Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 83 Seeking Revenge for the Son (Please read on!!!)

Ling Penglin, who was carrying a difficult task, watched Ling Pengyun leave, and immediately returned to the hut, took out a book called "Lingxiao Formation Magic Book", read it, and understood the spirit gathering formation recorded in it.

After about half a stick of incense, Ling Pengyun, who returned to Qingshi Mountain, entered the cave halfway up the mountain, closed his eyes, and meditated on the sword tactics of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation.

An hour later, Ling Pengyun opened his eyes, with a hint of joy in his expression, and muttered to himself.

"According to the speed at which I am now comprehending this sword art, I am afraid that I will be able to successfully comprehend this sword art by the end of the year."

The sword art is the core of the sword formation. Once you understand the sword art, as long as you get the method of operating the sword formation and understand it, you can use the astonishingly powerful Earth Demon Sword Formation.

Overjoyed, Ling Pengyun looked forward to it, and without wasting too much time, he closed his eyes again and comprehended the first-level high-grade water spell "Water Blade Technique".

In the past few months since he broke through to the seventh level of Qi training, he has been practicing this extremely powerful spell. Now he has mastered it to a small degree. Just waiting for time, this water spell will be mastered to perfection. realm.

Nowadays, Ling Pengyun has mastered three water spells to a perfect state, namely "Water Thorn Technique", "Water Arrow Technique" and "Water Shield Technique".

After meditating on the magic for an hour as usual, he began to meditate on the secret technique of spiritual planting, without wasting any time during this period.

After meditating on the secret technique of spirit planting for an hour, he began to meditate on the spirit patterns of the weapon refining and so on.

Every day, Ling Pengyun practiced hard without any entertainment, but he did not feel bored.

Being in this world of cultivation where great power belongs to oneself, it is the greatest pleasure to be able to improve one's own strength.

Beside him, the Wind Shadow Peng spirit eggs and seven Songhua chicken spirit eggs surrounding the pile of spirit stones also developed more rapidly with the help of the spiritual energy of the spirit stones.

In the blink of an eye, it’s early May.

On this day, two monks, a man and a woman, came to the vicinity of Qingshi Mountain based on a drop of blood that flew by itself, and looked at the Qingshi Mountain hundreds of feet away.

The two unknown monks both looked very old, as if they were about to die. Not only were they both covered with white hair, their skin was wrinkled like dry tree bark, and they were as skinny as firewood.

Among the two, the old male monk looked at the drop of blood in front of him that was flying towards the Bluestone Mountain, and waved his hand to put it away, with a fierce expression on his face.

"The method of finding objects by blood relatives is unmistakable. Although it has been three years since Sha'er's death, there is still the smell of Sha'er's storage bag in this mountain. Even if it is not Sha'er who was killed by the Ling monk in this mountain, It must also be closely related to Sha'er's death. If the two of us hadn't used the blood escape technique three years ago in order to escape the execution of the five foundation-building monks, our essence and blood were severely damaged, and it took three years to heal. How could the person who killed Sha'er survive to this day?"

Another old female cultivator also had a look of resentment, her eyes flashed scarlet as she looked at Qingshi Mountain, and she said in a low voice with murderous intent.

"Before we kill this person later, we must first perform a soul search on him to find out whether this person is the real murderer of Sha'er. If not, we must find the real murderer. "

The "Sha'er" in the two people's mouth was originally named Han Sha, and this Han Sha was the middle-stage qi-training demon cultivator that Ling Pengyun killed in the Yunwu Wen clan's territory.

Now, two old monks, a man and a woman, came here to avenge their only son Han Sha.

The old male cultivator looked at the huge lake not far from Bluestone Mountain, pondered for a moment and said. "That big lake should be the Qingshi Lake where the Ling family's famous Xuanshui iron ore vein is located. It is said that the old ghost Ling Ruxian is stationed in it. Although I have lost 70% of my strength due to the loss of fertilized blood, but It should be no problem to resist it for a period of time with the help of the evil spirits in the Hundred Ghost Banner. During this period of time, are you confident that you can defeat the formation in front of you alone? "

Nao Ji shook his head and said. "According to the situation of a foundation-building family like the Ling family, the bluestone mountain in front of us must be equipped with a first-order mid-level formation. There is little hope of breaking through this mountain formation in a short time."

After saying this, Lao Ji waved his hand and took out a map of the spiritual vein distribution in Anyang County of the Ling family, pointed to a mountain range with the words "Guofeng Ridge" written on it, and said. "But I have a good way to attract the Ling monk out of the Bluestone Mountain. When you stop Ling from entering, I will definitely kill the person who killed Sha'er and avenge Sha'er."

The old male cultivator who had lived with Lao Ji for decades looked at the map on Guofeng Ridge, which was only ten miles away from Qingshi Mountain, and immediately understood.


One day later.

Ling Penglin, who was stationed on the spiritual vein deep in Guofeng Ridge, had just woken up from the spiritual gathering formation. She stood up and planned to water the spiritual plants in the two acres of spiritual fields outside the house, but she didn't expect that she had arranged it here. Among the early warning restrictions in various parts of Guofeng Ridge, several warning restrictions in the south of Guofeng Ridge were triggered.

Ling Penglin looked shocked when she noticed this, and said secretly. "Ba Ge and Thirteenth Great-Ancestor respectively have flying magic weapons and fairy cranes. They will not trigger the warning restrictions I have placed on the ground at all."

"Is there an external enemy? Or a monster?"

She looked panicked, and it suddenly occurred to her mind that her grandmother "Ling Yunxi" sent her here, and what she said before leaving, if there was any abnormal movement, activate the formation immediately to prevent the worst outcome.

Keeping these words in mind, Ling Penglin suppressed her panic and quickly waved out the formation disk of the Wutu Transformation Curtain Formation, injected spiritual power into it, and used the power of the formation disk to control the formation flag to activate the formation.

The next moment, a huge yellow light curtain covered the spiritual veins, spiritual fields, Ling Penglin, and the small house where she lived.

With the protection of this yellow light curtain, Ling Penglin felt much more at ease, but she felt that it was not safe. She waved her hand and took out the array plate and dozens of spiritual stones that she had arranged in the surrounding maze array not long ago, and placed them on the array plate. With the power of the spiritual stones, she opened the maze array and transformed into a large cloud of fog, covering this place.

After about a dozen breaths, Ling Penglin, who had performed the Qi-seeing technique, finally saw the enemy who broke into the Fruit Bee Ridge.

Hundreds of feet away, there was a wolf demon with red hair all over its body, as big as a calf, leading three smaller demon wolves, rushing towards this place.

"One Fiery Wolf in the middle stage of Qi training and three in the early stage of Qi training."

Facing the monster for the first time, Ling Penglin couldn't help but feel a little scared, and her brows were already furrowed.

"I am not good at fighting, and the two formations here have no attack power. I am afraid there is no hope of killing the four flaming wolves that attacked this time."

"Now,... we can only ask for help."

She analyzed it, waved her hand and quickly took off the hanging family token from her waist and crushed it.

After a while, the four red-haired wolf monsters rushed hundreds of feet and broke into the large cloud and fog transformed by the maze formation.

In order to trap the four red-haired wolf monsters in the maze and fog, and prevent the four wolf monsters from attacking the light curtain transformed by the Wu Tu Hua Mu formation.

Ling Penglin concentrated his whole body and mind, mobilized his spiritual power, pinched his fingers to perform the formation secrets, condensed a seal with full-color rune patterns, and hit it into the maze formation disk.

The formation disk flashed with spiritual light, and the large cloud and fog transformed by the formation disk became three times thicker.

The four red-haired demon wolves that had entered the mist also completely lost their direction, swaying left and right in the mist.


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