Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 87 Resolving the Crisis

About a cup of tea, Ling Pengyun and Ling Ruxian, who rode on fairy cranes, entered the territory of Fruit Bee Ridge and sensed four spiritual fluctuations coming from the depths of Fruit Bee Ridge.

Ling Pengyun used the Qi technique of looking ahead and found that a large cloud appeared at the spiritual vein in the core of Fruit Bee Ridge.

Ling Penglin, who came to ask for help this time, sat cross-legged in a yellowish-brown light curtain covered by clouds, with her eyes closed, and two array plates suspended in front of her.

As for the huge cloud, there were four demon wolves with red hair all over their bodies.

The four demon wolves seemed to be lost, constantly circling in this narrow cloud, but they could never get out.

This also made the four demon wolves very angry, and from time to time they spewed out a bowl-sized fireball from their mouths to bombard the cloud, but unfortunately it had no effect.

Just now, the spiritual fluctuations that Ling Pengyun felt were also caused by the fireballs spewed by the four demon wolves.

Seeing that Ling Penglin did not encounter any accidents, Ling Pengyun was secretly relieved.

"Fortunately, the tenth sister set up the maze array some time ago. Otherwise, if the four wolf monsters were allowed to attack the light curtain of the Wutuhuamu formation, I am afraid that the Wutuhuamu formation would not last long."

Ling Ruxian, who was also sitting on the fairy crane, also saw Ling Penglin's situation deep in the Fruit Bee Ridge at this time, and the worry on his face also fell.

When the fairy crane went deeper into the Fruit Bee Ridge and approached the maze array half a mile away, Ling Ruxian quickly tapped the storage bag on his waist and summoned four green flying swords from it, and hit the four wolf monsters trapped in the clouds half a mile away.

The speed of these four flying swords was extremely fast, like light and shadow, and in just a moment, they crossed half a mile and rushed into the clouds of the maze array.

Before the four Fiery Wolves in the mist could react, the four flying swords pierced through them, leaving streaks of blood.

After the flying swords pierced through their bodies, the four Fiery Wolves fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

Ling Penglin, who was using the Mystery Array Plate to concentrate on activating the formation to trap the enemy, saw that the four Fiery Wolves that attacked were all killed by the four flying swords that suddenly appeared. She paused and turned her head to look in the direction where the flying swords came from.

Seeing that it was Ling Pengyun and Ling Ruxian riding on the fairy crane to support them, the haze on her face was immediately swept away. She immediately stood up and quickly left the range of the Wu Tu Hua Mu Array and the Mystery Array, waiting for Ling Ruxian and others to arrive.

After a few breaths, the fairy crane also landed beside Ling Penglin.

Ling Ruxian jumped off the fairy crane, looked at the large cloud in front of him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked.

"Penglin, isn't there only one Wutuhuamu formation here? Why is there also a maze formation here?"

"Thirteenth great-grandfather, myna." Ling Penglin first bowed to Ling Ruxian and Ling Pengyun, then looked at the cloud formation beside him, with a proud look on his face, and replied. "I set up this maze formation myself some time ago."

Ling Ruxian was delighted when he heard this, and he spoke more. "You can set up the maze formation by yourself. I think you have a good attainment in formation. Yun Xi has cultivated a good seedling, but your cultivation level cannot be left behind. I remember that two years ago, when you came here to garrison, you were at the fourth level of Qi training. Now, after two years, you are still at the fourth level of Qi training. This improvement speed is too slow."

Ling Penglin was originally a little proud of setting up the maze formation, but after hearing this, his cheeks suddenly blushed slightly and he dared not say more. "Understood, Thirteenth Great Grandfather."

"You can divide the bodies of the four Fiery Wolfs. It will take too long to cut the materials needed for the monsters. I will go back to Qingshi Lake to guard it."

Ling Ruxian left these words and jumped on the back of the Fairy Crane again, riding the Fairy Crane and flying away from here.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Penglin looked up and watched Ling Ruxian leave.

When Ling Ruxian's figure disappeared from their sight, they retracted their gaze.

Ling Pengyun looked at the four bodies of the four Fiery Wolfs lying on the ground in the mist, with no breath. His expression moved slightly, and he made a suggestion.

"Tenth sister, I am a weapon refiner, I believe you also know that the monster materials on the four Fiery Wolfs can be handed over to me to refine magic weapons? We will share the magic weapons that are successfully refined equally."

Ling Penglin did hear from her great-grandmother Ling Yunxi that Ling Pengyun was a practitioner of both plant and weapon arts.

"Myna, you took the initiative to ask, so you must be confident. I am willing." Ling Penglin glanced at the four Fiery Wolves, except for the flesh and blood, and said with a smile.

Ling Pengyun thanked Ling Penglin, and then asked Ling Penglin to remove the clouds and mist of the maze array, and led Ling Penglin to use sharper magic tools to peel the fur of the four Fiery Wolves, and remove the wolf teeth, wolf claws, wolf bones and other spiritual things in their mouths.

The monsters are full of treasures, such as the fur of the Fiery Wolf, which can be used to refine Taoist robes.

Wolf teeth, wolf claws, and wolf bones can all be used as auxiliary materials for refining flying swords and magic shields.

The blood of the Fiery Wolf can be used to refine talisman ink.

The wolf meat contains a lot of spiritual energy and can be used for food.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Penglin rarely deal with materials from monsters, and the Fiery Wave is larger, so it took them nearly an hour to deal with the materials from the four Fiery Wolves.

The materials from the four Fiery Wolves, except for their blood, were naturally used by Ling Pengyun to refine magic tools.

As for the flesh and blood of the three Fiery Wolves in the early stage of Qi training and one in the middle stage of Qi training, Ling Pengyun considered that his own cultivation level was as high as the seventh level of Qi training, and the flesh and blood of the Fiery Wolves were not of much use to him.

Ling Penglin's cultivation was still low, and eating more monster flesh could improve his cultivation. In addition, he also wanted Ling Penglin to refine a spirit gathering array for him, so he did a favor and gave Ling Penglin the flesh of the middle-stage Qi training and two early-stage Qi training fire wolves.

Ling Pengyun himself only took the flesh of an early-stage Qi training fire wolf as a taste.

After telling Ling Penglin to be careful, Ling Pengyun waved the green leaf, flew away, and returned to Qingshi Mountain.

After Ling Pengyun returned to Qingshi Mountain, he first took a spiritual fruit, sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes and practiced the skills, refined the spiritual power contained in the spiritual fruit, and sent it to the dry Dantian to restore the spiritual power.

After several hours, when Ling Pengyun's dry Dantian was filled with spiritual power, he took off the jade hairpin on his head and injected spiritual power into it, filling the empty spiritual storage instrument.

After finishing this task, he opened his eyes and waved his hand to take out all the spiritual objects he had obtained this time.

Two magic flying swords, three storage bags, a large pile of materials from the Fiery Wolf, and the flesh and blood of a Fiery Wolf in the early stage of Qi training.

"Although these two flying swords are first-class magic weapons, they are magic weapons and can only be destroyed. These three storage bags contain spiritual imprints, and I am afraid it will take a long time to open them." Ling Pengyun looked at the two flying swords and three storage bags, muttered to himself, and then looked at another large pile of materials from the Fiery Wolf.

"I have already comprehended the fire gathering and blazing flame restrictions, but I have only the corresponding refining materials and have never tried it. Now that I have the materials from these Fiery Wolves, I can try to refine a few Fire Gathering Taoist Robes and Qingxuan Sword, two first-level low-grade magic weapons."

Thanks to the book friend 20190816075534309 for the reward

Thanks: bsuh327, Dayu Dynasty for the monthly ticket

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