Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 805 Arrangements for returning to the family (2200 words, please subscribe)

The fake third-level alchemist named Huoyao Zhenren, at this moment, bowed extremely humbly to Lingpeng Mountain, who was on the ninth floor of the foundation building, and took out a medicine bottle from the storage bag. He handed it to Ling Pengshan and said.

"Fellow Taoist Pengshan, not long ago, during the golden elixir banquet of the aristocratic Jindan realm Fengying Taoist friend Peng, I happened to be refining a furnace of elixirs, so I was unable to leave the seclusion and go to congratulate you."

"This bottle contains a third-level low-grade Yuan Judan that I refined. It is considered as a congratulatory gift from me. I would also like to wish the noble Taoist friend Feng Ying Peng a prosperous future."

After hearing this, Ling Pengshan, who looked steady and middle-aged, glanced at the kind-faced Master Huo Yao, then took the bottle of Juyuan Pill, and then said a faint thanks with no expression on his face. .

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist. I will definitely bring these words of congratulations to the ears of my clan's Fengying Peng."

In the early years, Ling Pengyun's spiritual beast, Feng Ying Peng, was still low in cultivation and could not help Ling Pengyun, so he lent the spiritual beast to Ling Pengshan and asked him to take the Feng Ying Peng to Turtle Island to establish a branch.

Therefore, Ling Pengshan also claimed that the Wind Shadow Peng was his spiritual beast.

Afterwards, Ling Pengshan pondered for a while before speaking.

"I agree to the matter of leasing spiritual veins, fellow Taoist."

He also took out a sea map of the small sea area of ​​​​the hills, pointed at the hundreds of spiritual veins in the north of the small sea area of ​​​​the hills, and said.

"This land belongs to you. Our clan also keeps statistics on the spiritual fields in this spiritual vein. From now on, your clan will harvest 30% of the original number of spiritual fields and hand it over to our clan. The rest of the benefits will belong to you. owned by the clan.”

"In addition, in the future, our clan will give you a batch of second-level elixirs every year for you to help refine. I also hope that fellow Taoist Huoyao can charge less for elixir refining."

When Master Huoyao heard this, he looked slightly happy.

Although, the conditions offered by Ling Pengshan for sharing the benefits of planting spiritual plants are much more stringent than directly handing over the spiritual stones, and he will suffer some losses in the future.

But Lingpengshan was lucky enough to be able to rent so many spiritual veins.

Under normal circumstances, a golden elixir force would never allow any golden elixir or fake elixir monk to establish a family within its territory.

Maybe this move will shake the foundation of their own family.

Only the powerful old Jindan forces can cultivate a few such close followers of the Jindan force, and the powerful Nascent Soul force can do this.

Therefore, Master Huoyao immediately agreed.

"I agree to this matter, and it's easy to say that I will charge less for alchemy."

"In the future, the nobles will have no choice but to ask me to help refine the second-level elixir. I can guarantee a success rate of more than 50%, and the number of completed elixirs will be stable at four."

When Ling Pengshan heard this, his face finally showed some joy.

Ordinary alchemists help others make elixirs, and the probability of successful elixirs is generally only 30% to 40%, and the number of completed elixirs is only three.

In such a comparison, Huo Yao Zhenren's concession is extremely obvious.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist."

"As for those hundred spiritual veins, fellow Taoist disciples can go there whenever they want."

"However, I hope that my fellow Taoist will sign this soul contract and that he will not harm our clan in the future when he is a vassal of our clan."

After Ling Pengshan finished speaking, he took out a third-level soul contract that was refined by the golden elixir monk using his spiritual consciousness from his storage bag.

This third-level soul contract was captured by the Ling family when they destroyed many golden elixir forces in their early years.

Master Huoyao carefully looked at the contents of the contract and saw that there were no loopholes in it. They were all normal. He also left a trace of consciousness on the soul contract very happily.

At this moment, the soul contract condensed into a soul condensation and penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of Master Huoyao.

And if Master Huo Yao violates the contract and harms the Qian family branch in the future, the soul mark in his sea of ​​consciousness will also explode his sea of ​​consciousness into pieces.

Afterwards, a few people chatted for a while, and Master Huo Yao and Qiu Zhongtian, the Qiu family member, also said goodbye and planned to leave.

Ling Pengshan also summoned a Qian Qi-training monk who was familiar with the small sea area on the hill to lead the way for the master Huoyao.

Another half month passed after this happened.

Deep in the mountains and islands.

On the top of the spiritual mountain with a third-level spiritual vein, there was a tea table.

"Brother of the Pengyun clan, the Jinlin Huang family and the Yanshan Bai family near the small sea area of ​​​​this hill that our clan's Qian clan currently controls, there has been no other movement recently, we can return to the clan."

Ling Pengshan said to Ling Pengyun who was holding a cup of tea and looking through the classics in front of him.

Here, the other two monks Qian Feng, the leader of the Qian family, and Ling Chengshi, the son of Ling Pengshan, also looked at Ling Pengyun at this moment.

However, the two of them had different expressions.

Qian Feng's face was filled with sadness.

But there was a bit of solemn murderous intent on Ling Chengshi. This murderous intent was not directed at everyone present, but because of the monsters in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

Ling Pengyun came to the Qian Family branch in this boundless sea area after the monks from the Zhao family in Black Mountain came to visit him, but he never showed up.

However, what Qian is doing now is all his own handwriting.

"In this case, we really shouldn't waste time here."

After saying this, he took out a jade pendant from his storage bag, handed it to Qian Feng, the head of the Qian family, and said.

"Boy Qian Feng, the chaos of monsters and beasts in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm is too dangerous. I will take Feng Yingpeng away. In the next few years, the branch here will be more honest. Don't cause turmoil. Just develop the hills and small sea areas." "

"It has also been spread to the outside world that Feng Yingpeng is in seclusion. The Golden Core Demonic Beast is in seclusion for at least a few years or more than ten years at a time. Thinking about it, there should be no thieves snooping during the short few years that this Peng left. "

"If there is one, crush this communication gem. A golden elixir will come to help, but it cannot be used unless necessary."

Qian Feng had already guessed that Feng Yingpeng would leave. After hearing this, the worry on his face immediately disappeared.

At the same time, he was also extremely curious about the identity of the golden elixir that the messenger Baoyu could summon. However, he was also a seasoned person and did not ask questions in order to avoid causing the displeasure of Patriarch Ling Pengyun.

This ancestor Ling Pengyun is the real master of the Ling family branch.

Some of the kendo classics he had acquired over the years were also gifts from Ling Pengyun.

"I understand, ancestor."

Therefore, he solemnly said.

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, then called Feng Yingpeng out from the cave nearby and put it into his storage bag. He also took Ling Pengshan and Ling Chengshi and his son into a black shadow and left quietly. This spiritual mountain.

Qian Feng took a look and entered the cave at the side. When he sat cross-legged on the ground, he also took out a kendo book from the storage bag.

After he finished flipping through it, his eyebrows suddenly glowed.

"I don't know what level of swordsmanship the master's senior swordsman named Ling Pengxing has reached. The content of the swordsmanship he wrote is really profound. After I digest the contents, I guess I can officially enter the swordsmanship. The second level.”

The kendo classic in his hand was written by Ling Pengxing and kept in his family. When Ling Pengyun came here a few months ago, he took rubbings of the kendo classic because Qian Feng had been very obedient over the years. One copy was brought here and handed over to Qian Feng, the head of the Qian family.

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