Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 792 Arrangements in various places (2400 words, please subscribe)

Then, Ling Chengyuan turned his head and looked at the foundation-building elders who had become sons-in-law of the Ling family or daughters-in-law of the Ling family since they joined the Ling family because of the Ling family's marriage proposal, and his face looked better.

"The families of these people did not give any extra benefits. Instead, they stood up at this moment to add face to the family, just like those foundation-building cultivators with family blood in our clan. This is enough to show their loyalty, at least better than those foundation-building cultivators from the casual cultivation in the Foreign Affairs Hall who worked for our clan for the sake of benefits."

"And these people also joined the clan because of the family's marriage proposal. Unlike those foundation-building elders in the Foreign Affairs Hall who were forced by the family to marry the family's female cultivators as sons-in-law, they were rejected by the family's foundation-building clan members. Instead, they have a very good relationship with the family's clan members. This is enough to show that these people are truly loyal to the family."

"In the future, we can increase the training of these people."

After retracting his distracting thoughts, the great elder Ling Chengyuan also stood up, his face became serious, and he said sternly.


The noisy meeting room was suddenly immersed in silence.

Ling Chengyuan also spoke up.

"You all care so much about the family, it's really thoughtful."

"Since there are so many foundation-building cultivators willing to go to the front line of the Baiyun Mountains, but there are very few foundation-building cultivators in the family, and the number of foundation-building spirit beasts, demon corpses, and puppets is greater, we need to change it. The number of foundation-building cultivators stationed at the front line of the Baiyun Mountains is temporarily set at fifty."

"Each person will bring three foundation-building spirit beasts or foundation-building demon corpses, or puppets, and gather two hundred foundation-building combat forces."

"The front line of the Baiyun Mountains is relatively dangerous. The fifty people stationed here will be selected from the more than thirty foundation-building elders of the Foreign Affairs Hall who are willing to go to the front line of the Baiyun Mountains this time, and thirty-five people with the highest cultivation from the more than seventy foundation-building cultivators with my Ling family bloodline will go."

"In the equally dangerous Zixie Ridge area, thirty foundation-building cultivators will go, and from the remaining The thirty strongest cultivators were selected from the foundation-building elders of the Foreign Affairs Hall and the family foundation-building elders who had nothing to do. Each of these cultivators could bring three or four beasts to form a hundred foundation-building combat forces. "

"The remaining dozens of foundation-building cultivators who were willing to go to the front line and were in the Hundred Arts School, as well as the dozens of good "sons-in-law" and "daughters-in-law" of my Ling family who mastered the Hundred Arts, took the remaining 61 foundation-building spirit beasts, demon corpses, and puppets of the family and stationed in the safer clan land, Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, and Tayun Ridge. "

"Next, we will subdivide the clan members stationed in various places. "

As soon as these words fell, the dozen or so sons-in-law and daughters-in-law of the Ling family who had not expressed their intention to go to the front line of Baiyun Mountains and married into the Qingxin Taoist Temple and Yaowang Valley, or married into the Ling family, all trembled and their faces became not very good.

They were all experienced Taoists, so naturally they also heard the yin and yang words of the elder Ling Chengyuan.

But they had no roots in Qingxin Taoist Temple and Yaowang Valley, and they did not have much sense of belonging to their original sects. Or they had no hope in the path of Taoism, just wanted to lie down, and had no enthusiasm for doing things for the sect. That's why they were pushed out by Qingxin Taoist Temple and Yaowang Valley to become sons-in-law or daughters-in-law of Ling's family.

After many years, they were still the same. They just wanted to live the rest of their lives well, so they were unwilling to go to the front line of Baiyun Mountains to garrison.

At this time, although they knew that this made the elder Ling Chengyuan unhappy, they were worried about their future life in Ling's family.

But after a while, these more than 20 sons-in-law and sons-in-law of Ling's family from Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple were all happy because they did not have to go to the front line to fight.

As for leaving Ling's family directly, they naturally did not dare to.

As early as when they left Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple and entered Ling Clan, Ling Clan's cultivators had arranged special secret methods in their sea of ​​consciousness, so that no matter where they ran, Ling Clan's cultivators could find them.

Moreover, Ling Clan's cultivators could kill them with the help of the restrictions arranged in their sea of ​​consciousness in a moment.

The more than 30 casual cultivators in the Foreign Affairs Hall had also been arranged with restrictions to control life and death in their sea of ​​consciousness.

Moreover, in the current situation where the monster beast rebellion is approaching and Yan State has provoked the Red Gold Bear Clan, even if they are still in Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple, they still need to participate in the war.

Soon, the foundation-building cultivators stationed in the clan land in the heart of Yan State, the two land boundaries of Zixie Ridge, and the three land boundaries of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, Tayun Ridge, and Baiyun Mountains in the Baiyun Mountains during the monster beast rebellion were all selected.

The two silkworm breeders Ling Chengping and Ling Chengxia, who are two of the five tigers of the Ling family, and the six sons of the Ling family, were arranged by the family to the front line of the Baiyun Mountains.

As for the great elder Ling Chengyuan, who is also one of the five tigers of the Ling family and a perfect foundation cultivator, he stayed in the family land during the monster beast chaos, managing all affairs and the mobilization of spiritual objects to prevent the family from being in chaos during the monster beast chaos.

Ling Pengyun, who was resting with his eyes closed, also opened his eyes and gave instructions to everyone.

"Since the foundation cultivators stationed in various places have been selected, after the meeting is over, you will have to work hard to select the Qi training cultivators of the family and go to various places to garrison."

The foundation elders present all said that it was their duty to work for the family without any hardship.

"Do you have any other suggestions for the family facing the monster beast chaos?"

Ling Pengyun then said lightly.

"Dad, although the 1.6 to 1.7 million mortals in the family are all in the Lingxiao Mountains where the clan is located, the Lingxiao Mountains are vast. When the monsters are in chaos, there are few cultivators stationed in this area. If a monster breaks into this area, there will probably be great losses."

"The group of demon cultivators in the Eastern Demon Realm like to use the flesh and souls of mortals to refine magic pills or sacrifice blood to magic treasures. The number of mortals in our clan is large enough to be comparable to the old golden elixir forces in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World. It is estimated that when the monsters are in chaos, the group of demon cultivators will take advantage of the weak defense of our territory and attack the mortals of our clan."

"Do we also need to use flying boats to gather all those mortals? The more than 30 foundation-building elders in my Foreign Affairs Hall are all stationed in the sacred mountains in various places. They can be temporarily dispatched to drive flying boats to transport mortals."

Ling Chengxia, who was sitting at the front of the long table in the meeting hall, asked at this time.

Ling Pengyun heard this, and his eyebrows were more happy.

"After this child became the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall, his mind has become more meticulous."

Then, he said.

"It is possible to relocate the mortals and concentrate their protection."

"But if the mortals are too concentrated, they will be like a bigger cake in the eyes of those demon cultivators, and will inevitably attract more powerful demon cultivators."

"Let's take this opportunity to concentrate the 1.6 to 1.7 million mortals of our clan in the Lingxiao Mountains on 16 places with second-level middle and upper-grade spirit veins, with about 1 million mortals in each place, and build cities based on those 16 spirit veins to deter all directions."

"During the chaos of monsters, each One foundation-building cultivator, one or two foundation-building spirit beasts, or demon corpses, puppets, and a hundred Qi-cultivating cultivators will go to each city. "

"This group of cultivators will be led by the cultivators who originally stayed in the Lingxiao Mountains."

"As for the arrangement of the formations in the sixteen cities, I will send people there."

"The matter of relocation does require the help of people from your Foreign Affairs Hall. I'm sorry to trouble you, the cultivators from the Foreign Affairs Hall."

Ling Chengxia, who had been rebellious since childhood, has become more mature since he became the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall.

At this time, it was the time for the family meeting, so he gave Ling Pengyun face and nodded at this moment.

"Dad, you are too kind. As a member of the family, my Foreign Affairs Hall should work for the family."

After that, several elders proposed other ways for the family to deal with the chaos of monsters.

Half of them were adopted by the family, and a few were useless and rejected by the family.

Ling Pengyun was dragged until night, and then he was able to escape.

However, the meeting did not end there. The remaining elders also began to discuss trivial matters such as the number of spiritual objects carried by the monks stationed in the five territories of the family.


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