Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 824: The Blazing Fire Formation (2000 words, please subscribe)

"You don't deserve it."

Zhao Yuanqian, the elder Zhao who was on the top of Purple Scorpion Mountain, heard the Ice and Snow White Lion King scold angrily and retorted coldly.

Then, he no longer hid his strength, and directly sacrificed his own magic weapon, the lava gourd, summoned a large amount of lava true fire from it, and fought it out.

The Ice and Snow White Lion King deployed the ice and white cloud formation to attack the Purple Scorpion Mountain formation. It was already very consumed, and the remaining energy was only enough to support it in driving the ice and snow flying sword.

As a result, facing Zhao Yuanqian's fierce attack, it was somewhat unable to withstand the perfect golden elixir.

Ling Penglin and others who were also in the mountain looked at the sudden appearance of Zhao Yuanqian and Zhao Baidong with surprised expressions on their faces. It was obvious that they did not know about the arrival of these two people.

However, they soon returned to normal and began to cooperate with Zhao Yuanqian and Zhao Baidong to resist the monsters outside the mountain.

At this time, Ling Pengyun's Feng Yingpeng, along with the clan leader Ling Yunhong and the mysterious monk in red robe, finally arrived within the ten thousand miles boundary of Purple Scorpion Mountain.

This distance has reached the point where the three of them can cover it.

Ling Yunhong also roared at this moment.

"Two fellow Daoists Zhao, it's time to set up the formation."

"Peng Lin, show me the six formation flags I gave you before."

After saying that, he and the mysterious monk in red robe who was sitting on Feng Yingpeng's back sacrificed six formation flags with fiery red lines together.

Zhao Baidong, who was in the middle stage of the golden elixir in the Purple Scorpion Mountain, only offered six formation flags.

However, Zhao Yuanqian, the ninth-level golden elixir monk who was also in the mountain, may have a higher level of cultivation. Not only did he sacrifice twice as many formation flags as Ling Yunhong and others, there were twelve, but he also sacrificed A formation disk.

But Ling Penglin's eyes lit up when she saw the formation flags raised by Ling Yunhong and others.

"It turns out that the six formation flags that Grandpa Yun Hong gave me half a month ago were prepared for today."

Immediately, she also summoned six formation flags with fiery red lines.

Her six formation flags looked similar to the formation flags offered by Ling Yunhong and others, and their auras were also the same, so they were obviously the same set.

These six formation flags were given to her by Ling Yunhong, the patriarch who was in charge of all affairs of the family during the Monster Beast Rebellion half a month ago. As for the purpose of the formation flags, Ling Yunhong did not say anything.

"No, let's go."

At this time, the White Lion King of Ice and Snow seemed to recognize those formation flags. He roared angrily and activated his spiritual power to activate the Ice and Snow Flying Sword. He knocked away several magic weapons surrounding it and then retreated. Stay away.

"Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving."

Zhao Yuanqian snorted coldly, opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of blood essence directly on his third-level high-grade natal magic weapon lava gourd, causing the gourd to flash with aura and fire.

The power of the real fire of lava spewing out from it is also a bit more powerful.

Even those real lava fires turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the Ice and Snow White Lion King was involved in it with just one roll.

Zhao Yuanqian, who had consumed too much essence and blood and was looking a little pale, also made a hand seal with his hands at this moment and inserted a special spell into the formation plate in front of him.

"Fire-starting prairie fire formation."


As the special formation plate trembled, the thirty-six formation flags of the same lineage that were sacrificed in the surrounding sky suddenly spread out and were distributed throughout the 30,000-mile radius of Purple Scorpion Mountain.

Countless formation patterns also emerged from those formation flags, and merged together to form a large formation, covering the surrounding area of ​​30,000 miles.

The next moment, the formation shook, and a fiery red long flag magic weapon suddenly appeared. The power of countless formations was quickly poured into it, helping it transform into countless fierce fires and condense into a giant fiery wolf.

Its appearance is actually similar to that of the clan-protecting spiritual beast of the Zhao family in Black Mountain.

It's a bit like the blazing fire wolf, the spiritual beast that protects the clan at the ninth level of the Golden Core of the Zhao family in Black Mountain, but this giant fire wolf's cultivation level is higher and has reached the realm of pseudo-infant.

And its eyes are extremely agile, like a living creature.

And the fact is indeed the case. This fire wolf is derived from the soul of the blazing fire wolf that was the first spiritual beast of the Zhao family to protect the clan thousands of years ago. It was transformed by the power of the "Fire Fire Formation".

At the same time, the extremely powerful pseudo-infant fire wolf no longer delayed, and opened its teeth and claws to kill the ice and snow white lion king who was trapped by Zhao Yuanqian's lava real fire.

The Ice and Snow White Lion King was originally worried about the real lava fire, but now that another powerful fire wolf was attacking, some fear suddenly arose in its heart.

Back then, the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Baigang, used this formation to seriously injure his ice and snow flying sword.

Immediately, it opened its mouth and sacrificed the quasi-fourth-level "Red Spiritual Bear Talisman" it had obtained from the Red Kite Demon Queen in the early years. A bear roar suddenly resounded in the air, and the spiritual talisman also transformed along with it. A red gold bear phantom appeared that also had the cultivation level of the pseudo-infant realm.

The bear also easily tore through Zhao Yuanqian's lava fire siege, and quickly faced the incoming fire wolf formed by the formation.

The two immediately collided and fought together, countless flames and auras suddenly scattered in all directions, and the entire sky became gorgeous.

However, before a few moves were exchanged, the shadow of the red golden bear transformed by the spiritual talisman became extremely transparent, as if it would disappear in the next moment.

But the fire wolf transformed by the formation has not changed, and it still looks majestic.

However, Ling Penglin, one of the five people who maintained the formation, had only the initial stage of the Golden Core Realm, and her spiritual power was not much. The few moves she had just made against the Fire Wolf drained all her spiritual power.

Fortunately, Ling Penglin was a formation master, and she was also the host of the Black Evil Curtain Formation in the mountain. She could use the power of the third-level formation to draw some spiritual power from the Black Evil Curtain Formation as her own power, and maintain the formation with Ling Yunhong and the other four.

If it were a single person, it would not work.

And this is why Ling Yunhong gave Ling Penglin the six-sided Fiery Flame Formation.

At this time, the Ice and Snow White Lion King also mobilized the Ice and White Cloud Formation to come to help the Red Gold Bear Phantom. With the combined power of the two, they quickly reversed the occupation and severely suppressed the Pseudo-Infant Realm Fire Wolf transformed by the Fiery Flame Formation.

After all, the Ice and White Clouds Formation and the Fiery Fire Formation are of the same level.

The Ice and White Clouds Formation was assisted by a red-gold bear phantom.

However, the Ice and White Clouds Formation did not attack the Purple Scorpion Mountain, but it greatly reduced the pressure on the Black Evil Transformation Curtain Formation on the Purple Scorpion Mountain. The extremely weak parts of this formation were also recovering rapidly.

This formation also quickly became solid.

At this time, Ling Yunhong, who was on Fengyingpeng thousands of miles away, and the mysterious monk in red robes, did not know when eight Jindan realm demon corpses and beast puppets appeared, three of which entered the middle Jindan realm, and one was in the late Jindan realm.

The two also commanded four demon corpses and beast puppets respectively and killed them out.

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