Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 817: Decades of planning begin today (2200 words, please subscribe)

And the Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World has an agreement not to occupy the opponent's third-level spiritual veins during the chaos of non-monster beasts.

Therefore, the Red Kite Demon Queen planned to lead the army to destroy the Baiyun Mountains, destroy the foundation of the Yan Kingdom, and then capture the Yan Kingdom in one fell swoop.

As for the previous monster chaos, the Red Gold Bear clan would usually only divide their troops into dozens of Jindan Demon Kings to besiege the Yan Kingdom and entangle the Yan Kingdom's Jindan Demon King.

After all, to the Scarlet Gold Bear clan, the Yan Kingdom was just a remote place with no strong people. The real enemy of the Scarlet Gold Bear clan was the Tianxing Sect.

"Even if the Scarlet Kite Demon Queen who came to entrust her with the talisman of her destiny has hatred towards our Yan Kingdom because our Yan Kingdom killed her only heir, this Demon Queen has always been known as the number one think tank of the Red Golden Bear Clan, and everyone in this clan has All affairs were handled by the Demon Queen. Under such circumstances, the Demon Queen would not watch helplessly as the Red Golden Bear Clan was defeated on the main battlefield in the Tianxing Kingdom due to the lack of a few Golden Core Demon Kings. "

"If you think about it this way, I am afraid that only the demon emperor of the Red Gold Bear clan has the strength to break through. The demon emperor has the confidence to block True Lord Tianxing, so he dares to do this."

"If this is the case, the Red Gold Bear Clan may have a slight advantage due to the fact that they have more Golden Core Demon Kings than the Tianxing Sect. Then the main battlefield will suffer, and our country, Yan, will be in dire straits."

"I don't know what the Yan State's backhand is, what it is that fell to the ground, and whether it can guarantee the peace of our Yan State?"

Ling Yunhong sighed softly, then turned into a ray of light and returned towards the Baiyun Mountains, the first line of defense of the Yan Kingdom.

At this time, the Red Kite Bear Queen in the north, who led millions of monsters, also traveled hundreds of thousands of miles and noticed the traces of Ling Yunhong.

But the distance was too far, and it was not good at escape techniques, so it was difficult to catch up with Ling Yunhong, so it just let Ling Yunhong leave.

However, there was a killing intent in its eyes.

"Let me see how long you can escape. When I attack the boundary of the Baiyun Mountains, that will be the day you die tragically."

Then, it roared into the sky, signaling the demon clan behind it to go faster.

Not long after, these millions of monsters completely left the boundless swamp and entered the hundreds of thousands of miles of wasteland separated from the Baiyun Mountains.

At their speed, they would be able to reach the Baiyun Mountains very quickly.

But at this moment, a dull man's voice came from the center of the wasteland covering hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Array up!"

As the dull sound of a formation opening sounded, the entire ground in the wasteland began to shake, and formations flew out of the sky from deep underground, blending together.

Seeing this, the Scarlet Kite Demon Queen, who had just led millions of monsters into this wasteland, suddenly showed a hint of fear and shouted loudly.

"Hurry up and run out of this damn wasteland, the humans have set a trap!"

As soon as it said this, it went crazy and entered the huge natal talisman sitting down with its demonic power, using all its strength to use the talisman to leave this wasteland.

The group of millions of monster beasts that heard Scarlet Kite Demon Queen's greeting immediately became panicked, and the monster beasts among them immediately scattered in all directions.

But all this is in vain. They have penetrated nearly 100,000 miles into the wasteland. Even if the Nascent Soul Lord had not mastered the special magical escape technique, he would not have thought of crossing so many realms in a few breaths, let alone the Red Kite. The Demon Queen can use these golden elixirs to practice Qi and build foundations for monsters.

Ten breaths later, countless formations floating in the sky gathered into a huge formation, covering the entire surrounding area of ​​300,000 miles.

All the monsters in this area, without exception, are trapped within the formation.

An aura approaching the fourth level, stronger than the ordinary quasi-fourth level formation, suddenly came out from the formation.

The next moment, the faint man's voice came out again.

"Array device!"


The huge quasi-fourth-order formation in this wasteland shook the void, and the ground in nine different directions of the formation suddenly began to crack open.

The sound of landslides and ground cracks also sounded.

Soon, nine seal magic weapons with yellow auras, fist-sized and high-grade third-level breaths rose from the depths of the ground into the sky.

The formation also poured the power of countless formations into the nine magic treasures. The nine magic treasures flashed with spiritual light, spun around, and quickly grew to a hundred feet in size. Their auras were also temporarily Entering the quasi-fourth level.

Thick breaths also came from the nine magic weapons.


The nine seal magic weapons, which were as big as hills, turned into nine huge streams of light like meteorites falling from the sky, and smashed directly in the direction of the Red Kite Bear Queen.

"Come here to protect this queen. If you are extraordinary, my husband will definitely destroy the entire clan behind you."

Seeing this, the Red Kite Demon Queen, who had made one of her life talismans escape, felt chills all over her body. She also quickly shouted to the other nineteen demon kings in the surrounding demon beast group.

When the nineteen golden elixir demon kings from different demon clans heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Previously, in order to persuade them to send troops to attack the Yan Kingdom, the Red Kite Demon Queen had nothing but good words to say to them, and also gave them many spiritual creatures. Otherwise, they planned to go to the main battlefield to see if they could kill a few. How could a golden elixir monk come to this remote place as a means of cultivation?

Looking back now, the Red Kite Bear Queen's attitude made them feel extremely chilled.

As Jindan Demon Kings, they all have a lifespan of thousands of years. During this long time, they have more or less reproduced some offspring.

Although they are beasts, they have emotions like humans and have deep feelings for their bloodline.

For the sake of their offspring and the tribes behind them, the Golden Core Demon Kings had no choice but to grit their teeth and sacrifice their own magic weapons regardless of the damage to their magic weapons, and directly faced the nine powerful array weapons that smashed towards the Red Kite Demon Queen.

And the Red Kite Demon Queen also waved her hand and threw out the natal talisman that she was sitting on.

The natal talisman grew in the wind, and the spiritual light flashed, and it immediately turned into a golden core perfect red gold bear phantom that was not much different from the Red Kite Bear Queen, blocking the Red Kite Bear Queen.

Afterwards, the Red Kite Bear Queen took out several dozen third-level defensive talismans, and stuck them on her body as if they were free, and transformed into countless defensive light curtains.

But all this was in vain. The nine seal magic weapons that attacked were of extremely high grade. They were a set of magic weapons, and as array tools, they were blessed by the array. The combined power of the nine seals was enough to be comparable to 70% of the power of a Yuanying early stage cultivator.

The power of the Yuanying True Lord was not something that a mere Jindan monster could resist.

The magic weapons that the monster kings used, as well as the Red Kite Bear Queen's life talisman and defense talisman, were all crushed by the nine huge seals in an instant, and then hit the Red Kite Bear Queen's body fiercely, directly forcing out a drop of blood incarnation left on her by the Red Kite's strong Taoist partner, the Red Gold Bear King.

A phantom of a red gold bear with a length of more than 130 or 40 feet and a pseudo-infant cultivation level suddenly appeared.

The bear also roared.

"Who dares to touch my wife!"

The nine seal magic weapons that responded to it were.

Its huge body was immediately beaten back by the nine seal magic weapons.

Before it could last for three breaths, it was shattered.

However, the nine seal magic weapons still had one or two points of strength left, and they also hit the huge red kite bear queen fiercely. The bear queen failed to dodge in time and was directly hit and vomited blood.

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