Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 840 Liang Mingtu's decision (2400 words, please subscribe)

But the Frost Spirit Tree is no fool. It has been in the Dao for a thousand years and has a lot of combat experience.

When the Golden Horned Mad Bull in the early stage of the Golden Core came to kill, it noticed it.

I saw its body shake, and the countless lakes around it suddenly rose into the air, turning into a round cover to cover it.

At the same time, its main branch suddenly flashed with spiritual light, and a cold light suddenly flew out of it and appeared in the world.

The figure of the cold light also appeared, and it turned out to be a wooden flying sword, and the aura of this flying sword was as high as the peak of the third-level lower grade, and it was probably only one step away from the third-level middle grade.

This flying sword is not an ordinary treasure, but Ling Pengyun exchanged it from the Canglan Bihai Sect.

The origin of the sword is also extraordinary. This sword was condensed by a Jindan Realm water-based spiritual tree thousands of years ago in Canglan Bihai Sect, which had already exhausted its lifespan. It took thousands of years to condense it with a special technique called "Jiamu Condensing Sword Technique", which is equivalent to the life-saving magic weapon of the water-based spiritual tree.

The Frost Spiritual Tree, which is also an attacking spiritual tree, is of the same origin as the water-based spiritual tree. With the special secret technique "Jiamu Sword Control Technique" given to it by Ling Pengyun, it can barely control the flying sword to resist the enemy.

It can master ordinary magic weapons, but because it is a spiritual tree, it is afraid of both fire and gold, and there are not many magic weapons that can be used.

And because it is a spiritual tree with weak spiritual consciousness, it can only control one or two magic weapons at most to fight against the enemy at the same time, which is not as good as the cultivators of the same level.

However, this tree is good at ice-attribute magic, so it only sacrificed the water-type flying sword magic weapon. In this way, when fighting, it can use the ice-attribute magic it is good at while controlling the flying sword, just like today.

As for it, it currently has no life magic weapon, but it is using the special Jiamu Condensing Sword Technique to condense its own life flying sword. With its current cultivation, it will take a full thousand years to condense a third-level flying sword magic weapon.

At this moment, countless mighty sword energy also spread out from the body of the frost spirit tree, as if this tree is a sword cultivator.

As the flying sword spirit light flashed, countless sword energy around the spirit tree immediately poured into the flying sword, and the flying sword also turned into a huge sword light of more than 60 feet, and there were nearly 3,000 inches of small sword light around it. They also turned into a huge torrent of sword light, with magnificent momentum, bringing countless sounds of breaking through the air, and directly resisted the two third-level magic weapons that attacked.

Even, it was not at a disadvantage.

The attacking golden-horned bull bypassed the huge sword light torrent and attacked the front of the Frost Spirit Tree, but was blocked by the light curtain formed by the lake water around the Frost Spirit Tree.

This light curtain was formed by the tree using the third-level water source spell, and its defense was extremely strong. Even the second-level golden elixir-level golden-horned bull, who was good at physical fitness, could not break it in a short time.

The Frost Spirit Tree, which was one level higher than it, also took this opportunity to mobilize the rich water vapor in the Jiaomang Lake, and continuously condensed powerful spells, which beat the golden-horned bull to retreat step by step.

Even relying on its cultivation advantage, it still had some spare energy to use spells to slaughter the surrounding low-level monsters.

This situation made the Golden Horned Mad Bull King, the lord of the low-level monsters in this area, who was in the middle stage of the Golden Core, very unhappy. Although those low-level monsters were not very powerful, they were all monsters under his command. Every death of one would have an impact on the strength of the Golden Horned Mad Bull clan.

Yang Siqi and Liang Mingtu, who were fighting against him, had extremely powerful magic weapons in their hands, and each of them even had a third-level medium-grade magic weapon.

In this way, with the combined efforts of the two of them, even if the Golden Horned Mad Bull King, who had just entered the middle stage of the Golden Core, did not dare to underestimate it, it would be difficult for it to help the Golden Horned Mad Bull of the same clan in the second level of the Golden Core to destroy the Frost Spirit Tree together.

The Spiritual Array Ancestor and Mo Qianqiu, as well as their spiritual beast, the Earth Dragon in the second level of the Golden Core, were concerned about the overall situation. Although they wanted to help, they were all entangled and it was difficult for them to free their hands.

Under such circumstances, the Frost Spirit Tree not only restrained a Golden Core Early Stage Golden Horned Bull, but also slaughtered low-level monsters wantonly, which seemed to break the balance and turned the weak Jiaomang Island garrison cultivators into an advantage.

The pressure on the thousands of cultivators who set up a third-level defense formation on the island was greatly reduced.

Yang Siqi of the Yang family, Liang Mingtu of the Liang family, and Qin Shi, who was controlling a Golden Core puppet in the Jiaomang Island, were all shocked by the look of the Frost Spirit Tree that looked like a killing god.

They were not stupid, and they could naturally guess that the Frost Spirit Tree belonged to the Ling family. Otherwise, how could a Golden Core Realm Spirit Tree appear here and help them kill monsters.

"I didn't expect that the Ling family still has such a powerful attacking spirit tree."

"Judging from the lifespan of spirit trees, this Jindan-level spirit tree will have at least one or two thousand years of lifespan if nothing unexpected happens. And judging from its strength, this tree must be extraordinary. I'm afraid that with its sword cultivation skills, its strength is enough to break the common sense of our generation of cultivators about the strength of ordinary spirit trees, and it can be comparable to the same level of Jindan cultivators."

"With this tree and the black-armored turtle with an equally long lifespan, it may be difficult for the Ling family to rise or fall in the future."

"It's probably impossible for our clan to get out of the control of the Ling family in the future."

The fake Dan cultivator Liang Mingtu, who was born in the old Jindan family of Yuan State, but his family fell into decline and became a vassal of the Ling family, looked dark.

However, Liang Mingtu was able to lead his family to this point in the hands of the Ling family, and he could be regarded as a hero.

He also quickly changed his mind about the future development of the family.

Since he couldn't leave, he would follow the Ling family.

And if he didn't want to be eliminated by the Ling family, he had to play the biggest role for the Ling family.

His eyes were fierce, and he immediately called out to Yang Siqi, who was fighting with the Golden Core Middle Stage Golden Horned Bull King.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, I can hold the Golden Horned Bull King alone for a hundred breaths, you go and help the Frost Spirit Tree to kill the Golden Horned Bull, so that the Frost Spirit Tree can come back to help us and attack the remaining other Golden Core enemies."

Yang Siqi was a little puzzled when he heard this.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, with your cultivation, it is difficult to stop the Golden Horned Bull King alone..."

After saying this, he saw Liang Mingtu's determined face, his eyes trembled, and he pondered for a sentence.

"Are you planning to..."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Mingtu's fake elixir aura suddenly soared to the peak of the third level of the golden elixir.

You know, it is difficult to improve the fake elixir cultivation under normal circumstances, even if you practice for a hundred years.

And now Liang Mingtu can break this limit because he has continuously performed three secret techniques handed down by the Liang family to burn spiritual power, blood, and lifespan to improve strength.

However, although this method improves strength a lot, it has irreversible damage to Liang Mingtu. A trace of white has appeared at the end of his black hair, and it is gradually spreading.

There are also wrinkles on his face.

It's as if he has aged dozens of years in an instant.

And this is the price of performing three methods that will shake the foundation at the same time.

Liang Mingtu also knew this very well. He only had a hundred breaths of time. Once a hundred breaths were over, the effects of these methods of improving strength would also dissipate. In order to avoid wasting every breath of time, he directly transferred a huge amount of spiritual power into his own magic weapons, and then performed a life-defining magic in succession. He also threw out the few remaining third-level spiritual talismans in the storage bag, and attacked the golden horned bull king in the middle stage of the golden elixir outside.

Although the golden horned bull king had entered the middle stage of the golden elixir, it had not been in the middle stage of the golden elixir for a long time, so it was a little overwhelmed by the torrential attack of Liang Mingtu, whose strength had been raised to the peak of the third level of the golden elixir.

Yang Siqi, who had originally blocked this golden horned bull with Liang Mingtu, also came back from the shock. He looked at Liang Mingtu with a hint of deep meaning, and then urged the magic weapon to help the Frost Spirit Tree attack the golden horned bull in the second level of the golden elixir.

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