Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 856 Being Targeted by the Demon Cultivator (2200 words, please subscribe)

Especially the old demon Gangsha, who had the highest level of cultivation among the five golden elixir demon cultivators, had a fiery look on his face.

"I thought it would take a lot of effort to kill these people of the Ling family, but I didn't expect that if you don't follow the way of heaven and insist on breaking away from the Yan Kingdom's large army, this is completely giving me a chance."

"It seems like my opportunity can't be stopped, hahaha."

Then, he greeted "Chibao Old Bear", the leader of the demon clan not far away.

"Fellow Chibao, this time I and my four other senior brothers came here to be entrusted by the sect. We must help the nobles to destroy the Yan Kingdom."

"The Ling clan is the strongest among the four golden elixir forces in the Yan Kingdom. Now that the Ling clan has separated from the Yan Kingdom's large army, it is a good opportunity to kill them. My four brothers and I will use this hard bone to kill them. Bite it off and contribute to the nobles' conquest of the Yan Kingdom."

"After the Ling family's group of monks are killed, my four brothers and I will definitely support our Taoist friends in time to attack the remaining three golden elixir forces in the Yan Kingdom."

After saying that, the Gangsha old demon took the remaining four golden elixir demon cultivators and their nine-headed golden elixir demon corpses and chased the Ling family's hundred flying boats that had escaped from the flying boat group.

Chiba Laoxiong was very happy when he heard this.

"This group of demon cubs are quite knowledgeable. However, these demon cubs have always been the ones who have nothing to gain and cannot bear to do anything early. This time they will take the initiative to destroy the group of Ling's monks. In all likelihood, they also have their sights on those Ling's monks." The corpses of the demon corpses and the six golden elixir cultivators from the Ling clan’s camp.”

"But this is a good thing. Once the Ling family's batch of golden elixirs is gone, the remaining three golden elixir forces in the Yan Kingdom are not very strong. If you want to destroy them all, the remaining seventeen golden elixir monsters under my command will It’s probably not difficult to fight those millions of low-level monsters.”

The Ling clan is indeed a tough one. This clan not only includes Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengli, Ling Chengxin, the mysterious red-robed golden elixir mid-stage monks, but also a total of eleven golden elixir demon corpses.

Added together, the combat power of Ling's golden elixirs reaches seventeen.

Previously, it took more than a month to capture Baiyun City, and it was precisely because of this batch of golden elixirs from the Ling family.

Among the other three golden elixir forces in the Yan Kingdom on the Feizhou Group, Bailing Sect has the largest number of golden elixirs. Not only is the late Jindan Master Bailing in charge, but there are also Baoyuan Masters, Baiyuan Masters, Lingfu Patriarch, Wu Tian, ​​and Yang Siling. , Wu Hong's family of four, plus four golden elixir puppets, making up ten golden elixirs.

Qingxin Taoist Temple has two golden elixirs, Qingxin Lao Tao and his son Bai Qianshi.

There are two golden elixirs in Yaowang Valley, Yaowang Zhenren and his disciple Wushui Zhenren.

Even if Liu Haochan, the foreign aid golden elixir perfection monk, is added together, the total number of golden elixirs from these three major forces is only sixteen. In terms of quantity alone, it is not as good as the seventeen golden elixirs under Chiba Lao Xiong. The Demon King's cultivation is even worse.

Although those demon kings are nearing their longevity, each of them has extraordinary cultivation. Most of them are in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, but there are fewer in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.


Hundreds of breaths have passed.

Gangsha Laomo and other five golden elixir demon cultivators also led their nine-headed golden elixir demon corpses to catch up with Ling's hundred flying boats.

However, these hundreds of flying boats were protected by a huge third-level mid-level defense formation. The attacks of Old Demon Gangsha and others were more or less blocked by Ling's golden elixir, which slowed down Old Demon Gangsha and others. The progress of defeating that defensive formation.

As a result, Ling's batch of flying boats kept flying at a constant speed.

Ling Pengyun, who was on the flying boat group, looked at Old Demon Gangsha and others outside the formation, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyebrows.

"It's just right that you're going to die."

About half a day later, Ling's hundreds of flying boats also crossed tens of thousands of miles of land and successfully entered the Tayun Forest on the border of Tayun Ridge.

Seeing this, Old Demon Gangsha and others hesitated for a while.

"Senior Brother Gangsha, it is said that there is a third-level thunder vein in the Cloud-Stepping Valley deep here, and the thunder vein is the most suitable place for laying out thunder attribute formations, and thunder attribute formations are extremely powerful against us demon cultivators. If we have to exercise restraint, it would be safer for us to temporarily besiege the Ling monks here and then seek help from Chibao Old Bear and other demon kings."

The old demon Yinkui who was in the middle stage of the golden elixir suggested to the old demon Gangsha.

The old demon Gangsha frowned and spoke.

"If the demon king under Chibaolao Xiong comes to help, the six golden elixir monks of the Ling family, the eleven demon corpses, and the 14,000 or 5,000 low-level monks brought here by this clan will , I’m afraid everyone will get a share of the pie.”

"This group of monks is not large to begin with, and there is not enough for us to share. Bringing those demon kings here is tantamount to destroying our own interests."

"Furthermore, third-level thunder attribute formations are rare, and the thunder veins here are only in the realm of low-level third-level ones. At most, only mid-level third-level thunder attribute formations can be deployed. Even if Lingshi uses a special method to arrange them in it, With the third-level high-grade thunder attribute formation, the five of us can’t resist it with the help of the formation we borrowed from the sect.”

"If you don't want to go, forget it. Don't tell me afterwards that I don't share the interests of your group of monks from the Ling family."

When the old demon Yin Kui and the other three golden elixir demon cultivators heard this, they were finally moved by the benefits. In addition, with the formation given by the sect, they also felt dark in their hearts, and the hesitation on their faces was reduced a bit. , and then they all expressed their willingness to continue going deep into the Cloud Forest.

When Old Demon Gangsha saw this, he secretly scorned in his heart.

"No wonder the cultivation of these four junior brothers has been stuck in the middle stage of the Golden Core. How can they be worthy of my name as a demon cultivator with their timid character?"

Then, he remained calm and led Yin Kui and other three Jindan mid-stage demon cultivators deep into the Treading Cloud Forest.

However, because of their delay just now, the Ling family's hundred flying boats also pulled away from them.

In addition, with Jindan cultivators such as Ling Pengyun and tens of thousands of other cultivators resisting, they could not catch up with the flying boats for a while.

Soon, the Ling family's hundred flying boats entered the Treading Cloud Valley within ten thousand feet.

This distance is already the distance that the third-level formation can attack.

As a third-level upper-grade formation master, Gangsha Old Demon, in order to avoid high-level formations in Treading Cloud Valley, he performed a special formation Taoist magic to explore Treading Cloud Valley.

However, he did not notice how strong the formation was, and only noticed that there was a third-level lower-grade thunder attribute formation in it.

His worries also dissipated a lot.

"There is only one third-grade lower-grade thunder attribute formation in the Treading Cloud Valley, but you should be careful and set up the Demon Yuan Demon Ghost formation directly."

Then, Gangsha Old Demon and others took out thirty-six formation flags together, and formed a third-grade upper-grade magic formation in an instant, covering the five of them.

This formation was lent to Gangsha Old Demon and other five Jindan demon cultivators by Xuanshi Sect when they were commissioned by Xuanshi Sect to support Chibao Old Bear to destroy Yan State. Xuanshi Sect lent it to them to avoid accidents of five sect leaders above the middle Jindan stage, including Gangsha Old Demon.

However, this formation does not have any formation tools, but is just an ordinary third-grade upper-grade magic formation. It is not mainly for defense, but for attack. However, this formation is a third-grade upper-grade formation after all, and it also has good defense. Although it is difficult to resist the attack of Jindan Perfection cultivators, it is no problem to resist two or three fierce attacks of Jindan eighth and ninth level cultivators.

In addition, if this formation is not on the spirit vein, it can only be set up at this moment with the joint efforts of five Jindan middle-stage demon cultivators.

With this formation, Gangsha Old Demon and others could chase directly into the Taxu Valley with peace of mind.

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