also stronger.

After careful calculation, his life span was actually increased by at least ten years.

In addition, he also felt that he could freely draw the spiritual power obtained by his new seventh-level Qi training natal spiritual plant "Wanyu Blood Jade Tree" in the future to help improve his own cultivation.

These two things also made Ling Pengyun look very happy.

"I didn't expect that the power of this tree's feeding back can also extend life, and this life is not small, which is enough to be comparable to the life of those spiritual plants that can give birth to life after they are implanted."

"And the ability that this tree feeds back to me can be freely drawn from the spiritual plant. Putting it on other spiritual plants may not have much effect. After all, the other spiritual plants themselves also need to improve their cultivation."

"Once I draw away the cultivation gained by those spiritual plants through hard practice, their cultivation will also be difficult to improve."

"But this Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree is different. This tree can refine countless flesh and souls as nourishment, and there is a special spiritual power in its body for synthesis. There is no restriction on absorbing flesh and souls. The spiritual power cultivated by this method is also extremely thick, not weaker than the spiritual power cultivated by hard practice."

"Through this method, its cultivation progress is also extremely fast, and there is no fear at all. I draw the spiritual power in its body and turn it into my own spiritual power."

"The only drawback is that the current cultivation level of this blood tree is still low, and the speed of refining the power of flesh, flesh and soul is also slower because of this. Even if it practices this method day and night, the cultivation level it has refined will be , it’s not much help to me now at the sixth level of the Golden Core.”

"It is estimated that only when this tree enters the later stage of foundation building, or even after the foundation building is completed, and the two types of blood power and spiritual power it cultivates are close to the solidified spiritual power, will the cultivation level cultivated by this tree be of some help to me. "

"After it enters the golden elixir, it will help me even more."

"Fortunately, this tree is progressing quickly in its cultivation. In a few years, if another breath of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi is used to help it, this tree will be able to cultivate a little faster. With my resources to help, this tree will enter the golden elixir. The road is just around the corner.”

"And this tree has just relied on the original power in my blood essence to cross the seven-level realm. Its cultivation is now unstable. It needs time to stabilize, otherwise it will be harmful to the future path. , As a result, it will be difficult for me to transfer my spiritual power to it in a short period of time and speed it up to the late stage of foundation building. "

With such a plan, Ling Pengyun looked at the third-generation "Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree" in front of him, which was fully seven feet tall, and became more pleasing to the eye.

As for the natal spiritual plant and the spiritual plant husband, they can actually transfer spiritual power to each other and improve their cultivation.

However, Ling Zhifu, as the leader, is naturally unwilling to transfer the spiritual power he has cultivated to his own natal Ling Zhijing to improve his cultivation in ordinary times.

Only when the native spirit plant encounters a bottleneck will the spirit plant husband do this.

Back then, when Ling Pengyun's Renshui Blue Cloud Grass broke through the golden elixir, the owner Ling Pengyun rarely used his own spiritual power to help the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass break through.

But now, if Ling Pengyun had not wanted to help as soon as possible, and the cultivation level of this newly-refined third natal spiritual plant "Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree" had been raised to the late stage of foundation building, otherwise he would not have wanted to rely on his own cultivation. The idea is to help the natal spirit to improve his cultivation.

After that, he considered that to speed up the cultivation of this tree, he would need to feed a large amount of flesh, blood and soul to the tree. There was not enough space to warm and nourish the tree in the golden elixir, so he planted the natal spirit tree in Next to the "second-generation" Qi-training six-story small Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree here, the cultivation level is even lower than the others.

At the same time, he also made a contract with his own small Wanyu Blood Jade Tree at the seventh level of qi training, instructing the tree to absorb the large areas of monster flesh and blood here as soon as possible, and continuously send out the second-level ghost control banner in the sky. The power of the monster soul that comes out is used to improve one's cultivation.

As for the third-level ghost-control long banner that was previously suspended in this mountain space and was specially used to store the souls of monsters and provide the souls of monsters to be cultivated by the second-generation small ten thousand jade blood jade tree here, because it was given to Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengyun could only Place a second-order ghost-control long flag here.

This second-level ghost control long banner was an inventory he refined in his early years. In the early years, after the banner was successfully improved by Ling Pengyun and could be used to sacrifice the souls of monster beasts into mountain-moving evil spirits, this long banner with good power was used The Ling family used it as a magical weapon for the tribe.

As long as you are a member of the Ling family, after you enter Taoism, the family will give you a first-class low-grade ghost-control long banner for free.

As for the six mountain-moving evil spirits inside, the tribesmen need to make up for it themselves.


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