Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 808: Jindan monk arranges the hatching of lava turtles (2800 words, please subscribe)

"Its innate cultivation is as high as the fourth level of Qi training, which is really good, very good, this little turtle is worthy of being born from two Jindan-level lava turtles."

"And this turtle's luck is also very good, there is still some wood vein power left in its body for healing."

"In the future, with the help of the wood vein power in its body, and then using wood to help fire, its cultivation speed can be nearly doubled during the Qi training period."

"And in the future, this turtle will have no problem improving its cultivation to the middle and late stages of foundation building with such talent."

"If there are resources to help me, plus the spiritual fire in the family's second-level Youlan Linghuo Volcano, this turtle has a high probability of being promoted to the perfect foundation building during the best lifespan of breaking through the Jindan, and having the opportunity to break through the Jindan."

Yan Siyi's face was full of joy.

The lava turtle egg is a very special spirit beast. This spirit beast can absorb the spirit fire in the spirit fire mountain into its body, refine the pure fire spirit energy in it and accelerate the cultivation talent.

At the same time, this turtle can also use that ability to attract the fire spirit energy from the outside world, enhance the strength of the spirit fire in the spirit fire mountain, and indirectly accelerate the progress of the spirit fire mountain's cultivation.

It can be said that the relationship between this turtle clan and the spirit fire mountain and other spiritual creatures of heaven and earth is complementary.

At the beginning, Ling Pengyun also valued the talent mastered by this turtle, and this turtle had the blood of the golden elixir demon king, so he bought it and gave it to Yan Siyi.

At the same time, the little lava turtle also retracted its head into the egg, and continued to rely on the scaly head to hit along the big hole hit on the eggshell before.

Soon, it broke most of the turtle egg, and its whole body also appeared.

On its back was a red turtle shell with several flame patterns, which looked extremely thick. Its four feet, like its head, were covered with small red scales, which looked extremely solid.

Then, the little turtle lowered its head and ate the turtle egg fragments it had broken before.

And every time it ate a piece of turtle shell fragment, its breath would become stronger. When it had eaten all the turtle shells, it also fell asleep on a huge trunk of the giant iron tree.

"After it digests the nutrients contained in those turtle shells, it is estimated that its cultivation level should be no problem to enter the fifth level of Qi training."

Yan Siyi sighed happily, and then waved her hand to put the lava turtle into a prepared beast bag. She then left the forest and returned to the clan land. She threw the little lava turtle into the second-level dark blue volcano of the family, and then she went directly to the "Linghuo Mountain" with a third-level fire spirit vein to practice.

The technique she practiced was the "Fire Cloud Treasure Book" of the family that could directly reach the early stage of the Nascent Soul. This technique was of fire attribute. Practicing on the Fire Spirit Vein with rich fire spirit energy could increase the speed of practice.

One day later.

Ling Penglin, the third-level formation master who had set up the city defense formation in the sixteen mortal cities in the Lingxiao Mountains, finally returned.

The clan leader Ling Yunhong, who had been refining pills in Linghuoshan for many years, had just finished refining pills.

Yan Siyi also gathered Ling Penglin, Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengxing, the ghost cultivator Jindan who was practicing in the clan's Ghost Star Valley, and Ling Chengxin, who was refining magic weapons, to discuss the matter of Tianxing Sect's transfer a few days ago.

Tianxing Sect wanted to transfer two Jindan cultivators, in addition to the hand-picked Ling Pengyun, and one from the Ling family.

Ling Yunhong, who had not seen it for many years but was very experienced in the way of housekeeping, heard about this, his eyes flashed with a strange color, and he also spoke.

"Although my Yan country is not strong, every time the monster beasts are in chaos, it can also attract many Jindan monsters for Tianxing Sect. Tianxing Sect can't just watch my Yan country fall into danger."

"And Tianxing Sect also knows that my Yan country has provoked the Red Gold Bear Clan."

"Under such circumstances, Tianxing Sect still draws cultivators from major forces in my Yan country. I'm afraid it's not simple."

"At least, Tianxing Sect is probably sure that after drawing away some cultivators from major forces in my Yan country, it can still save my Yan country."

"We just need to cooperate well on this matter."

"As for the other Jindan candidate to go to Tianxing Sect, I will go."

The careful Yan Siyi said immediately.

"Grandpa, you can't leave. You master the top intermediate magical power of Pure Yang Fire, which is extremely powerful and extremely restraining to demon cultivators. Whenever the monster beast chaos begins, the demon cultivators in the Eastern Demon Realm will go out to cause chaos. With you in the family, the clan members can be safer."

"And your strength is also stronger than mine."

"No matter how the Tianxing Sect arranges and plans for the family, it is still a bit dangerous. To be safe, you should stay in Yan State. My husband and I will lead the clan members to guard the Tianxing Sect."

Ling Yunhong nodded lightly and said. "The group of bastards in the Eastern Demon Realm are indeed a trouble."

"You have a point. You will go to the Tianxing Sect."

"But you have thought of everything, and you came with us. Do you have anything else to say?"

Yan Siyi nodded. "That's right."

"This time, I called you all here not mainly to discuss who will go to Tianxing Sect with my husband, but to discuss the matter of garrisoning Yan State."

"Because the transfer of people from Tianxing Sect disrupted our clan's plan, we need to make new arrangements."

"Before, you didn't participate in the clan meeting against the monster beast chaos, and you are not familiar with it. I heard some of it from my husband, so I know more about it."

"I will propose this new arrangement."

"According to my husband, there are a total of 100 Jindan demon corpses in the clan..."

"Grandpa Yunhong, you and brother Pengxing will take... to the Baiyun Mountains to take charge."

"Penglin and Cheng Xin will take... to the Zixie Ridge to cooperate with the Jindan of the Pingyun Yang family and the Poyun Liang family to garrison."

"In addition, the safer clan lands, as well as those stationed in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake and the Tayun Ridge, are also likely to encounter danger. The clan members who stay in these three places also need to take a Jindan demon corpse each."


A few more days passed.

Bao Yuan Zhenren, the disciple of Bai Ling Zhenren of the Bai Ling Sect of Yan State, Yao Wang Zhenren, the master of the seventh-level Jindan of the Yao Wang Valley, and Qing Xin Lao Daoist, the master of the fifth-level Jindan of the Qing Xin Daoist Temple, all came to the outside of the Ling clan.

Apparently, the three of them were also found by the old Taoist Flying Eagle of the Tianxing Sect.

Because Ling Pengyun was still on his way back to the family from the boundless sea, the clan leader Ling Yunhong was in seclusion, and the Jindan ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing and the third-level formation master Ling Penglin were used as hidden hands and could not show up easily. Receiving the three Jindans required at least Jindan cultivation, so this matter fell on Yan Siyi, the Jindan.

The Jindans of the four forces also gathered in the reception hall of the Ling clan.

Baoyuan Zhenren, Yaowang Zhenren, and Qingxin Laodao also told Yan Siyi that they came here to discuss with Ling about the matter of Tianxing Sect's transfer of cultivators and the matter of garrisoning Yan State during the monster beast rebellion.

Yan Siyi was interested in these two major events, but she frowned slightly and felt a little unhappy when she saw that Qingxin Taoist Temple and Yaowang Valley were both represented by their masters to discuss such major events, while Bailing Sect only sent a cultivator in the early Jindan period.

"Daoyou Baoyuan, why didn't Daoyou Bailing come?"

When asked this question, Baoyuan Zhenren smiled bitterly. Bailing Zhenren didn't want to come, so he didn't want to deal with Ling's cultivators.

Over the years, Ling and Bailing Sect had agreed not to invade each other within a thousand years because of the interests of the Blood Ghost Sect in the early years of the Demonic Dao.

However, a few years ago, the Ling family came forward to protect Yang Siqi of the Pingyun Yang family under the Bailing Sect, and forced the Bailing Sect to agree that the Pingyun Yang family would leave their own sect and join the Ling family as a vassal family, which made the Bailing Sect’s master, Bailing Zhenren, extremely angry.

If it weren’t for the fact that Bailing Zhenren, who was at the eighth level of the Jindan realm, was concerned about the many Jindan demon corpses in the hands of the Ling family, and the agreement between the two major forces, otherwise the Bailing Sect and the Ling family would have fought each other because of the Pingyun Yang family.

After all, when the Pingyun Yang family showed signs of Jindan a few decades ago, the Bailing Sect intended to destroy and suppress it. Unfortunately, this clan was protected by the faction of the Lingfu Patriarch.

However, such things also caused a feud between the Bailing Sect and the Yang family.

Now, the Yang family not only produced a Jindan, but also joined the Ling family. It is difficult for the Bailing Sect to move the Yang family, which is tantamount to leaving a disaster.

In this situation, how could Bailing Sect feel at ease?

However, as the disciple of Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren naturally did not dare to say such a situation.

He could only say to Yan Siyi according to the excuse he had prepared before.

"Madam Ling, my master is in seclusion at the critical moment of his cultivation, and it is difficult for him to come out in a short time, so he can only send me to discuss matters with you. I hope you don't mind."

Yan Siyi, including the surrounding Yaowang Zhenren, and the Qingxin Taoist priest, were all shocked when they heard this.

The cultivation level of Bailing Zhenren of Bailing Sect is as high as the eighth level of Jindan. If he can go one step further, it will be the ninth level of Jindan.

This level of cultivation is unique in the entire Yan State.

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